American Girl, Elizabeth, gets the next dress…

UPDATE: The Bitty Baby doll and her clothing sold for $40. Thank you to the high bidder for your generous bid!! I’ll let the winner mention it if she wants…

I have a clear cover for my thread now. It’s easy to lift up and pick the spool I need. My hubby came in my room this afternoon and was just looking at it. I think he likes it…he said I did a good job making it!

I thought you might like a peek at the pew markers from the wedding. I think they were the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen. The mother of the bride made them and I just loved them.

Also, I thought I’d share a sweet picture of the happy couple…meet Christopher and Olivia!!

This time “I” drew a new name from my list of dolls and Elizabeth was the winner. She wanted a Regency dress so I looked through my fabrics and picked one I’ve had for a while. I’ve always loved it, but tonight I was really drawn to it.

I got the bodice and sleeves constructed and think its going to turn out very pretty..

My plan is to make a Spencer to go with it…I found this piece to coordinate with the dress fabric…

I hope the jacket goes together quickly.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “American Girl, Elizabeth, gets the next dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, that’s great, to have that clear cover for your thread; it’ll keep all those spools nice and clean and happy!

    Those pew markers are lovely! What a great idea, using fairy lights like that. I’m wondering if she used battery-operated ones, as I can’t see any electrical cords anywhere. I’m sure it made a lovely setting for that wedding. Thanks for including a picture of the bride and groom, too!!

    That is lovely fabric you’ve chosen for Elizabeth’s dress, and the fabric for the Spencer looks to be a good match. It’ll be fun to see how this one progresses!

  2. What a lovely setting for the wedding, Jeanne, with those beautiful pew markers, and your runner, with rose petals strewn about! It goes to show you don’t need a massive cathedral to have a beautiful and creative wedding! The happy couple look adorable!

    Oh, you are using a clear wrap for the spools! I was thinking a hard, piece of clear acrylic plastic was what you were using, and couldn’t figure out how it got attached! This is much easier!

    Elizabeth;s dress is coming along, I wonder who has an Elizabeth doll? πŸ™‚ You are making a Spencer jacket, but is it sleeveless? I can’t figure out how the sleeves would work with the ruffle you have on the dress now. I’m sure you will think of something! This will be a very stunning dress for her to go to afternoon tea! So many pretty accessories to make for her!

  3. What a great idea for the battery twinkle lights. So many things that can be illuminated with them. Funny, but I can just picture a flower girl going down the aisle and switching them on right before the wedding. πŸ™‚ A very cute couple too. Around here, weddings are outdoors with sufficient spacing of minimal guests. No inside gatherings going on right now at all until the virus is controlled.
    The new outfit for Elizabeth is going to be lovely. Great start with those sleeves and perfectly aligned stripes. I think the reddish Spencer jacket is a perfect color match.
    Went to Home Depot again yesterday and played around with the pvc plumbing connections again for that tent in the sky idea I have. They don’t make the part I need, so last night I came up with another idea. Other person even got interested. However, his idea of using Styrofoam instead didn’t go too well with me. I personally do not like the messy plastic stuff at all. If, I can get all of the pieces cut, I think it will work. Of course, I do plan to tie it together with some home sewn Velcro straps. πŸ™‚ Still thinking. And then there is the tent frame cover. Guess I could just toss the fabric over the frame and call it a day. πŸ™‚

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a lovely couple. Wishing them a most happy life!

    It is wonderful that you are making a Regency Dress. This is “Jane Austen July” and many Jane Austen groups have been celebrating. I have been watching videos about her and her writings on YouTube. I have taken virtual tours of the houses in which she lived.

    There is a program coming up on Thursday, July 23 called “Crafting With Jane Austen.” It’s sponsored by Jane Austen and Company. It will be held at 12 noon through Zoom and later posted on YouTube.

    1. Dorothy your commitment to dolly things is just amazing! I always have good intentions of “attending” online conventions, etc., but something always seems to take precedence. I really enjoy all the information you share.

