A “Real” Artist… Dale Chihuly

Do you think I’m stalling about getting back to sewing? It sure seems that way, but my day was not my own with too many interruptions. I’ve decided to go out on a limb and give myself a deadline to get things in order…(except for maybe getting my new sewing table finished) and hope to be back to sewing on MONDAY! Yes, you read that right… a sewing, or at least a dolly post on MONDAY! Hopefully, it will be one of many to come!

Also one other thing before today’s post… a few weeks ago, Sandra asked in the comments if anyone else on here had a blog that she could read? If you do, could you please share it in the comments below. If you have other blogs that you read, add them too… :o)
Sorry I’m so late at getting to this, Sandra!

Linda shared some pictures of the St. Louis Missouri Botanical the other day and several ladies asked about the big glass balls they saw.

It turns out they were made by Dale Chihuly, an American glass artist. He is quite talented and his work is very popular.

Then Kathie sent me some pictures of his work inside and outside the new Buffet Cancer Center near her…

I thought you might want to see more of his work…he is a phenomenal artist!

I think this first one is my all time favorite!!!

This is Kathie’s hubby, Mike… enjoy your 24 hours of world wide fame!!! :o)

In other news… Joy sent me this picture of Lucy at the sewing machine. There’s something magical about it and I told her I just might have to print that off and use it in my room… It just makes me smile…

I don’t think I shared this but she also sent me a picture of a “kitty cat” dress she finished for one of my Meadow Dolls, Sylvia Scarlett. It’s so adorable…she is too!

…and one more of her 11″ Meadow Dumplings playing in this American Girl Camper…I don’t think I shared this either, but if I did, take another look…it’s perfect for them… she left the top off…

Sorry, but that’s it for today… Hopefully my Thursday won’t be SO busy!
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “A “Real” Artist… Dale Chihuly”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a feast of photos today! I, too, love that first photo of Dale Chihuly’s work, but, then, so many of the pieces are just lovely. Sometimes our PBS stations will run a program about him and his work; he’s somewhat of a “local boy” (Seattle area) so that may be why; I don’t know if other PBS stations run it or not, but you might keep your eyes peeled.

    That picture of Lucy is a hoot–she doesn’t look too sure of what she’s doing!!

    Joy, the pictures of your dolls are adorable. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Dale’s glass artistry is just incredible and I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
      I was just thinking about that Lucy picture again. I think I’m going to have to blow it up…

      Thanks so much
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Wow, Kathie, what gorgeous pictures! That’s just amazing what a person can do with glass! The Mo. Botanical Garden had a a special exhibit of Dale’s works several years ago, inside and outside that lasted all summer, and it was like walking through a fairyland! We also saw more of his work at CrystalBridges in Bentonville, Arkansas. I just cannot get over how many pieces he has done, yet he never seems to run out of ideas! Thank you for send the pictures to Jeanne, and to Jeanne for showing them!

    Oh, Joy, your dolls are adorable! Every time you send pictures, they make me smile!

    We all will be anxiously awaiting your blog feature with dolls, Jeanne, but this diversion has been fun!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thanks for sharing your “Dale” pictures which caused Kathie to share hers. We got a whole lot of glass beauty the last week, didn’t we?

      I’m looking forward to some dolly posts too!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. A big wow on Dale Chihuly. Curious, but I wonder how those pieces are attached to the wall, to each other, or the ground? Must be some amazing brackets or something. So beautiful with the light coming through.
    You must be inspirational Jeanne, as I actually sewed a bit yesterday. Think I definitely need to follow your example and squeeze in more time for it. Of course, something else must slide then, but not watering. We are in a hot spell so the veggies need water a couple of times a day. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      You have a very good question there…how are they attached? We’ll have about Kathie on “scrutenizing” detail…maybe she can find out…

      I actually did a little sewing myself last night…Rebecca wanted a new mask… so I made her one.

      The heat index was 105 here this afternoon… I may be dreaming of snow!! :o) NOT!! But a cold front moving through might be nice.

      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The first art exhibit my 26-year-old grandson attended was the Dale Chihuly installation in the Santa Barbara Art Museum in 1994. He had the best view of the beautiful pieces installed on the ceiling from his supine position in his stroller. Be sure to find the documentary about the artist’s work. He sketches the pieces and his craftsmen bring them to life as he lost the sight in one eye and is no longer able to do the actual manual part of the process himself. What an amazing imagination he has! Thanks for sharing the great selection of pictures, Kathie.

