School’s in session…the dolly fashion show continues

Before I show you some more school dresses, how about a peek at my newest little sweetheart…

Meet Grace Anastasia Victoria Elveus…with her mom, and my dear friend, Bithar.

When you have 5 kids, they all want to be in the picture… from left to right, there’s Esther, Bithar, Grace, Gaterah, Deborah and Samuel. Dad joins them in a minute. They are from Haiti and dad is studying for his Phd.

There’s Jean (pronounced like Zuan…) He’s certainly got his hands full, doesn’t he? They are a beautiful family and we are so blessed to call them our friends.

Okay, now we better get on to our fashion show for today…

I do remember a couple of dresses I made specifically for Addy for school…

Isn’t Nellie just the prettiest little thing? She makes a wonderful school girl model!

It’s Isabelle’s turn to shine now…

In this next set Lian is modeling, I had to tell you something… a man emailed me and said he had read my post about the chalkboard and he told me a few things about it.. .made in 2001 and was a limited edition. Then he said if I ever wanted to sell it, he might be interested. I think my girls would have a fit if their chalkboard disappeared. So as long as I’m sewing, it’s staying! :o)

All my Effner girls wanted to model this dress, so here it is on Janie and Lian. (Isabelle’s pics weren’t the greatest…)

Janie shows she can wear that blue and green plaid just as well as Molly… :o)

Okay, I’m going to have to call it quits for tonight. I have to get up early to meet someone. I hope you enjoyed these school dresses. I hope you aren’t sick of them yet… I have a few more dolls who want to show you what they wore to school…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “School’s in session…the dolly fashion show continues”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    How nice to see pictures of Bithar and her family–and their new addition, Grace! It doesn’t seem that long ago that Gaterah was born! Lovely family, beautiful children.

    I’m not normally a “brown” person, but for some reason Addy’s second dress really appeals to me. I think it’s the pleated collar, primarily–such an nice touch!!

    Interesting, about your little chalkboard! You might have a collector’s item there!

    I spent all day at the fairground judging (and tasting!) baked goods, and am really beat tonight, so this will be short. I feel like I’ve been eating sweets all day long, even though really we just nibble a bit of each one. Still, if someone brings in 20 different baked items….. (It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! LOL)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Yes, Grace is a sweetie…she is a little older than when I first showed pictures of Gaterah. Bithar followed the recommended 30 days at home before bringing her out. I’m not positive but shes probably 4 months old now. I’m behind.

      I’m glad you liked my brown dresses even though you aren’t necessarily a fan of brown.

      Eating sweets is such hard work …but like you said. Somebody’s gotta do it.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Jeanne, what a lovely family and Grace just beautiful! Nice to have good friends like that. Love the glasses on the Little Darlings and I didn’t think they could get any cuter!
    Love that you share so much info and pictures with us. You are a very busy girl!!!
    Sandra C.

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my doll dresses. I enjoy looking them over too!
      I’m enjoying myself today…a dear, dear friend from grade school and high school, whose name is Jeanie, too, and who has been a missionary in the Philippines since high school graduation has come home and we are in St. Louis today for an eye appt she has. We’ll go to lunch, find a few fun places to hit and then head home. It was non stop talking all the way up here.
      Thanks Sandra,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. What wonderful pictures of the family. All the children are are dressed so nicely. They are a handsome family and those two babies, Grace and Gatarah are adorable!

    Again, the show of outfits is fabulous! The detail is always amazing. The Civil War era outfits are just beautiful. Some of them must have been before knowing of your doll clothing line. I love the brown prints.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I totally agree about Bithar’s family..
      After I looked at my pictures, I sent them to her and told her they were a really beautiful family.
      I knew you would like the Civil war dresses. I’ve made so many, sometimes I forget about the earlier ones.
      Thank you so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Jeanne, I am in awe of all the beautiful dresses you make for such a variety of dolls! I love the little purses, and hats, that make everything so special! Addy looks especially pretty this morning in her Civil War dresses, which I know you love to make the most!

    Oh, that darling baby, Grace! Such a beautiful child, and look at those chubby cheeks and the little folds in her arms! I could eat her up! What was the occasion, a christening? She looks beautiful her outfit, plus all the other children! Bithar and her husband have a beautiful family, and certainly have their hands full!

    1. Hi Linda
      Thank you for your kind compliments on my dresses. I love to sew and I hope it shows!
      I was up by St. Louis today with my best friend from grade school and high school. She had cataract surgery in Swansea and asked me to come along. They have been missionaries since she graduated HS and got married.

