It’s “Little House on the Prairie’s” fault…

This afternoon I turned on the TV in my sewing room and an episode of Little House in the Prairie was on. Normally I can have the TV on and sew at the same time, occasionally glancing at the screen to see when the scene changes. Notice the word…”normally.” I hadn’t seen an episode of Little House in a really long time… didn’t even know it was on in the afternoons.

The first episode I watched was the one where the Ingall’s leave Walnut Grove and move to “the city” because Charles can’t find any work. I had never seen that episode and you see, I kind of have this “thing” for Michael Landon. It doesn’t matter if it’s Highway to Heaven or another show, he melts my heart and makes me cry…and that’s just what he did today…I cried my eyes out…which led to 2 more episodes of watching him. I didn’t sew when the shows were on…I have to just watch…

…so…I got a late start on working on Felicity’s hat and mob cap. But I’ll show you what I have decided upon.

Instead of a round eared cap this time, we decided to make a lacy mob cap. (this is actually some lace left over from the wedding dress I made my sister in law.)

No Colonial young lady went out without a cap of some kind under her hat. It has a narrow piece of elastic sewn about one inch from the edge, and trimmed with a sweet lace. I think it looks pretty peeking out from under her hat.

I didn’t have any flowers the right color to decorate her hat with so I’ll have to find some before I can finish it. I thought I’d give you a sneak peek of what it will “sort of” look like.

I tied it in front, but it looks a little too fussy. Granted, the bow isn’t tied very well, but it’s just to give you an idea…

So I tied it in back and think that looks better.

So, if you want to blame anyone for the lack of work done on the dress set, blame Michael!! :o)

See you tomorrow. I better not turn on the TV in the afternoon…
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “It’s “Little House on the Prairie’s” fault…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I love that lacy mob cap; it’s so feminine-looking! Gorgeous fabric!

    My first thought on the hat was that the crown was too small for Felicity, but when you have it tied on her with the wide ribbon, etc., it looks so much better. I agree, tying it the back looked better, but perhaps if the ribbon were narrower, it could be tied in the front and still look proportional to Felicity.

    I read all the “Little House” books, plus some others about the Ingalls family, etc., but never really watched the series much. I’m not sure if it’s on out here or not; may have to check that out.

    Did you know they have a web site? And you can subscribe to their newsletter, too! Lots of fun. They share recipes, crafts, etc. that would be typical of those used during that time period (but upgraded for modern appliances/materials), and also talk about upcoming events at the museum. Enjoy! (But maybe you should wait till Felicity’s outfit is done and listed before you check this out! LOL)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      When I first got those hats I thought they were too small in the crown part too, but after a little research, I discovered they was correct

      It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my love for everything “Little House!”
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. The mob cap and straw hat are just the perfect touches for Felicity’s new dress, Jeanne! I love those lacy caps, and yours is an especially pretty one, with the lace echoing the lace on the dress. Oh yes, the hat looks way better tied in the back! When it is tied in front, you can’t even see the best part of the dress, which is the lace collar!

    Would lace fingerless gloves be too much? Or a lacy reticule?

    I never was a fan of Little House on the Prairie, not because I didn’t like it, but just never had the time to watch, but we did visit the homesite of Laura Ingalls Wilder, in Mansfield, Mo., last year, or maybe the year before, on our way back from a trip to Branson. It is very interesting, and they had just opened a new museum there. If you ever are in the area, it would make for an interesting stop. It certainly brings to life the books and television show.

    Another hot day here, a good day for sewing!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’ve seen the signs for Laura’s homesite on the way to Deb’s before but never stopped… I didn’t turn on the TV this afternoon…probably a good thing! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Hi Jeanne,

    I “hear you” in regards to Michael Landon….I would be starry-eyed watching him on Bonanza in the past.

    Felicity looks lovely in her hat, mob cap and dress. You continue to help fabrics “sing” together.


    1. Hi Becky,
      I can’t believe I forgot to mention Little Joe on Bonanza…what a heart throb he was. 🤩
      Thank you for your sweet compliments Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I started crushing on Michael when Bonanza ran in the ‘70’s, so I understand perfectly ❤️😢

    Love the outfit.. the bow can be tied either way.. more formal in front, more casual in back:)
    Such a pretty outfit!!

    1. Hi Shara,
      I like how you said it…”crushing on Michael.” Me too!!
      Thank you Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. yes, Michael Landon was handsome. I did enjoy watching the shows back in the days of olden with my little girls. We loved the show.
    I watched one episode a few months ago while treadmilling
    I love the lace hat and the straw hat. You really know how to photograph these dear girls. They are all sweet

    1. Hi Rosemary,
      I guess most of us enjoyed seeing Michael in any role he played.
      Thank you for your compliments on Felicity’s dress. My pictures weren’t great last night…I hope my pictures I take for the auction will be much better.
      Thanks so much
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Felicity (and Caroline) look lovely in this outfit. I love the coloring and print of the material and the rust colored bows. The lace is exquisite. The whole color scheme is beautiful. I like your choice of the cream colored ribbon for her hat too.

    Michael Landon…oh yes. I liked all the shows he was in. Years ago, we visited the site of the Bonanza home, The Ponderosa. It was really cool to see it. During our drive in the Nevada area where it was located, I remember looking at the landscape and telling my husband, “Boy, this looks like the land the four Cartwright’s rode up on their horses in the beginning of the show.” Shortly after that, we saw the signs to the Ponderosa! I had no idea there really was an area with the outside Ponderosa verses the studio Ponderosa. It was a real treat to see it.
    Another time, when we were visiting Ventura, Ca., we found the entrance to the area where Little House On the Prairie’s outdoor filming was done but the entrance was blocked so we couldn’t drive in. This wasn’t in Ventura but south of Ventura somewhere. Apparently, there had been tours of the area at one time…maybe there still is.
    I can just see you sitting there sniffling while watching. Those shows often had tear jerking moments. Good, good shows.

