What do you think of Kirsten’s new blue bonnet?

I forgot to show you what Kirsten’s dress looked like with that slip underneath. I showed you the slip and told how it held out the dress and then I didn’t show how the dress looked on top of it… bad me! You’ll see it in a minute; when I show you the pictures of Kirsten’s new bonnet.

I decided I wanted to make something besides that “head hugging” cap I usually do… I found a picture of one that had a ruffle on the bottom edge and thought I’d go for that look… I had just enough scraps for this one and just enough tan trim to go around the edges. This was a kind of “fly by the seat of my pants” bonnet…. no idea what I was doing until I was in the thick of things. I think it turned out pretty cute and Kirsten was jumping up and down on the cutting table every time I had to try it on her. I hope you will be too, when you see it.

I took 38 pictures of her in this, but narrowed it down to 18… I know it’s probably overkill, but I wanted you to see all the angles of it… untied, tied, braids in the front, braids in the back, close up, far away, etc.

As I looked back at my pictures from last night, they were really washed out… sorry about that… you’ll see the true colors of the dirndl in this group of pictures…

The inside is lined in the same blue fabric.

I spent so much time on the bonnet and when I was done… I thought I was DONE…but I don’t have her “accessory” just yet… I’m still thinking…
Joy gave me some good ideas… hmmmm…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

P.S. Barbara mentioned something about sewing on Snaps and how much of a pain it was… I asked her if she had seen my tutorial on sewing on snaps and she said she hadn’t… You can see it here if you like…

Sewing on Snaps Tutorial

29 thoughts on “What do you think of Kirsten’s new blue bonnet?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I do like that back ruffle on Kirsten’s new bonnet–and the puffing strip you put around the crown, too. Fancies it up without being over-the-top fancy, which wouldn’t work with the dirndl style outfit. (And, of course, the ruffle will help protect Kirsten’s neck from the sun, just as the brim will protect her face! She can wear it while helping mama outside, or riding in the wagon on the long trip into town!)

    April Eleanor and I still need to look at Halloween costume patterns…didn’t get to that today. Shame on me!

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I think that little ruffle was to keep their necks from getting sunburned…just as you thought.

      I can just see April Eleanor standing there with her arms crossed and her foot tapping waiting to look at patterns with you!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Oops, looks like I signed in with my other email address in that last post. It’s still me!

  3. a little more of that blue was just just what was needed. and her skirt is now perfect. excellent. great choices.

    1. Thank you Marilyn
      I’m as pleased as Kirsten with how this set turned out…
      Now to figure out the perfect accessory!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Stunning….especially like the trim around the bonnet although the ruffles on it add such charm too….another well-done ensemble and so cute on Kirsten.


    1. Thank you for your kind compliments on Kirsten’s dress set, Becky. She likes it. I like it and you like it…what could be better? :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh, so sweet, Jeanne! Yes, a touch more of blue to emphasize those pretty eyes and to pick up on the blue of the skirt! It’s just what was needed! I love that cute bonnet! It somewhat reminds me of the lace caps that little Dutch girls wear. I especially love to see her wear the bonnet with her braids in the front and tied in that pretty blue bow. Just perfect!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I debated if a solid blue bonnet would be too much. But I think it was the right choice… I used up all those fabrics except for one…and I still might find a way to use it on her accessory.
      I like her braids in the front too!
      Thank you Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Still sitting here in the dark this morning. Doubt the power people will get it back on today. One part of town in the hills with heavy trees and brush has never lost power. This is a very fire prone area where wind could bring down lines which could start fires. Expensive homes there. Perhaps that is why they still have power. Apparently there were 11 crashes yesterday at large intersections without the lights working. This is not fun. Ice is melting fast. We will probably have to see if Costco gets more in today. That part of town has power.

    Kirsten looks so cute in her new hat. Should be a quick sale. Whoops. Losing phone power. Hope to read tomorrow’s post.

    1. Oh. Poor Joy….
      I’m so sorry for your loss….of light, that is! I hope you get power soon! I can’t imagine living like that… knowing it could be shut off anytime.
      I’m glad you like Kirstens set…
      Take care…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Totally adorable bonnet! It don’t believe I’ve ever seen this type of bonnet before. It truly completes the outfit. Love the braids in the front.

    Thanks so much for the snap tutorial. All my snaps have holes in the middle, and I always wondered why. I just thought it had something to do with the production of them. I will definitely try your process. I have several patterns that need to close in the front so I have to sew on snaps (i.e., Betsy’s back-to-school vest) and the snaps are usually small. This process will definitely be helpful in those cases.

    I too am sorry for what Joy is going through with power outages. It’s hard enough to deal with them during a storm but when you feel your power is being manipulated, it’s a whole lot harder. It’s even harder when you feel the same rules don’t apply to everyone. The outages made the Houston news last night. Sorry to hear about the crashes. Stay safe Joy.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for your sweet comments on Kirsten’s new dress. I’d like to “figure out” her accessory and get outside for some pictures…it’s supposed to rain tomorrow…so I need to hurry.

