I “could” call this post, “Who Wore it Best?”

We didn’t get home from my hubby’s doctor appointment until later this evening and I was too tired to comment. Sorry, but I did read them!
My hubby got a good report from the doctor and they didn’t even give him another checkup appointment. I guess he’s good to go…still working on some exercise and strength things. Thank you for all your kind comments about the new Regency dress! Rebecca got home even later than us so that necklace is still waiting in the wings! :o) She’s off the weekend, so maybe I can “nudge” her again… :o)

I think it was Laura who wanted to see the Regency dress set on Caroline, and I think it was Marilyn who suggested a dark headed girl or maybe Addy modeling it. Well, I aim to please so that’s what this post is about… maybe a little “mini Who wore it best?”

Let’s see Caroline in it first…since she is technically American Girl’s Regency gal…

She seems to have the shortest body and the shortest neck of my dolls so she seems a bit scrunched in this to me on the shoulders…maybe it’s all her curly hair or it could just be I didn’t take enough time to get her jacket pulled down. It fits her fine, and I think the color is fabulous on her…which surprised me.

Addy is up next. She looks quite pretty in this and her body is a perfect fit for this dress. I forgot to snap the front of the spencer so the sleeves hang a little bit down on her hands. I had her hair up in braids so her bonnet sits a bit farther back on her head than it does on the other girls… She looks wonderful in this reddish color…

Then I thought maybe Rebecca might look nice in it, as she usually does when I try anything on her. She looks very pretty in it with her flawless complexion.

But don’t forget, here is Elizabeth again…

Well, I hope you enjoyed the 4 girls wearing the same dress. Do you have a favorite?

My sisters and their hubbies are coming today, so I’m going to bow out of a Monday post and see you Tuesday!
Have a wonderful weekend… I plan to!

Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “I “could” call this post, “Who Wore it Best?””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congrats on the good report from his doctor–that’s wonderful news, and will make this weekend with your sisters even better!!

    Although they all looked wonderful in this outfit, my favorites in it were Addy and Elizabeth. I absolutely love the color on Addy, but the way the hat sits on Elizabeth’s head is just perfect, in my opinion!!

    As to yesterday’s post, first of all, thanks for all the nice comments about my welfare. I so appreciate them.

    Barbara, I’m glad to hear David’s doing better with his shingles. I know it takes a long time to get over sometimes, but it sounds like he’s heading the right direction now!

    Also, don’t give up on your granddaughter just yet! Some folks come to sewing later than others, as I’ve often heard in various conversations. And some may come to sewing but a different part of it than is our own preference. One of my friends has granddaughters, all of whom she’s taught to sew; the oldest one is very accomplished and enjoys it greatly. the youngest one is getting more interested as she gets older. Another of her granddaughters is a Little Person and although she doesn’t much care to Make garments, she’s become a real whiz at altering almost anything she wants!! (the youngest granddaughter is a teenager, the others are adults)

    Yes, Joy, your 7-year-old might enjoy a simple embroidery project. My tip is, to look at the directions. What I bought for Lily was from Hobby Lobby, which carries quite a few stamped goods for embroidery; however, many of them (from Jack Dempsey Needleart, as I recall) have next to no instructions, so even though I really liked some of their designs, I decided to choose something else. I opened envelopes and LOOKED at the directions inside, to see what was available. I don’t recall the brand I bought, but it did show splitting the floss and using three strands, and also how the basic stitches were formed. Another thing you could do for her would be to use transfers and stamp a small project (a dish towel or baby bib, for instance) and teach her whatever basic stitches are needed for the design. The one I got for Lily is stamped cross-stitch. (I prefer counted cross-stitch for myself to do, but that’s a little different technique.) Hope that helps.

    Now, Jeanne, go have fun with your family. You’ve earned a long weekend!!

  2. Congratulations to George. This is lovely news. Make a huge tomato salad to celebrate!

    I agree with Charlotte about not giving up– I remember not liking to embroider as a little girl because it took forever. When I tried it as an adult, it seemed to go much faster and I really enjoyed it. When my arm was badly broken in an accident, I had to adapt my technique. My aunt saw my project and said, “Is that your fancy work?” She was impressed and I was pleased by “fancy work.”

