Cyber Monday & the dress has 2 sleeves!!!

Where did my weekend go? I don’t know, but I sure didn’t act like a seamstress. Actually I did some sewing…alterations for Rebecca…

Did YOU do any sewing? I hear there was a HUGE rush on socks at the Dollar stores!! Anyone whip up a pair or two of those tights that Kathie showed us how to make?

Here is my tiny contribution to those of you who sewed….I managed to get the second sleeve in my velvet dress… OH…and I sewed up the side seams and hand stitched everything under the sleeves to hold it all in place.

Who likes to do a little Cyber Monday shopping? I usually don’t and I don’t plan on any today, but I’ll give someone on here the chance to do some if they want.

Patsy’s/Bailey’s dress didn’t sell the other night so I’m offering it to the first person on my blog who lets me know they’d like it.
I have lowered the price to $55 and that includes FREE shipping. (But doesn’t include my dolls…) Maybe someone needs it for their doll? You can either hit the “Contact Me” tab at the top, or leave a comment down below.

Here are a few reminders of what it looks like.

I sure hope my day involves some sewing!! I bet you do too!!!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Cyber Monday & the dress has 2 sleeves!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh, that velvet dress is looking Gorgeous!! I am really liking how that lace worked with that velvet. So pretty!!

    I have to tell you, though, I was digging in my box of “pretties” and found some of that snowflake lace, rather like what you used in the original version of the velvet dress! Only thing was, the background was a very pale blue.

    I went to JoAnn’s yesterday, and, in addition to the Pellon products I’ll need for my next bag, I found a purple cotton sateen (lovely stuff–fine weave, softly-shiny luster, weight about like taffeta but not quite so crisp) that will go well under either of my chosen fabrics that I’m considering using for the swap. Now I have to decide which one to use! Won’t say any more here as I know at least two of us are participating in the swap.

    And….<>….Bella is finally out of her box!! Yay!! Now I can sew for her, too! Well, after I get a few other things made/finished!

    1. Hi Charlotte
      Oooo…your light blue snowflake lace like fabric sounds so pretty…I bet one of your girls has her eyes on it!!!
      We want to see your swap set after your swap partner has seen it!
      I’m so happy Bella has escaped her box!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I’ll be sure to send photos, Jeanne! It’ll be after the first of the year, I think, as we have until Jan. 3rd to post photos of what we received. But I always take pictures of what I’ve made before I send them off, so I will be sure to send you a copy.

        Yes, Bella is happy. I do believe she is starting to explore my extensive fabric collection, trying to decide what she wants first! LOL

  2. Oh my goodness, that dress looks just like the original, if I do say so myself! it certainly is getting there! You will be finishing it up in no time, Jeanne!

    Oh, Patsy’s dress is just darling, and much as I would like to have it, I have no dolls to put it on!

    I did get a head start on my decorating, but alas, no shopping done yet! I am hoping to get on the ball and do that this week, hopefully. The wind yesterday and Saturday was terrible, and no one was able to put up decorations outside, and still have it standing or hanging! Does George put up lights? We have some pretty stars that hang from the front porch, but it is impossible to get them up in this wind. Hopefully, that will end soon.

    1. Hi Linda,
      I am home alone so I’m hoping to work on the velvet dress!!
      It was just spitting snow here so I’m staying inside…
      We don’t put up any lights outside…sometimes I put lights up in my windows..
      It sure does seem like Christmas has arrived quickly this year…I’m trying to manage my time as best I can.
      I did turn down a major bridesmaid alterations job…so that freed up some extra time.
      Thanks Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. It’s beautiful and all but indistinguishable from the original. Congratulations on a job just about well done. I wonder how many people have that kind of doll whose clothes don’t sell right away compared to American Girl doll clothes. Maybe a survey would be an idea in the future for business purposes. The Black Beauty should go very quickly.

    I think I may have a clue as to why some of the FF dolls like Bella have a rather loose left arm. The dolls were packed with the left arm sticking straight up. If they were packed soon after coming off an assembly line, the elastic material that secured the joint may still have been a bit warm and subject to stretching. I wonder what Kathie might think of this theory since she does hospital work on dolls. My Bella’s left arm is fortunately on slightly affected but enough to give me that idea.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Thank you for thinking the dress looks pretty close to the original. I was hoping for that…

      I have been debating about selling my Trixie Tonner doll for some time now and was tossing around the idea of selling her along with this Christmas dress… it might sell then…

      You might be onto something with what’s going on with Bella’s arms… you really might be right!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. No cyber Monday shopping for me. I got an email from Lion Brand yarns about their sale but nothing I’m interested in. I used to shop American Girl on this day. I don’t think they are doing those sales this year.

