Do you have a favorite soup recipe?

Navi’s new dress set is listed on Ebay. You can find it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

UPDATE: Sorry, but Navi’s dress set sold 3 hours after I posted it… I’ll still leave the link to the listing so you can at least see it.

I have it starting at $75.00, but because it’s so close to the holidays and I need to get some Christmas things made, I added a Buy It Now for $98.00.

Kristoffer sent me a couple pictures of his apple cake. He drizzled a plate with some caramel sauce and then put his cake on top. He told me it was Outstanding and he had eaten 3 pieces already! He’s taking a piece of it to a guy he works with tomorrow, because he said the guy thinks an apple cake is an apple cake is an apple cake! Kristoffer said he can’t wait to see his face when he tastes this one…

If you missed the recipe for the Apple Cake I’m taking about, you can see it in this post I did a few days ago… HERE.

I was in the kitchen quite awhile today baking chocolate chip cookies for a dinner the students are having Friday evening. I only took one picture but I made about 6 dozen cookies… I didn’t lick my finger one time or have a single cookie. I’m trying to be good! :o)

Today was really chilly here… my hubby was out mulching the leaves and he was in a coat and a sock cap… The falling leaves and the cooler temps have put me in the mood for a good soup or stew… Do you have a favorite recipe you can share. You can even just snap a picture of the recipe instead of typing it out and sending it to me. Click the “Contact Me” tab under the header of my website. You can send me an email through there… If you have any troubles just let me know… Let’s see if we can get some new soups to share.

I’ve been too busy to do anything new in my sewing room. I’ve got to finish up some stuff for the hayride this weekend and then I’m having cataract surgery on Monday morning. There are just too many things to get finished and not enough time to start something new, so I thought maybe the soup thing would be fun.

I’ve got to call it a day, so I’ll see you tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Do you have a favorite soup recipe?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my, that apple cake looks Soooo good!! The cookies, too, of course, but especially the cake!! I’m sure Kristoffer’s friend will really like it!!

    Yes, I do have two wonderful recipes, which I just emailed you. One is my version of The 4 B’s Tomato Soup recipe (The 4 Bs was a chain of restaurants, mostly in Montana, that we used to stop at in the 1960s and 70s when we drove between here and Mich. My husband and I stopped at one of the last ones a few years back, also, and had their tomato soup (plus shared a sandwich, as I recall) for our supper one night. it was SOOOO good–the best we’d ever had!!–and as we paid the bill, we asked if they ever gave out the recipe. They did!! and had cards already printed up. It calls for canned tomatoes, but I always use half fresh tomatoes (or you could use all fresh tomatoes, if you have a bumper crop). I added a few notes about things like that at the end of the recipe.

    The other recipe I sent you is Taco Soup, a hearty soup that has taco seasoning in it. It’s another good one for a chilly day, and can be made more or less spicy, depending on the seasonings you add, and whether you use mild or regular taco seasoning. Enjoy!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I meant to add, with the Taco Soup, you can “stretch” it, if needed, by adding an extra can or two of something in the ingredient list!

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Kristoffer told me his friend did love the cake.

      I received your two recipes and will have to give them a try. I have a taco soup recipe too that I love. I’ll have to compare recipes…

      I made a soup tonight…just from what I had… I called it Chicken chili and it was a hit. I cleaned out the little bits of this and that in my frig…
      I even made a banana pudding for dessert while my soup was simmering.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Congrats on the swift sale of Navi’s outfit. 🙂
    Love Kristoffer’s pie pic.
    I’m sure your cataract surgery will go well. Hopefully, you’ll be amazed at the difference. Other person has had both eyes done and my cousin has hers scheduled on Halloween. 🙂
    Cousin’s ranch is safe for now. Fire is at 5% containment this morning which is better than yesterday when it was out of control. Our power came back yesterday afternoon, but we’re expecting it to go out again probably Saturday through sometime Monday as the wind is supposed to kick up to another red flag warning. The generator has made all of the difference with the refrigerator, but we still have a cooler in the kitchen and lanterns out and ready. Really appreciating the pioneers around here.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I hope things are going okay for you guys out there in CA.
      I think I could have sold 3 or 4 of those outfits for Navi… should I make another one… different though?
      I can’t wait for the cataract surgery… I’ve worn hard contacts for 47 years and having to wear glasses for the last 8 weeks so my eyes will go back to their natural shape has been a real chore for me. I hate them and just want to be able to see wherever I look with my eyes!

      I’m glad you have a generator to keep a few things working…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Somehow I missed the line about your cataract surgery, Jeanne. Will be keeping you in prayer. I had mine done over a year ago, two weeks apart, and things went very well. It’s probably one of the easiest, safest surgeries you can have!! Some people have to have a bit of laser weeks/months/years afterwards, but that’s even easier!! (Had one done, need the other one now.)

