How I’m staying busy…

I think it’s safe to say just about everyone who reads my blog posts generally enjoys hearing what everyone else is doing! We do, don’t we? Most everyone who reads what I write about has dolls or is interested in sewing, so a lot of what they share has to do with that, but not every person is here for that. I do welcome you for whatever reason you read. I’m glad you’re here! Really, I am!

I’m blessed to have ladies and a few gentlemen from all over the world reading and I thought I might share a few things that everyone is doing to pass the time away as we all wait for this season of being cooped up in our homes to be over.
BUT… my computer won’t let me upload any pictures except mine… I had to even change my title to only reflect what “I” am doing… I’m so sorry… I had pictures from Joy and Jane and wanted to share them. I don’t know what the problem is but I’ve been waiting and waiting for things to upload and it’s like my computer is frozen. I’ve tried everything I know how to get the pictures on here, but it’s not going to happen tonight… so I guess I’m the only one who gets to share…I’ll keep trying and you will see their pictures… asap..

I’ll start:
I’ve been trying to do a few things everyday, that I probably wouldn’t have done if things weren’t the way they are.
I have gotten my spice cabinet cleaned out, my pantry cleaned out and organized, I ordered a knob for the heater/AC on my mom’s car that we were blessed with, Rebecca and I started cleaning out the attic, but we have reached a standstill…as the Goodwill and Thrift shop are closed so we can’t get all the boxes cleared out, we are getting ready to work in Rebecca’s room… we’re going to paint the ceiling, the walls, put in trim around her windows, hang new faux wood blinds and curtains, and put down a new floor, like what we have in the living room. We just picked up the flooring and the paint a few days ago. She is taking a week off work, beginning Monday, so we’re going to hit it hard and see if we can get it done in a week… it might be a week of just showing what we’re doing in there, but I’ll check in each day with something for you to see. *Just between you and me…* she asked today if I was going to use her room makeover in a blog post? “But of course,” I answered her!! I think she smiled…

My hubby wanted to buy a Red Maple tree in memory of my mom and plant it in our yard. (she had red hair when she was younger.) We got that done, along with a Ginko Biloba tree that someone gave my hubby for his birthday… we got that planted too…

That’s our neighbor’s house in the background. Our property line goes all the way over to where their treehouse slide comes down.

AND he bought a blue hydrangea for me and we planted it too… but only in a pot… it’s not in the ground yet…till it gets a little bigger.

My hubby brought home 25 windows that were taken out of one of the buildings at the church…they were in pretty poor condition, but instead of taking them to a burn pile, he thought we’d put them out by the road and see if anyone would take them first… We just did this yesterday… I kept 2 long ones and one short one… (you know, in case I need a new project to do!) :o)

Anyway, we put 22 of them out by a tree by the road and we weren’t even finished putting them out, when a lady stopped by and asked if we were “taking them all?” My hubby said, “We are putting them OUT!” So she parked her car and walked across the road and started looking at them… (kind of away from us…) so we gave her some space. She decided to take 5 and said she’d see if she could get her hubby to bring his truck back to get more… A few more people stopped by and got a few at a time…

When I got up this morning there were 8 windows left…and that same lady stopped by again and I saw she was trying to measure them by inching her fingers up the side. I took out a tape measure and handed it to her (kind of at a distance again) and waited for her to measure how tall they were. She was talking to a friend on her phone… I guess her friend liked the sizes so she took 3 more! and then there were 5…and then at 1:00 this afternoon the last 5 were taken. Way to go honey!! He was thrilled that he didn’t have to do much! I told Cindy what we were doing and she started sending me ALL these ideas of what you could do with old windows… I almost wished I had taken a few more… but I’m happy with the 3 I got…

Here are a few pictures of our escapade with them… I hope everyone who picked some up is enjoying them!

