I’m sorry I had no time for sewing or comments yesterday…but I did read them as I got in bed… my day was full…

I did take Molly’s skirt apart last night and it won’t take too much work to put it back together so it works much better than before! :o) I decided on the fabric for a bookbag… but not yet on the tam. It will come…

Today I have a few special things to show you from a few special ladies! First up is Julia… ONLY because she sent me her pictures first. She went to visit her dad and help him have a dinner party with some friends and family. Julia was in charge of the majority of the party, I’m pretty sure there may have been a few tears along the way for Julia… her mom died the same week as my mom did back in the first week of February…

She used a quilt her mom had made for the tablecloth and set it for company. Isn’t it pretty?

This was Julia’s menu… roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onions in the crockpot. A can or 2 of cream of mushroom soup mixed with a package or 2 of dry onion soup mix, spread over the top of everything made a delicious gravy. She also made a lettuce and tomato salad using little tomatoes her dad grew in pots on his deck. Julia used all her mom’s china and good silverware. Her nephew made coffee, his dad brought wine and their other friends brought sweet corn, tomatoes and cucumbers from their garden.

AND LOOK AT THIS CHERRY PIE! Oh my goodness… I am so ready to invite myself to her next dinner party… I hear she’s planning another one and she’s going to make an APPLE PIE this time… Pass the vanilla ice cream and the forks, please!!!

Thanks so much Julia!

Next up is Anne, from New Zealand… She has been working on a dress for her American Girl sized Our Generation doll… and this is quite the undertaking… This is some serious sewing and it turned out just beautifully, Anne!

I can’t believe how much work was involved in this…She emailed me and told me this about the project…

These are the photos that her daughter Sam took.
The pattern is from Pixie Faire and it is based on an 1876 design. The main dress is polyester silk which sometimes looks purple and sometimes turquoise blue. It was originally a very ugly jacket that I bought from a charity shop. The striped foundation skirt and reticule were from a blouse bought at a different charity shop. The flat lining was the muslin lining of one of Caitlin’s dresses, except for the detachable train, that lining was the lining of the jacket. The necklace fastens with a magnetic catch and was made from pearls and crystal beads that I have had for a long time. The pendant was originally an earring that burglars left in the jewelry box, what they did with the other one I can’t imagine!

I redid her hair, wet it and put the pony tail in rollers but the curls dropped out very quickly still it looks quite pretty but might have to try something else for the exhibition. I hope you like her. I would never have tried this without your inspiring blog

…all the way down to the tiny purple matching shoes…

She used the Brighton pattern by Karen Lorraine. Looks pretty tough, doesn’t it?

The big question for Anne is… WOULD YOU DO THIS AGAIN??? :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

36 thoughts on “FunDAY FriDAY…”

  1. Oh, how nice to have pictures to share!

    Julia, the table looks lovely; your mom’s quilt was the perfect setting for those beautiful dishes and glassware! It looks like everyone was glad to be there! Your pie looks wonderful, too, and actually quite pretty!

    Anne, the outfit for your OG girl is simply stunning! So many details! I love the fabric, too–that’s what’s called “cross-dyed” fabric, for those who may not know. It means the crosswise threads are one color and the lengthwise threads another color, and that gives the fabric an iridescent look.

    I love all the special touches, too–the pleated trim, the little reticule, the had and the purple shoes!!

    Well done, both of you!

  2. Anne, that ensemble is outstanding! I clicked on all the pictures so I could see the details enlarged. Gorgeous details! Your doll’s hair is very Queen Victoria with those braided side loops. You should be so proud of all your work!

    I got one apple pie baked yesterday. Then I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies with cherries. I think the cherries were dried and then frozen. I am hunting through the big freezer to see what other goodies there are. Bags of walnuts and pecans but I didn’t add any because dad preferred cookies without. I was surprised he okayed the cherries. For me the best part of baking and cooking for my dad is he does ALL the dishes. 😊♥️👍 When we have the next dinner party I need to take a picture with all the food.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Julia, thank you so much for sharing photos of your father and his dinner party friends. Since my parents are long gone, I so enjoy seeing photos of other people’s parents. It must be the Boomer version of when we were all in our 20s and 30s wanting to see pictures of our friends’ babies.

