It’s past time for some Back to School Doll Dresses!

We’ll take a short weekend break from making pleats to see a few doll dresses Linda’s girls are wearing. There hasn’t been the “Back to School” push like there normally is and I had almost completely forgotten about school dresses… some of my favorite dresses to make. Now it’s time to move on to Fall dresses and pretty soon Christmas ones!

Linda ALWAYS takes time to get her girls in their school attire and I wanted to share them with you today. Just look at all the details in her pictures… so much fun (and time) to get them dressed and set up.

Here is her Cecile and Felicity in their back to school outfits! Cecile is actually wearing one of Addy’s outfits, isn’t it sweet? Linda bought Samantha’s book strap for her. Felicity is wearing the school dress AG has for her.

The 40’s girls are again in their school uniforms, and this time, Josefina volunteered to be Sister Mary Josephine!! That way all three 40’s girls can go to school together.

Here are some pictures of her dolls dressed for the first day of school. The modern girls are waiting for the bus! You can see the front and back view to show their backpacks. YES, they have school supplies in the backpacks and food in their lunch bags! Betsy has the new AG backpack for the Wellie Wisher dolls, and it fits her perfectly!

Linda was talking a day or two ago on here, telling us about a doll she always wanted by never got… She was only 7 at the time and doesn’t even know the name of the doll; just that she was from the 1940’s, had blonde braids and was dressed in a cute plaid skirt. Joy decided to help her out and see if either of these dolls rang a bell in her memory. Even if she didn’t, they are very cute and I wanted to show you…

I could only get this little cutie’s picture to open…

Thanks everyone… I hope you have a wonderful weekend…
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

47 thoughts on “It’s past time for some Back to School Doll Dresses!”

  1. Linda, it was so much fun to see your girls in their back-to-school finery! It’s also fun to see which of your things *I* have! I do have Felicity, and I have her Noah’s Ark toy, too, I think!! The outfit, too, I believe. And Molly’s lunch pail and school bag (although for some reason mine came without the flash cards, and I always meant to call and ask about that, and somehow kept forgetting….).

    I love the Welly Wisher’s backpack on Betsy; looks like I’m going to have to go to the mall again–not only do I have Betsy, but seven Little Darlings, who are about the same size! I think we need at least one or two of those backpacks for the girls to share!

    That cute dolly whose picture Joy sent….is that a Mary Hoyer? I know the early ones were composition, and she kind of has the “look”. I don’t have a vintage M.H. doll, but do have several of the newer ones that Lynne Saunders, Mary Hoyer’s granddaughter, has put out. They are very sweet dolls, too!! (It never ends, does it….)

    1. H Charlotte,
      It’s ALWAYS fun to see what Linda does with her dolls, isn’t it?
      There’s going be a run on backpacks for the dolls I think… so cute!!
      I’m not good at recognizing some of the earlier dolls…but she’s a cutie…that’s for sure.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Well, I am usually the second person to comment here, but what can I say today? It was fun to dress the girls up and I am looking forward to dressing them for fall and the holidays. It’s one thing to have limited opportunities to go out anywhere, but when you have all this fun at home, I’m not complaining! More time for my dolls!Thank you Jeanne for showing them!

    1. Hi Linda
      It looks like you DID have lots of fun just staying at home…they all look so sweet.
      It was my pleasure to show your girls to everyone!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Hello, I’m new to the blog. I live in poland. I read the blog on a regular basis and from the very beginning. Thanks a lot for the content. I have a pair of OG dolls and one AG for now. I want to follow your ideas. Greetings from Poland.

    1. Greetings Alina, my name is Leigh and I live in Michigan. Welcome to Jeanne’s Blog, I know you will enjoy it here. I love reading this blog almost every day – if I miss a day I “catch up” as I don’t want to miss anything. Currently, I am a caregiver so I don’t have much time to comment.
      I have AG Elizabeth, Camille Wellie Wisher, and a Little Darling who sadly is still in her box :o( From my youth I have a Little Miss Revlon and a couple of Barbies.
      Everyone here is so generous with their knowledge – especially Jeanne. If you haven’t yet you should look at her many tutorials, she is a super teacher.