    The new outfit is really wonderful. It’s perfect on its own and is universally becoming. You could make a half dozen similar bonnets and sell them in your store. They would disappear in a day.

  3. The outfit turned out just lovely! I have a Caroline and am usually partial to her, but my favorite here is Addy. I think it’s the contrast of both her dark hair with the bonnet and the dress with her skin tone.

  4. Sorry I have been missing this week. Health decided it was time to rear it’s ugly face and play havoc. With multiple health issues they all don’t always play nicely and come and go as they please. I never know what I will wake up to or with. I ended up in the hospital but they still can’t figure out what is going on. I keep passing out and have non stop nose bleeds which I never had in my life. Getting older is not fun…wasn’t it suppose to be our golden years? lol.

    Jeanne I think this might be my favorite outfit. That print and color are to die for and so perfect for that era. I think I would buy a bolt of it if I could find it. I like your version of the Spencer jacket and the print and colors go perfectly with the dress. It is just gorgeous!
    I am sure it will sell quickly. Fantastic news on George’s knee! Can I come to your house for dinner or maybe you can ship me some tomatoes. I can live on them. Nothing is better in the summer than a tomato sprinkled with salt and just eat it like a orange. Or fried tomatoes with cream gravy. I can eat the whole pan. I failed at tomatoes this year. I only have the balcony and can’t figure out why I haven’t gotten any tomatoes on my plant. I never had a problem at my old place.

    Charlotte I hope you are feeling much better. Gastrointestinal Infections are never fun and you had a very bad case. You made the right choice to go to the ER and got a proper diagnoses. Decades ago I was sick with diarrhea while staying at my grandmother’s. All I wanted was “read” food but she told me that the only things you should eat for 24 hours are the BRATS. Banana’s, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. It’s been the motto in our family even with my grandchildren.

    I am lucky that my grandmother taught me how to sew and bought me my first sewing machine when I was 9, She was an amazing seamstress and made her own patterns. She also taught me how to tat, do crewel, embroidery…you name it. All of which I still love to do. The only thing she couldn’t teach me was how to knit or crochet as I was left handed. Over the years I had many people try then one day I was just determined I was going to crochet. Hook, yarn and blanket and many hours including some screaming silently to myself. Not sure what made me do it but I picked the hook up with my right hand and their was the problem after all those years. I crocheted right handed as well as knit. I am predominately left handed but a few things I do right and it never entered my mind that those would be 2 things that were done right handed.

    So I keep going back and forth on who wears it best. They all look beautiful in the outfit but my vote much to my surprise goes to Addy. I just kept going back to her and how stunning she looks in that color and print.
    Have a fantastic time with your family.

    Blessings, Sandra

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Good to hear from you Sandra; I’m sorry about all your health issues. Those nosebleeds could indicate another problem, too, so I hope they can figure it out for you. Worse than being sick is being sick and not knowing what is wrong nor how to fix it!!

      Tummy has settled down somewhat, so that is good. Applesauce isn’t an option for me, though–the gag factor. It tastes great, but I Just. Can’t. Swallow. it!! LOL

  5. Great seeing pics of the “girls.” They all look lovely, but in my humble opinion, Elizabeth is the winner. She always rocks the photos.
    Thanks Charlotte for the embroidery tips for grand. I found a cute cat line drawing on a pillowcase that looks promising. Although, any help from me would have to be long distance. Whenever we visit, it is only for a couple of hours that are usually filled with catching up etc. No time for embroidery, and I’m not sure if daughter would be of any help, but we’ll see. Fortunately, the modified swim team is still going on for the kids. They have small pods of family related kids that meet everyday for swimming. They aren’t allowed to do any other activities or camps etc. It is working out well so far, and they are getting their exercise as well as friend time. Just no swim meets this year.
    I would love to see a photo of some of Marilyn’s embroidery work. I’ll bet it is amazing.
    And what an accomplishment by Sandra for a lefty to learn to crochet right handed. My roommate in college taught us how to crochet and she was a lefty. Don’t know how she did it, but we all made ponchos. Certainly dates me. 🙂
    Please tell George that we can at least see tomatoes on the plants, but they are still in the green stage. Jealousy here. And I have my eye on a tiny zucchini. There are buds on the zinnias too. Glad he had a good med report.
    Have a wonderful weekend with family.