    Joy’s dolls are always a joy. Is that an American Girl green lawn chair? Ever try to get up out of one of those people-size one? Ha, ha.

    1. Yes, that is an AG chair and yes, getting out of an Adirondack chair is not a graceful maneuver. For me anyway. 🙂

    2. Hi Susette,
      Too bad your grandson won’t remember that display of pretty glass!! I’d like to see some in person… the next time I see something that looks like Dale’s, I’ll take a closer look.

      You said that so perfectly…”Joy’s dolls are always a joy!” I always love looking at her picture set ups!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I always loved visiting places like Jamestown, etc., where they had the glass blowers. I thought the things they made were amazing. I’m blown away by the pieces created by Dale Chihuly. I was not even aware of him until seeing his creations in this blog. What a talent. And the talent of the craftsmen who take his sketches and bring them to life is to be applauded too.

    Joy you always make the cutest things for your dolly children. Looks like the girls are having a great time camping with their wonderful camper. I don’t think about seeing what’s available from the American Girl line of products. Need to check that out more.

    I love the Lucy picture. She looks totally confused. None of my friends ever sewed. I went to visit an old friend once who had gotten married and had a couple children. She told her husband she really needed a sewing machine so he bought her a very nice one. He said it was the most expensive end table he had ever bought because she never raised the lid. I had a friend in high school that had the most amazing artistic talent. She once painted a black Cocker Spaniel picture that when you walked by it you felt you had to pet it. The detail was over the moon. We decided that she should teach me to paint and I should teach her to sew. Well that was fun. I could look at a pattern and a piece of fabric and see a finished outfit. She couldn’t. Likewise I did not have the perspective she had to be able to create something on canvas. We gave up and just enjoyed each others talents rather than try to duplicate them.

    Thanks to those who shared ideas to help my hubby be more comfortable while enduring his shingles. We figure he’s about at a week into it now because for three or four days we thought it was an eye infection. Then the rash showed up. Right now he’s down at his shop. Our oldest son is in and out of the shop when he’s here so I know he will look out for his dad. Hard to keep a busy man down. I sometimes wish I had his energy.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I think it’s incredible that Dale can bring his sketches to life through his helper artists too.

      Barbara, some of us are blessed to sew and some to paint. I’m glad I got picked for sewing!! :o)

      I hope your hubby gets to feeling better very soon. I too..have a hubby who is hard to keep down!!

      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The artist does phenomenal work! What beautiful creations.
    Joy, your little girls are adorable, especially sitting in their pop up tent. I’m sure you mentioned where you found the pop up but I don’t remember?
    The accessories made today are wonderful!!

    Jeanne, I am a fan of the old “I Love Lucy“ shows. I recall that particular episode. That series to this day makes me laugh so hard when I dig it out to watch the various episodes! Your sewing is by farrrr better than Lucy’s!!!! lol.
    Just a sideline: At the Revlon Museum in LA, there is a small section of some of her jewelry, sunglasses and cuff links she wore on the show. My favorite item is a cup and saucer in the white with green ivy print dishes they had for the show.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I keep thinking I’m going to have to print out that Lucy picture. It just is such a fun picture.
      I don’t remember that episode but I’m going to look it up and see if I can find it.
      Thanks Paula
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. * Joy, I have to laugh about my question of the camper. Jeanne mentioned it was an American Girl Item! Not only that, I have it myself!!! I didn’t recognize it without the top. It still doesn’t quite look like mine though. I’m wondering if AMG had two at different times. It’s confusing because your smaller dolls fit better than the AMGs.