      We got caught up on all kinds of topics…everything from dieting to dying!
      I just now got home so it’s time to turn to!!

      I saw those little creases in Grace’s arms and just s.iled. I hadn’t noticed them in person..she was a real chunk… 21 pounds of pure baby!! She was being dedicated at church… I’m not Catholic, so it wasn’t a christening, but sort of the same…praying a blessing over her life.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures…it was a very special day for them.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. So, was it Grace’s christening? Wonderful photos with my favorite being that of Jeanne and the sweet baby. 🙂
    My AG’s are whispering and complaining that I need to dress them nicely like Jeanne does. Everyone of Addy’s dresses are wonderful. Not that the others aren’t lovely too, but Addy definitely shines as a model.
    We’re in for more heat of which I’m not a fan. Guess we’ll definitely need that fan though. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I just told Linda…it wasn’t a christening, but a baby dedication…kind of the same thing…praying a blessing over her

      Wasn’t she just the most adorable thing? But she weighed a TON… I couldn’t hold her very long without my arm starting to tremble.

      Thanks for the sweet compliments on Addys dresses. That was my first Addy…I thought I liked the newer ones better, but maybe I don’t. She actually looks pretty good in those pics…

      We’ve been having quite the heat wave here…yesterday the heat index was 110. It was miserable outside. As soon as you stepped out the door, it felt like a heat lamp was on top of your head like a hat! My hubby was not a happy camper yesterday!!!
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a lovely family Bithar and her husband have. Each child as cute as the next. And they all look so nice in their finery. What are the children’s ages?

    I love all of Addy’s beautiful dresses. And Nellie looks so cute. She’s one of my favorites. The LDs are as cute as ever and I love the glasses on them. Lian looks as sweet as usual.

    I looked on ebay and found several Sears catalogs in the 1950s (1952 Fall/Winter and 1953 Spring/Summer are the ones I picked). That’s when I was in first grade and I wanted to duplicate some of the clothes and school dresses from that time. They have several wonderful catalogs from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Actually I was amazed at the spread of years they had.

    I wasn’t sure if I was on call today but the grandkiddoes just arrive a few minutes ago. No sewing today. I’ll be lucky if I can find time to empty the dishwasher. Did finish Betsy’s outfit yesterday. It’s an Adams-Harris pattern with a navy pleated skirt, navy and medium blue patterned vest, a lovely off-white Victorian style blouse with lace trim and a navy bow at the neckline. Still have to do the above-the-knee stockings. The outfit is more tailored than what I usually do and I think it’s David’s favorite I’ve ever done.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I think Samuel is 7, Deborah is 6, Esther is 5, Gaterah is 2 and Grace is 3 or 4 months…but I really should ask Bithar.

      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing a few more of my doll school dresses. I hope everyone doesn’t mind the slideshows as I’m trying to get things done here at home.

      I’m happy you found a few catalogs to copy things from. I love doing that… trying to see how close I can replicate something. Hope you have fun doing it too!
      I love it when my hubby gives me his opinion!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Your friend Bithar is the best Mom. We all know how much work it is to get that many family members all clean and dressed up and ready to go. Grace is a beautiful baby.
    The dresses are what we would all like to see …. but not this day and age 😀

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Bithar’s girls are always in dresses and look like that almost every Sunday! I don’t k ow how she does it. She must get one kid dressed and says “sit on the couch and don’t move” until they all get dressed and walk out the door. I had 2 and struggled to have ever bow in place and every shoe tied! Yikes!!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, my favorite photo is of you and Bithar. I love to see friends together.

    I remember Gaterah’s baby pictures and now she is a big sister. Samuel is smiling so I guess it’s not too bad being the only boy (chuckle).

    I love the dolly photos. Addy and Nellie look like teachers. It’s probably the scenes that make me think that. The Little Darlings look like teachers’ pets. All are adorable!

    1. Thank you Dorothy
      I think Bithar us very photogenic and has the perfect smile…I critique myself too much…squinty eyes, crooked smile, messy hair..but I’m trying to get over it…

      Yes, Samuel and “the girls!” He does pretty well though…he and Daddy are pretty tight!!

      I had forgotten how pretty Nellie looks in pictures…too many dolls and too little time to sew for them all…

      Oh well, I do what I can when I can!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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