  6. Oh my goodness, all the people who have already commented! I read the blog early, as usual, and decided to wait until I figured out what I would say about who wore it best. I still don’t know, but I do have some observations. First, Jeanne, I really thought the back of the jacket was just precious, but who can see it when a doll like Elizabeth or Caroline have it covered up with their hair? So Addy and Rebecca have hair that will show the detailing of the jacket.

    I love the coloring of Caroline with the whole ensemble! She certainly gives it a special touch with that beautiful blonde hair and aquamarine eyes! Rebecca looks so sweet too, as you can see this is going nowhere! This outfit can look good on just most any doll!

    I never did learn to crochet or knit, but not for trying. I also am left handed, so it was hard to follow instructions and reverse them. I do know that the important thing was to get a pretty set of knitting needles! I had a pearly green set, and they looked so pretty in a basket with my yarn! Kind of funny that I was concerned more about the looks of the yarn and needles! Well, I was a teen!

    Crocheting never appealed to me, since it was an “ old lady” thing, in my opinion! Well, now I am an old lady, but I don’t have any need for crocheted anything in my house. No point having a hobby that just gathers dust! And nobody I know appreciates anything crocheted anyway. Of course I don’t mean anyone in this blog!

    I did love needlework, and made quite a few items, from tablecloths, pictures, Christmas stockings and ornaments, you name it! My grandmother got me interested in sewing and I have her old Singer sewing machine that brings back wonderful memories!

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters, and it’s wonderful that George is doing so well and on the mend. Nothing seems to stop him!

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, yeaaa sister time! I know you will have so much fun.

    I vote for Caroline. I love seeing her pretty hair cascading down her back under the bonnet.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Oh, good you’re here and you’ve posted before I have so I can reply to you. I’m glad you enjoyed attending your “United Federation of Doll Club Convention”. I assume this is usually an in person event. I’m very curious, do you belong to a local doll club that gets together often? I looked up doll clubs in Ohio and there are a couple within a very reasonable distance. I’m currently looking for some sort of women’s group to join as I’ve either outgrown (homeschool and then ladies lunch group) or the group no longer exists (our Victorian Society,but that was basically just at Christmas ). I love the idea of a club again like the Christian soriety (Kappa Phi) I belonged to in college.
      The seminars sound fun, but I’m not on FaceBook, maybe I can create a different email for just there or could you cut and paste a link here, please?
      Do you belong to a Jane Austen group as well? Your comments about jane Austen July made me think how much fun it would be to be a part of a society where you got to dress up in old-fashioned clothes and “live” the time period.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, hello.

        I will ask Jeanne to share my email address with you next week. I know she is busy with sister-time right now.

        Yes, I do belong to a local club of UFDC. You mentioned Ohio. That is in Region 12. You can go on the website and look at the Region tab, click on it, and send a message to the Regional Director. She can help you find a chapter that is near you.

        [Any of the sofa sisters can look for a UFDC chapter near them if they like.]

        Yes, the national UFDC convention is one that folks go-to. That sounds kind of strange as now things seem to be virtual. The convention this year was supposed to be in Dallas. The convention next year will be in Baltimore.

        To answer your question, I had just found a Jane Austen group to join when the shut downs began. The group has been meeting on Zoom but I don’t have that (or Facebook) so I just get emails from the members. I will join the group when it is safe to gather again.

        The Virtual Doll Convention is “meeting” next week. You can do a Google search for the site. It does cost to “attend” but it is minimal. One of the seminars planned for Friday, July 31 is called: Life as a Doll in the Time of Jane Austen: A Visit to a Regency Era English Dollhouse.

        [Any of the sofa sisters who wish can take a look at this site. I have “attended” some of VDC’s activities and they are always fun and informative.]

        Dolls and Jane Austen, how awesome is that! Throw in Afternoon Tea and I will probably faint from sheer bliss (laugh).

        1. Thank you for all the information, Dorothy. I’ll have to do some research later when I have time. I love your last comment about dolls, Jane Austen, and Afternoon Tea, add a few more historical eras to that and I might faint as well.