        1. Thank you Charlotte,
          I can’t wait to see clearly again! I think I’ve been missing out on things… :o)
          Just in time to see the pretty Fall leaves changing colors!
          Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I’m not surprised Navi’s outfit sold so quickly. It is so adorable and she’s such a good model that people just can’t resist. Can’t wait to hear what Kristoffer’s friend thinks of the cake. I’m going to make one soon.

    It’s 48 degrees here this morning, 69 in the house. I don’t put the heat on until the temps are consistently low. We are supposed to have highs in the 60s today and if the sun shines the house warms up. Otherwise I just put on a light jacket and I’m comfortable. My mower mulches our leaves, which was one reason why I mowed the other day. Still a lot of leaves to come off the trees.

    I’m glad to see Joy’s cousin’s ranch is safe for now. Hopefully that will continue. So sorry about the roller coaster power situation. There’s got to be a better way. But PG&E has never been known for doing the right thing voluntarily.

    Yes, Lolla is a Dumpling. She only came in fair and chocolate. I have the fair one. Both are too cute.

    Best of luck with your cataract surgery. My eye doctor said I will probably need the surgery sometime down the road. None of my relatives ever needed it so I was surprised to hear it, but she said we’ll just keep an eye on it because it was too early to tell for sure.

    1. Thanks Barbara,
      I was thrilled that Navi’s dress sold so quickly…I guess I was hoping it would sell fast, but I was surprised at HOW fast…

      Kristoffer just texted me that his co-worker LOVED the cake. I hope you do make it…and love it.

      I hope you are loving your new Lolla! I’m sure you are! When you get a chance. Send me s picture of fair Lolks and I’ll post your dair one and Joy’s chocolate girl.

      I think my cataracts “matured” early because I’m not a fan of wearing sunglssses… bet I will be after my surgery.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Kristopher’s Apple cake looks so yummy and now I’m craving for something close, caramel apples! It’s the closest thing to Kristopher’s cake. His presentation of the cake is superb!!
    And your cookies! Yum yum!! I hardly bake anymore except for Christmas. My niece really does that for me too anymore.
    It is certainly beginning to get busy. All the fall activities coming up and then moving on to Thanksgiving and then the joy of Christmas coming.
    This year, I’ve got several presents wrapped for Christmas and hidden in our guest room. We will be leaving for California soon so I’m on top of many things, however, I can’t get over how fast time is flying by.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I’m in charge of the caramel apples at the hayride, and if you lived closer, I’d make you one just to your liking. :o)

      I can’t believe you already have some things wrapped for Christmas… but you are so right about how fast time is flying by…October has really disappeared quickly…and it WILL be Christmas before you know it.
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. All the baking looks sooo yummy. I will have to enjoy the pictures. My last blood panel had numbers in the bad areas so I have changed some of my eating habits. I have zero will power. I would never be able to bake cookies and not eat one, Jeanne!

    When I saw the news that there was a fire even with the power outages, I wondered if some power customers were just plain mad? Losing the freezer and fridge contents could be quite a hit to the family budget. Joy, I’m glad you have a generator to save the food in those appliances.

    Can’t wait to see the new tiny dolls!

    1. Hi Julia,
      Well. I didn’t have a single cookie and feel better for it!! I chewed gum while I was baking them…
      I’m wanting to make another outfit for tiny Navi sgain…I just need someone to give me the go ahead!
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The Navi ensemble is great. It’s no wonder it sold so quickly. Congrats on making another doll collector very happy. The cake looks wonderful and so many cookies. I would have to eat at least one.

    About cataract surgery, it’s the easiest surgery if you have to have one. You will be surprised by the difference in colors. One eye was done at a time and it was amazing to see the difference; no longer muddy yellow-green tree leaves, but the shock was seeing my face with all the lines I didn’t know were there. Seems I aged 15 years overnight! Still trying to adjust to that. I’m sure you won’t have that problem but be forewarned about colors. No one let me know that would happen. You’ll be very happy.

    It’s 92 today and little wind where I live right now but was pretty fierce yesterday. It’s not nice to have to wake up and think that others are in the process of losing their homes and electricity. Good luck, Joy, and keep us posted.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Navi’s dress set went to someone who bought from me way back in 2010. I guess that’s loyalty. :o)
      I can’t wait for the surgery so I can get rid of these glasses. I’ve had to wear them for the last 8 weeks so my eyes will go back to their normal shape after having worn hard contacts for the last 47 years. I also can’t wait to see the true colors again and the signs (clearly) when I’m driving.

      I don’t know how you Californians manage with the power going off and on the way it does. I hope you all stay safe.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Oh my goodness, you sold Navi’s dress already! Was that a record for selling so quickly? Well, somebody is going to have a cute little outfit there! Congrats!

