Today was a “Go for the Gold” day for me…

Did you ever get so far behind on things that you didn’t feel like you would ever get caught up? That’s me right now… I’m already behind on things… (I’m blaming it on my eyes…and I have another eye appointment Wednesday!) :o) It’s probably just poor time management though! :o(
I have 2 different Thanksgiving dinners I’m working on, then I am helping with our church Staff Christmas party/dinner a few days after that, I have the Married Couple’s Christmas party to plan and then our Christmas. I told Bithar I wanted to help her organize and redo her tiny kitchen, (and that was back in August!) EEP! See what I mean? Behind…behind…behind!

So another day went by without me answering your comments. Sorry about that. Susette… I did get your pictures and will show them. Joy, I couldn’t open up the Youtube or was it Facebook video you sent… (from Kalypso?)

BUT… I had to go to town to mail something so I went to Hobby Lobby and struck out on what I was looking for. Next I headed to Joann’s and they only had ONE thing that would work… I had to get it, but it wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for. I thought I had seen something I could use, but guess it was in my dreams! :o)

I wanted something like this… a soft tulle or mesh lace with a bit of gold along the edges. I wanted to make an overskirt or something kind of like an apron and have it come down from the waist and stop about an inch above the dress hem. I found these 3 pictures on Etsy and they aren’t “exactly” what I was looking for, and the color isn’t even close, but I think you can understand a bit more clearly what I was searching for.

The problem was the gold in this dress is slightly different than what you think of as regular gold. It’s a bit more yellowish… so it was hard to find anything that would work. I even tried going to the Goodwill hoping to find some kind of lacy top that might work, but nothing there either.

So I bought a yard of this gold and a spool of ribbon to match it.

Now that I see it on the dress, I think it works fine. I added 3 tiny beads on the bodice to tie it all together, but they kind of get lost… maybe I need to go up one size… I thought I might tie a bow at the back and tack it on. But I think I’m going to leave the front of the dress as is.

I still want to make her a gold slip, some gold thigh highs and some kind of hair “thingy.” Probably a hair bow because my fabric scraps are limited… (again!) :o(

Well, Patsy was a bit happier with me today… she loves her new dress and hopes I get it finished soon… she told me she was in a “modeling mood!”

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

27 thoughts on “Today was a “Go for the Gold” day for me…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I think the gold lace and ribbon work very well on Patsy’s dress, Jeanne! I agree, though–the beads on the bodice could be a little bigger.

    Well, you will all want to know that Bella is coming to my house! I Think I have some patterns that will work for her, but we will see. Otherwise, I might have to go to the AG store and get her a Wellie Wishers outfit! 🙂

    And then there are some other little girls waiting for Christmas outfits…..

    1. One of the reasons I was on the Deb’s Adorables site the other day was she has a ton of wonderful WW clothes at good prices and I wanted to look them over again. I recently bought a leggings set for Camille with a puff vest. I knew I wouldn’t do anything like the vest and the price was great. Her site says it is unavailable for awhile and to check back on November 29.

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Well I’m glad you like Patsy’s dress so far, but just wait…lots more gold was added today!!!

      All these Bella’s and Hanna’s and Sara’s are giving me a bad case of dolly fever. I didn’t think I was going to catch it, but I did!!!

      I DID love Willa’s size…😫😫😫🤔🤔🤔
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda saved me yesterday by telling me that the cake for my grandson’s birthday was Minecraft and not Minions. I kind of knew that didn’t sound right. I send pictures sometimes just to help out when Jeanne is really busy, not to be pushy about having them show up on the blog. I love seeing other follower’s pictures and see what they are up to. I always learn something or am inspired by them.

    Jeanne, you sound entirely too busy. Please take good care of yourself throughout the holiday season. The dress is beautiful and all the attention to detail is amazing what with the trips to the stores to find just the right details. Another wonderful creation!Glad your trips were well rewarded.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I AM entirely too busy and hope my flu shot keeps me healthy for the next couple of weeks!!! Actually the next few months would be even better!! :o)

      Your cake and shirt pictures are so adorable.
      My goodness Krish has grown up since we last saw him.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I think the gold lace is perfect! It’s giving me ideas.