      1. Thank you for the information, Dorothy. I’ll have to look for that on You Tube. I love Jane Austen movies, except Sanditon. I won’t try that as her novel was unfinished and the producers will probably take liberties and write things into it and I don’t like when that happens.. I saw a few comments online to that effect.
        I can imagine a Regency festival would be a lot of fun to attend. One was featured in an issue of Victoria a few years back. I should look for that in my collection.
        I, too, enjoy all you have to share.
        Just curious, do you have dolls that “live” in the Regency era? I might have to consider another era for my time-traveling doll. I know some people manage to keep their entire collection in one decade, but I can’t imagine how… I currently have five.

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Laura, hello. I actually loved Sanditon. I even got the DVD. I loved the character of Rose, the heroine. I also loved Miss Lambe, who was the first African character in Austen’s books. The actress who played the part is from New Jersey.

          I like the concept of time travel and have read Austen sequels in which that happens. My dolls have not done that yet, however.

          I used to belong to an Austen group before I moved and we would often dress in Regency clothing for our events. There is a new Austen group nearby which I just found but it won’t be able to meet again face-to-face until it is safe to gather.

          I am curious about your time traveling doll. It sounds like she really has fun.

      2. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, hello. Thank you for your kind words. Dolls are the only thing I know about in our sofa discussions (laugh). Remember, I am the non-cook, non-sewer, non-crafter, non-gardener. If I didn’t, at least, know about dolls, I think you folks would kick me off of the sofa (chuckle).

        1. Dorothy I’ve never met you in person but your personality is too great to ever be kicked off the sofa. I’m sure not matter what we talk about, you would have something enlightening to say.

  5. Love the spool holder. You did a really nice job on it. The pew decorations are very pretty. I bet it was a lovely wedding.
    Hubby and I worked in the yard this weekend even though it was too hot. We tried to get done before noon Saturday and Friday. I’ve decided it looks good enough and we don’t need to do anything else.
    I’ll be anxious to see the regency dress.

  6. The plastic cover for your thread wall hanging is perfect. Keeps the thread clean and so easy to just lift up and pick your thread. I looked around my sewing room the other day to figure out where I would hang something like that. Sadly nowhere. With a picture window, French doors, a regular door, two bookcases, my four big floor to ceiling cabinets, and a fabric “cubby” that sits on top of a dresser and goes nearly to the ceiling, there is no place.

    What a sweet wedding the lovely couple had. And I do mean lovely couple. The runner was perfect and the pew markers were beautiful. What an ingenious idea. With LED lights, anything is possible these days. I have them on my pre-lit Christmas tree. I can change the lights from clear to colored at the twist of a switch.

    Elizabeth is such a pretty doll (oops I mean young lady). She will look beautiful in her new dress. The Spencer will be a perfect added touch. I really love the fabric. One of the reasons I’m not able to sew as much as I’d like is my back. It tires so easily. After trying all kinds of things, I think I finally found the solution to my problem. I bought a rowing machine. Just a simple one but it does what I want. I’ve had it for about a month now and I am finding that my back is stronger, actually it’s probably more that my shoulders are. Still waiting to lose several inches, but I’ll settle for being about to sit at my sewing machine longer if nothing else.

    Natalie arrived Saturday. She was happy to be at her forever home and delighted to meet up with Gracie and little sis Camille. They were introducing her around but before they got too far, she came out and joined me in my chair and fell fast asleep. I guess between her journey and seeing how many others there were and thinking she’d never remember all the names, she decided to wait for all that another day. She’s good to go now. Still can’t remember all the names. Maybe I should get some mini name tags. Not kidding there. I couldn’t remember one of my H4H names the other day and had to look at the Father’s Day card they all signed for David.

