A new OTT light for my sewing room… and a peek at my sewing table… :o)

A few days ago I was at the Goodwill and happened up a wonderful “need” and “want” for my sewing room… Anyone ever hear of Ott lights and lamps? They are supposed to be the best at showing the truest colors of things. I have a small one that I use on my sewing table right now but it’s not very big. I also have 2 that I use when I’ve taken pictures before… putting one on either side of my doll modeling, but they always seem kind of cumbersome and there never seems to be enough room on my cutting table to position them far enough out from the dolls face.

Anyway, I found this… an Ultimate 3-in-1 Craft Lamp…

I know…it looks a bit like a huge Praying Mantis to me… (Am I the only one that sees it?) There are 3 attachments to the lamp… a 24 watt light, a clip and a 2x optical magnifying disc. The arms are flexible and can be bent and positioned however you like… If you are doing needlework, you can bend the magnifier so it’s just above your work to see it clearly… and then use the clip to hold your instruction book. Perfect for counted cross stitch or needlepoint.

There were also a few attachments in a bag taped to it too. I didn’t know what they were for until I looked the lamp up and saw the light could be shorted to be a desktop lamp using the base or you could use the clamp and secure it to the edge of your table or desk.

Well, I was mostly needing the light on the long tall pole to use in front of my dolls when taking pictures.

The clip and magnifier can be taken completely off the lamp leaving just the Ott light by itself.

I can position it so it’s not in my way and the bottom base is very heavy and secure to the floor. It won’t fall over if I bump it slightly.

It has a long cord and I can use it over my ironing board (till my hubby puts up new lights for me) or pick it up and use it when I’m taking pictures on my cutting board. I have discovered having my cutting table up on that right side of the dresser is the perfect height for taking pictures. That beige board (that still hasn’t been painted) is very heavy and stays in place wherever I put it. There’s a big difference in it being scooted down just a foot or two and I’m actually taking fewer pictures because they seem to turn out better without having to take so many and weed out the ones that aren’t good.

I think it picks up the color of my dolls faces better and doesn’t leave as many shadows as it did before.

I took my pictures of Chrissa in the Ebay auction using the light and they turned out very well. I was so pleased. I’m also wondering how it will do with my light tent… I can shine it inside and all the white will hopefully make wonderful pictures too.

So I couldn’t resist looking up the light and seeing how much of a good deal I got. Well, let me tell you, I DID VERY WELL!!

I found it on Overstock.com for $159.99

Joann Fabrics carries it for $209.00 (on sale!)

Then Houzz had it for $149.00

Walmart carries it too…for $149.99

Anyway, there were lots of places that carried it for prices WAY above what I paid!

I paid $12.00 for mine! :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) That’s a smile for every dollar I spent!

It’s in EXCELLENT condition and we already have a love/love relationship! :o)

Now, want to see a sneak preview of my sewing table? I have stained it 3 times… used Polycrylic on it 4 times, sanding it between each coat, then this morning I steel wooled it and put a coat of wax on top. It is as smooth as glass and really, really wonderful.

The sun was shining in the window this morning so there is a bit of glare on the wood, but I think you get the idea.

I don’t know why this picture looks so splotchy…

Because I added more length to the table, we have to put some support legs along the back and corner. That’s my hubby’s department! It’s ALMOST done… the final piece for my sewing room!

Oh, and we sold the church van this morning…to the first guy who looked at it! Yippee!

Well, I’m done… have a wonderful Thursday! I’ll try to figure out who is up next for a dress!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “A new OTT light for my sewing room… and a peek at my sewing table… :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    WOW!!!!! What a great find, Jeanne! Congratulations. As I was reading, I was thinking, ‘those things are Expensive!!” So glad you got such a great deal. You are already using it in your photography; you may find it handy for some of your sewing, too, particularly if you are working on dark fabrics.

    Your sewing table is coming along nicely! Won’t be long now before you will be using it, and then your “new” sewing room will be complete! (Until you decide to change something else! Haha)

    By the way, my Jasmin (Boneka doll) arrived safe and sound. I picked her up Monday (she had to wait in the p.o. Two. Whole. Days.!!), and she is every bit as beautiful as the pictures show her to be!! We are still getting acquainted, and I am thinking about a middle name for her.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks Dorothy. She can’t wait to meet you, either!

        Right now we are dealing with the challenges of real life–water in the basement! Our house has been going thru pressure washing, and enough water soaked deeply enough into the ground to reach the long-forgotten leak. So I spent 3 hours tonight mopping up, sorting, pitching, etc. Not so good for my back….

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      The light WAS a great find and I’m still thrilled!!
      I better never mention the words “can I change…” to my hubby. :o)
      Congratulations on finally being united with Jasmine. Sounds like a match made in heaven!!
      Thanks, Charlotte
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Jasmin Amaryllis. Just popped into my head. Glad you got your new Boneka. I think mine is in the PO right now waiting for me. Her name is Mary-Ellen. I was not home when the mail lady came by yesterday. She left a notice. This afternoon I was going to pick her up but decided to take a nap instead. I will get her in the morning and apologize profusely for her having to spend another night away from home.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks for the suggestion, Barbara!

