Tuesday’s Tantalizing Tresses

My Civil War dress set, “Back to School in 1864” is ending this evening (Tuesday) on Ebay. If you haven’t taken a look at it, I hope you will! You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I thought I might try to come up with something each day of this week to go with the day of the week. I haven’t even thought about Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, but I’m hoping something will come to mind when I get there!

We still have plenty of time to get to some Back to School dresses, but I thought maybe I’d show you some of my favorite (and maybe yours too) hair styles I have done on my dolls. If you’ve been around here very long, you KNOW I love to play with my dolls hair and it’s always fun to come up with something new and different. So this will mostly just be a slideshow unless I have a particular comment to make about a certain hairdo.

If you missed “Monday’s Menagerie” you can see it HERE.

So let’s get started…with Tuesday’s Tantalizing Tresses…

Oops, how did this get in here? It was a Tibetan Lambs wool wig I was trying to make… “trying” is the key word here… I got the nap of my wool going in about 5 different directions… I kept it just for laughs! (It’s “almost” cute… if you squint your eyes!) :o)

Moving right along…

Well, I think you get the idea… I LIKE HAIR… and fooling around with it!

Hope you enjoyed the slide show!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

27 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Tantalizing Tresses”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You have such a way with hair, Jeanne! I’ve always said, God knew what He was doing when He gave me a boy!! LOL I have absolutely No talent when it comes to hair! The first time I had to redo Molly’s braids, it took me three tries to get them even halfway similar! It’s a little easier now, but, still…..you just would Not want me to fix your hair for you! LOL

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the hairstyles today. I do enjoy seeing what I can come up with… :o)
      Thanks so much
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I love your hairstyles, Jeanne! From the beautiful updo’s to the cascading curls, you are a fantastic hair stylist! I too, love working with doll hair, not to be confused with my own lifeless locks (!), and remember many a day when I was little, sitting down and working with my dolls hair. I felt that no matter how pretty her hair was when I got her, that she really wasn’t “mine” until I redid her hair. I can’t figure out why some people are afraid to fix their doll’s hair! It’s just a doll!
    I loved fixing my own daughter’s hair, but of course, real little girls don’t quite sit as still or appreciate it!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I loved Ruthies hair in those pony tails yesterday. She was just the cutest thing!!

      When Rebecca was younger she had every style on the planet done to her hair… it was always beautiful…its super thick so maybe all that practice gave me a headstart on my dolls.
      Thank you Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, well it was certainly fun to see photos of the patrons of “Jeanne’s Dolly Beauty Salon.” I can see that you had some very happy clients.

    I echo Charlotte, I am not good at styling hair. The most I do is put barrettes in my dollies’ hair.

    My favorite photos are of the Little Darlings and Elin (Iplehouse).

    Well, I better scoot. It looks like your next customer has arrived at the salon (laugh).

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      My girls love to have their hair fixed…I think it’s the cherry on top after standing there during all their dress fittings. :o)

      Putting barrettes in hair is good!!! Just have fun with your dolls…that’s all that matters.

      I was brushing a dolls hair just a little while ago. :o)

      Thank you Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. What lovely little dollies in their finery. It’s always a treat to see your previous outfits being modeled on your blog. And I agree with the girls as to talented you are with fixing their hairstyles.
    The hair in a doll is my favorite part but I’m not one to experiment with different hairstyles. I wish I could but other than a little hair gel to keep hair strands laying down, that’s about my extent of hairstyling. The AMG dolls have such heavy hair that in some cases I can’t imagine how to do something bouffant or even up in a ponytail.
    I’ll enjoy your pictures instead knowing some hairstyles can be done!

    1. Thank you Paula,
      The hair on a new doll I might be considering, is probably the biggest factor…right along with the eyes and a flawless complexion.

      Elizabeth’s hair is the thickest and most styled of all my dolls. After seeing her in so many of those Regency dresses… I’ve sort of got the itch to make a new one.
      Thank you Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Count me in the unable to “do” hair category. But, I so admire Jeanne and her great hair talent. Anything Elizabeth wears is in the wondrous category. Like that divine white dress and then her always beautifully coiffed hair follows. Definitely need “Jeanne’s Beauty Shoppe” around here.
    Getting some very hot weather here in northern CA, along with high fire danger. Hope everyone is careful.

