From Crocheting to Compliments & Face masks to Fawns…

As I looked at my phone Sunday morning, I saw a few of you had sent emails letting me know my blog couldn’t be reached because a notice said my Account had been Suspended! What? Surely it must be THEIR computers and not mine…but it wasn’t…
“I” tried to get on and had a message saying I had 21 days to renew my website or it would be permanently suspended and everything would be lost. Yikes! That was pretty scary for me!

So I went to my desktop computer and found a previous email fom the hosting service I use for my website/blog. I saw where my renewal notice for my blog had come up and it showed everything was complete…but then I saw a little bitty confirm “here” in blue at the bottom of the page and realized I hadn’t clicked it, so my hosting service never had been paid for. When I clicked for my payment to be confirmed, it said everything was complete and a few minutes later everything was back the way it was supposed to be. Like I’ve said so many times before…the technical side of my blog is not my strongest area. But everything should be okay for the next year…and then we’ll see if I remember to click that little “confirm” button!

I received the most wonderful message today, from Carol… one of my subscribers… She absolutely made my day, practically before it even started…
“Hello! I have watched your creations for years, and marveled at their detail and their beauty. Your dresses for Addy changed my entire view of the doll herself: I had never thought her even pretty before…and your dresses made me realize how beautiful she was. I have since added an Addy to my collection, all because of you.”

I LOVE to inspire others to collect dolls and sew for them. Thank you Carol!

So what did you do over the weekend?

I made 2 more masks for Rebecca… but you should see my sewing room. My fabric cabinet is turned upside down… Rebecca dug and dug and the deeper she got, the messier it looked. I’m not sure she knew what she was looking for, but she found a blue piece of batik and a novelty doggie print knit I had made her a headband out of, and we started with those.

I didn’t get any pictures of them on, and the blue one, I never got a picture of completed, but maybe you can tell from the wrong side what it’s going to look like.

It seems I’m not the only one making masks… Susette has been VERY busy and her masks have some of the cutest and prettiest prints. (Rebecca needs to go look through HER stash!) The last email I received from Susette, she had 72 masks cut out and ready for sewing! I’m clapping for Susette!

These were Susette’s directions…

Use 100% cotton fabric which needs to be washed before cutting out. The pattern is 8-1/2” across the top and 9-1/2” high. Turn under the top edges on both the patterned and lining fabric and stitch. Place the lining piece ever so slightly down from the edge of the top so it won’t show when the mask is worn.
Stitch around three sides to make a pocket, then use pinking shears or regular scissors to trim to 1/4” to 3/8” from the edge. Turn the edge under and stitch.
This looks difficult but isn’t. Measurements are not exact and you’ll get a feel for it. The exact measurements from the top down for the pleating are:


Mark these on the pattern going from the 8-1/2” top opening to the bottom. As mentioned, you’ll get a feel for it and use one you’ve already done as a rough guide.

Stitch both sides to keep the pleats in place. Press and attach the 8” elastic for women’s masks and 8-1/2” for men’s by making a little square of stitches on the corners of the masks.

One of my readers, Linda Gronval, sent this picture to me…I love it! She said, “Since I’ve been making face masks for adults, the girls thought they should have some too. Vintage Nurse Sue is ready to give the COVID-19 test to Samantha.” Smiles!

Kathie sent this picture and these comments… “Here is the mask made from the Shelley Thornton website She had 3 pattern pieces but I just used the outside piece, flannel as the middle layer and another piece of cotton for lining. I used 5.5 inches of 1/4 elastic on each side. It has a half of a pipe cleaner zigzagged to the quarter inch seam that goes over the nose. I liked it cause it didn’t gap on the sides. It can be washed or thrown in the dryer with a wet towel on high for 15 minutes. Someone said 2 minutes in the microwave worked but not when you have the pipe cleaner sewn in…ask me how I know!” :o(

Mary C. commented that she has made over 300 masks and was tired from making so many. I bet she is!! I wanted to give her a big virtual hug… thanks for what you’ve been doing.

Joy sent this sweet picture of a baby fawn that was nestled by her bushes and the mother was in the neighbor’s yard, a few houses away. :o)

Linda had a few people ask about the white eyelet dress Susan was wearing…Maybe so they could copy the idea for a dress for their dolls. So she sent some close up pictures for them to see… LOVELY, isn’t it?
Linda said, “It looks like the sewer took a piece of the eyelet part from the bottom and turned it upside down and put it over the bodice, which is completely lined. I didn’t take a picture of the back, because it is just plain white material and snaps closed. The eyelet is only on the front of the bodice. I hope that explains it!!”