      I like how you took the photo so that there was an empty spot at the table. It felt like we could pull up a chair and join in the festivities, kind of like when we all sit on Jeanne’s sofa. I look forward to seeing photos of the next dinner party.

  3. What a great idea to use the quilt as a tablecloth! You all know my other hobby is table settings. What a lovely tribute to your mother, Julia. Yes to more food pictures next time.

    Anne really took on a project with that ensemble! Wonderful accomplishment, especially because you recycled fabric to such great results. I don’t know that I’d be brave enough to take on that pattern challenge and the matching shoes to complete the picture. And the pictures are very well done too. I love seeing what others are doing and sewing. Thanks to both for sharing.

  4. Guess I must have missed why you took apart Molly’s skirt? Not exactly Jeanne perfect? Looking forward to the accessories.
    Love the quilt as a tablecloth at Julia’s party. The china is beautiful too. Keep up the good work as the food looks like it was delicious. 🙂
    Anne must descend from English dressmakers. What a lovely presentation and from thrift finds too. So many special details. Wonderful. Looks like a prize winner to me. 🙂
    Driving over to Sacramento today so up early. Hope we don’t hit too much traffic.

  5. Dear Julia, Your party looks like so much fun. I love teh idea of using a quilt as a tablecloth and the fact your mom made it makes it extra special. Her china is a perfect match. I love the pattern, so pretty. I’m sure you had a wonderful time. The cherry pie looks delicious. Yes, wish we could all come to the next one.
    I am in awe of Anne’s gorgeous ensemble. I can’t even envision that that was an ugly jacket considering how exquisite the outfit is. I’ve seen fabric the takes on a different color depending on how light reflect off of it. I think those are lovely. Your recreation of the pattern is even better than the original. Oh, and the shoes. Did you design those yourself. I love that they tie with ribbon and the trim braid. With her reticule she looks so elegant.
    I’ll take one to match my AG Caroline’s seafoam eyes, please. and then whip one out to match my Marie-grace’s eyes while you’re at it. LOL They are Civil War (1863) in my doll world, but wouldn’t mind stepping into the 1880-1890’s Victorian bustle back dresses at all.

    1. Dear Anne, Forgot one thing. If you did make the shoes yourself, how did you create the pattern that you used for the shoes. I’d love to try that. I think I could manage shoes.

  6. So nice to see the dinner party pictures. Which one is Dad? And the pie looks better than some bakeries. Yum!
    Anne the outfit is stunning. That must have been some jacket for you to be able to salvage enough for the outfit and train. The coordinating fabric was a very fortunate find. Looks wonderful together. Was it an accidental find? You mentioned an exhibit, is it a doll show, or sewing exhibit or craft show?
    Jeanne the plaid skirt that came out of a pleating education is just darling. I’m sure you’re thinking about a blazer or vest with matching beret. Can’t wait to see.

  7. Oh, what amazing friends we have on this blog! I had to run to the grocery store this morning, so wanted to wait until I got back to comment. We made a quick dash to Branson yesterday and it was nice seeing the pretty green trees, along with the Queen
    Anne’s Lace and Goldenrod 🤧 along the highway!

    But oh, how wonderful to see how Julia dressed up her table with her mother’s beautiful quilt! I think the sides were just made for that quilt, or maybe it was the other way around! Julia, are you in the picture? I wish we knew who is who, although I can pretty much tell that is your father in the center. And your pie! I love cherry pie, and this one is soooo pretty!