    Boy that son of yours should open a restaurant! He has such talent in baking AND displaying plus he seems to know what is what in the food world! He did a great job of displaying your yummy cake!

    Soup recipe? Well, I am the only soup lover in my house, so we don’t have it much for a meal, but I do make chicken noodle soup quite often in the fall and winter for myself. I buy all the ingredients, and make a big pot of soup, and have a little everyday until it is gone. It’s nothing special, just a good, filling soup, but I can send you a fancier recipe for chicken noodle soup that I also like but takes a bit more time and ingredients. I was going to send a recipe for Famous Barr French Onion Soup, but you have to peel a whole pot of onions and I don’t think a lot of people would care to do that, although it is very good!

    Cataracts, well, a month ago I had my eyes checked, and the dr. told me I had the very early beginnings of cataracts, but not to worry, not a problem yet. So I’m getting there too!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I think I sold a dress within 15 minutes one time… I can’t remember which one it was though. This one was a real surprise though.

      I’ll be looking for your chicken soup recipe…

      I can’t believe I’m having cataract surgery before you and Barbara… I tell you how it goes…I can’t wait to give up these glasses and NO MORE contacts! I’m pretty excited!
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  8. Wow, Navi’s little set sold quickly. It was super cute and I’m should the winner will love it.
    As far as soup recipes goes, I like a lot of them… vegetable barley, corn chowder, seafood chowder ( had the best on the train trip to Prince Edward Island), bean soup with smoked salt, potato, cream of broccoli or asparagus, and lemon garlic wild rice- you name it. The only soup I will not eat is tomato or tomato rice. I know it’s a staple for kids and adults alike, but I have never cared for it. I love tomatoes raw and pizza or pasta sauce, but not as soup.
    My mom had cataract surgery on one eye in August and has to get the other done later. She was super concerned about it, but afterwards thought it was a piece of cake.

    1. Hi Laura,
      The winner of Navi’s dress set really is excited…she didn’t know I write a blog and just stumbled upon the listing…
      It sounds like you like just about any kind and type of soup out there…except for tomato…
      I’m not s huge fan of tomato soup either, but I can eat it if it’s placed in front of me.

      I have my left eye done on Monday and my right eye done on November the 8th. I’m so looking forward to being able to see clearly again…
      Thanks for telling me about your mom’s eye surgery. Every good story I hear makes me a little more at ease…
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  9. Funny how everyone likes a different soup. I’ll send a couple recipes later.
    Sure is perfect weather for it here.
    Take care Joy. So hope those fires will be extinguished soon!
    Making that apple cake is on my list too
    Good luck with the Cataract surgery Jeanne…it will be interesting to see if you experience the difference in the way colors look…that is very important to your work! Congratulations on the wonderful quick sale!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I made a soup today… just from the stuff I had in my frig… It was a hit! I ‘ll be watching for some new recipes! :o)
      I am so ready to be rid of these glasses…honestly having worn contacts for 47 years and then having to wear these glasses for the last 8 weeks has been the hardest part for me. I got them probably 4 years ago and hadn’t ever worn them out of my house… so when I had to start wearing them so my eye would go back to it’s normal shape, I was miserable. Just a few more days and I’ll be glasses free… Yay!
      The trees turning colors will be a welcome sight for me!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I was on with Apple support today…and they reinstalled my I pad. BUT about half of my contacts are gone😔 so would you email me so I have your address again?

  11. Can’t hardly turn down the prospect of that kind of money, Jeanne. Get in the sewing room and sew your buns off for two days. : ) You’ll have to make almost as many pieces, the ears, a separate bow, slip, panties, thigh highs and the dress will either need a jacket again or 3/4 sleeves on your dress, as it’s cold in most places now and the market for summer dresses has run it’s course. Oh, and make the sleeves inset, not cut in with the bodice. : ) All those things make it sell quickly.

    As to the cataracts, it was the easiest and best surgery I’ve had! I waiting way too long to get mine done. I was legally blind! It was awful and because I had such a hard time finding a surgeon who would take me on with all my other medical problems. I hope you can pay the extra money for both far and close vision. Here, it was an additional $2000 per eye! I went with the far vision, but not getting the close one has affected my sewing.

    The only thing I had a problem with was after the surgery I was still out of it a little. Enough that I tripped on a cord when I got home and seriously injured my leg which also then required surgery. I should have had someone stay with me until the next day, but I had no one here.

    If I could have rested and had someone else feed the dog and me as well, that first day, I might not have tripped on that cord. You have hubby there, so let him wait on you and take care of anything else you’d normally take care of. Then you should be fine. It’s glorious to be able to see clearly again, and it’s been seven years ago! Glorious!! You’ll do great!! Love and big hugs, Ali

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