    I saw this morning where the Texas Coronavirus numbers are slowing. Our church is considering going back to in-person worship in early September. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend and we can.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I finally had time to come back and comment to you. I had to laugh when you said giving the dolls mini name tags. I can’t recall how many you have, but that is still funny. I only have five PC/AG and The Queen’s treasures Mary that I won. :-), but I load them up with names. Samantha and Felicity kept their first and last names, but re-wigged Nellie, Caroline, Marie-Grace and QT Mary all acquired completely new names, identities, and places of residence. By loading up on names I mean first, two middle, and a last for each one. :_0 I guess I can remember because there were about six-month gaps between each PC/AG girl (birthday and Christmas gifts to myself) and “Mary” came in the spring, four years after my last doll purchase.
      I’m glad Natalie is settling in and she will learn who everyone is eventually.

      1. 32 with another Fashion Friend arriving sometime in August I think, and another LD from Magalie arriving sometime the end of the year. My dolls are all shapes and sizes, ranging from 6 1/2 inch mini AGs to my two 18″ MA. I even have a Skipper and Stacy. I’m not much into Barbie stuff but I keep those so my granddaughter can play dolls. I’m the only one allowed to play with the others. lol

  7. Your thread cover looks great and serves the purpose. It looks like its a heavy plastic, much like comforters come in and will hold up well.
    The pew markers are lovely with the white tulle and the fairy lights hanging down.
    Blessing to the happy couple and many wonderful years ahead.

    Oh, yes, a Regency dress, ranks up there with Civil War, Colonial, and Victorian/Edwardian for me and the fact there’s Elizabeth, an AG on the table, just confirms that you are really “back in business’. The fabric you have chosen will transition easily from summer into fall. I can’t wait to see the spencer. I thought the ones that Josefina and especially Caroline had were so neat, but I could commit to collecting for another time period right then. Speaking of collecting, after eight years I am finally finished acquiring all the PC/ early retired AG historical pieces I always loved. I got Addy’s plaid summer set and Felicity’s partial rescue kit (the mortar, pestle, and gathering basket with herbs) for my birthday gifts to myself and Addy’s birthday pinafore (for Marie-Grace) arrives today. Probably good that you never got bitten by the “adorable miniature accessories” bug. I hadn’t wanted a thing direct for AG other than Caroline’s travel basket, Rebecca’s curling iron, and as a lucky replacement part, Julie’s yellow phone ( my great aunt had one like it, but red in her kitchen and a lovely pink princess one in the bedroom), by 2014 everything I wanted was retired. πŸ™ Even though I always go for the 1930’s or older, I’m rather excited over the 1980’s “historical”. I have a feeling she will be mostly DIY for me. Is 1980’s really historical?? LOL

  8. Like Linda, I am waiting in suspense to see how the jacket sleeves work with the lovely, fluffy sleeves you have given the dress. This will be fun. We have faith in you.

    I think homemade weddings often carry the nicest memories. Mom and my sister (the bride) and I stayed up late the night before the wedding making the mints for the reception. For another sister, I designed and made the wedding dress (it was a simple wedding), while Mom made the veil and our neighbor made the dress for the maid of honor. We had a chocolate cake, but we didn’t make that, though I made an assortment of cakes for two other weddings. If you ever do that, a reliable assistant makes all the difference. This may be true for almost any project. Jeanne and George married theirs, and see how well that worked out.

  9. What a lovely wedding that looks like! Your aisle runner was ingenious, Jeanne. And what a beautiful baby David is. Esther looks like a happy girl, too! I love handmade touches at weddings. My mom and I made my veil, and although she died before my kids got married, I used a JoAnn’s gift card I inherited from her to buy the fabric for my middle daughter’s veil, and then her sister wore it 4 years later! I didn’t sew anything for my son’s wedding last year, but I did walk my grandsons/ringbearers down the aisle. LOL!
    I’m late to the party, but your hibiscus and George’s tomatoes look amazing. We planted our first-ever garden this year, and are going to be full of tomatoes and cherry tomatoes soon. We have already harvested oodles of cucumbers and Italian peppers. Unfortunately, something has gotten to my squash vines. Ah, well.

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