      1. Welcome, Alins, it’s a pleasure to “meet” you. I live in Ohio. The OG dolls have a lot of wonderful accessories. Who is your AG? I have five- Samantha, Felicity, Caroline, Marie-Grace, and Nellie who has been re-wigged. I also have The Queen’s Treasures Mary who I won in the spring contest. You will definitely enjoy yourself here with the other “sofa sisters” that Dorothy so aptly named us.
        My good frined gave me a couple of beautiful hand-painted serving pieces from Poland a few Christmases ago

    2. Hey, Alina, (that’s how we greet people here in Texas)

      My name is Barbara and I live in Texas, originally from Pennsylvania. Jeanne’s Blog is a fun place to be and a great learning experience. There’s always room on the virtual sofa for more. It’s a huge sofa. My two 18″ dolls are Madam Alexander, but I do have an AG Wellie Wisher, Camille, and many other dolls of varying sizes. My accessories for my 18″ dolls are from the OG collection. Really cute stuff and pretty affordable on e-bay.

      1. Hi Barbara, Yes, OG really does have a wonderful variety of accessories and that really put a lot into each set. Ag still is unique in their historical stuff, but OG’s retro line is very cute and their modern items are very creative. If I wasn’t sold on historicals only and having spent years playing catch-up on the PC/AG I failed to buy for myself years ago when I bought for gifts I would probably have some things. The new hot chocolate cart would probably even pass in Samantha’s time. I have just caught up on secondary market and now AG brings out a historical I need to look at (1980’s were my teen years), hasn’t happened since Caroline. I don’t want Courtney, but some of her accessories are going to be tempting.

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Alina,
      Witamy w rodzinie! Welcome to the family!
      (I hope Google Translate got that right.)

    4. Hi Alina,
      I sent you an email but I’ll make it official here…welcome to you all the way from Poland.
      I hope you’ll jump right in and chat with the greatest bunch of ladies any blogger could ever have.
      Blessings to you,

  4. I love how Linda staged the school room scene. All of the girls each in uniform, but with their own style. And Sister Mary Josephine looks like an excellent teacher. Fun.
    The modern girls with their backpacks and lunch boxes look like they will have a wonderful first day. Ironically, yesterday we were at Walmart for kitty food, and I picked up a cute My Life 18″ doll outfit. A dress and perfect pink jean jacket. They also had the greatest outdoor adventure backpack that I couldn’t resist. Perfect for back to school as well as hiking. It even has a side pocket for a water bottle although that was not included. I don’t think other person wants me to go to WM again soon. 🙂
    I can see the trees this morning, but air quality is still awful. I understand that they are evacuating some Portland suburbs. When will it stop?
    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

    1. The pictures on the news last night were horrifying. My cousin, that used to live in CA, is living now in southwest Oregon and my one stepdaughter and granddaughter live near Portland. I need to check in with my cousin. My stepdaughter is on Facebook but she’s not mentioning anything about the fires. I know at least the air quality must be horrible where she is. I’m praying for everyone’s safety. When will it stop indeed. I hear many of them are being purposely set. Scary.

    2. Hi Joy,
      I saw Linda’s pictures and was just wondering if her hubby ever helps her out…I guess I should have asked her…
      I was just at Walmart and “didn’t ” come home with any dolly goodies…only because I didn’t go to that section of the store…maybe next time I’ll check it out.
      I’m glad you at least got to see some trees!!
      Stay safe…inside…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Michael helping me out? 😆. Well, he the shelf the modern girls stand on, but he knows nothing about dressing dolls! He came from a family of two boys, and I come from a family of 4 girls! I’m the doll person here!😌

        1. HI Linda,
          Well, sometimes we have to count our hubby driving us places as “helping” us with our dolly needs! :o)
          Blessings, Jeanne

  5. How wonderful that Linda’s dolly daughters have returned to school. I love her pictures. The one of the Catholic school is wonderful. The modern girls look like what I see out my window in the morning while the children are waiting for the bus. Too cute! Felicity and Cecile look so sweet and ready to tackle their ABCs. I need to check into the Wellie backpack. I have backpacks for my 18″ dolls but none for the others.

    I have all my dolly daughters dressed and ready to head to school, but have not found the time this year to do a school scene as I did last year. I hoped to do that every year so I would have pictures of their wearing attire, since I make most of it but never think to take pictures. I put it on hold this year because I can’t seem to get my grandkids back to the schoolhouse so I’m not home every day. The date is now 9/21. Sure hope they keep to the date this time. I’ve decided maybe I’ll do a winter scene this year so I’m making sure all the dolly kids have warm clothing to wear. Now I need to buy the Wellie Wisher’s sled. It will fit all but my 18″ dolls so most of the kiddoes will have a great time with it. Got a snowman too.