          It looks like we might have a club here already, the “Sofa Sisters”. I love that!!

  8. I think Caroline just needed her hair pulled back from her face a little more before the bonnet went on. To let the peplum ruffle show I would tuck her hair up just enough under the hat to shorten it. Since 1930’s girl’s hair was shorter, that’s exactly what I do on my re-wigged Nellie to shorten #33’s wig. I roll the ends under and pin with bobby pins from the underneath.
    Now as to who wears it best? I have to say I love it on Caroline. The black ribbon picks up her black lashes (although I do admit I prefer the soft, matching PC ones) and sets of her gorgeous eyes and the warm reddish coral picks up her cheeks.
    Addy looks beautiful. The light bonnet sets off her dark hair and the color of the spencer makes her glow. A different era, but she reminds me a little of the movie “Belle” Next time you make a Colonial dress for Felicity, Addy should try it on. It likewise brings out the red in Rebecca’s hair and makes her eyes sparkle. I’m sorry to say, that now seeing it on others, I no longer care for it on Elizabeth, and I’m not sure why. It almost seems to overpower her IMO. Certainly not trying to offend you, Jeanne. I love every detail of the outfit, It just no longer seems to highlight her pretty hair or eyes. I do think some clothes work that way. I always thought Kirsten’s work dress was lovely on her until someone on the board put it on Caroline. Since I already had that dress, that picture tipped me over the edge and I had to have Caroline Of my dolls I think Samantha is pretty and Marie-Grace has a dainty, sweet look, but 1991 PC Felicity and Caroline are truly striking. I love my re-wigged Nellie, but I would trade her for a different Josefina mold I like better, if and when there is one.

    Have wonderful time with you sisters this weekend. It so nice you have sisters and can see them so often.

    1. Oh dear, so sorry I forgot to comment on George. I’m very good he had a good report and can get back to the things he loves without knee pain.

  9. Addy wore it best! Using black snaps to mimic the black buttons on the spencer was genius!

    Good for George and his good report!

    We are spending the day with our son. It’s the first time we’ve been to his house since he bought it. He just moved in.

  10. Happy Saturday! It was fun seeing the outfit on those three different girls. I went back and forth but I think Addy looked the cutest..and somehow even over her broads the hat looked cute. Any G would be good in it though.
    We watched a playoff softball game that a granddaughter played at 11:00 in the shade…was tolerable and a really fun game. They won so the next one is at 6:00…temp estimate is 95 and no shade at this field. Maybe an umbrella in order🤪
    Have a fun time with the sisters and BIL’s. Great you all can gather and have fun!

  11. I loved seeing the different dolls in the outfit. I was amazed at how different they all look in it. Personally I still prefer Elizabeth, I think it shows that it was made for her. I just love the hair on the AG dolls. If I ever win on Lotto I will start a collection of AG and ditch my OG dolls!
    So glad George is so much better and likewise glad David is improving. I have never had shingles but know people who have had it and they have said how very painful it is
    Have fun with your sisters Jeanne, I saw my sister last year for her Golden Wedding celebrations (so pleased our trip wasn’t booked for this year!) I may not get to see her again, or my brothers, she lives 12,000 miles away in UK as does one brother and the other brother lives in Texas. not easy to save enough money for such a long trip on a pension. Not to mention the older I get the harder to take such a long flight, Christchurch to Singapore is 11 hours and Singapore to Manchester is 13 hours.
    Have to take the dog for his walk shortly it is 2C out there! quite tropical really, has been below freezing the last three days when I have taken him. I don’t mind too much at least we get lovely sunshine after the frost, an improvement after all that rain! I have to go early so I can get back in time for church. not sure what day it is for you ladies but I am guessing it is probably still Saturday.

    1. Hi Anne,
      Yes, still Saturday here for us. I’m in Ohio and I just did the time and temperature converter. You’re 16 hours ahead of my time and almost 36 degrees F. Yes, that’s cold. our winter temperature can definitely get to below zero F some years.
      I follow a lady’s blog who lives in Australia that I found through another blog that I have followed years before I started here. It was full of “old-fashionedness” and she likes Anne of Green Gables, Beatrix Potter, Jane Austen, and others. The Australian blog is “The Bluebirds Are Nesting” and Annabel is encouraging. It is funny to read about winter on her blog while we are in the heat of summer and vice versa when we’re in wintertime.