    I enjoy seeing pictures and videos from everybody. I have never done any cake decorating beyond using m&ms to spell out something. My mom did it when she was younger. She made her own wedding cake. I’ve seen pictures and It was beautiful!

    I am still in a fight with my fleece jacket. I ripped out the collar on Sunday and let it rest on Monday. I may attempt to work on it today. Or maybe something else I started. There are a couple to choose from. 🙄

    1. Hi Julia
      I did a little ripping myself today…but mine was an improvement…hope you like what I did!!!
      I like decorating cakes but am very much an amateur…
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  4. Patsy is looking very cute in her golden touch dress. Perfect timing for someone to dress their girl before the big holiday arrives altogether too soon for me. I’m with you on not being ready for either turkey day or the red/green one. Fortunately, we’re going to daughter’s next week so I only have to make a couple of things. But, I still have to pick up all of the needed items. Guess I had better get on that and soon.
    Looks like we have escaped the great power outage of this week. However, 4,800 others a mile or two over the hill from us are not so lucky. Can you imagine if they shut off the power next week on Thanksgiving?
    Sounds like Jeanne needs to scratch a couple of things off her busy list. Don’t want you catching a bug from over exertion. 🙂 So much to do, so little time.

      1. I think the reason everyone can’t view the video is because you may have to be on facebook and perhaps on the maker’s friend list too. Sorry.

      2. Charlotte Trayer

        I don’t know how I missed the video before! It sure is cute. Thanks for posting the link, Joy!

        And did I read that Jeanne now has a bad case of dolly fever????

    1. Hi Joy,
      Just wait till tomorrow…you won’t believe how everything looks now! Cindy gave me an idea and I think YOU just gave me the title… “Golden Touch!” Thanks!

      I just saw on the news about the power outage and wondered if you were going to be affected…I think if I were doing Thanksgiving next week with the chance of an outage, I’d just have deli turkey sandwiches and chips!!
      I’d buy some kind of pumpkin cookies and call it a holiday! 😊

      I’ll try the video again, but it didnt do a thing before!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What a lovely dress this is turning out to be. I do agree about the beads though. I can’t play Joy’s video either. It says it is unavailable or only available to a select few.

    Glad Joy escaped the power outage. I can’t imagine them shutting it down Thanksgiving week, but then I’m still having trouble with them shutting the power down at all, since obviously the reasoning didn’t work as planned.

    Congratulations to Charlotte on her new dolly daughter, Bella. Hope she lets us all know what patterns she uses and how they work out. I said the FF dolls have large backsides but it’s more wide hips. My other dolls are narrow hipped and, until someone makes patterns specifically for these dolls, I’ll use my other patterns, Wellie and H4H, with alterations.

    Yes, this is a busy time of year. We are going to our daughter-in-law’s grandfather’s house for Thanksgiving this year. We usually do Thanksgiving with our son and his family but her grandpa’s health is declining and he wants all the family that can make it to come there to his home in Cypress, TX. They included us. Since our son lives almost to Cypress it’s not much of an extra drive for us. We’re bringing the family favorite fruit salad. Then we have to prepare to sing for two services and two pre-service choral presentations on Christmas Eve, then there’s Christmas, then my birthday on 12/26, Jaiden’s on 12/31, then New Years and David’s birthday on 1/6. Barely time to rest up from all that until our anniversary on 1/19. Forty years. Where does the time go.

    I still haven’t been to my sewing machine although I’ve been in my sewing room trying to get things organized enough to sew. Today for sure. Sophie is getting really antsy and wondering if a Christmas dress for her will become a reality any time soon.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Well the buttons on Patsy’s dress are gone and replaced with _________…oh sorry, you’ll have to wait till tomorrow!! 😁😁

      I received some pictures from someone today and little Bella is pulling at my heart strings!!
      I have this weakness for redheads!!

      Sophie is probably worried that Bella is going to take her place on the cutting table!! And rightly so…these new dolls sure are adorable
      I’m feeling a bit weak in the knees!!

