A Doll Dress, a Dollhouse, and a Deck of Dolls…

My sisters and their hubbies are gone, so I’m all alone with just my dolls for company… (well, my hubby and Reuben are here too!) I have been so busy visiting with them, I haven’t gotten much done (sewing wise) but I do have something fun to share with you… from my readers…

Dorothy sent me the sweetest picture of Lace in a dress I made. Joy won the first one and Dorothy asked if she could get one too. I didn’t have any blue shoes for her, but gave Lace the “edited” version. I’m not positive, but I think Lace might be a Minifee? Is that right, Dorothy?

Then I got some pictures of a dollhouse in Cedaredge, Colorado, that Barbara had visited…She said she was the only one there so she snapped lots of pictures to share. I LOVE the details on this house! There was a window that was reflecting light into the house, but I think you can still see plenty to know how pretty it is…

Aren’t miniature things just the best? Thanks Barbara!

Then Joy sent me a picture of 3 of her girls on the deck! The girls, left to right are Sophie Mae, Aya, and Stella May. They are wearing outfits knitted by a friend in France. Joy said she told them the only pool they have is for Barbie, but they insisted on putting on their outfits anyway. I LOVE those outfits, Joy! They are adorable!

I’m working on something else today… and hopefully I’ll be able to share it with you tomorrow… any guesses? :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “A Doll Dress, a Dollhouse, and a Deck of Dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I enjoyed the pictures of Dorothy’s and Joy’s dolls in their cute outfits. Thanks for sharing!

    The dollhouse is just wonderful. A few years back, we had the Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art out here, and in the foyer was the most wonderful, big dollhouse, with many rooms, and even a yard! I always loved looking at it. There were so many details–even after seeing it a number of times (Rosie’s museum was my favorite place to take people from out of town, also went there with my doll club and with some other friends), it seems I always noticed something I hadn’t seen before. Rosie closed her museum several years ago, and it was a sad loss for our area.

    No, I have no guesses as to who might be the recipient of the next outfit. The fabric isn’t dropping any hints to me. I’ll take a wild stab, though–Nissa? For some reason, that “looks” like her.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I’m glad you liked the pictures today! I thought everyone would.

      I love looking at all the details in the dollhouse too…I just love anything miniature.

      Nope..not for Nyssa…
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  2. Dorothy’s Lace looks adorable in her new dress! She looks so petite, how tall is she, Dorothy?

    Oh, dollhouses! I love them, as some of you might know! I have two, and they keep me busy no end since one is on top of my washer in the laundry room, and sometimes things get “moved around” when the washer is spinning! It’s fun though. The other big one is in my doll room and I love to change it seasonally with little things like Easter baskets and bunnies, Christmas trees and Halloween decorations. It never gets old! Barbara, thanks for sharing those pictures with us! I would love to visit that place someday, since our son lives in Denver. Is it close to Denver?

    Joy’s dollies are adorable, as they usually are! Love the knitted swimsuits! I think they are pleading with Joy to get their pool out…..soon!

    Ah, the black and white material! Could it be something for Addy? A civil War dress? I would love to see that, and Addy looks good in black and white I think. Well, that’s my guess and wish!

    1. Hi Linda
      I knew you’d like the dollhouse the most!

      Nope, it’s not for Addy… you’ll find out tomorrow!
      Thanks Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. How funny. I looked at Dorothy’s, Lace, and thought, something looks familiar. And it was. Lace and one of my Meadow Twinkles can be twins! I’ve been so busy trying to finish shorts for the Meadow Dumplings and now some camp shirts that I’d forgotten about the Twinkles. Love how it looks on Lace.
    Barbara’s pictures are so fun. That dollhouse is a wonder. What a great place to visit.
    My girls are still in the want a pool stage. But, that crazy tent project has made a step forward. I actually went to Home Depot yesterday and picked up the pvc pip fittings I need. I made the platform from four Nike shoe box tops. Now I need to cover it with scrapbook paper and then cut the piping to size. I’m hoping other person might be interested in doing that. 🙂 He didn’t complain at all when I was picking out connectors and actually carried out the very long pipe to the car and fit it inside. We only realized that it might not fit inside the car on the way out. Should have brought the truck. 🙂 I sure hope my idea for this tent works. I’ll have to get some photos so you can see the progress or failure as it may be. 🙂
    What a lovely fabric teaser. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I saw your comment about sliding down the stairs. I used to do that all the time. It’ also seemed to be the best choice when I had an armload of books. I never tried the bannister, but my friend did at her house and almost fell off. I decided then and there I never would attempt that.
      I hope your girls get their pool and tent wish.

      1. Ha ha, I can just see us together sliding down the stairs. 🙂 And the banister at my grandmother’s had a big decorative thing at the bottom handrail, so definitely wouldn’t want to slide into that. 🙂

    2. Hi Joy,
      I hope you don’t mind Lace having a similar set…she wanted it very much. Now your Twinkles can chat with their cousin online all the way in PA. :o)
      I hope you get the tent made before the cooler weather sets in… glad you might get some help with this project.
      No guesses on the fabric?
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Having difficulty seeing that fabric on a dolly, unless they are big or the fabric is actually small. If it is small scale, I would guess your Meadow girl Dumpling. If it is large, maybe you are making new curtains for the living room? Not that you need them. Speaking of which, did Rebecca ever allow a pic of her room? 🙂

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, oh please send Jeanne a photo of your little sweetie in the dress. Lace would like to meet her cousin. She would also love to see what her twin looks like.