    I keep forgetting to mention things I read each day. My Blog focus has been a bit limited lately. I can’t remember who mentioned the gravy made with mushroom soup and Lipton onion soup (I think that’s right). I’m definitely going to try that. If I go back and look it up before I post this, I’ll lose my comment, so thanks to he person who shared the idea.

    1. Hi Barbara
      Yes, I think there’s gonna be a run on those smaller backpacks!!
      I know how hard it is to find time to take pictures of your dolls.. and if you’re like me, you want everything to be just perfect before you do…
      I’m thinking maybe it was Julua when she was describing the dinner she made for her father and some friends…
      Thanks Barbara
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Well, I can see now I Must go to the AG store for Wellie Wisher accessories–back pack and now a sled! And will need to go to Walmart to check out those dolls, too!! maybe Tuesday, after the MRI of my knee.

  6. Please stay safe, Joy. I can’t imagine how scary things must be for you. I did have to laugh when you said you went to Walmart for kitty food and came out with doll stuff and well.
    Pets and dolls, gets you every time. I get my kitty’s food shipped from Chewy because they have the best prices for the prescription diet they have to eat. Anyway, I saw they have “Throwback Toys’ and clicked to see what they were. Big mistake! My kitties now have a set of plush lava lamps and a plush cassette tape that “plays” “Meow or Never”. Ooops! that was partial money for Courtney’s accessories… need to start saving again.

    1. Hi Laura
      Well. It seems like we are just a group of ladies who helps support Walmart with our dolly AND our doggie/kitty passions!!
      I hope yor kitties are enjoying their new toys!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. We have to keep a supply of kitty food for the neighbors cat, Charlotte who usually comes for breakfast and dinner at our place. We’ve been giving her snacks for many years. Her owner works and is not there for her when it is dinner time. He doesn’t mind and she is happy and occasionally brings us a dead rat as a payback. 🙂

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so enjoying seeing Linda’s dolls going back to school. My favorite outfit is Cecile’s dress.

    These cute dolls, of course, remind us of our own back to school days. For the first day of high school Carol, Stephanie, and I got matching outfits: skirt, blouse, shoes, and purse. We had so much fun shopping for our ensemble. When we ran into each other in the hallways that day we would just giggle. Big fun!

    About the mystery doll, I echo Charlotte. I think it’s a Mary Hoyer. The company began here in PA but I never got to visit it. Here is a link which might be helpful.

    1. Hi Dorothy
      I really like Cecile in that purple dress too…she looks very pretty!!
      I can remember trying to find the “perfect” outfit for the first day of school too…EVERY year!!
      She’s a pretty little girl…whoever she is…
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Always love to see Linda’s set ups and, like Charlotte, play “I Spy” to see what we “share”. I have Felicity, her tea lesson, that laced jacket and petticoat, her reading and writing supplies, party treats (quintal vase), and her candlesstick. I’m thinking that is maybe Samantha’s fan on the table because I have Sam’s party treats as well as her book strap. Felicity and Samantha are the spoiled ones here.
    Josefina makes a perfect Sister Mary Josephine and Molly’s school outfit is an ideal uniform. Hope Molly knows the correct answer. If it’s a mathematical question perhaps the dog can bark the correct number of times. LOL
    Once in a while there were mistakes with an item. When I was searching for Addy’s satchel and supplies the one seller had an abacus missing one bead. It had to have been made that way. I’m glad I saw it and purchased a different one.
    That little doll is a cutie. I had a Madame Alexander Scottish doll who had a plaid skirt and dark curly hair. She was probably 16 inches tall. I wish I still had her today.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I don’t have very many collectible pieces, but I can spot them when they are in someone’s picture…I used to have about 10 of the very first Pleasant Company catalogs, but sold them…I wish I hadn’t now… I’d love to look things up and see all the collectible pieces.
      Thanks Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I certainly would love to thank all of you for the wonderful comments on my dolls! Isn’t it fun to fix them up and then have someone who “knows” comment favorably on them?

    I too, think that doll that Joy found looks like a Mary Hoyer doll. When I look back at the dolls when I was little, I find it strange that the mouths were so small and pinched looking! You certainly don’t see that today, so that can date a doll.

    I see that we have a few new names here today, that I have not seen before, and am so happy for that! Alina from Poland! Wow! We sure do get around, Jeanne!

