Give me a YARD SALE any day of the year…

Remember I told you I was going to get up early Saturday morning and go to a Bazaar at a church down the road from me? Well, late Friday night I remembered I went to it last year and it wasn’t quite what I was expecting, so I wadded up the note I had left on the counter for my hubby to get me up early, and went to bed, thinking I would sleep in. Well, my hubby remembered me telling him earlier in the week that I wanted to go to it…SO… he woke me up. Since I was awake, I decided to go ahead and venture out. They had jewelry booths galore, lots of crocheted hats and scarves, more jewelry, painted wood, painted cards, some knitted purses, and stuff like that… more “artisan” type items. (I would like to go to the sale where the artists are selling their supplies and patterns for things.) I saw quite a few of the same people who were at AutumnFest, where we went about 2 weeks ago. So it was pretty much like last year, just as I had remembered. I walked around the room and was probably in and out in less than 2 minutes.

I decided I’d take a drive down one of the streets that sometimes has yard sales on it and I got all the way to the end of the street and didn’t see any yard sale signs… bummer! But then, I saw a really big sign at a church on the corner and it said, “Christmas Yard Sale!” Could you hear my tires squealing as the car was turning in? (not really!) I looked at the sign and I was already an hour late from when they opened up… There would probably be nothing left.

Well, something caught my eye as soon as I walked in the door… it was a brown square pottery jar, handmade I was sure, and the tag said, $1.00. SOLD! It was quite heavy and about 12″ tall and 6″ wide on each side. Each side had the same landscape scene painted on it… so it was like a continuous scene all the way around it. There was a chip in the neck of the jar that had been glued back in, so it wasn’t in pristine condition. It had the most interesting shiny-like glaze and the name on the bottom said George D. Harper 1980, Glennville, W.V., “The Original W.V. Landscape Pot.”
Maybe it was one of those stories that you see on Antiques Road Show where someone pays $1.00 for something and it turns out to be some famous artist and it ends up being worth $250,000. Well, it didn’t turn out that way.. I googled the guy when I got home and he is an artist from WV, and I even found ONE hummingbird vase he had sold on Ebay for…wait for it… $23.00. But that’s fine, because I liked it and didn’t really want to sell it.

I carried the jar around with me to some other tables and spotted my 2nd treasure. It was a crystal 3 tiered stand. You know those kind of pieces where you can put cookies or tiny cupcakes or fancy candies on the different layers. I’m always having to find something when we have baby or bridal showers at our church. It’s not something I would use ALL the time, but it would be nice WHEN I did need one. It was $2.00!

The 3rd thing that caught my eye as a box of Christmas ornaments in a very old box from West Germany. I knew my hubby would want me to get them! So I did… They were $1.00 for the box. They will be nice to put on my tree this year. They look old and worn in spots and the box was definitely old so I “hope” they are old and not reproduction ornaments made to look old… even if they are, I liked them.

When I got home I texted my sister Cindy and she helped me (again) long distance, figure out where to put my new jar… This is what we came up with… on my buffet, with a sprig of my shiny green Magnolia leaves stuck inside.

Susette edited my picture and sent me one that looks better than the one I had on here.

Now to totally change the subject again…when we took my mom home today, I saw 2 of the ladies who work at Liberty Village, Peggy and Patti, where my mom lives now, and it looked like they were working on an art project. I asked them about it and they were trying to figure out how to make some Christmas ornaments for the next time they had a “creative session” with the tenants of the building. Peggy said something about me writing a blog, (I don’t ever remember talking to her about it)and she wanted to know more about what I wrote about. I told her mostly doll related things, but also about sewing and sometimes family and friend posts. Then I asked them if they’d like to be featured in my blog for Monday? They both smiled and scooted together so I took a few pictures of them working hard on their candy cane ornaments that they’ll be showing how to make. I thought it was sweet and told them they’d be seen from New Zealand to France and Florida to California! :o)
So here they are… such sweet workers where my mom now lives.