Julia has been busy making Kennedy and Bethany some crocheted pretties! This is what she said about her girls… “My two almost twins McKenna and Elizabeth are renamed Kennedy and Bethany when they are doing some almost twinning. I made Kennedy’s crocheted beret and poncho. Bethany’s knit sweater and beret I bought on eBay a long time ago. I thought the 2 sets worked well for almost twins.” Sweet and warm for this crazy cooler weather we’ve been having!

Sissy sent some pictures of her girls in their Easter dresses, but we don’t care that Easter was last week, do we?

The smaller Meadow dolls are Giggi and Patti and the larger one are of 18″ Bailey.

Cindy, my sister, out in PA, has been busy painting a few rooms in her house since she’s been cooped up. This is her foyer and stairway painted in Agreeable Gray, like Rebecca’s room. She painted the white on her stairs again too… Isn’t it BEAUTIFUL?

…and I found some more lilacs from my neighbor, on my back porch this morning. I’m loving them!

I hope I didn’t miss anyone…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “From Crocheting to Compliments & Face masks to Fawns…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, no wonder!! I was wondering what had happened, Jeanne. Of course, *I* always assume it’s my computer, as it has been known to do peculiar things at times (I don’t suppose anyone else’s does…?). I’ve noticed sometimes on surveys and things, the “next” or “submit” or “confirm” button is Wa-a-ay down at the bottom of the page, and you have to go looking for it. Why can’t they just put it right after the last item you filled in?!

    Looks like I’m not the only one making masks. I’ve only done a couple dozen–enough for family and friends, and a few to give to the mail man, the guy in the meat dept., etc. that might need one. I get bored easily, so I’ve tried different “patterns”, different ways of holding them on (elastic loops, ties, drawstrings), pleated or not, shaped or not. The shaped ones are faster to sew; the rectangular/pleated ones are faster to cut (rotary). I’m not quite as precise in my pleating as Susette is, though!

    What a cute idea, Linda Grovnal, to make masks for your dolls! You even have a nurse doll! I would have loved one of those when I was a little girl–although I do remember I had a nurse kit back then, and had such fun with it.

    What a lovely picture of that fawn, Joy! Such a special treat to find one in your bushes!

    Thanks for the close-up pics of the white eyelet dress, Linda! I can tell you, that was probably fairly expensive fabric, because the embroidery is so crisp and bright, and it seems to have been done with rayon thread, rather than cotton. (Rayon thread has that distinctive sheen.)

    Julia, your almost twins are lovely, and do really look like twins! Sometimes twins dress alike, but not always; I like their look because they have similar pink accessories and yet different styles of outfits.

    Sissy, your dolls and their dresses are, as always, adorable. I think my favorite is the lavender gingham, but I do love the yellow one below it. And….I have that handkerchief (pinafore), but in peach, in my hankie drawer! Actually I have, I think, 3 of the white-on-….hankies in different colors. Pink, peach and I can’t remember the third. Different prints, too.

    Cindy, your foyer and entry look lovely! I really need to do some painting around here, too, but do I really want to get on a ladder again….

    JEALOUS!!!! My lilacs aren’t blooming yet, but they are “purpling up”, as I call it–that is, the buds are getting dark purple. That means in a week or so I should have some blossoms, too.

    In the meantime, 8 of the 9 buds on my orchid (a Mother’s Day gift several years ago) are open.

    1. Thank you, Charlotte! Those hankies are getting hard to find, especially with the small design. That was my last one with the Lily of the Valley design. Wish I could find more.

    2. Thank you Charlotte,
      If I could send you a whiff of my lilacs sitting on the table, I would!
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing all the various pictures today…lots going on everywhere, isn’t there?
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Boy, Jeanne, that bright red screen I got when I looked for your website yesterday scared me out of my wits!!! My iPad didn’t have the same red screen, but still…….glad you “fixed” it!

    Oh my goodness, all the masks getting made nowadays! I don’t have what it takes to make some, although I guess I could. First, I have no material stash, except for a few, and I mean a few, pieces of material. I haven’t done much sewing in the last 40 years or so, and I’m not about to go out hunting for material now! Then, the mess it makes on the kitchen table, where we eat! I would have to clear it off daily! So no mask making for me, but I am so in awe of all those who do.

    Love that nurse doll, Linda G.! She would fit right in with my 40’s girls!!

    Joy, what a sweet little fawn! I love seeing wildlife like that…………but those adults sure like my lilies!!

    Julia, love the crocheting, and your dolls look darling! But you know what? I also love the background you have for them! Fancy!