They were all around the tree when we first put them out there…

Cindy had lots of ideas…so here is a link with lots of them all in one place…

LOTS of ideas for old windows

Well, since I can’t upload any more pictures, I guess we’re done for today…sorry… but I hope you enjoyed what I shared… here in Southern Illinois!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “How I’m staying busy…”

  1. What a lovely thought to remember your mother with a beautiful red maple.
    The ginkgo will be bright yellow in autumn and with the maple’s extra red leaves your yard will be spectacular.
    Still on the plant theme, hydrangeas here are almost always blue, the pink ones usually need alkali ‘feeding’ to keep them pink or purple. If one wants bright blue a bit of iron around helps. Horse shoes (old) are safer than nails.
    How special that your children have the red hair gene just like your mother.
    Let us know when there are leaves on your ‘new’ trees.
    Kia Kaha (stay strong ) and Kia Ora (be well)

    1. Hi Jane,
      I’m glad you liked our tree choices…my mom would have liked it too…whenever we were out driving, she always loved looking for the bright red trees.

      I WILL keep you updated on the tree leaves!!
      Thsnks for the tips on the hydrangeas too. My hubby will get a kick out of the horse shoes!
      Thanks Jane
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I know what you mean–there comes a time when clearing out that you really Have to have some place to take those things!! I imagine once the thrift stores are opened again, they will be inundated with donations from those who spent time cleaning out while on “shelter in place” orders!!

    The trees will be a lovely addition to your yard, and a nice way to remember your mom, too.

    Well, everyone certainly had fun with those windows! Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall, and see what everyone was going to do with them?! I’m not at all clever with things like that, I’m afraid.

    I’m working on masks, and reading, and working on an embroidered piece I started probably when I was a newlywed (almost 46 years ago now!), and trying to keep my sanity! LOL It’s not that I’m normally out and about a whole lot anyway, but I chafe when the choice is taken away from me!!

    Now the burning question: will Rebecca’s room get completely made over in the week?!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Rebecca and I were just talking last night about how flooded the Goodwill is going to be when they DO open back up…
      It would be kind of fun to see what everyone is doing with their windows.
      I hope you can finally finish your embroidered piece during this time.
      Yes, the plan is to get Rebecca’s room finished in one week! I hope we make it.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. It was nice to see what you’ve been up to Jeanne! I too, have been cleaning out closets, rearranging the pantry, doing some window washing, cleaning up things in the yard to get ready for planting, etc. No exciting things like those windows or redoing a bedroom.

    That is such a sweet way to remember your mother by planting a Red Maple! There are several planted around here, and they are just gorgeous in the fall!

    I would love to find a window frame, minus the glass, of a certain size, for a price that is reasonable. All the stores where I happen to find them range in price from $50.00 on up. I know Hobby Lobby has them sometimes, but right now I’m not shopping there, even though it is open. I’m social distancing!

    Wow, that link you gave us to look at is quite something! Now, what are you going to do with yours? Would Rebecca use one for her new room? There is always that possibility! I love it when there is a wreath hanging in the front of them, and that’s what I have in mind, but I need to find one first!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Boy, everyone’s house should be sparkly clean when we get on the other side of this virus!! :o)

      We just heard this morning on the radio, that the first case of the virus at the hospital here in town, where Rebecca works, was from a 90 year old woman from Manor Court, where my mom used to be. :o(

      I haven’t figured out what to do with my windows yet…but that link with all those possibilities sure was fun to look through.
      Thanks Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. My first thought was the same as Cindy’s, shabby chic. Maybe ask Cindy next time before setting things out for free. My mind just started multiplying. Click on the link, Charlotte, to see an amazing array of ideals. Unbelievable. Maybe Rebecca will use some. What fun to be able to work together on her room.

    Love the idea of planting the tree. I have both a red Japanese maple and a Gingko tree in pots on the patio, just blooming and 🍁 leafing out. Love hearing about what you’re doing. I’ll be sewing a blouse for one DIL using a sheer fabric with a white bamboo pattern on it. She does beautiful Chinese brush paintings of bamboo.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I was actually texting Cindy as we were putting the windows out by the tree…you know what she said? “Fhose will be really desirable!” Guess she was right!!

      I’m looking forward to doing her room…
      because I want to do ours too…mine is painted a color called Brick Dust and even though my hubby loved it, and actually picked the color, it’s always been a bit too rosy for me.

