This little hack saved my hubby some electrical grief

Thanks so much for all your kind comments yesterday. I enjoy reading what you say and sometimes ask, but lately have been reading them right before I crawl into bed, or read them IN bed.

Today was spent looking for and finishing up all the little details that will make my sewing room a “cut” above the rest…

I had 4 outlets in my room that had almond (actually icky yellowed almond) covers on them. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I have pushed my hubby to the limit, so I didn’t relish the idea of asking him if he could put in pretty white outlets.

So I took matters into my own hands. I just asked him if he had any white “covers” for the outlets. He said he did and brought them in to me. I very carefully painted just the outlet with a small paint brush in some bright white glossy paint I had. I let it dry and voila! No one will ever know… they look just like what they would have if my hubby had spent hours changing them.

You can see a little bit on this switch and the outlet how yellow they were before…

…and after I painted just the outlets and then put the covers on.

I primed the shelves of my new “cabinet/bookshelf” and have been letting them dry…

I found some trim yesterday to go along the shelves and around the edges. Tomorrow I hope to get this piece finished up. I’m really liking how functional this is going to be.

When the sun came shining in my room this morning, I could see quite a few places that needed to be touched up, so I did.

My dolls were moved off the dolly shelf to a shelf in my bedroom…

Ten Ping, Elin, Noel, Bailey and Navi are tucked away in a drawer below…

Then I took out quite a few of the drawers in my furniture pieces so I could move them around easier. I’ve been thinking all day how I’d like to arrange my room. I want to get it figured out ahead of time so I’m not dragging these pieces around on my new floor. Now is the time to experiment and see which way I like best. I’d like to eliminate a piece or two if I could to make it more spacious…but as I look at ALL the stuff that came out of there, I’m wondering how I’ll make it all work.

…and I just had to see what a piece of my white furniture was going to look like against my new walls.

Well, lots of other little details were tended to, but those were the biggies.

Also I just found out my sister, Deb, is coming here too! Oh boy, 3 sisters together equals a really fun weekend!!

See you tomorow,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “This little hack saved my hubby some electrical grief”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a nifty little trick to “change” your outlets and switches to white!! Much quicker, too!! Leave it to Jeanne to think of something like that!! 😉

    The cabinet/bookshelf is coming along nicely–one more coat of paint should do it there. And, yes, sunshine will definitely show you the places you missed!

    I’m glad that Ten Ping had some of her friends to play with, tucked away in that dark drawer!

    That white furniture looks lovely against the gray wall!! Can’t wait to see how your room all comes together!!

  2. What a wonderful “quick fix” you made there, Jeanne, with the outlets! Yes, that really does make a difference. It’s funny, how such a small thing is so noticeable , but when you do the finishing touches, no one notices a thing!

    Oh, I love how the white cabinet looks against the walls! So crisp and fresh looking! I think when all is said and done, you will wake up in the morning and won’t be able to wait to get to your new “workshop!

    This weekend is looking more and more fun for you!

  3. Your room is looking so fresh and pretty, Jeanne. What a wonderful idea to paint your outlets. I’m sure it wasn’t a quick fix but it was a wise fix.

    Enjoy your sisters this weekend. How glorious for you all to be together.


  4. Love your outlet and switch fix. Looks just like new. 🙂
    I would love to see how having that mystery door open looks before you cover it up again. I also like the looks of that one white dresser. Maybe that only on the long wall to be used for photography and one dark shelving unit between the door and the window for plastic storage boxes. With your “new” large shelving unit squared up in the old closet, there would be lots of new storage. Then, on that built in end unit maybe you can store your fabrics. The colorful display of fabric would be a nice accent as would your dolls on one shelf. I know you need storage, but the openness of the space will be amazing when the floor is down. Can some of those large furniture pieces fit up in the attic? So wish we had an attic here.
    Have a wonderful weekend with your sisters. Hope you have nice weather. We’re in for a heatwave.

  5. Good plan on the outlets. I’ve seen ones done with wallpaper or other designs even in a painted room.
    I saw Nora standing there in her pretty dress and bonnet. You better watch out, she’s wearing ti so long that she might thinks it’s hers to keep and you forgot.
    Have a wonderful time with your sisters.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, this is a quick note to let you know that the doll blogger at asked folks to list doll blog sites that they follow. I listed your site as one of my favorites.

    She wants to spread the word about doll bloggers so that doll lovers know about all of the awesome resources available to them.

    I hope you have a wonderful sister-ful weekend!

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      I ran across a site a few weeks ago and it was the top 100 doll blogs. I was scrolling down through it and saw “I” was number 33! I’ll have to check it again one of these days and see if I have moved up. Lots of the ones closer to the top had thousands of Facebook followers…I guess I need to work on that..

      Thanks for letting her know about my blog…I’ll have to check her out…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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