Can we think of a name for this sweet Kestner doll?

You know I mentioned on Saturday that Callie Rose was going to the spa to see what we could do to make her more sellable? Well, I wrote that post intending to do “something” to her, but didn’t exactly know what… so I started with that one “longish” freckle she had on her cheek. I took some Winsor and Newton remover and just barely dabbed my paper towel on that spot… Well, it got rid of that freckle in an instant…BUT the liquid kind of ran and I didn’t know it was as powerful as it was…and in just a few seconds… Callie only had 2 or 3 freckles on her left cheek… SO…I had to remove them off her right side too… now she was freckle-less, but I almost think I liked her better… she REALLY had that peaches and cream complexion now… The sun kissed chalk pastels were lightened just a bit, but she still had the glowing look. I had kind of decided I might make her something to wear… Joy suggested a costume, and I ponded that for a few minutes…then my phone pinged and someone asked, “What happened to Callie on Ebay… I had decided this morning I was going to buy her, but I can’t find her.”

I emailed the person back and told her that I had taken Callie off Ebay and as of now I had removed her freckles. I sent her some before and after pictures and she still wanted her… YAY…she sold and didn’t end up going to the spa after all.

Here she is as a little freckle face…

…and here she is “freckle-less.”

I sold Madleine, then I sold the blue dress to someone, and lastly, I sold Callie Rose… YAY! YAY! YAY!

So here’s today’s post…

Does anyone have a Kestner doll? I didn’t know much about them but I found a good article that summarized them and you might like to read it and see the pictures shown… there are many different faces for these dolls, but once you’ve seen one, you can recognize them in an instant.

Kestner dolls

Well, our very own Kathie, was working on an antique Kestner doll for one of her customers. The lady was kind of ho-hum about the doll, so Kathie traded some work with her and ended up with the doll. She sent me some wonderful pictures I’d like to share with you. As you look at them, let’s see if we can’t help Kathie come up with a name for this little sweetie… She has her original unders and a sweet dress.
So WHO do you think she looks like?

Kathie first sent me this picture….

…but then she went outside and took some more of her… looks like they had a bit of fun in the flower garden!

I found 2 more pictures from Kathie…

Okay…so what might her name be?

Thanks Kathie,
I hope someone figures out a proper name for your new girl! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

38 thoughts on “Can we think of a name for this sweet Kestner doll?”

  1. Hi Jeanne, Love this little one. To me she looks like she wants to be called EmmaJeanne.

    Love her dress someone spent quite a bit of time dressing her.

    1. HI Lynn,
      It’s funny, but my first thought was Emma Jean… I guess we’re thinking alike.
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Love the little china doll in the darling jumper, and what a great addition to the garden is the piggy! Is the little doll made in Japan?

      1. Yes, good call Susette..she says ā€œ Made in Japanā€ on her back. I have more of that pleated fabric if you have a little doll that needs a dress:0)

  2. First of all, Jeanne, congrats on all the sales!! And, yes, I think Callie Rose does look lovely without her freckles (although I do love freckles anyway).

    This Kestner girl needs an old-fashioned name, I think. My first thought was Gertrude, but, no, that’s not quite right. Maybe Edith (“rich gift”) or Esther (“star”), or a gem name, like Opal or Ruby. It will be interesting to hear what Kathie decides on! (Yeah, I’m kind of liking Opal for her….)

    1. How about Cassie for Cassandra? It popped into my head before I even knew she was looking for a name! What a lovely antique doll. What approximate date was she made? Without having looked anything up, I would guess 1910-1920? Lovely dress, too.

      1. You two are right in the ball park!
        Chsrlotteā€™s suggestion of Opal is fun because my friends name is Opal and Susetteā€™s Cassie is almost like our granddaughters name ā€œCassidyā€

  3. I like Emma Kate! She looks so prim and proper one minute, but then the next thing you know, she’s riding her pet pig! Quite a girl!

    1. Oh yes, …Charlotte… I should have taken her picture by the biggest spider web and spider in the garden!

  4. Jane Marie
    Or, Elizabeth Jane.
    Those sweet angel kisses scream Jane

    I adore all of the pictures.
    I love dolls so much

  5. I LOVE Kestner dolls. I have quite a few in my antique doll collection. There is a reason that Mr. Kestner was called “The King of Dollmakers”…most likely because he was so prolific in his manufacturing of these beautiful dolls in so many sizes and molds. Your friend’s doll is desirable because of her closed mouth and slightly pouty face…gorgeous girl! She looks like an “Emmaline” to me.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that Callie Rose has found a new home. I like her better without the freckles.

    Kathie’s doll is lovely. For a name, I think: Amaryllis. That was the name of the little girl in the movie/play The Music Man.

    I am wondering if you or anyone in the blog family have read any of the books in the Doll People series by Ann Martin. I have only read the first book. It was a hoot.

    1. This dolly could be a garden girl for sure.. Amaryllis….Hyacinth….Rose too!
      Iā€™ll try one of those books too!

  7. I wonder what that Windsor and Newton might also remove? Just kidding. Where do you find it? Love Callie Rose without her spots. Glad you had a buyer.
    Interesting article on Kestner. For some reason the older dolls always give me a scary feeling. Especially, those with open mouths and teeth. But Kathie’s girl looks sweet in that lovely dress and with her own little dolly.
    Busy week ahead.