    1. Thank you Linda, for sharing your pictures… everyone loves them…
      Yes, Alina just joined us today and thanks to everyone I hope she feels welcome.
      Have a nice weekend, Linda.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. We had a beautiful snow and ash-free day today, though it’s not as clear as I think because my eyes are still sore.
    Linda’s dolls are always wonderful and I love seeing them. I wish our Catholic school uniforms had been as cute as Molly’s, but they weren’t.

    I too would like to welcome Alina. Many of us have our morning coffee or tea with Jeanne’s blog. What time do you see it?

    I was looking for information about cardboard, so that when we used it for making pleats, we’d know more about it. Cardboard, no surprise, isn’t especially romantic, however, one of the earliest appearances is in Anne Bronte’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, published in 1848.

    It’s also one of those “you know what I mean” words. It’s commonly used in English and French, but not in the industries that produce it because it is too generic. They divide cardboard into 3 groups: corrugated fiberboard (as in cardboard boxes that hold groceries, for example. or bottles of wine), paperboard (as in folding boxes for Chinese food or American Girl boxes), and card stock (playing cards, business cards, post cards, etc.). Paperboard, in spite of the name, does not have to be made of or based on paper.

    Wildest use of cardboard — the Cardboard Cathedral in Christchurch, NZ. The cathedral is a pro-cathedral, a temporary replacement for the cathedral destroyed by the 2011 earthquake. Apparently it will remain after the replacement cathedral is built, but a suitable building for religious and secular uses (concerts, important lectures) was needed quickly. A Japanese “disaster architect” was called in and designed . Notice the treated cardboard tubes that are a major design feature of the roof/ceiling.

    Treat cardboard with respect. It’s a bigger part of our lives than we think.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’m a bit late, but wanted to comment anyway… I’m glad you had snow but NOT snowed in… at least not yet. Let’s save that for January or February, what do you say?

      I should have asked Alina what time, like you said, does she see the blog. Maybe she’ll write again and we can ask her.

      Well, I just did my part and ordered 50 new white corrugated cardboard boxes to ship my doll dresses in. Does that count? Thanks for the lesson on cardboard… I’ll look at that cardboard church in a minute…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      blessings to you, Jeanne

  11. Thank you all for the kind welcome. In Poland, it is not possible to buy new AG dolls at the same prices as in the USA. Customs fees and shipping make them four times more expensive. You can only buy something from the aftermarket on Ebay. I read, read and I am amazed that we have the same interests. I greet all cordially.

  12. The vintage doll in the Plaid dress is Revlon’s TONI doll. She was my Christmas wish list doll in 1950.. I was 12 years old and just knew Santa would bring her (and her tiny pink curlers to give her a permanent). Christmas Morning came, and she was not there:( I asked my mom ”why didn’t I get her, she was the only thing I asked for?”
    She replied “you are too old for dolls!”
    I’m sure many of us have heard these horrible words!😢😢We weren’t, were we?
    Of course, when I became an adult , one of my first dolls was a Toni doll!

    Linda.. I LOVE Sister Mary Josephine and the school girls in their plaid uniforms:)

    1. HI Shara,
      When my dad was stationed in Italy, we got Toni dolls for Christmas one year, probably 1960 or 61. I remember we got a Toni doll that had a permanent set with her… I’m wondering now if this was our doll too. Cindy and I both got one… she might remember.
      I’m glad you finally got your doll…not from Santa, but from YOU!
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Gee, I missed this Sat. Post. Will anyone read my comment? I may repeat some things tomorrow. I think I do that anyway, accidentally! 😁

    Linda, I love looking at your doll vignettes! So many cute and interesting details. Coconut in glasses is hilarious! 😆

    Yes, I mentioned using a can of cream of mushroom soup, mixed with an envelope of onion soup mix. I spread it over my roast beef, potatoes, and carrots in my crockpot and it makes a delicious gravy. My go to easy all in one meal.

    Welcome, Alina! We are all sitting on sofas in our online community to visit about Jeanne’s gorgeous creations. We learn all kinds of interesting things, too!

    1. HI Julia,
      I”m sorry you missed out on all the chatter, but not to worry, we’ll be here tomorrow.
      I thought it was YOU who mentioned about the soup recipe… but you can mention it again if you want…
      Thanks for your kind words and I’m so glad you are a part of our sofa sisters group.
      Are you still at your dad’s?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Ha ha, Julia! Those glasses are actually from that Wellie Wisher backpack! They are meant for the WW dolls, up they don’t fit. Betsy, so I put them on Coconut! Perfect fit!

