Felicity’s new lace collar…

I guess since I’m the one making the dress for Felicity, I can change my mind. And I did! I really wanted a flexible lace…something more interesting and a little darker. I have lots of bags of scraps of vintage laces and found this piece and when I draped it around her neck, I liked it very much. (So did Felicity!) This really isn’t a collar, but I’m calling it one anyway…

I don’t have very much to show you but you can see what it’s going to look like around her neck.

Here it is basted in place…

Then a bias strip was cut and stitched around it. I would have loved for it to be super skinny and flat, but the lace’s edge was a little bit thick so it is a bit more substantial than I had really hoped for. I pressed it as flat as it would go.
I think when the sleeves are sewn in and the underarm seams stitched, it will pull it down a bit…

Well, that’s it…

Edgar, Alba and Sara are on their way to New Jersey to visit his sister and then on June 9th, they will fly home to Colombia, South America. Thanks for all the virtual hugs…but I needed more tissues!! :o)

See you Monday,
Have a glorious Saturday,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Felicity’s new lace collar…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a difference a piece of lace makes!! This is so pretty, and really does look like it should be a collar. I see what you mean about the heading of the lace being a little thick, but I think the bias trim looks just fine at the width it is. The only other option would have been to enclose it within the neckline seam (bodice to bodice lining, that is) or a facing seam, and that would most likely have raised some other problems, like the collar not laying nice and flat. As it is, I think it will be really lovely when the dress is done!

    Color-wise, it still seems a bit stark to me, but of course this is only a preliminary look, and as the dress takes shape, I think it will “look” different, as there will be a lot more of the teal fabric to balance the deep lace trim.

    Now to adjust to your world without your Columbian family nearby…..

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      The lace would have been too thick to enclose it in the facing. It really only could be laid flat and bias trim added on top.
      The lace color looks very pretty…hang on for more green fabric…. :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh, so pretty,. Jeanne! I love the lace “points”, and it has completely changed the concept of the dress, making it quite elegant looking! I am wondering what kind of sleeves you will be adding. I think some pretty, 3 quarter length sleeves, puffed at the bottom, would look so pretty and could work in all seasons. Oh course, you probably have that already figured out, and for sure you will do what is best for the dress. Maybe some lace cuffs? Of course, you would have to try to find the right size lace, that matches the pretty lace collar, which should be the main attraction of the dress. Here I am going on and on, getting more and more off the track!

    I thought of you yesterday at 3, said a little prayer, but the tissue part was a bit impossible!

    I tried to trim back my azalea bush yesterday, but the heat made it hard to work outside for long. I like warm weather, but 92 degrees is a bit much! However, it is great for sewing inside, so maybe you just might get a lot done on the dress this weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      The sleeves WILL be 3/4 length…most likely with a ruffle… I only had about an hour in my sewing room but hope to find some time Sunday afternoon.
      I had to do errands today…and catch up on some things here at home since the last week was pretty much wash.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. The comment I made yesterday right at 3 p.m. didn’t post somehow but please know I was thinking of you and Alba’s family. I’m sure they’ll keep you posted on their adventures.

    Where do you get the fabrics with tiny prints that are perfect for the dolls? But I think I know . . . From the many antique and fabric shops you haunt around your area. Your collection is perfect 👌. Do you think perhaps machine basting and close trimming could have eliminated the bulk, although it looks fine as it is. Love the color match with Felicity’s eyes. I have an early Pleasant Company Felicity that I knew to look for thanks to following the blog. I just got Samantha’s complete Travel Outfit to go with her umbrella that I’ve had for a long time. So glad you started me on collecting and sewing.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Thanks for your sweet thoughts yesterday. I felt them…
      A lot of my fabrics come from Joann’s and Hobby Lobby…but some does come from thrift stores. I found 2 new pieces at the thrift store and a yard sale…both tiny scale prints.

      I couldn’t trim the lace close to the edge… it was an open design and if trimmed it would unravel…I tried…

      I’m thrilled when I can inspire someone to take up sewing again…congrats!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Felicity will charm us all once you get this dress together. You always seem to choose just the right piece of lace or ribbon to go with your doll creations. Always stunning, always inspiring. Thank you, Jeanne.

    I trust your weekend will be full of happiness.