        I’ve seen pictures of Mary-Ellen, and she is lovely. I think she was my second choice, if Jasmin had already been claimed (Ricky only got one of her in, so I was prepared!). Plus she was exclusive to Ricky’s shop, which is pretty special!

  2. Jeanne I know what an OTT Light is; I have several. I cannot believe that you found yours for only $12. Your finds are AMAZING. I bought mine on sale from Joanne Fabrics, but only 50% off. So thrilled for you and yes your pictures are so much better.

    1. hi Laureen,
      I can hardly believe I found the Ott light either. I had already looked in the back…it wasn’t there…so I began looking at the tops…but right before I left I went to the back again and it must have just been brought out. I snatched it up without a second thought!! Yay me!!
      Thanks Laureen,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Congratulations to you both on your new acquisitions. Charlotte’s Jasmine is going to bring her years of happiness and Jeanne’s new Ott light will bring her years of usefulness. I have wanted one but didn’t know anyone who had one. Now with luck, at least a half dozen readers will write in with their views and I’ll learn more. Without the clamps, the light looks much less mantis-like. i like the magnifier and think it will be very useful for your detail work.

    The vote outfit is getting some early attention and there are days to go and probably some lurking future bidders.

    Your sewing table is just beautiful. I’d been hoping we’d see it soon.

    When I read about the truck, I wondered if the new owner drove away as happy as you were with the new light and thinking what a bargain he has. I hope so. What a nice day all of you had yesterday.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I knew the moment I saw it standing there looking like a praying mantis that it was coming home with me. I was planning to do a few more errands that day, but was so excited, I came straight home!!

      I’m hoping my hubby can find some time to get the legs and support bracket underneath at least started soon…

      The gentleman who bought the van has called twice, just to say how thrilled he was to get it…the only sad person was the 2nd guy in line…he owns an antique store and wanted it to haul things in…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. You do find the best stuff at thrift stores!
    Your table is turning into a nice piece of furniture..

    1. Thanks Julia,
      I try to go to the Goodwill if I happen to be in town…sometimes I find things and sometimes I leave empty handed.
      Oh well. It keeps me coming back.
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Such a great find. Glad it’s working for photos too. If I had one, I’d definitely be using the magnification part.
    The tabletop is looking so nice. Can’t wait to see it in place in the sewing room. Looks like you can check sewing room remodel off your list. 🙂
    So much cooler this morning. Temp might only hit 92 today. 🙂 Still lots of smoke and poor air quality as the lightning fires are not yet in control.

    1. Hi Joy
      My hubby spied that magnifier first thing… :o)

      I can’t believe I’m just about done with all the “pieces” for my sewing room…time for another reveal…

      I saw a map on Facebook of all the fires and it looks like the whole state of CA is on fire. Gracious me…what a nightmare for all of you…
      Be safe,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You sure are the “The Thrift Store Queen”, Jeanne! I have heard of Ott lights, but have no experience with them, or really need it. You sure did get a bargain, as everyone can see! I do see the Praying Mantis”,

    Your sewing top is coming along so nicely and it won’t be long now before your sewing machine will be humming away on top of it!

    It will be fun to see Charlotte’s new doll!

    So the church van sold and the weather has cooled off! Things are looking up!

    1. hi Linda,
      I really got a bargain on the light…whoever was pricing it obviously didn’t know what it was. Good news for me!!

      The top is so smooth…whenever I walk past it I have to slide my hand across it. I love it!

      Maybe Charlotte will send pictures of Jasmine soon.
      Thanks Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Wow, what a fantastic find. I have heard of those and I would have bought it also, given the lamp and magnifier. It would make any handwork very easy. You do find the best things, but as you said, you are able to pop in quite often. I’m lucky if I can hit the thrift store every couple of months. I’ll bet what I want sold the day before. 🙁 I did think the eBay pictures of Chrissa were particularly bright and pretty.
    Your sewing table looks great, so smooth and shiny. Your whole room is just lovely.

    Can’t wait to see pictures of your new sweetie, Charlotte. I’m so glad you are pleased with her. It’s always wonderful when you get a new doll and she’s just as you expected.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Such a sweet story, Laura–thanks for sharing!

        Will try to get some pictures of Jasmin once I have the basement water situation under control!!

    1. Hi Laura,
      I was thrilled when I saw the light…on my 2nd go around the store. When I find something special like this, I feel absolutely blessed!

      As soon as the legs and supports get finished, I will be so excited to share new pictures of how it looks in my room.

      I just saw saw that and read the whole thing…incredibly touching!!!
      Thanks Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it was a great day for buying AND selling! It is wonderful that you found the perfect lamp for taking pictures. And the price was amazing. And the extra parts were still with the item.

    Now we all want to go thrift shopping with you (smile).

    I am happy that the van sold so quickly. That’s another thing you can check off your list.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Oh my goodness..wouldn’t it be fun if we could all go shopping together???

