Monday’s Menagerie…

I looked up the word “menagerie” and the first definition was

* A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.

Well that didn’t quite apply to today’s post, so I read the second definition…

* A strange or diverse collection of people or things…

I quickly decided the “things” part applied to what I’m about to show you…

First up… Remember Susette won the last Giveaway on my 5th Anniversary Blogaversary? Well, I made her red ruffled tulle slip with a wide lace waistband but I asked her before I sent it if it would be okay to send her a few “goodies” so she could add to it however she’d like. She was all in… She wore a long red ruffled skirt to her Prom (I believe) and I thought it might be fun for her to recreate her slip…so this was a picture of what she received. I even sent her some red sequin like fabric that she might be able to make a shrug from… ???

I sent her a few pictures of the extra lace wrapped around a doll’s shoulders for a few different looks…

I’m sure she’ll send me a picture of her slip when she figures out how she wants it to look!

Next, Linda sent me some pictures of her girls enjoying the last days of summer standing around the ice cream cart! Aren’t they sweet in their shorts. Stay tuned… BECAUSE Linda will have them dressed for school shortly! You can COUNT on that! :o)

I just adore Ruthie in those pig tails and her sweet blue and white print romper!

Here are a few pictures of Cecile and Felicity heading to a tea party! They are equally as sweet!

So what kind of girl are you… an Ice Cream one or a Tea Cakes one? Just wondering…


Want to see the happy couple from the wedding I went to on Saturday?

Meet Jose and Tiara…

They are a very sweet couple who were SO excited to be married…

They even did a little boogie or jig or probably some name I don’t know… but they were dancing like no one else was around… down the aisle!

It was beautiful and romantic and sweet and charming and a tear jerker all wrapped up in one! :o)

Speaking of a tear jerker… here’s our little friend, Sara, back in Colombia, South America. This was her first day of school…

This was her bicycle when she left Bogota to come to the U.S. Look how little it was… she was nine when she left there. Now she’s 14!

She’s still baking… this was a birthday cake she made her mom… doesn’t it look delicious! If you are reading this Alba and Sara… WE LOVE YOU!

See… I told you it was a menagerie…

Have a wonderful Monday…mine is packed from picking up and delivering popsicles to hand out to new University students and helping cook and helping host at a Hospitality House for new students. These next 2 weeks might be a little crazy around here! It always is when the students get back in town! I’ll do my best to keep on track! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Monday’s Menagerie…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a fun bunch of pictures tonight, Jeanne!! I love the long, red, ruffled petticoat/formal skirt, and what you did to create a bodice (second picture, especially). Susette will have so much fun with that!!

    Linda’s pictures are a delight, as always. I’m definitely an ice cream girl, although tea parties are a lot of fun, too!!

    Jose and Tiara’s wedding was beautiful! I have seen (either on TV or youtube) some couples do that dancing down the aisle thing before–such fun! Not necessarily something that a “formal” Swede might do, I don’t think (I’m pure Swedish), however! LOL

    How nice to see those pictures of Sara! She’s becoming quite the young lady! I’m glad to see she’s still baking! That cake looks delicious!!

    Have a good week everyone! Mine will be busy with various appointments, and then Saturday is 4-H sewing/needlework entry day, so I’ll be out at the fairgrounds all day, judging.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my varied pictures today.
      I know yu all love seeing each others dolls, you love seeing Sara and you live a good wedding!!! I had it all today!
      Oh, I’d love to go to a fair with some sewing exhibits to see…that was always my favorite to look at in the exhibition hall.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Fun post today, Jeanne, and quite unexpected! Susette is going to have fun putting together a formal for whomever she is making it for! What atreat for her to get those “extras”!

    Thank you for showing my pictures! As of today, with this heat, I am an ice cream girl, for sure! Things are going to be turned very upside down in the next few days, trying to get the dolls ready for school!

    The wedding looked like it was so much fun! What joy the bride and groom had on their faces as they danced down the aisle to a new life awaiting them! Young love is such a pleasant sight to see!

    What a treat to see Sara again, and to see that she is still baking! It looks to me like Columbia is having cooler temps than we are, what with all the jackets, long sleeves and tights! That will never do here ! Make sure those popsicles don’t melt before the students get to them!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the post today and THANK YOU for sending me your pictures. They are just adorable!