    No sewing for me. I was sorting my Christmas decorations. I have dated my boxes and some have not seen the light of day since 1999! I put all of my son’s ornaments in one box so he can have them when he’s ready. He does decorate but his version includes a car grill, a tailgate from a NASCAR truck, and a set of headlights. Then he drapes some colored lights over all that and calls it done. He also has a disco ball of colored lights he can turn on for added atmosphere! 😆 except for the string of lights, everything else is year around. 😄

    The black velvet is going to be a knockout dress when it’s done. 💖

    1. Hi Julia,
      So far I’ve resisted getting on the computer and looking at anything. I hope my willpower stays strong…
      Your son’s decorating ideas might be on par with my son’s.. :o)
      I hope to get on that dress in just a bit…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. The dress looks lovely. I’m sure it will be a popular item.
    I just tested both Hanna and Sara’s arms and they seem fine but then, they are still in their original clothing. Hoping mine escaped the floppy arm syndrome. I wonder if sending an email to FF would get them to change the packaging? I didn’t notice that when they arrived. Guess I was too excited to get them out of their restraints. Thanks Susette. I’m going to check them out closer later.
    Love the decorating that Julia’s son does. A few years ago, we tied a red ribbon on the top of the ladder I had been using to paint the living room and put the grands presents under it. Very easy putting away the decorations that year. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I should do the same with our ladder… maybe I’d get the hint that those cabinets aren’t going to paint themselves!!
      Thanks Joy!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. It was 62 degrees in the house when I woke up. We like it cold to sleep. I’m sitting here in my warm jammies waiting for the house to warm up so I can get dressed and started on my day. I decided to do this while I wait.

    I love that velvet dress. Can’t wait to bid.

    Susette’s idea about Bella’s arm definitely rings true. I got brave the other day and decided to rotate her arm. I tried to the front but it was actually too tight so I went the other way and it seemed to firm it up and I could still move her arm out from the shoulder. Rotated the other way I couldn’t. I know nothing about the making of dolls so I had no clue what I was doing but if I couldn’t get her arm to sit right I would have to exchange her so I went for broke. She’s happier now that she’s not suffering from a dislocated shoulder.

    I’m hoping to get my son here tomorrow to help with some Christmas decorating. Oh to be young again. The things my husband and I used to do are now better suited to our son. We have a pre-lit tree that is pretty heavy. I’ll have my son help me bring it in from the garage and put it up. I always worry I’m going to get my hand caught in it when the branches drop down. Then he’ll help with our outdoor lights and setting up some of my blow-ups. It kills my back to do that anymore because it involves a lot of bending. I’m not doing all of them because we have so many windy fronts at this time of year and I spend too much time messing with them or unplugging them so they don’t inflate. The things we do for our grandkids. We bought these during the years they lived next door. By the time they wear out the grandkids will be older and they most likely (hopefully) won’t miss them. They are 9 and almost 8 (12/31) and seem to like them more now than when they smaller.

    After doing some vacuuming, today is definitely a sewing day around here. I need to get Gracie’s dress finished. Maybe I should say started because sewing hasn’t been on my agenda the past few days and I’m running out of time. Once I get started I’ll make time to finish it, but sometimes getting started on a project takes longer than it should. This dress in particular because it took a lot of planning and re-planning.

    Julia’s comment on her son’s Christmas decoration was a hoot. It reminded me of when I was a kid in Bethlehem, PA (great place to live during the Christmas season). Every year our parents drove us around town to see the Christmas decorations. There was this one house that had a piece of driftwood sitting in their front yard. Every year they would decorate it for Christmas. We all thought that was hilarious and made sure to check it out each year. Sort of became another Christmas tradition.

    I’m mulling over the Patsy/Bailey dress. Or in my case it would be a Sofie/Lolla dress. My dilemma is that both of those dolls were at the top of the Christmas dress list this year and have new frocks for the holidays. Lissy is the right size but more slender. Thinking.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I like it cool when I sleep too.

      I’m glad Bella’s arm is better and you don’t have to return her…I bet she’s glad too!!

      Maybe we’ll be sewing at the same time today… I can only hope so…
      Happy sewing or decorating…whatever you get to…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. No wonder that dress has become a favorite
    Not sure if the sleeves or the square neck is my favorite. The combo of the style and the fabrics make a winning combination for sure.
    Happy Monday and Enjoy your day alone 😉

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I DID enjoy my day and just might be able to get it all finished…I’m sure hoping so!
      Thank you for your sweet compliments on the dress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Elizabeth’s dress is coming right along. It will look very pretty and elegant.
    I typically don’t do any Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping unless it’s already something I’m looking for and can take advantage of a sale. I definitely don’t drive the hour plus to the next town to go to the large mall. We don’t have a mall and that’s fine with me. The closest is a Kohl’s about 20 minutes away, everything else is small private owned downtown shops. We did lose our pat Catan’s craft store. I thought they would be here yet with Christmas items, but no.
    I did begin my Christmas decorating., got the candle lights in the windows and the small porch tree up with the lights on. I still have to hang the unbreakable ornaments on it, maybe tomorrow.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Congratulations on getting your decorating started…
      I too survived not buying anything on Cyber Monday…congrats to both of us!!
      Well I better get back to my doll dress…
      Thank you Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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