    Marilyn, Shara and Julia, thank you so much for your comments on my dolls!

    Julia, is your roast beef actually beef stew cubes? I’m going to try that! A good fall dinner!

  15. I was waiting for someone to ID the blonde doll as TONI. ( knew Shara would know☺️) She and Mary Hoyer are similar but once you know that Toni face you can’t forget her. Ideal made her..she came in several sizes and seems to stay in good condition. As I work on repairing all kinds of dolls I think Ideal really made a high quality doll. The vinyl stays good…and the hard plastic is better than most too.
    Thanks for the darling School pictures Linda! Love, love the uniforms and the nun is darling!
    Welcome Alina, you will learn a lot from Jeanne!

    1. Kathie, did Toni make little girl dolls or were they teen and women dolls? Ever time I saw a
      Toni doll she had a “figure” and her clothes were more older looking than what a child would wear.

      1. HI Linda,
        You got me to thinking about those Toni dolls and what was throwing me off was I think ours had a “figure” too. I thought her hair was in a flip too… I need to ask Cindy if she remembers…
        Thanks Linda,
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Kathie,
      I don’t know much about the Hoyer dolls and apparently I don’t know much about the Toni dolls either. I may have had one and didn’t even know it…
      blessings, Jeanne

  16. Alina, Kia Ora from Christchurch New Zealand. I feel for you, I have bemoaned lots of times on here about the cost of shipping to NZ. Even second hand AG dolls are out of my reach so I usually buy OG dolls (that are also second hand).
    Barbara I have been to the Cardboard Cathedral a couple of times. It was built on the site of another church that had to be demolished (St John’s Latimer Square) and will revert to them when the new Cathedral is finished, they have only just been granted permission to do something about the original Cathedral in the square. The Anglican Church wanted to build a new, modern building ( much the cheapest option) but the group who wanted it rebuilt kept holding things up by taking it to court. After 10 years most of us were fed up of looking at this wrecked building in the heart of the city and just wanted something to happen. Anyway the Heritage people managed to raise quite a lot of money and with the insurance and a subsidy from the council and Anglican Church they have decided to rebuild it. To make it earthquake proof it is going to cost a fortune and I probably won’t see it in my lifetime!
    Linda, I loved seeing your girls all dressed ready for school. Ashley wants me to make a school dress for her doll, Pixie Faire have a pattern from an Australian designer for a school dress which looks just like ours! so I bought the pattern. Must get on and make it as the weather is definitely more spring like even though we are still getting frosts occasionally. Here in NZ in most schools, uniform is compulsory, especially at high school level though most schools below year 9 ‘strongly encourage’ the wearing of uniforms, usually a polo shirt, track pants and sweatshirt in the winter and a dress or shorts for girls and shorts for boys in the summer at primary level, much more formal at high school. My brother in UK is a professor and has worked as an educator at university for many years though retired now. He has some very odd ideas (in my opinion) one is that making kids wear school uniforms is akin to the Jews having to wear a star under the Nazis!! Really!! I still love him though lol.
    I loved seeing all the different accessories you have. I did visit Walmart when I was in Houston but wasn’t looking for doll stuff then. If I visit Charlie again (assuming we are ever allowed out of the country) I will definitely be looking at some of them especially for Ashley who loves making up stories and acting them out with her dolls and her Littlest Pet Shops.
    Julia I must try your recipe, I am not a great lover of beef but I am sure it would work for lamb or even chicken. I absolutely love onion soup mix and use it in all sorts of recipes. It is no longer available in UK so always take some with me. Every Christmas it is sold here in huge quantities with cans of reduced cream and it is NZ’s favourite dip. My grandkids love it. Sam has to make at least two bowls or no one else would get any!
    Since it is now 8.30am on Monday I had better get on and take the dog for his walk. Absolutely loved the post today and loved reading all the comments as well.
    Take care all

    1. HI Anne,
      First of all, I got your pictures and can’t wait to share your dress with everyone… It is beautiful! and you should be very proud of yourself for tackling that. It looked like a bear to me!
      You mentioned coming to Houston before… just a question… if you come, could you buy an American Girl doll HERE and take her back with you to save on the shipping? Not sure how things work, but I just wondered that.
      Well, I’d love to chat more, but I have to be up at 8 in the morning and it’s midnight right now… so I better get to bed…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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