      Have fun with your sewing! I’m helping my hubby cut window trim in a few minutes…
      My sewing will happen later today.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. When you mentioned old window frames, I almost gasped, Cindy! So many ways to use them. Thanks for the link.
    Love your tree choices. Red maple and ginkgo are great choices with their fall colors. Red and yellow. 🙂 I did see some of those dreaded liquid amber balls in the grass. We still have some coming off of the trees at my parents old place. Not a fan of those. Your yard looks lovely and those clumps of flowers coming up in the distance hint of a wonderful spring.
    I’m almost done with a little sewing project for the Dumplings. I have no idea how Jeanne can sew those tiny puffed sleeves and make her outfits look so polished. They are so hard for me.
    Love hearing about everyone’s projects during our home confinement. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      Aren’t there just a million ideas for old windows? I think they are from 1948…

      I’ve never heard them called liquid amber balls…just gum balls…off this huge Sweet Gum tree… I’m not a fan of them either…too much work raking them up each year!!

      Well I’m heading to a drive by birthday party for our Pastor…so I gotta go…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. The name of the sweet gum is actually Liquid Amber. It’s botanical name is similar. We have three left. Had two removed a few years ago. So wish other person would cave and get rid of the remaining ones too so we could change the landscaping. In the 60’s when my parents planted them, there weren’t a lot of other choices unlike now. So wish they had put in red maples instead of the silver maples. 🙂

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the window story. It is making me think about the adage, “when God closes a door, He opens a window.” Well, in this case, He “gave away” windows through you.

    It makes me feel like the door being closed represents being “sheltered at home” behind our doors and the windows represent giving hope to the people who took them plus giving them a project to occupy their minds and hands during this time.

    By the way, have you heard from Sarah and her family? I hope that they are alright.

    I have still been looking at dolls online. There are so many lovely ones.

    I decided that I am going to have a Jane Austen video marathon next week or maybe it will be a Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie) marathon.

    I look forward to seeing people’s photos when you are able to upload them.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I hope all those windows went to good homes! I’m sure they did! :o)
      And I really do wonder how many times Pinterest has been surfed today… everyone looking for the perfect idea for their “special” window? I bet lots!

      I haven’t heard from Sarah and mom and dad for a while. Alba’s mom has been fighting stomach cancer so she has been tied up with things for her.

      Oh, if I lived closer, I’d watch the Jane Austen videos together…then we could discuss my next dress! :o)

      As soon as I get these comments finished, I’m going to try again… let’s hope it works this time.
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        And if *I* were closer, it would be the Agatha Christie movies I’d want!! LOL I actually own all the Miss Marple (as played by Joan Hickson) ones. Among my favorites!!

  7. What a beautiful idea to plant a memory tree. for your mom. The ginkgo will be a neat addition. There are quite a few of those at the university here.
    It was much better that your hubby put those windows out for takers- true Depression era mentality at work. *smile* I’ll bet you’l end up using at least one as a doll backdrop.
    My grandparents always found ingenious uses for things. My grandfather built a wonderful greenhouse on the side of their home from scrap materials. I love
    Architectural Salvage and would love to find some for free sometime.
    Can’t wait to see Rebecca’s Room Re- do and how you accomplish it in a week. No longer getting things I wished to accomplish done. My daughter’s anxiety has really ramped up again and and pulling things out and cats bouncing around isn’t helping. I’m working on what I can in an isolated room while my mom works on other things., but thinking I’ll just enjoy some free time with my kitties and watching the latest seasons of “When Calls the Heart” and “Call the Midwife” online.
    I’m surprised that Hobby Lobby stayed open. Our Michael’s and JoAnn’s were told to close and did (Joann’s was allowed curbside for mask supplies for a bit), but Hobby Lobby defied our governors orders and reopened. Their manager even said to make every effort to have employees work. I didn’t think that showed concern for people’s safety They were sent a cease and desist letter before they complied.