      I hope you like the new way of sewing on snaps!!! Works for me…I wonder just how many sets of snaps I’ve sewn on in my lifetime…maybe 10,000…:o)

      I do hope things change for Joy…and soon…
      Thanks Barbara and Happy Snap Day!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I forgot to add this to my comment. Is anyone on the blog aware of the Judy Porter dolls? Does anyone have one – or more? They are really cute.

    1. Yes she has wonderful dolls. I’ve seen her dolls many times in dolls magazine. Very cute expressions. 🙂

  9. The snap tutorial is really helpful. I don’t use them very often. I usually go with Velcro. Do you ever use Velcro, Jeanne? I really wanted to see the snap tutorial dress completed. How do I find the next post? Some blogs have “previous” and “next” at the end. There is probably a simple alternative but what?

    1. HI Julia,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the snap tutorial… I sometimes use Velcro on skirt waistbands and sometimes in the smaller dolls dresses… but not very often. I have some Ultra Thin Velcro and use it sometimes for places where I don’t want it to be bulky. I’ll have to give you the link to the dress on Kirsten… I know I don’t have those little arrows for the next post… I need to do that…
      Thanks, I’ll get you that link…
      blessings, Jeanne

  10. Kirsten was the American Girl that I always wanted. Once again, you make me want her to wear this darling outfit! 🙂

    1. HI Melody,
      Yes, Kirsten is a doll a lot of ladies want to have… she’s just so much fun to dress and has such a pretty face.
      You could watch for one on Ebay and maybe find a steal right now…as things are a bit slow on there… just sayin… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Oh my goodness, isn’t that darling. I absolutely love the bonnet with that extra bit of rutching. The blue lining is perfect to set off Kirsten’s pretty blue eyes. I think this is my favorite set I’ve seen you make for her. The color combination just sets her sweet looks off perfectly. Linda’s comment on little Dutch girl outfit reminded my of my first Halloween costume. I went as a little Dutch girl in a skirt, blouse, and cap my mom made. My daughter wore it her first year of preschool. I, and my mom, have no idea why she chose that as we have no Dutch ancestry. I wore a German dirndl dress sent to my by my great aunt the next year. That made more sense, given my German heritage. Of course then there was the year as a gypsy. How I loved that costume.
    So sorry for your loss of light, Joy. Hope things get better soon.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’m so glad you like Kirsten’s dress so much… SO DO I! I wish everyone could see it in person…those colors together are just incredible… I love how they go together… It definitely is one of my favorites…
      It’s funny about your costumes… the first one I can remember was when we were in Italy… I was probably 3 or 4 and I went as a hobo… I’ll have to find that picture.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. She’s one completely darling doll. Anyone with that doll has got to love the blue outfit !
    The bonnet looks difficult to make but fun to admire. That blue couldn’t be better on her!
    It is rainy and in the 40’s. Picked the last of the tomatoes and roses as it is supposed to freeze tonight and tomorrow.😳

    1. HI Kathie,
      Thank you so much for your sweet compliments on Kirsten’s new dress set.
      The bonnet wasn’t hard to make… no harder than any other bonnet… but it was a little time consuming… I love that color of blue on her and especially next to her face.
      It’s supposed to get cold her starting tomorrow… Rebecca is in her room digging through her winter things to get somethings to wear to stay warm.
      FREEZE? Say it ain’t so!!!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. I like Kirstin’s whole outfit, Jeanne. It’s just lovely and especially lovely on her!!

    For my hand sewing, I use beeswax on my thread. One swipe in one direction and another in the opposite direction. Then a wipe through my fingers to remove any excess. No knots in my thread ever now. It comes in a tiny blue plastic box and is called Thread Heaven. I got it at Hancock’s fabrics. It lasts a really long time, too.

    Also, a tiny drop of FabriTac or any fabric glue will make sure your snaps stay in place and no getting poked with pins, either. I put the stem end of snaps on first and so they would be flat against the doll’s body. That way the stem will never poke the doll’s body or make a mark on the vinyl either, when whomever dresses her misses the stem going in the hole. : )

    I meant to get here early to post this. The best laid plans, sigh. Love and Hugs to all, Ali

    1. Hi Ali,
      Good to hear from you…even if you’re “last!”
      Thank you for your compliments on Kirsten’s dress. It was so much fun to make and the way it looks so beautiful helped me hurry it along!

      I was going to mention beeswax but forgot. I don’t use it every time but every now and again I do.
      It’s interesting to hear about the ways of sewing on snaps…now we have your version!
      Thanks Ali,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

      1. …and I forgot to add that Fabric glue will also hold buttons in place as well as trim! Just a tiny dot, then when it dries, sew it down. : ) Love and Hugs, Ali

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