    Oh my goodness, Anne, what an incredible seamstress you are! I absolutely love this outfit and wish I had the patience and know how to make something like this! The fabric makes it doubly beautiful, and all those tiny leafs and gathers! Even the hat is top notch! The necklace is just the perfect touch and the shoes match to perfection! All I can say, is I hope your dooo doesn’t ever want to sit down in that dress and muss it up!!☺️

    1. Excuse me, but my iPad always changes what I write! I meant dishes, not sides! Heavens knows what other mistakes I made the other day,, so please bear with me!
      Oh dear, now I see the iPad wrote dooo instead of dolls!🤪

  8. What interesting pictures today!
    Julia, the table looks fantastic! What a lovely idea to use your mom’s quilt as the tablecloth. It’s a good size too for your dad’s table. And the menu, a roast with all the trimmings. Perfect for a group!
    My husband made a crock pot roast just yesterday. The roast was so tender. A side note about our crock
    pot roasts: Our two poodles carry on when they smell the roast all day so we always make sure part of the roast is saved for them.
    Your mother’s dishes compliment her quilt
    in that it must be a great honor to use them as she once did and that their are many wonderful memories you can all reminisce about. What a great gathering.

    And Anne, what an intricate and beautiful outfit. That is a lot of work! It has so much detail from top to bottom. You made the perfect matching necklace too as well as her shoes. I like her striped hand bag too. That material was the perfect choice. That was also a lot of work on your dolls hair. I love how the braids go back to her hair cascading down her back.
    Excellent job on the entire outfit, Anne.
    Thank you Jeanne for sharing. The doll and doll fashion
    world is so interesting. It’s always nice to see what dolls or outfits your readers like as well as their personal photos.

  9. An interesting project and very laborious. I admire Anna.
    I really like the quilt, can you ask for any tips on how to make one?

  10. Julia’s pictures are wonderful. What a lovely gathering and the food looks and sounds scrumptious. The quilt her mother made was sweet addition to the dinner.
    And what a wonderful way to help her dad heal from his loss. Can’t wait to see pictures of the next dinner party.

    I’m blown away by Anne’s magnificent creation. What a huge undertaking and what an amazing job she did. And the shoes are lovely. One thing I’m sure of is that I’m glad I was not living in that era. Too much clothes. But I guess the only ones who wore such finery were the upper-class ladies and I doubt that would have included me.

    I lived for awhile in Wilmington, DE. New Castle is a town nearby that celebrates “Old New Castle Day” every year. It has a lot of the row houses popular during Colonial times. Thinking only of the elegant wearing attire of the time, I asked my mother how the women kept their long, beautiful dresses from being damaged going up and down the narrow staircases. She said the women that wore those dresses did not live in a narrow row house. Their abodes were much larger with grand staircases and they didn’t do housework.

    A blazer. That would be a wonderful addition to the red pleated skirt and white blouse. Just sayin’ (lol).

    I must have missed about having to take Molly’s skirt apart. When I’ve been home during the day I’ve been trying to catch up on things that stacked up while I was with the grandkids so I need to go back and reread some of the posts and comments to really bring myself up-to-date. BECAUSE! HALLELUJAH! It’s Friday and there has been no notice saying the remote learning has been extended so the grandkids will be in school in person Monday. They are off today for a Teachers’ Conference making final preparations for reopening. All the schools around them have reopened and all is well so it’s time.

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what wonderful photos you have shared today!

    I left a comment for Julia above. I love her photograph.

    Anne’s little miss is certainly a proper lady. What a beautiful outfit. I love the color.

  12. Fun for Friday!
    Oh my that dinner looked soooo good! The table ideas sure were a great way to honor your Mom. I’m in love with her dishes! OK…the pie! Looks like an award winning one🌟
    Anne… that whole outfit is amazing! You have Jeanne knack for finding fun fabrics at Thrift stores. The fabric could not have been any better and all those pleats and collars together look so difficult. It is just brilliant from top to bottom.
    We are having a good week of weather so off to wreck havoc on the blasted weeds!