    1. HI Laura,
      The Ginko tree is an ornamental one, so I think it’s on the smaller size… I can’t wait to see the leaves. I’m not familiar with it, that I can remember.
      I LOVE architectural salvage too…there is a show on TV that has just started being broadcast here. It’s from Canada and features design expert Sarah Richardson. Cindy knew of her, but I hadn’t heard of her. I LOVE it when she goes shopping in those old buildings looking for things from past times. Her show is called Design, Inc and one called Room Service and one more called Sarah 101. I’m learning things from Sarah! :o)

      I did see that some Hobby Lobby stores were open but I haven’t been to town to see if ours is open or not. Maybe they figured it was a way to keep people busy at home… a project of some kind… not sure…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I love the idea of the tree in your mother’s memory. How sweet of your husband.
    It sounds like you have lots in store for this coming week. I love those type of tasks you have planned.

    I’m not sure we’ll get to go home at the end of April. We will have to see. We are safe and occasional take our poodles out for drives. Today we drove around the shore in San Diego looking at all the huge ships.
    Not doing much at home, read a lot, and doing a few chores and watching various TV series.
    Everyone stay safe!

    1. HI Paula,
      I’m getting kind of excited about Rebecca’s room too… She is off tomorrow, so she’s already started moving things out into our sitting room. My hubby and I cut the trim pieces for the inside of her windows today and I primed them.. I’m hoping we can really make a dent in all that has to be done and get it finished…that’s the goal, at least!

      I hope you make it home, if that’s what you want… but it sounds like where you are is nice and peaceful. Enjoy it! You’ll have to share with us, what series you like to watch! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. FOA Schwartz sent me an email for 25% off. I looked for fashion friends but all they had was the unicorn pj set.

    I’m not doing much of anything different while self isolating. I’m continuing to re-make my wardrobe boho, lagenlook. I’ve made 2 dresses out of fitted sheets. Some pinafores from tablecloths, dungarees from curtains, a white petticoat from sheets and eyelet trim in my stash. Have enough stash to make a black one. Altered a pair of bootcut jeans to bell bottoms. I’m getting in touch with my inner hippie. Using stash exclusively as there can be no more trips to thrift stores.

    1. HI Julia,
      Were you hoping to get a Fashion Friends doll? Which one, if so?
      Wow! You sound like “Super Sewer” to me… you have gotten a LOT accomplished! I loved your line, “I’m getting in touch with my inner hippie!”
      I miss going to the thrift store and Goodwill… I miss shopping for things for my dolls and for “me” too! :o) Oh well, back to organizing and thinning out what I have!
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. The tree planting is such a great idea! Your choices are right on too. Hydrangeas are so beautiful…you can use then fresh or dried..maybe even as a background for your photos!
    I wish there had been red hair in my kids…my Grandma had red hair and so did 2 of hubby’s siblings….😟😟
    Lowe’s had a great buy on mulch so g-kids took the pick up and got 25 bags…it will get the spring work done nice and early..maybe next week! We weeded every day for awhile this week.We had to promise to stay inside and we sent them with gloves and masks😉
    That darn Creeping Charlie must have spent the whole winter creeping through the fence!
    I’ve been cleaning places too…. our bathroom closet goes up to 8 ft and I can barely see what is on the edge of the top shelf let alone what is way in back. We bought this house after my Mom passed in 1990. When we moved in it had all her things…and my siblings and step fathers kids and g-kids all came through and took what they wanted. So this week when I got a ladder to get to the back and top shelves to clean there were lots of surprises. My Mom’s vases…Vick’s vapo rub, finger towels, ace bandages and even ear drops of my sons from 1977! Dinner has been fun since we also cleaned out the freezer. There will be lots of dieting later this year😉 Enjoy what you can and hope you all keep well!😍

    1. HI Kathie,
      I have ALWAYS loved the blue hydrangeas and finally got my very own… in that pot… but soon it will be outside. :o)

      How interesting with the surprise “finds” up in the closet. I love a good treasure hunt and it sounds like you had one! :o)
      We have been using up what we have in our little chest freezer and as soon as it’s empty, I’m going to defrost it.
      Lots of things to do and I’m actually enjoying it… just miss seeing friends and being close to them. It even seems like in the grocery store, nobody even wants to make eye contact!
      Oh well, I have all you ladies to smile back at me!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. You’ll laugh, but our neighbor just bought a fixer house around the corner and as they were getting ready to demo some cabinets, on the top shelf they found a roll of toilet paper! Yay. Rather scarce around here. And a 20 dollar bill! Even better. They were thrilled. 🙂

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