      The man who bough the van has called my hubby twice letting him know how thrilled he is to be the new owner!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. You have the best luck at the Goodwill! The secret is to go often and know how to spot things! You do both 😉 That is one fantastic bargain…and yes it does look like a praying mantis!😜
    I am bowled over by the sewing table top. It is brilliant! That finish is wonderful…so many layers and so carefully done! You make the best team. I’ll bet you can hardly wait!
    Great job George and Jeanne team!⭐️⭐️

    1. hi Katbie,
      I am so excited to have my new light and “almost” my new sewing table!!
      Thanks Kathie
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. How do you find these things Jeanne!!! What a fabulous bargain. The sewing table is looking great you will be so happy when it is finished. You will be inspired to make even better things for your girls. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
    My son-in-law came out of hospital again yesterday. His white platelet count is .02 so virtually non-existent so he has no immunity at all but insisted on coming home where there are three children at school or college who could bring home any amount of bugs since it is still flu and cold season! Sam is struggling, she knows he is really sick but is frustrated that when she was on the Pixataxel (probably haven’t spelt it right) which was the really heavy chemo and she was having it for every week she still had to look after the children, prepare their lunches, cook dinner and keep the house clean, (he complained if she didn’t) even through lockdown when he wasn’t at work she still had to cook dinner and clean the house. At the moment he can’t even get himself a glass of water! He’s too sick. Sorry I know I go on a bit about him but it is so frustrating. She is having issues with her older girl, Caitlin who has just turned 15. She has started cutting herself which is a sign of how unhappy and stressed she is. Sam feels trapped. She wants to leave and knows the children want to go but can’t while he is so sick.
    On a lighter note, I have promised the older two children that when they come here they will have their own sleepouts and they can decorate them how they like with one or two exceptions, like blood red or black walls! (Can’t think of anything more depressing.) They have come up with an outlandish scheme. Before the plasterboard goes on they want to splash the struts with blood red paint, Jonathan wants to put a skeleton in his cavity and Caitlin wants to have a plastic bag with bits of bone sticking out! Ghoulish pair. The idea is that if anyone in the future does any renovation and takes the plasterboard off it will give them a real fright! They think it will be a great prank but of course, they won’t be around to see the result lol. I am not sure there will be room in the cavity for what they want to do especially as it will all be insulated but they can have their fun for now.

    1. Hi Anne
      Your daughter is in tough situation… you and your whole family are in it together. Your son in law needs to grow up and be less immature but it sounds like he can’t right now… maybe with his wife taking care of him he’ll have a change of heart.
      It sounds like you might have a couple of heavy duty pranksters on your hands… I hope whatever they come up is okay with you… :o)
      Thanks Anne
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Anne I am so praying for your family. What a difficult place for every one to be in especially right now. Your comment about how the children in New Zealand survive lack of schooling during earthquakes was right on right now. Kids are amazingly resilient. I watch my two grandkids just taking all this in stride and I thank the Lord every day for their acceptance and good humor. A few years ago when Houston was hit with Hurricane Harvey schools were not able to start on time. And in places not for several weeks. And there was no virtual school because most people did not have electricity and some not even homes. It’s a sure bet life was never meant to be easy and, as they say, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I have been through a lot of things in my life and I can surely attest to that fact.

  11. I could not survive without my Ott lights – all of them of all sizes. But I don’t have the one you have. That one has always been a bit pricey for my needs. I have a floor light by my chair in the living room that I use when I do things while watching TV. I have a few of the smaller variety all over my sewing room. These days I need a lot of light to see, even with my readers. Yay old age!

    What a beautiful sewing table! I love the size and configuration. Can’t wait to see everything set up and ready to go. It’s been a long road but I do believe you have achieved perfection in a sewing studio.

    I had today off from proctoring. Had another funny happen yesterday. I sit at the dining room table with my laptop while the kids are on Zoom. Skyy is usually upstairs and Jaiden is in the living room. She has no headphones at the moment so I “sit in” on her class. I never say anything, but yesterday she kept calling Ava, Ava! I said Jaiden stop calling the dog. She said, “No, Nanna. Ava is a girl in my class.” Oops! I will be back with them next Tuesday. Tune in then for another episode in the Saga of the Proctoring Granny. I was going to buy Jaiden new headphones, but I’m reluctant to put an end to my hours of entertainment.

    I mowed this morning for the first time with my new lawn tractor. It was heavenly not to have to stop often for some kind of repair or other. By mistake we actually bought a deck size bigger than our last one. It nearly cut my mowing time in half. Another reason to love it!

    1. HI Barbara,
      I think I’d pass on the headphones for Jaiden a little longer too… never know what you might find out. I’d love to be a little fly on the wall. :o)

      My new sewing light and my new table will be the icing on the cake in my sewing room. I can’t wait to have it all complete. Things are still out of place because they can’t be put in their rightful place just yet. But soon… very soon!

      Congrats on your new mower. It sounds wonderful and you’ll be wanting to mow grass all the time now! Smart hubby you have there! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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