  13. Julia, it was lovely to see you all at your dinner party, please tell us which one at the table you are. I’m guessing the young one? I loved the quilt as a tablecloth. So lovely to use all your Mum’s things. My Mum died in 1984 when she was only 62 and I still miss her. I lived with my Dad till 1998, I was still working then and he looked after me but then it was my turn to look after him which I did till he died in 2014. Your pie looks yummy. I love cherry pie. We can buy apple pie filling here but not cherry, which is a pain as it is relatively cheap and easy to make your own apple filling. Not surprising really as cherries have a relatively short season, they are usually in the shops at Christmas (at $30NZ a Kilo) and pretty much finished by middle of Jan. We probably export most of them and they are going to get a high price overseas at that time of the year so they aren’t going to sell to us locals at less than they can get elsewhere!
    Thank you all for your kind words regarding the outfit. It was a lot of fun making it once I got it to go together properly. The overskirt gave me the most trouble, The one on the pattern is made with cotton and the drapes at the front ‘stick’ better than the shiny fabric I used so I have to tweak it a bit, otherwise it went together very well. The shoe design is mainly from a McCalls pattern (I can get the number later, I am still in my dressing gown at 7.15 am on a cold Saturday morning and I have to go outside to get to my workroom behind the garage) but I also used some stuff I have learnt watching YouTube, like covering the back seam with ribbon and leaving a loop at the top to make it easier (theoretically, doesn’t always work) to get the shoes on but the loop was ideal to thread the ribbon through to make them a little different. The hat and reticule I just made up. Would have liked to make a parasol but I don’t think I will have time before the exhibition. If I have time I might make one for when I put it on e Bay.
    To answer your question Jeanne, I might make another one if this one sells and if I find another jacket or even a dress to use. It takes a massive amount of fabric so probably wouldn’t be viable if I had to purchase it new. The overskirt was cut on the bias and I didn’t have enough fabric in the jacket to do that without a seam but I think it needed it for the draping. The train is supposed to be on the bias as well and cut on the fold but I couldn’t do either so it was cut on the straight with a seam down the back. I don’t think it detracts though.
    A friend has lent me a book called ‘The Doll Dressmaker’ by Venus A Dodge, it has masses of colour plates of all kinds and sizes of reproduction dolls with the old style dresses that dolls used to have on. There are also full size patterns for dolls 10″- 25″ and with these patterns and instructions you can make all of the designs in the colour plates for any of the dolls and if you want to make your own design there are instructions for how to change the yoke, waistline, sleeves etc. I would love to own it but she has made it very clear that it is only on loan and not for sale. I doubt it would be available now as it is a pretty old book but I might look on line. It is an English publication.
    Alina, there are lots of videos on YouTube on making patchwork quilts. Missouri Star Quilts has masses of tutorials many of them relatively simple for beginners.

  14. Just a P.S. I didn’t make the necklace, Sam did. If I had done it it would have been done on elastic lol. Sam has made it properly just as she would for an adult.
    Dorothy, it is actually for our bi annual Canterbury Patchwork and Quilting Guild exhibition. Not sure how it will go down but it is in the ‘Other’ category. It isn’t your usual type of exhibit for our Guild.
    Yes it was an accidental find, I found the blouse first at Nurse Maude hospice charity shop and the jacket at St Vincent De Paul charity shop sometime later.

    1. Anne, St. Vincent DePaul store in NZ? Small world! We also have several here and our church has a chapter. We donate to the store all the time! Wonderful to see how things are the same halfway around the world!

  15. P.P.S I just found a paperback version of the book I mentioned, on Amazon. Managed to get a used one and postage cost more than the book but it is such a good one that I thought it was worth it.

    1. Thanks for the book title. I went to my library’s home page and they have a copy. I now have it on reserve.

  16. HI everyone,
    I had another busy day today and just now saw there were TWENTY TWO comments! Yikes… If I’m going to get finished what I started, I’ll have to just do one comment and you can all read this.
    I’m glad you all enjoyed seeing that quilt and that CHERRY PIE!!!! I’m still drooling over it! :o) Thanks so much for sharing your pictures Julia! Your dad’s get togethers might become a regular happening with all your attention to him and the food. I’m happy for you! :o)

    Anne, I knew everyone would love your outfit and they did! You really did a superb job on this set. It will be hard to top if you do it again… I bet you’re already looking for the right fabric in the thrift shops! :o)

    Oh, and I have that book, Anne… it’s a really nice book and has LOTS of ideas in it, doesn’t it?

    I have finished Molly’s skirt (I had to take it apart and make it a little easier to put on because when the blouse was tucked in, it made it too difficult to dress the doll in) It was too tight! The straps are crossed in the back… Molly’s hair has been braided…her bookbag has been made and now I just have to make that tam…
    See you tomorrow,
    Blessings, Jeanne

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