    1. HI Joy,
      I bet you can do hair… you just don’t know it! :o)
      Speaking of that white dress… I just happened to find that exact same fabric the other night on Ebay. I’ve been searching for it for over 2 years. It doesn’t have a manufacturer’s name on the selvage so I just had to type in “white fabric, cotton, silver, threads, metallic, cotton, semi-sheer, dainty, embroidered” in all different combinations… I couldn’t believe it when it popped up. The picture was kind of far away, so I had to really enlarge it to make sure. You can bet I hit that BIN button! :o)
      It’s been almost unbearable here today… and miserable too! I’m ready for corduroy!! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Gorgeous hairstyles to go with gorgeous outfits. I’ve never been a “hair” person, even with my own. My daughter had long hair and I used to do the little braids on the side with bows and the rest cascading down her back. If I needed something like French braids for dance competition, if my one stepdaughter was here she would do Andrea’s hair. If she wasn’t, it was off to the beauty salon. Her hair was so thick and she had a lot of it, I just didn’t have the patience to fool with it.

    I need to be more hands-on with my dolls’ hair. My H4H girls have long, flowing hair that is wonderful to touch. But with the exception of headbands, scarfs and bows, I haven’t done much with it. Need to try. Their hair is glorious.

    I finally re-wigged one of my rescue dolls. I actually bought the wig for another doll, but it didn’t fit well, so I tried it on Brenna and it fit great and she loves it. It’s a long, curly, reddish blonde wig that looks so sweet on her. I could not remove her previous hair easily. It was almost like it was glued on her head in sections, so I cut it close to the scalp and cleaned it up as best I could. It suffered badly from dry rot. She really looks adorable now. She has a black spot on her face. I’m not sure how to remove it because I don’t know exactly what she is made of. I still have another rescue to re-wig. Her hair is better so I might just try cutting it shorter and see what happens. The wig I bought that didn’t fit was for my Wellie Camille. I wanted something more curly and flowing. They say the Wellies take size 8-9 wigs, but that wig didn’t even come close to fitting her.

    The white ensemble on Elizabeth is so gorgeous I would love to have one like it. Hairstyle too.

    1. HI Barbara,
      If everyone could do hair…there’d be no need for beauty salons! :o)
      Do you happen to the famous football player, Gale Sayers? He was our neighbor and his wife Ardy, taught me how to French braid hair… I practiced A LOT on Rebecca! :o)

      My H4H doll, Nahji, had wonderful, silky hair but I loved to see it just long, so I never really messed with hers. Just put ribbons and bows in it.

      I have a doll wig that Cindy sent me, but I haven’t done wigs yet… maybe one of these days!
      Thanks for your compliment on the white Regency dress. It is one of my favorites! I guess yours too! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. When I first came across you, Jeanne, the thing I remember most is beautiful Elizabeth in gorgeous Regency gowns. Her hair was up and she always had fabulous accessories! The little lace mitts with teeny tiny embellishments. The hair adornments that made her ensemble look even more period correct and accurate. I have made my Elizabeth one elaborate regency gown. She has coordinated jewelry, but nothing for her hair. Linda D, I am one ‘fraidy cat about styling doll hair! 😳 I got my Elizabeth when she was retired and it was only this past spring that I released her hair from its original style! 🙄 Then there is Cecile. Her hair terrifies me. Seriously! Since I have re-wigged a couple dolls, I realized that option is open for me if I really wrecked her hair.

    My day awaits. It’s already gotten away from me a little bit! 😊

    1. Oh Jill, there is nothing to be afraid of in fixing doll hair! What is the worst that could happen?? You just do it over, and keep things simple!
      Actually, Cecile has the easiest hairstyle to fix, other than Ivy! I do absolutely nothing to it, because it is already fixed in those beautiful, long curls. I am very careful when dressing her, and have been known to cut off a few frizzy strands of hair, but that’s it. However, her hair was her downfall with children. What little girl doesn’t want to fix her dolls hair?

    2. HI Julia,
      I DO love making Regency dresses and have quite a few under my belt. They are generally pretty simple dresses to make…it’s the details that make them even prettier! :o) I’m thrilled that they caught your eye and I’m so happy to have you here reading each day!

      I used to have Cecile and while, I wasn’t afraid of her hair, I DID treat it very carefully when I dressed her or tied bows in the ringlets. She is definitely an ADULT doll and not a kids doll. I’ve seen some rats nests from her hair on Ebay… I’m sure some little girl tried combing or brushing it and mom went, “What did you do???” Not a kids doll!