      The heat index is 108 right now for us… I was out getting those popsicles and about melted myself!!
      Thank you Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. It’s always fun to see the pictures of the dolls having fun, Linda. Her girls look so cute having their ice cream. And yes, hopefully we’ll see Linda’s “back to school” pictures with the girls too. And Suzette’s red slip is so neat. I wonder how she’ll use it and which doll gets lucky enough to wear it. It really could be used as a skirt.
    The wedding looked fun and joyous. The pictures of the couple dancing down the isle was joyous and I’m sure they enjoyed their celebration with all of you.

    I can’t believe how grown Sara is! Thank you for sharing the pictures of her. It looks like she’s all ready for school. She is a lovely young girl and I wish her family the best. It was nice to get to know them through you, Jeanne.

    More rain today and the temp is suppose to be in the upper 80’s. I sure hope the humidity isn’t too bad. The humidity is the worse about summer.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I have to agree with you, Linda’s dolls ALWAYS look cute when we get s chance to see them.

      I didn’t make it to the reception but I heard it was fabulous!!!

      We are very hot here…the heat index is 108 and it’s pretty miserable out there. In a few days we are supposed to cool off a little bit…can’t wait!!
      Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed todays post.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Thanks for sharing the menagerie! Enjoyed it all.
    I do wonder how Susette’s dolly slip dress will turn out. Love how you showed the possible added jacket of lace.
    Linda’s ice cream troop is so fun. Love all the special outfits and accessories. 🙂
    And the happy dancing wedding. So glad you shared those photos. Reminded me that daughter and husband did some great dancing down the aisle too. We’ll have to check out that video again now that they have been married eleven years. 🙂
    And Sara is definitely looking a lot like her mom now. I like that the uniforms can be varied with the pieces so they do allow for some creativity. Looks like they will be safe with the metal gates and razor wire. Great picture of Sara and her old pink bike. Such wonderful memories. I think I could go for a bite of that lovely cake she made right now. Yum. 🙂
    I’m sure the new students will appreciate all you do for them. Such a busy time of year.

    1. Hi Joy,
      A little menagerie every once in a while is fun!! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      I have to leave in 10 minutes so I’m trying to at least acknowledge everyone’s comments.
      Thanks for being such a loyal reader, Joy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, wow, you do have a ton of things going on this week.

    Thanks for sharing all of the photos. You cannot go wrong beginning the week with photos of dolls having fun. The slip is adorable. I think I would use it as a skirt as it is so pretty. The ice cream and tea girls are definitely enjoying themselves.

    Best wishes to the wedding couple. Yes, some people do dance down the aisles. I bet there was a ton of dancing at the reception.

    I am so delighted to see photos of Sara. She has become our “niece” and we miss her. I knew that she would hold tight to the things you did with her, cooking and sewing. Her cake is lovely.

    Here’s to a great semester for the students and a good week for you, Jeanne.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I thought there wouldn’t be any complaints if I showed some dolly pictures…gotta love those props!!
      It wasn’t just the bride and groom, but the bridesmaids and groomsmen danced too. It was a very fine time.

      I’ll send more pictures of Sara and her family as they come to ne…I miss them…how sweet of you to call Sara “our niece.”
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. A medley of wonderful news tidbits
    I love the ice cream stand arrangement and also the tea dresses. Cecile in her dress is stunning. Perfect style for such a beauty

    I love the wedding picture. This looks like it was indeed a beautiful wedding

    best wishes to Sarah

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the topics in todays post. It was fun to share them with you all.

      The wedding was one of the most beautiful and romantic looking I have ever been to. 10 foot columns were draped with while silky fabric and the flowers set way up high. It was stunning.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Oh my! Where do I start. So much to comment on here. I’ll just start at the top so I don’t miss anything.

    Susette is getting a treasure trove of items with her red ruffled slip. She will totally enjoy creating I’m sure. Love the examples of possibilities. I have one of the red ruffled slips and am trying to decide exactly how I will use it. It will definitely be something Christmas for my 18″ Gracie. The slip is so beautiful I want to make sure it shows – a lot. What I did with the slip I got for my LD Claire was take a pattern for a dress with a bottom ruffle and leave the ruffle off, then I gathered up a section in the front so the slip would show more. I think I’ll do somewhat the same for Gracie’s dress only have more places gathered up and then embellished. Don’t know what I’ll use for the rest of the dress. I’ve got a lot of choices since I have leftovers from many, many dresses from Christmases past. Can’t wait to give it a try.