      Hope you have a good time with all your family celebrations over the next few weeks!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. My goodness, everyone is making me feel like a slacker with all your extra coming and goings and parties! Jeanne, yes, you should slow down a bit and try not to outdo yourself every year! Is there no one else able to take over some of the things at your church? That’s what good Christian fellowship is—helping one another!

    Oh Patsy’s dress is darling, but I too, echo what others have said about the buttons/beads, just a tad bigger will do the trick! The gold lace is really pretty, and you never know when another opportunity will come up that you will need something like that, so you really need to run out and get more! Looks like I’m not helping you to simplify your life!

    Have a good day, Jeanne, and don’t try to do so much, really I do mean it, even if you have done it in the past. The past is past!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Well, I’m trying to figure out what I can simplify…Rebecca told me this evening she’d be happy with going out for Thanksgiving instead of me cooking all that stuff too…so…

      The Couples Party might just be a dinner affair with lots of visiting instead of so many things to be done…

      I can’t wait for everyone to see Patsy’s “new” dress…I think you will like it…and everything else!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Hi Jeanne
    I can understand completely! Behind behind behind it’s a song I sing daily. I’ve been sick for 4 weeks, it went from one thing to something else. Now all that’s left is a cough that wont go away. Hopefully I’ll get my mojo back and get caught up soon. I hope that your hubby is over the “crud” and feeling better. I’m so happy your surgery was successful. Continued prayers for a complete healing and all the best at your doctors appointment. Congratulations to Rebecca, How is doing in her new position?
    I really love how Patsy’s dress is coming along. The color is perfect for fall and christmas.
    Also congratulations to all the new dolly moms. I too have succumb to dolly temptation and ordered a BJD from Magalie Dawson ( just in case anyone is interested 😉 )
    Have a lovely day

    1. When I got the notice from Magalie of the Little Darling BJDs I checked her website but it said they were all sold out. Probably a good thing because my dolly bucks were insufficient at the time. She said she would be getting more but had not idea when or how many. She said the regular vinyl dolls would always be available but didn’t mention what to do if you were willing to wait for a BJD.

      1. Hi Barbara,
        Magalie wrote me and said as of my order it would be about 5 months so really not a long wait time at all.

    2. Hello Miss Ingrid,
      So nice to see your name back in the comments! I’m sorry too that you’ve been under the weather with several things going on..
      I hope you are on the mend…
      My hubby still sounds like a walrus when he coughs and it feels like the whole house shakes when he has an attack!
      I too saw Magalie’s dolls and they were beautiful!! Congratulations on yours!! How long will it be till you receive her?
      Thanks Ingrid…
      Still enjoying my sweater… it’s so comfy! 😘
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Hi Jeanne,
        You are to cute, glad the sweater is keeping you warm and cozy.
        Magalie wrote me and said 5 months, I certainly will share pictures if you’d like to see her.

    1. Thanks Joy!!
      I appreciate your prayers… maybe I need to rethink my schedule!! 🤔
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Wow…I thought I was busy….don’t get too stressed out!
    That couples dinner is always so much work….can’t you get a team to help put it on? I’ll bet there are several couples who have been there many times. Don’t be shy…ask for help☺️
    Miss Bella arrived and it was so much fun to see her for real.usually I don’t jump on a new doll like that but she is so freaky cute! The manufacturer has quite the box.. my hubby wasn’t home so it took at least 20 minutes to get her out!😮 poor thing! Nicely made…her arms lift up and away from her body too. I do love a smiley doll.
    The dress trim is a great match, funny there are so many shades of gold. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I’m trying not to get stressed out… I just might pare things down a bit this year and just make it a cozy dinner and forget the program… buy ready made cookies and put together “easy” favor bags… :o)

      I LOVE your pictures of Bella… I think I want one… I told my hubby about her and he said if I could get 4 ladies to commit to buying a dress from me, I could get one… that’s kind of awkward though…
      I’ll show her pictures in a day or two… I’d love to see a picture of her size beside the Little Darlings… I have the worst time visualizing the size of new dolls.
      Thanks Kathie… Enjoy your new Bella…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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