    Those Meadows dolls are so sweet in their Easter finery! I especially love the hankie aprons! They just say “sweet little girls” to me!

    Cindy’s hall looks lovely! What color did she have their before? And now to think, she is taking decorating cues from you, Jeanne!

    Lovely lilacs, what more can I say?

    1. Thank you, Linda D. I was inspired for the pinafores by the ones my great aunt made for me when i was little.

    2. Hi Linda,
      That message on my screen alarmed me too! To think if I missed a deadline, my blog would be toast! Yikes…I hope I never see that again!!

      I’m not making many masks right now…just what and when Rebecca needs another one, but, I too, admire all those who ARE making them.
      I think Cindy’s foyer was called Federal Blue but I’m not positive. I’ll have to see if I can find a picture…
      This bunch of lilacs has 3 different colors and varieties and it makes such a pretty bouquet…they smell so nice!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. I looked at a lot of lace today, and still haven’t seen anything as nice as the lace on this dress. It is so special. I’m thinking every doll needs a nice white dress. 🙂 Hope my group doesn’t see the dress, or I’m in hot water. 🙂

  3. First, I second everything Linda said about all of the pictures in this post. Masks, darling dolls and crocheted accessories, paint colors and even a baby deer🦌! So glad the problem was not having your website hacked which was my first thought.

    The masks are so easy to make, just time-consuming. But they are awaiting elastic from China, the only place in the world where it’s made anymore! I wouldn’t be making them had I not started following Jeanne’s blog after my granddaughter was born. Like Linda, I hadn’t sewn in 40 years.. All the prints are from things I’ve made for Riya and Krish or I wouldn’t have had a stash. A filter can be placed in the mask pocket when it’s extended for extra protection. Gotta sew what little elastic I have so I can get some off in the mail today. I’ll put a channel in the top for a removable piece of wire when/if I make more. Thanks for the wonderful post today

    1. Susette, I learned that has 3/8 elastic that can be cut into 8ths without raveling. They are from SC. You might try there.

    2. Hi Susette,
      Aren’t you glad you saved all those scraps from sewing things for your grandkids? Small scraps equal big results!
      Rebecca suggested using pony tail hair ties…that’s what I used on 2 of her masks…just cut them so each one is a long piece instead of a circle. They worked great….and they are softer too.
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Susette, really appreciate all of the measurements for the mask. The one I made was very similar, but something just didn’t turn out right. I must not have a normal face as it just would not fit. Anyway, your masks are wonderful. My favorite is that teal flowered one. 🙂

  4. I love all the mask designs and the choice of fabrics. I have been making headbands with buttons on for the staff at the care home where my grand daughter works. Wearing masks all day for a 12 hour shift was giving them sores behind their ears. Here are the directions if you know anyone who could use one.

    You will need a piece of knit fabric ( t shirt or leggings type works fine) 20″ long by 5″wide with the most stretch in the length. Fold the fabric in half right sides together along the length and stitch from about one and a half inches from the top to about the same at the bottom it’s not critical but any less than one and a half inches makes the next step more difficult. I use an overlocker but any stretch stitch on a sewing machine will work fine. Turn the tube right sides out and make into a circle by joining the two open ends stitching right sides together it’s a bit fiddly but it’s the only bit that is. Close the gap that is left either by hand or on the machine. Measure 3″ from each side of the back seam and attach a button ( 2cm buttons are about the right size) each side this seems to be the best site. Then put on the headband and hook the mask elastic over the button instead of your ears. Hope someone finds this useful

    1. Hi Lorna,
      I love your idea of making a headband and then attaching the mask to it with a button…very clever! Very good directions too!
      Did you think of this yourself? You should put some pictures of it on Pinterest…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Glad your blog has returned with no hitches.
    Love the dog print mask for Rebecca. I’m sure it will be a hit at work.
    So many fun things to see today that I will have to comment later on.
    Thanks Jeanne for all the great photos.

    1. Hi Joy,
      Rebecca wore the blue mask yesterday and today and tomorrow she’s off, so maybe she’ll wear that doggie mask Wednesday…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I saw that come up yesterday as well when I went to read the rest of Saturday’s comment after our church service. I thought something was up again with my computer. So glad you fixed it.
    Aww, Joy, your baby fawn is just absolutely precious Lucky you to have such a treat. I’ve seen deer eating corn in the field behind the houses one street over. I’m so glad they are safe there as a more main road is far away. A friend of mine lives a couple more miles away and she has deer in her back woods. We live at the very far northwest corner of my town right before the country farmlands begin.
    That eyelet dress is just lovely, Linda, and I love all your girls in hats and gloves. I love hats and gloves and wish they would come back as I missed them the first time around.
    Julia, I love your crocheted pretties. Bethany’s sweater is gorgeous.
    Sissy, your girls are darling in their Easter dresses and with their cuddly fuzzies. The hand puppets are so cute. Did you get them off of Wren Feathers? I saw them there, but didn’t have any correct color felt… saving for next year.
    Now the doggies face mask is much cuter.
    Cindy’s staircase is so pretty. I like the scallop like design at the side. Interesting detail.
    Linda Gronval’s nurse doll and Samantha display is cute.
    Great job everyone who is sewing masks.