    1. Hi Becky,
      I certainly hope Felicity charms us all with this next dress… thank you so much for your wish for a happy weekend. My Saturday was a happy one…so you are half right already! :o)
      I did hear from Alba…they made it to Edgar’s sister’s house…
      Thank you Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Virtual hugs work but virtual tissues aren’t absorbent enough. That’s useful to know.

    I have had a sort of inspiration — or maybe not. What would happen if this dress suddenly went Victorian. That lovely lace reminds me more of Victoria’s times, and Linda’s suggestion of sleeves that puff suddenly seemed just right with the collar. The V waist is still suitable. Rebecca would furnish a necklace, I’m sure, and a pretty headpiece for spring would show off Felicity’s pretty hair and be pretty for spring.

    Memorial Day weekend. I wonder if I’m the only one here who somehow thought there was another week to get ready for that. How silly can you get?

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Someone needs to invent virtual tissues.. thanks for trying anyway… :o)
      Maybe I’ll just keep working on the dress and determine the time period later… ???

      This is the weekend for the 100 mile yard sale but we decided to pass on it. Rebecca was off this weekend but she wanted to get things done here at home.
      The temps were supposed to be up near 100 with the heat index, so we passed. I wonder what all we missed but it’s okay… I think…

      I could have used another week before a holiday weekend too…guess I’ll move on to the Fourth of July…:o)
      Thanks Marilyn ,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You made that piece of lace really shine. It’s going to be such an eye catcher on the front of the dress. That color with her eyes and hair couldn’t be better. I don’t think the edge looks too thick…in fact it needs that little extra to balance the heavier lace.
    Hope you will only think of Sara and family with happy memories now…no more tears!
    We are still cool but my roses are budded and a few blooming along with daisies. We live in the house my mother moved into in 1970 and she loved Jackson Perkins roses. At least 4 or 5 of the bushes she planted are still going strong so some of them are way over 40 years old! Many we put in are 20 or more years old too . My favorite combo…daisies and roses!
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I LOVE this lace! Thanks!!! I can’t wait to get more done on it to see how it looks…
      I received a text from Alba…they made it to New Jersey. :o) Happy memories? Ok!!!

      Congratulations on the Rose’s and daisies…I dont have a great green thumb…but it sound like you do. I remember some pictures of them before… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. When I first saw the new collar, it still looked too light, but after reading the comments and looking again, I think it will work. The bias around the neck is perfect. If you add a necklace, perhaps it can be made of small delicate beads to compliment the lovely lace of the collar or a simple black ribbon tied around the neck with a tiny pin attached. Just a thought.
    Will be nice for Sara and family to visit aunt/sister before returning to Columbia. I’ll bet grandmother will be awaiting their return with open arms. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      The lace might look off in my pictures so far, but, trust me, it looks great in person.
      Alba told me her mom can hardly wait for them to get home…I bet!!!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I spent the day in Katy yesterday having routine maintenance on my car and a lovely lunch with my daughter-in-law who lives nearby, so I never got around to reading the blog till late last evening and felt it was too late to comment. So, Jeanne, here is your big HHHHUUUUGGGGG!!!! As for the tissues, well I can send you some, but you probably won’t need them to so much by the time they arrive. I had no idea Edgar had relatives in the U.S. Did they get to visit much while Edgar, Alba and Sara were here?

    I love the “collar”. It is beautiful and the fabric is wonderful. For my birthday my hubby got me a large, curved monitor. The color on it is amazing. When I hear others say the color of their lace is nearly white, I realize how good my color is. I know from the pictures of Gracie and Camille’s dresses that it’s pretty much right on, so I can truly say the lace is well suited for the fabric.

    I thought it was my Knock-out roses that were blooming again, but it turned out to be my Oleanders. I nearly gave up hope of them ever blooming. But my roses have slowed down some. Not sure why because those roses usually bloom under all circumstances.

    I had to make sure you got a hug even if belated. Now I need to head out to mow my lawn, which lately seems to need mowing twice a week (which I don’t do). Haven’t had much chance to sew the past few days, maybe this afternoon. If I don’t need a nap. It takes me two hours to mow, and the heat wears me out.

  9. Hi Barbara,
    Thanks for your HUG all the way from Texas!
    I think they visited Edgar’s sister once while they were here…maybe over a Christmas break…
    Yes, this lace is very nice with the fabric. I’m glad you can see it…
    My hubby mowed our grass too…it was really hot out… he DID take a nap…:o)
    Thanks Barbara
    Blessings, Jeanne

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