Now, I’ll change the subject one last time… Amanda did break the $275 mark so I emailed the winner and at least asked her if she wanted a Christmas dress or just a pretty little girls dress for anytime, but I haven’t heard back from her yet. I guess I’ll be working on that for a day or two.

I found a picture on Ebay of what her “missing” sash looked like. I wanted to replicate it as much as possible since it was missing. I just noticed the dress is slightly different from mine. This one has no set in sleeves but it has 2 ruffles where mine only has one. hmmm…

I had 3 little flowers sort of like the ones in that picture, so I came up with this…stitched to a piece of blue silk ribbon. It’s not exactly the same, but close enough…

I hope you are having a wonderful Monday… Who’s ready for Thanksgiving?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Give me a YARD SALE any day of the year…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, this was a fun post, Jeanne! First the Christmas yard sale–some terrific finds there! That 3-tiered plate will certainl be handy at showers, and maybe also at potlucks, for the dessert table–you can get quite a git ont the three tiers in just the space of a small dish! Our pastor and his wife have one, and they use it at every Christmas party, for cookies and/or candies, depending on what they are serving.

    How nice of Peggy and Patti to be willing to be photographed, and share their cute beaded candy canes with us! I’ve seen them done with tri-beads before (you know, they are kind of three-sided but curved between the “points” [which are actually flat], and sculpted so the nest together), but I like the use of the pony beads, too.

    I think the sash looks really good, and very close to the original for Amanda. I wouldn’t be too concerned that the dresses are slightly different; I know that, at least with other dolls such as Barbie, they often vary the fabrics and trims in the “same” outfit, especially in the older ones.

    We went to a wedding reception/square dance today, for our “daughter”, Leslie. She and her sister were in our son’s square dance club when they were all teenagers, and the girls still call us mom and dad! Ron and I haven’t danced in about 10 years or so, and I know he would no longer be able to balance well enough anyway–he sometimes has trouble just walking, poor guy….and my knees don’t always cooperate. But today, the bride’s nephew very graciously danced one round dance with me! My skills are pretty rusty, I have to admit, but by the time we were halfway thru, I was having less and less trouble. I did end up a little dizzy, as the waltz has a lot of turns and twirls in it.. Still, it was Fun!! I do miss dancing, but doubt I’d be able to do it regularly any more. I guess this was my “last hurrah” on the dance floor!

    Hope you and yours, and all your readers, have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks for your stories…it’s always something new about you a lot of the time… I’m sure everyone enjoyed your dancing story…
      I bet your “last hurrah” dance was enjoyed by everyone!
      I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Again, I had a wonderful time “tagging” along with you this weekend, Jeanne! That’s a beautiful vase, and I love the way you embellished it with magnolia leaves. Wish I had a magnolia tree! Also that 3 tiered tray is beautiful, and so handy when you need it! You did good! Oh, those German ornaments are just beautiful, and remind me of the ones my German grandparents had. They will be a treasure for sure!

    Peggy and Patti looked so festive themselves, as they made such cute ornaments! We need more Peggy’s and Patti’s in this world! Like Charlotte, I used tri-beads when we made candy canes with the Girl Scouts, and I still have some for my family tree!

    I love the little sash you made for Amanda’s dress, and so happy for the new “Mom” she will have! Can you please show us what you make for her “extra” outfit?

    Charlotte mentioned square dancing, and I too, took square dancing lessons when in Jr. High! it was fun, and we had an outdoor dance floor at our teachers house, when weather permitted, We danced indoors at a local church when it was cold, but always the joy of flying around dancing to the music was so much fun, and a welcome distraction during the school year! Haven’t square danced since then, but I remember it all!

    I pretty much have my Thanksgiving meal planned, but it is a very small gathering this year, so not a big deal. Have to get the turkey out of the freezer today!!

