Cheery Cherries for Lian…

I wanted to do something just for fun and this is what I’ve gotten accomplished so far… Lian helped me pick out the fabric…

…now we have to figure out the bottom part… :o)

Have a happy Friday!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Cheery Cherries for Lian…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, that is going to be a cute outfit for Lian!! I think either shorts or pedal pushers would be cute with that top (either matching fabric or maybe a solid navy or red. Or, perhaps a skirt? White eyelet would be summery and nice, but one of the white-on-white prints might be nice, too.

    I hope everyone had a good 4th! Ours was fairly quiet–Ron was under the weather so we didn’t go to the church picnic after all. He does seem better tonight, however.

  2. What a cute beginning for a play outfit for Lian, Jeanne! I think the bottom could be a bloomer type leg, puffed out, or a straight leg with ruffles. I love the idea of a cute summer play outfit for a change! The cherry print is just perfect and her coloring matches it so well. This ought to be a fun project and I can’t wait to see what happens in the next day or two to get it finished. A cute little hat could finish it off!

    What a hot day yesterday! I can’t imagine being outside much, except for swimming!! I made hamburgers inside, with potato salad, deviled eggs, and baked beans, which worked out well, and was more comfortable! Saw fireworks all around to cap it off….from inside!!

  3. Lian’s a charmer in that cute top…what a lovely combination so far.

    Trusting that your weekends are full of summer delights.


  4. I like all these ideas. What about a skirt and pants (shorts, pedal pushers, bloomers)? I like the eyelet or lace or white on white skirt. This fabric is lovely on Lian, but most things are.

  5. Can’t miss with Lian. If I could have one more doll, she would be the one. Very clever start.

    Pixie Faire has a true Freebie download available yesterday and today only of a Colonial Army pattern. The site regularly has BOGO on patterns.

  6. Oh, Lian looks adorable in this top. Perfect for summer fun, paired with short rolled/cuffed white shorts. 🙂
    Sounds like the chimney swifts survived the noise ruckus from last night. They were frantically chirping. We could see the fireworks perfectly from the deck and even inside from the family room. The poor dogs next door who were left out were not happy campers at all.
    Guess it is time for back to school as even Costco has out all of the necessities already. Just thinking ahead.

  7. Liam is do darling! She will look adorable in this cherry print. The little decoration at her waist is very pretty. I like the flower design. I’m sure Lian is excited that she is the model this time.
    Hope everyone enjoyed their 4 th of July celebration. We watched the fireworks near by. Played games and enjoyed family.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, hello.

    I echo the others. I think pedal pushers would be nice, maybe in white. I was laughing as I was thinking about pedal pushers because that is surely a “Boomer” term (laugh). I think the young folks today say Capri pants but maybe I am wrong.

    What were the pants that Laura Petrie wore on the Dick Van Dyke show called? Here I go walking down Memory Lane again (chuckle). Next we will be inviting Miss Frances over for Afternoon Tea.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Definitely, Dorothy!

      I recently bought what Land’s End called sport knit “capris”–but to me they are pedal pushers because they end slightly above mid-calf.

      Laura Petrie wore CAPRI pants on the Dick Van Dyke show–and they were slim and tapered, and ended just above the ankle bone; she wore them with little ballerina flats and no socks. (Land’s End has a wider-legged version of these, which they call “crops”. To me, they look kind of baggy!

  9. What a sweet little top started for Lian. I really love cherries on fabric.
    Petal pushers were popular when I was in high school (mid 1980’s) They were snug and came right below where your knee bends. We also wore Bermuda shorts in madras plaid a lot or shots that were about three inches above your knee. I was definitely the preppy dresser. Capris fall mid-calf. I think the silliest look are the cropped pants, just my opinion. Always reminds me of what we called “high water pants” aka those you had outgrown. LOL
    Here’s a diagram I found
    The concert was wonderful and the fireworks were spectacular last night. My mom and daughter baled on me because it was hot so I ended up going alone since it was too late to call a friend ( I assumed all plans would be set by then so didn’t bother ). It actually cooled down some and there was a breeze. i sat next to and chatted with a nice family with three young kids whose husband is a Marine. Had a great time>

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, thanks for the diagram link. That is very helpful.

      I am glad you went to the fireworks and had a nice time with the family you met.

  10. I just saw I wrote peTal pushers instead of peDal pushers. LOL Pushing flower pants I guess. Anyway, just saw something else regarding pedal pushers and capri pants. Pedal pushers still exist, just under another name, now they are called “skimmers”. I guess to get away from the thought that they were for riding bikes only.

  11. A funny story about pedal pushers. When I was a junior in high school my boyfriend lived next door so his mom and mine were friends. One day they were sitting on the porch talking about the size of pedal pushers for some reason and we were standing there. My boyfriend told them he wore a size 12. Well his mother knew he didn’t wear pedal pushers and she was confused as to why he said that, then he told her he thought they were talking about shoes.

    One of the things I love to make for my dolls are jellies. Remember the long shorts men surfers wore called jams – I guess they’re still actually called that I just haven’t heard them referred to that way today. Well the jellies are the girl version. Paired with a crop top, they make for a really cute outfit. Pixie Faire has patterns for 18″ and AGAT dolls.

    I often think of high waters when I see cropped pants, but I still wear a lot of them. In truth I’m short and when I order capris they are usually more crop pants than capris. For capris I might as well order Bermuda shorts.

    I love Lian’s top. It is so cute. I was looking at some of my wish list on Pixie Faire today and saw a romper for the Wellies made out of that cherry print. Can’t wait to see what the bottom part of the outfit is.

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