    1. Thank you for your kind compliments on Felicity’s dress, Paula. I appreciate them.

      How neat to have been on the actual Ponderosa. I loved that scene where they all came riding up on their horses.
      What was the Chinese cooks name…Hop Sing?
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Felicity will be so correct with her cap and straw hat. Were authentic hats of the time tied in the back behind the hair? Just curious, but they probably were. Maybe that narrower ribbon would work for a front tie too as suggested by Charlotte. The hat is a great topper and perfect for the warm weather coming soon to everyone.
    As to Michael Landon, I think everyone I knew loved his Bonanza show. The first Bonanza was broadcast in color in 1959. I can verify that because we were among the first to have a color television in our town. It was quite an amazing thing to view color after those years of black and white. That was a great show. The Ponderosa ranch at Tahoe which had a replica of the homestead, closed in 2005. However, I still have a tin cup with the logo. 🙂
    Loved reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder little house series in fourth grade. I still have the entire set which I will be passing on to the grands soon.
    Working on the second outfit for Jen Wrenne’s summer sew along for Stella May. Most sewing I’ve done in awhile for sure.
    Here comes May. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy
      I have seen pictures where the hats were tied in the back… that’s the only reason I started doing it few years ago. I prefer them in the back to avoid covering up the details usually on the bodice.
      Yay…another Michael lover… wasn’t he the best?
      Glad to hear you’re getting some sewing done… I need a kick in the pants tonight… can’t seem to get started.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I totally understand not being able to leave a show you love while it is on, especially if it’s an episode you haven’t seen before. I don’t believe I’ve seen the first one you mentioned. I was a big Michael Landon fan and loved all the shows he was in, but my weakness these days is “Murder, She Wrote”. It comes on at 8 a.m. here and goes till 11 a.m. If it is an episode I haven’t seen (have most of them on DVD) or one I especially love, I tell myself I’ll just do my have-tos during the commercials while it is on. I do put it on and listen to it while I am in my study checking out the blog or paying bills. But I sure would get a lot more done if I never put the TV on. My days are short enough as it is. But that’s not going to happen. It’s great company.

    My daughter had the “Little House” books. My granddaughter is just learning to read and I will give them to her when she is ready.

    I love mob caps in general and Felicity or Caroline’s in particular. Lovely fabric. I’m not much up on period costuming, so I rely on you and others on the blog to educate me. I hadn’t realized women wore their caps under their hats. I thought they were just worn inside by maids or for sleeping. I did look up the term and found this interesting fact. They were originally called “bonnets”, but the name “mob cap” caught on during the French Revolution because the poorer women who were involved in the riots wore them. I checked several sites and they all seem to agree on that.

    We’re supposed to get rain tomorrow and maybe a few showers today, but my Lavender is looking a bit puny so I’m off to water it. Probably a good way to make sure it rains.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I can’t believe I hadn’t seen that episode either, but it sure was s good one to watch for the first time…
      So you are a fan of Angela Lanbury? I liked Perry Mason and Colombo….
      I do the same thing as you sometimes…work like the dickens during the commercials…

      We got tons of rain this evening… but I think it’s supposed to be really nice tomorrow. I hope so.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. This whole ensemble just gets better everyday! American Girl showed both Felicity and Elizabeth in mob caps with the wide brimmed hat tied in back. That doesn’t mean historical accuracy, but I prefer tied in back. I made my Elizabeth an outfit using the original American Girl patterns for Felicity. The dress, petticoat, and mob cap were in the patterns. I made my own pattern for the hat.

    1. Thank you Jillaurellia,
      I like the hats tied in the back the best…it still gives the illusion of the hat tied around her face but doesn’t get in the way of a necklace or a pretty neckline.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Playing catch up again. *sigh* First to yesterday’s post. Felicity looks lovely in the dress, but< I'll have to admit that Caroline looks stunning. The color is a dead ringer for her seafoam eyes. IMO first edition Felicity is the loveliest PC girl and Caroline is the loveliest AG. I know for me it's the hair/eye combo was just ideal. This outfit will be just beautiful for Felicity's summer outings
    Ha ha, I had to laugh about your being so engrossed in Little House that you forgot to sew. We've watched reruns of "Bonanza" quite often, even had this fun game of guessing which Cartwright would be featured first as they rode up.
    I loved Little House as a child. It debuted in 1974 when I was six. I seem to recall it played on Monday nights at 8 PM. I didn't get to see some of the later episodes until I was an adult probably because I had studying to do at that time and of course, there was no way to record it for later. Unless a missed episode reran during the summer, you missed it. I bought the Imavision DVD's when they became available to let my daughter enjoy and just recently splurged on the Lionsgate ones that have the COMPLETE episodes brought back to original TV length. The Imavision ones are missing scenes apparently. I saw a comparison side by side I can imagine you sniffing during the show as well. The one you watched first would have been "Times are Changing". There were so many that moved me to tears.You'll have to make a sewing date with Little House. It will give you two enjoyable things to do at once.
    I still have my set of the yellow cover Little House books with Garth Williams illustrations and the Little House cookbook a family friend gave me for a birthday. We read and enjoyed. We've bought some other books on the Ingalls and read the "Rose" books that her stepson wrote.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I do agree with you that Caroline looks stunning in this color. I didn’t even remember her when I was making this for Felicity in the beginning, but when I tried it on her, I couldn’t believe how it made her eyes sparkle.

      I loved to watch Little House when I was younger…( and apparently NOW that I am older!!)
      Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts, Laura.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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