      Thank you Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. What a great post about hair styles! Wish I had the courage to attempt it. I don’t know how Molly will be able to wear the red prom dress when I get it finished since she’s in pigtails. I’ll have to figure something out.

    What a wonderful post yesterday, catching up with Friends of Jeanne. Loved the joyous wedding celebration and seeing Sara again. She is certainly a very talented young lady and learned her Jeanne lessons well with sewing and cake baking abilities. I’m sure she a very good student at school too. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.

    Just a reminder: A dear friend has contracted shingles involving her face and right eye. I recommended quite some time ago to get the Shingrex shot if you have had chickenpox, especially older people. I didn’t want to wait on a long list to get the shot at a chain drugstore, so I found the two doses at a private pharmacy. I had to take it to a clinic to have them give the shot and keep the second one in my own refrigerator for the month between doses. Guess it was worth it though.

    1. HI Susette,
      So you have Molly’s hair in 2 long pigtails, but not braided? Maybe I can show you a few ideas on here… Maybe send me a picture of what she looks like from the waist up and I’ll see what I think…

      I am SURE Sara is a good student… She was excellent here… and excelled at most everything she tried. I hope they realize how special she is! :o)

      Thanks for the shingles reminder… I wonder if my mom has ever had that shot… I should find out!
      Thanks Susette!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. You should do hair for weddings…wouldn’t it be fun!!? I suppose real girls would be just a bit harder…LOL
    Loved seeing all those pictures. winding braids, flowers and ribbons takes a real talent and you have that for sure!
    Thanks for posting pics of Sara. She looks like she will have a great year.
    School is back this week for K-12 and next week for College kids. Where did summer go?

    1. HI Kathie,
      I’ve done a few girls hair for special occasions, but I’d buckle under the pressure of a wedding hair style. I’m glad you enjoyed all my pictures!

      The University starts back up here next week too…but the traffic in town is already noticeable. Oh boy, another year and here we go!
      Summer is HERE…at least the Summer TEMPS are here… it is very hot!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I was just beginning to wonder, do you create all their hairdos?? I guess my question is answered. Each one is lovely.

    1. HI Joy,
      YES, I do all those hairdo’s. It’s fun for me to see what I can come up with for each different dress. Thanks for your compliments, Joy.

      I went to that website last night for the consignment fabric… but not quite ready to ship all mine off yet. Thanks for the info, though.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. There’s no doubt you have a talent with hair styling. I didn’t get that talent, although I enjoy trying. The AG dolls have such nice, thick hair, and it’s a lot of fun to play around with it. I probably need to study your pictures and see if I can duplicate some of the styles.

    1. HI Carolyn,
      Most of the time, I never know how hairstyles are going to turn out.. I just pull this back, braid that, loop this around, stick a flower there, put a ribbon here, and viola! Somehow it just works! Well, it usually takes a little longer than that, but it’s fun once you start!
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. What lovely tresses indeed. It’s obvious you love styling Elizabeth’s hair as she’s certainly spotlighted today. I’ve never seen the taupe and rose gown she’s wearing. Would love to see a full length of that one if you have it. Rebecca’s hair looks so pretty in that rolled side ponytail and Caroline Regency updo is lovely. Although I would love to, except on my re-wigged Nellie (#33’s wig) I don’t tend to do hairstyles other than changing a ribbon I ‘ don’t mess with Felicity’s or Samantha’s hair, but then they only wear there original style with a ribbon/bow change. I’m rather paranoid about my two PC girls. LOL I only re-fingercurl Caroline’s hair if it needs it. I don’t want to mess up those perfect curls She just gets a ribbon around her hair or a bonnet on. Marie-Grace has her original style as well. I like her style and know it would be difficult to do again. Now she is one I would love to have another of or an additional doll with her wig. I can just imagine all the elaborate styles you could create. Looking forward to the wonders of Wednesday. 🙂

    1. HI Laura,
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on my dolls hairstyles. I’m glad you enjoyed looking at them.
      I DO have several pictures of that Regency dress you mentioned. I wrote it down so I won’t forget to show it soon.
      Sometimes a fingercurl or a ribbon is all that is needed…not a completely new hairdo!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. I was just thinking about the warm weather and thought, why not a white Hawaiian wedding dress. Have you ever done one of those? Maybe. The long curved train would be beautiful in white along with lots of flowers and photographed in your yard. 🙂

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