      You (and your doll children) are so fortunate that you can sew. I have to shop for all of my doll clothing. My girls don’t mind, though, as they know that their Mama is all thumbs when it comes to sewing (laugh).

      1. I’ll see what I can do with a pic. But, kind of immersed in that tent project right now. Taking over the only dining table. Soon, I hope.

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what fun photos today.

    I love the doll house photos that Barbara shared. I am wondering if someone makes the furniture locally. I have been looking for 1/8 scale furniture. Doll house furniture is usually 1/12 scale and Barbie furniture is 1/6 scale.

    Joy’s My Meadows children are precious. I love their chubby knees. I love Sophie Mae’s expression.

    I am trying to guess what you might be creating. The design looks like it might be Pennsylvania Dutch.

    My little cutie Lace is a Lati Yellow Lea (Lati = company, Yellow = size (6 inches), Lea = the face sculpt). She is the same size as Pukifee and they wear the same clothing. She can also wear Yu Ping clothing.

    Lace is holding her teddy bear, Enrico. She loves her new dress from Auntie Jeanne and will not let me take it off of her. She is my newest doll and she seems to be getting all of the attention, which is not making her sisters very happy (laugh).

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I thought when I typed Minifee that that wasn’t right and even went back through some emails, but didn’t see who Lace was… now I know!! I love her eyes.
      I’m glad Lace likes her dress so much that she doesn’t want to take it off. I aim to please!

      Pennsylvania Dutch, eh?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I love the little articulated dolls! So adorable. I keep looking at them but haven’t clicked the buy button, yet.

    My guess for next dress is Felicity. 😊

    1. Oh Julia,
      I know how you feel about all the little articulated dolls out there..there are so many to choose from…I hope you give in one of these days…
      So you think it’s for Felicity? Nope…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What fun pictures. The dollhouses are really beautiful and so interesting. I had one of those metal dollhouses from the 60’s and I really loved playing with it. I don’t know what happened to it but years later I found an identical one at an antique store and bought it. It had all the furniture too.

    Joy’s little girls are so cute in their adorable swimwear outfits. I like the life ring Stella May is holding. Joy, you always enlighten us with your dollie pictures. They are so cute and so clever.

    Interesting material to leave as a hint, Jeanne. Mmmm?

    So glad you and your sisters had special time together with a lot of laughs and bonding.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I always have to stop and look closely at the dollhouses when I see one somewhere…I love looking at the details inside them.
      I love those little ruffly swimsuit too.

      So I’ve left you speechless as to my hint? You’ll see, hopefully tomorrow.
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Fun post today! Lace is just the cutest thing. I love her teddy, it’s almost as big as she is. Yes, the newest gets all the attention at first. I played fair in that, after my first one, I added my next four in six month increments. Even though she was an only for seven years, Samantha was beyond thrilled when felicity arrived.
    That dollhouse is lovely, Barbara. I love miniatures. Has anyone seen the video that features Queen Mary’s dollhouse? It is beyond amazing as everything is an exact replica of a real life item.
    Here’s a video of a doll museum I’ve been to a few times as it a short drive. It’s in the old rectory. It’s enjoyable to go there at Christmastime as they decorate the main street shops as we do. You can make a great day hitting our antique shops and little gift shops and then down there to those. There was even a doll store many years ago, but the owner retired.
    There’s also a cute shop that has tons of these for sale
    https://weeforestfolk.com/collections/summer most are only 2inches or less and you can stand for ages looking at them. Super expensive, but cute.
    Your dolls are just precious, Joy. I always enjoy the little scenes you set up for them. Some many ladies here have the sweetest set-ups Love Stella May’s life preserver.
    When I saw the material, my first thought was Felicity! Can’t wait to find out.

    1. Hi Laura,
      The newest girls always get the most attention at my house too! I think that must happen to everyone…
      I’ll have to watch your doll museum video…and your second link…
      Nope…the fabric isn’t for a dress for Felicity…but you’ll see it tomorrow…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. My brother-in-law made a doll house for his mother. It was three stories probably about 4 ft high and had electric light fittings. It was the most beautiful thing. My nephew’s partner makes miniature houses and shops that are incredibly detailed. She has a bakery, an antique store, a drapery, I think a greengrocer, a butcher that I remember. She makes everything herself. I would love to visit the place Barbara went to. I just loved Joy’s dolls they look so cute in their outfits. I think a pool might be on their wish list.
    I just finished making a ‘go to bed outfit for my OG doll, Amy. Pj’s, dressing gown, fluffy slippers and I bought a teddy for her to cuddle. I use a lot of my granddaughters old clothes, especially some of their favourites, Ashley (the youngest) loves them.
    I have no idea what the material will be used for but look forward to finding out.

    1. Hi Anne,
      I bet that 3 story dollhouse was really something to see. And I’ve seen some miniature dollhouse rooms for sale on Ebay that I’ve been tempted to buy and put together.

      I like to use clothes and take them apart to use them for doll clothing…
      Thanks Anne
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What neat pictures! I always like to see everyone’s dolls and how they have them dressed. That little green chair is cute too. The dollhouse is amazing. One of the hospitals in Corpus Christi used to have one on display, and it was so awesome. I haven’t been there since my grandson was born six years ago, so I don’t know if they still have it or not, but it was a nice diversion from the waiting room.

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      I’m glad you liked todays pictures..
      Doll pictures and doll houses are easy on the eyes!! I always have to look at the details in a dollhouse…
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

    2. Interesting about Corpus. My other person was born in Corpus Christi at the Naval hospital. He’s never been back after returning to CA at age two. Although, their first neighbor here was also from CC. What a coincidence.

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