  12. I actually thought they all looked wonderful in the outfit, but when I saw Rebecca and her sweet little face peeking out from under her bonnet, I decided I have to go with her. She has lovely coloring and the outfit looks great on her.

    Sandra, I hope you are feeling better and can get some kind of diagnosis so you know what you are dealing with. Could it be a side effect of a medication you are taking?

    Charlotte, I hope you are feeling much better and stronger.

    I loved the comments on needlecrafts, etc. I used to embroider a lot as I was growing up. My mother was wonderful at knitting but it was never my bailiwick. I’m too impatient. I chose crochet and did a lot of that. I crocheted blankets for each of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Shortly I will be deciding on a pattern and yarn to make one for the new baby on the way. Mostly as I was growing up I sewed out of necessity but I did love it. We did not have much money and my grandfather worked for Bancroft Mills and he would give us fabric that was considered damaged. If there was even one small mark on a bolt of fabric, it was thrown on the damaged heap and the workers would share it and take it home to their families. Usually most of the bolt was in great shape, so it was wonderful to have it. I could afford a pattern (25-35 cents back then) but not fabric, so this was great to have and I wore many an outfit made from it, as did my sisters.

    I’m glad that George has no more appointments scheduled. Hopefully all is well and will stay well. I did have a BLT for lunch yesterday. After seeing George’s tomatoes I just had to have one. I’m sure the tomatoes weren’t as good as his. Mine weren’t homegrown and they are always better.

    1. Barbara
      Thank you.

      I have been on the same medications for about 9 years with the only one being Mamenatine which is used for Alzheimer’s. I had taken it for over 6 months but decided to go off of it as I was having issues associated with it. The nose bleeds started weeks after going off of that. So I kind of ruled out medications.

      George’s tomatoes made me hungry also. Nothing is better than home grown but our Jersey tomatoes are now ready and they are delicious.

  13. Hi everyone,
    Cindy and Tom will be here in a few minutes…I have been cleaning house and George was working outside, until he couldn’t stand the heat any longer!!

    I redid Elizabeth’s hair so the back of her Spencer shows…I’ll have to show you on Tuesday…
    It seems we have every doll I showed as the winner…maybe I’ll have Cindy and Deb decide…
    Thanks everyone!!
    Stay cool if you can!
    Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Jeanne, I think the outfit was stunning on everyone, but I was partial to Addy because the back of the jacket would show! The fabric is so flattering on all the AGs.
    Congrats to George on both the good doctor report and the tomato harvest! I had a knee MRI and am headed to my knee doc tomorrow for details on my most likely upcoming 2nd knee surgery (the first one last October did not work to alleviate my pain). I am quite jealous of the tomatoes! We have gotten some cherry tomatoes, but are still waiting for a ripe red large one! We have lots of green ones, and have harvested several peppers and cucumbers.
    Dorothy, glad you are back–we were quite concerned over your absence! I am going to have to look up where the closest doll group is to me in northern WV. I miss an active doll community!
    Sandra, I hope you find help with your nosebleeds. My MIL is currently dealing with the same issue–nosebleeds that send her to the ER. She has been to two specialists and neither one was much help–I think they fluffed her off because she is 85 and on dialysis.
    Jeanne, enjoy the sister time! What a blessing to have sisters who are able to visit!
    Hugs! – Beth

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Beth, hello. I spent the week “attending” the United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC) convention online. I learned so much and had so much fun!

      West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and DC are all in UFDC Region 11. You can be in touch with UFDC by phone and ask which chapter is closest to you. UFDC is located in Kansas City, MO.

      The convention souvenir doll was a beautiful Little Darling with red hair. The companion doll was a Little Darling with pretty black hair. Both were dressed in 1950s poodle skirt outfits. I didn’t order them but I did get to see them at the online reveal.

    2. Beth,

      Thank you. I am not holding out much hope of them bothering to get to the bottom of this issue. Especially with the majority of our doctors still using TeleMed. That is unacceptable that they would not address the nosebleeds with your MIL especially if she never suffered with them before. I hope they get to the bottom of her issues.

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