    1. Thank you, Laura, as for the puppets, I had them so long I don’t know where I got them, I didn’t make them.

    2. Hi Laura,
      We live outside of the city limits so we see little baby fawns a lot… they are so cute and that one snuggled up in Joy’s bushes, looks so sweet with not a care in the world.
      It seems like everyone is staying busy, and whether it’s sewing or painting or taking pictures of baby deer, we all enjoy seeing what each other is doing…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Laura, we have a lot more deer in town since the big fires two years ago. Guess they have found that eating local cuisine is to their liking. We have nothing much out in front like roses which they love. Some violet patches and sour grass and weedy lawn grass which seems to be enough. Every house has something of their liking. A neighbor once told me, if it is in the yard, and you can see it, the deer don’t like it. 🙂

  7. It’s wonderful to see all of these masks being made. Several of you have made so many. Who would have thought there would be a need for masks this year? This will be a year to remember.
    I enjoyed everyone’s pictures. The white dress Linda’s doll Susan is wearing is so pretty. And Julia’s little crocheted outer garments for her girls are darling. All the dollies and their outfits are so cute.
    Love Cindy’s painting in her foyer. Love that color with the white trim!
    And Joy, if that baby deer isn’t precious, I don’t know what is!!! Isn’t it amazing that mama deer is content meandering in the neighborhood while her baby knows to rest in the safety of the bushes! An Animal’s instinct amaze me. That baby deer is just too cute.
    Thank you Jeanne for sharing all the pictures!

    1. Hi Paula,
      This certainly will be a year to remember…I think I feel the most sorry for those who had weddings planned and had to either postpone them or get married in a small ceremony and have a reception later on. I know of 2 young girls who are wondering about theirs…one is in July and the other is in August. I don’t know how they are even planning anything right now.
      I’m glad you enjoyed all the pictures, Paula.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Linda, the close up of the white dress is even more beautiful than I thought! I have some very special fabric that I could use if there is enough. And then I need to be brave enough to cut it. If you noticed, under her poncho, Kennedy is wearing a cotton eyelet dress. I just can’t get enough of it. My fancy background is one from AG some years ago.

    I have made a few masks for family. Locally there hasn’t been any requests that I’ve seen. I don’t have any interfacing so I made them without.

    A doll dress with a hankie pinafore is so special! All the dolls looked adorably pretty. That fawn was just plain adorable!

    1. HI Julia,
      There is nothing quite as pretty as a white eyelet dress… fancy or even casual, it’s the perfect fabric! I hope the eyelet you have works for a dress for one of your dolls. I did notice your background but didn’t know it was AG… pretty! :o)

      I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures today… is your snow all melted? I hope so… It REALLY is time for Spring!
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Thank you Julia, for the compliments, plus everyone else! I hope you get to make a pretty eyelet dress with your material. Yes, I see that Kennedy is wearing an eyelet dress! So pretty!

  10. Oh what fun to see everyone’s pictures. That Agreeable Grey is one lovely color. The dolls are are all lovely and the close ups of the eyelet dress are great. Thank you everyone!
    Glad you were able to get your blog back on track Jeanne. Nothing is more frustrating than computer issues I told my daughter-in-law she was famous now wearing her mask🤪🤪
    Be sure and go outside if you can…gotta love fresh air!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Yes, Agreeable Gray is VERY agreeable with most everyone who gives it a try! :o)
      I hope it was okay that I put your DIL’s picture on here… although it’s not a full face picture, so she’s pretty safe, I think! :o)
      I was outside today… my hubby planted my Hydrangea… it was finally big enough to survive in the big container instead of being in a pot inside.
      I hope YOUR snow has all melted…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Got a laugh from Kathie and her pipe cleaner and the microwave comment. I used a metal strip from a mask that was so old (had been in the garage forever) for the nose piece. That part worked for me, but not the sides that wouldn’t fit at all. I took the whole thing apart last night and it will now become a dolly something. 🙂

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