    1. Funny, but a picture I saw of the camper has the AG’s towering over it. Have no idea how they fit inside, but it is great for the smaller set. I haven’t tried to put up the top yet. Guess I should try, but it is pretty neat that it folds up and is all ready to hook up to a vehicle. I found mine on Ebay. Some are very pricey, so I just kept looking until a reasonable one came up that also had the accessories. 🙂

  8. Beautiful pictures of Dale’s work. Thank you for sharing them, Kathie. I think I was having brain fog because of the heat that day. I do know his work, our local hospital has some as well as where I get my mammograms done. We’ve had ten days of 90+ degrees and sometimes we never hit that, or at least not until August. To top it off, the AC is on the fritz and not cooling well at all. It’s been in the 90’s INSIDE! Our service company is so backed up that they can’t come until the 20th because they have to service the elderly first, of course. So, we have four fans going around the clock to keep it bearable.
    I love “I Love Lucy”. She’s that best for a good laugh.
    Joy’s dolls are always adorable to see. I want that kitty cat dress in AG size. My re-wigged Nellie is going to have to have some kitty cat dresses and homemade cat ears at some point and a doggie one as well. After all, I have O C D – Obsessive Cat and Canine. Disorder. LOL
    The girls look so cute in the camper. I’ll bet they’re going to have s’mores.
    Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the dolly post, but it’s been fun seeing a wide variety of things.

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I just realized I didn’t comment on blogs. The only sort of dolly related blog I follow is Corgyncombe Courant which I found from another blog that is now obsolete.
      The other two blogs I follow are homemaker related and not about dolls.

    2. Hi Laura,
      The next time I’m in our hospital I’m going to look to see if we have any of Dale’s glass work anywhere.
      Oh you poor dear…the AC on the blink and this heat!! Ugh!!

      When Joy sent me the pictures of her girls in the camper, I asked her the same thing…were they going to have s’mores?
      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed all the “non dolly” posts…but it’s just about time.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I enjoyed seeing the “travel” photos. I am quite an armchair traveler and I love to see places I probably won’t be able to visit. The dolly photos are so sweet. I love the camper.

    I love the Lucy photo (pun intended – laugh). I think you should frame it beside a photo of yourself in a similar pose or maybe you could take a photo of the dolls sewing. I bet you would smile each time you look at it.

    Now to respond to Sandra’s question about doll blogs, I am an avid doll blog reader and I have much information to share (unlike with cooking and sewing and crafting, which find me sorely lacking – laugh).

    The blogger at MonsterCrafts (MC) did a post a little while ago in which she asked her readers to share their favorite doll blogs. Well, I jumped right in with my list. My list was so long, I had to do it in two parts. I made my list in alphabetical order so Jeanne’s blog name is at the beginning of the second list.

    I am posting the link to MC’s blog here:

    I also follow some YouTube doll bloggers. I will post the links here:
    1 My Froggy Stuff – Toya is an incredible crafter. She makes doll rooms out of all kinds of boxes. She also makes miniature items.

    2 Allison is a doll expert with a huge collection. She shares tips on how to display dolls, how to determine doll scale so accessories match, and how to photograph dolls.

    Sandra, if you need more information, just let me know.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Maybe I could frsme the Lucy picture, then one of me at my machine and then one of Ten Ping sitting at her machine!! :o)

      Thank you for posting the blog links for us. I know you did it recently but thanks for doing it again. I recently found my name on a list of top 100 doll blogs. I think I was at the #33 spot.

      I didn’t see Sandra’s comments today so I’ll email her with your information.
      Thanks again
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Glad you all liked the Chihuly art pieces. It sure makes trips to the Warren Buffet Cancer Center a bit more interesting. Luckily Mike’s case came out fine🤗thanks to Joy, Linda and Laura for your comments. Joy your dolls are just adorable. We had a Garage Sale today…you know….”the good ole “I’m never having another Garage Sale” mantra.. This one was my daughters…she just moved so had.lots of fun thIngs to sell because of the difference in houses and colors. And teaching different grades she had lots of school supplies.we had a huge sign that said “ WEAR YOUR MASK” with 😷 and everyone wore their masks!
    Have a good weekend and will be fun to see what dolly post you come up with😉

    1. Hi Kathie
      I know everyone loved the pictures…so thanks again for sharing.
      I sure hope it wasn’t as hot in Omaha as it was here today…a heat index of 105 is NOT good yard sale weather. I hope you sold lots of stuff and didn’t have much to haul to Goodwill.

      Thanks Kathie
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. I actually can’t believe that you are still functioning after a garage sale. We used to do them with our parents and friends every year. It was an amazing effort of which I don’t think I could muster the strength again. So glad everyone was masked. Hope you did well. 🙂

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