    1. I always thought how hard it had to be to get those mouths cut out of the soft porcelain and then get those tiny teeth in straight. Seems like the dolls with teeth should be more costly but right now the popular ones seem to be closed mouth. Go figure
      I do love the way this dolls head is turned a bit to the right and her chubby cheeks!

  8. First I want to say that I’m now in Cedaredge, CO, and have caught up with the blogs I missed – after two long days riding in a car. I loved all the doll pictures and the great idea for the spider web table cloth. I loved all the overalls on Linda’s girls. I’ve decided Betsy needs a pair. They were so cute on Linda’s Betsy. I really should have reread the posts before I started this because if I go back I have to redo my comment so hopefully I haven’t missed anything other than congratulating you on your very successful sales. I do love Callie Rose without the freckles too. I’m glad someone bought her because I was becoming sorely tempted. And Cleo Patrice was egging me on.

    As for the Kestner doll, well, she looks a lot like my grandmother did when she was young. She was beautiful. Her name was Leota Savilla. So if you want a real old fashioned name, there you go, but probably not. My youngest sister said if she ever had a girl she would name her Savilla, but she only had one child and it was a boy.

    Really enjoying the weather here, but I still can’t breathe. In Texas it’s the humidity, here it is the altitude. I adjust just in time to leave.

    1. I donā€™t believe I have ever heard of the name Leota or Savilla…is Savilla a family surname? That is old fashioned for sure :0)
      Hope your Colorado stay is fun!

      1. Savilla is not a family name as far as I know and I know pretty far back. Probably the name of her mother’s dear friend or a beloved auntie. Leota is more common for that time than I thought because I’ve seen that in books.

  9. Baby names drive people crazy and dolly names are the same. My suggestions are Louise, Ellie, and maybe Seraphina (Sera or Sara for short). Iā€™m getting a new doll so thinking of names has been on my mind. After much contemplation Iā€™m getting ā€˜A Girl For All Time. ā€˜ they are the British version of American Girl, all vinyl with jointed elbows and knees. Finding (inexpensive) patterns may be a challenge. I love the historical Elizabethan period gowns. Iā€™ve never made one but they say anything is possible.
    Iā€™m so glad Callie Rose found a new home, I was so tempted by her blue/gray eyes. Mine has green.

    1. Marie, Ellie, and oh my.. Seraphina! That is angelic sounding for sure.
      Thanks for thinking of suggestions. Now we will be anxious to see what your ā€œGirl for all timeā€ looks like!

    2. Seraphina immediately made me think of Sophronia, or Phronsie as she was called in “Five Little Peppers and How They Grew”.

  10. Thank you Jeanne for thinking of letting your blog friends name Little Miss KestneršŸ¤—

    THANK YOU EVERYONE !!for all the wonderful names! There is isnā€™t one that wouldnā€™t be cute as a bug for her. Iā€™m going to write them all down and sit her in front of me and try out each one …or I may do like Jeanne does and draw a name out of a hat!
    I will have to admit that Callie Rose is on her way here to be a new friend for little Miss Kestner! I really loved her when Jeanne got her and when I saw her for sale I had just bought Miss Kestner. Somehow Callie Rose was a able to make her way here though ….Canā€™t wait!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I’m so glad everyone has helped you with some really fun names… I love every one of them… So old fashioned too! Maybe you can get your family in on helping you… Have a kind of vote when you all get together to see who is the most popular. Have everyone vote on their top 3 names and then vote on one of those… Just a thought…
      It would be fun to have a doll with every one of those names, wouldn’t it?
      Stay tuned…there might be more names come in this evening!

      Callie Rose will leave for Omaha this evening… I hope she has a nice trip and I hope her sisters welcome her with open arms! I’m sure they will.
      Thank you so much for buying her.
      Thanks Kathie…
      blessings, Jeanne

  11. It’s funny she is marked Made in Japan. I thought they were German I definitely recognize the faces. My first though for a name was Annaliese. She is lovely and her dress is gorgeous.
    I’ve seen a few of these at the antique store. One of ours carries only this from the 1700’s- 1930’s. I love your picture of her riding the pig, not very ladylike, but fun.

    1. Hi Laura,
      The doll we are thinking of names for is a Kestner…yes, German …but the little doll she was holding in one of the pictures was the one “Made in Japan” Susette asked about her.
      Annaliese. I will need to keep a list of all these wonderful names. Maybe some of you will need to find a name for an antique doll and Jeanne could pull up “The List” ! The only fun names in our family were my Dad’s sisters Dorothy, cute but not that unusual…and ” Tonetta”. That name never appealed to me although she seemed like a nice person.

  12. I think she’s just beautiful, Kathie! When I was looking at her photos, the name Kristina came to me. Her papa calls her Krissy. I do like Laura’s name of Annaliese, and all the flower names, and Opal…really all the other names are great, too. Every one of them! She could wear any one of those names very proudly. Congratulations on your new girl!! She’ll tell you what her name is. : )
    Barbara, Madaliene is living in Georgia, with my bestest friend!
    Laura, the Kestner IS a German doll, it was the little cupie like doll that the Kestner is holding in the first few photos that says “Made In Japan”.
    Congrats on your sales, Jeanne and congrats to the new owners!!
    Dorothy L, I’ve been thinking about A Girl For All Time, too! The newest one is so cute and is tempting me, a lot! Dorothy in PA, I wrote down the name of the book series and author and will be reading them, too! How neat!! I love dolls, so much, too, Rosemary B!!! Love and Hugs to all, Ali

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