    Linda has the best props for her dolly children. I love the pictures and the cute outfits. Felicity and Cecile look lovely in their tea party attire. And the table and chairs and table setting is wonderful! Anxiously awaiting the arrival of the back-to-school pictures. I’ve managed to collect more props after joining the blog but I can’t seem to put photography in my schedule on a regular basis. I have a hot cocoa stand that I was planning on making into a lemonade stand for summer but never got around to it. But then summer is not over is it. Here not by a long shot. We have had several 101 degree days and more on the way. And no rain. Then a brief respite, with maybe some rain, and then more of the same. Unfortunately we will not be making our annual trek to Colorado until late September. But that may be a good thing, since the heat should be tapering off here by the time we get back. As for ice cream or tea and scones, well I have to pick the latter. Just looking at ice cream these days is guaranteed to add a few pounds.

    What a fun wedding. A very happy and joyous occasion. How blessed you were to be able to participate.

    Seeing the pictures of Sara was a tearjerker and I’ve never met her in person, so you have done a great job of making us feel like we have. She is very lovely. The bicycle picture was great for showing how much she grew in the time she was here. I have to remember it’s still winter in South America, as reminded by the clothing. Reminds me of the first month of school (September) in PA. Here the little kids wear shorts in the beginning of the school year until about the end of October. The older kids used to but they stopped it in the days of Daisy Duke shorts because there seemed to be no filter on what some parents allowed their daughters to wear to school. The year they stopped it we had just bought our daughter several pair of shorts for back-to-school. They were a very nice length but they were still a no-no, so it was back to the mall for us.

    Great to see Sara is still baking. Lucky are the recipients of her endeavors. I wish….

    Betsy just got two new summer outfits, Taylor Jane got one and my H4H Lilian (Lily) got one by default. Betsy got two because I liked the capris better than the shorts with her peplum top. Then the shorts needed a top. I made one I didn’t like for them so I gave that to Lily and made her a cute pair of ruffled capris to go with the top. Then another top for Betsy’s shorts. I like that one better. With some mixing and matching she actually has more than two outfits. If this keeps up I’ll never get to back-to-school. I still have a summer outfit for Sophie to make. Probably will make that today. I picked names for the order of clothes to make for the future. It seemed easier than listening to the cacophony when I chose the “wrong” girl for a new outfit. Betsy’s in hog heaven since her name came up first. So, after getting a new summer wardrobe, she gets the first back-to-school outfit. I’ll have to squeeze my new Chloe in somewhere. She can’t wait for new clothes until I exhaust the current list.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      First of all, thank you again for buying Camille/ Chloe! She is on her way!! She’s coming Priority, so hopefully she’ll get there pretty quick!!
      I’m sure you’ll come up with something very pretty for Gracie’s Christmas dress…even maybe like the one you made for your Little Darling Claire.

      Linda DOES have the best props for her dolls and she really makes good use of them!

      The heat index was 108 degrees today, so for that reason. I think I’m leaning toward the ice cream today…film have cake in the Fall and Winter.

      Alba told me the temperature in Colombis is pretty consistently 45 -65 degrees year round. They had never seen snow until they. Sme here and the 2nd year they were here it was quite a white winter with lots of ice too!

      Thank you for all your comments Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Fun post today. Wow, Susette’s new slip is lovely. i can’t wait to see a picture of it on one of her dolls. Linda’s girls are always appropriately dressed for the time. I also enjoy seeing her creative displays. Ruthie looks darling. She’s the one that got away. She would have been the next doll for me if money had allowed… oh, well maybe someday. I love ice cream and tea parties. As far as ice cream goes… make mine rocky road. I also love pistachio and macaroon which were specialties of Graeter’s ice cream shop where we went often when I was a child/teen.
    What a wonderful wedding. I wish them much happiness. You know, dancing like nobody’s watching.
    Sara has certainly grown into a lovely young lady and she certainly has a talent for baking. The strawberry flower is beautiful.

    1. HI Laura,
      Glad you made it to the post today… I’m glad you enjoyed it too… Speaking of Rocky Road…that’s my hubby’s favorite… I just bought him some the other night! It’s gone!
      I like Pistachio too…
      I hope some day you can find a Ruthie doll… she is very sweet and I LOVE her in that romper!
      I hope your week isn’t as hot as ours is… At 9:00 tonight the heat index was still 101. It has now cooled off to a mere 87 (heat indes) at 11:30p.m. That’s just TOO hot for anyone!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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