    1. HI Linda,
      Thanks for tagging along with me again…
      I have been working on the winners bonus dress and will definitely show it on here. I’m almost done…but think I might make a slip to go with it.
      So…we have another square dancer in the group…I bet it would all come back to you if you had the opportunity! :o)
      I need to get the final plans made for our Thanksgiving dinners…one Thursday, one Friday evening…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Good morning! It’s so nice to get the blog when I’m just starting my day.
    That was a lovely follow-along trip, Jeanne. I too like that vase and I’m so glad you got it. I’ve got a vase with a chip on the rim, and who notices it? The flowers or greenery cover up the chip. Your WV vase looks so at home in your house.
    I have similar ornaments made here by an immigrant German family, if I remember what I read about them. They are some of the ornaments people comment on when they see my tree. They really are beautiful. Mine are pastel, the jewel colors you found are prettier — I think you got a bargain there. In fact, you had a great morning.
    Your belt for Amanda is perfect. I hadn’t missed a belt on her dress, but now that I see it, what a difference it makes. It’s going to be fun seeing what Amanda gets as a second dress. Lucky winner — that’s a big bonus.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’m really liking that new vase too…it looks just right sitting there on my buffet. There were 2 pastel-like striped ones in the box that I wasn’t crazy about, but they might look better mixed in with the others. I took thme out before taking the pictures…
      I just told Linda I’m almost finished with the new dress…and hope to share it maybe tomorrow.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Well, even if you were jolted awake unnecessarily, sounds like you had a very fun day. That vase speaks of Cindy and now you too. It is really a lovely piece. I’m wondering if you might be able to repair that chip in a more satisfactory method? I think I would try soaking if it is a glue like Elmer’s or using alcohol or some glue remover and then start over. With your touch, you might even be able to touch up the paint so than the chip isn’t apparent at all. All this in your “free” time of course. 🙂 As it is, what a beautiful display piece for the season. I think I would leave most everything for the December season and toss in your new ornaments as well. I love seeing a few special ornaments casually added to designs.
    I’ve always liked those display stands because most actually screw together and can be stored flat. I’d like to see it on your “new” kitchen island filled with ornaments. 🙂
    Wonderful to have Peggy and Patti available to do special crafts with your mom’s care facility residents. I’m sure everyone will enjoy making things during the season. That pink one would be perfect maybe in a smaller size on a Barbie tree! Always thinking of those dollies.
    And had no idea Charlotte and Linda were such great square dancers. My parents in laws belonged to a club and danced for many years. I recently found a pin often worn by my mother in law titled Circles & Squares. Just plastic, but a cute memory.
    Hope you get a pic of Amanda’s new outfit before she makes her journey to her new home. The belt is a very cute addition too.
    We’re so excited. Supposed to get rain Wednesday. Will help to wash away all of the ash, improve the weather, put out fires, and water the bone dry hills.

    1. HI Joy,
      If I hadn’t gotten up and gone, I would never have found that pottery vase and I really like it, so now, looking back, I’m glad I ventured out Saturday morning.

      I’m going to try and get my Christmas tree set up sooner than I normally do… sometimes it’s too much work for the time I have left to enjoy it. Maybe next week after things settle down a bit.

      I asked them if they were putting together little “kits” for the residents, and they said no…they were just seeing how to make them so they could explain the directions better. I’d probably like the job of “art instructor” at Liberty! ;o)

      I’m hoping to get Amanda’s new dress finished and will show everyone. It’s blue to match her eyes… :o)

      I hope you get LOTS and LOTS of rain to put out those fires, but not so much that it causes landslides where the trees are gone.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Love love that vase…I don’t think I’ve ever seen one with the design all the way around it…and the magnolia leaves look great in it. You have a good eye for picking out just the right thing.
    I’m just finishing my Little Darling Christmas swap outfit and the dress needs a belt so I may copy that idea. 🙂 I’m in the mood for Christmas cookies and I dare not make them yet or there will none to mail off and they won’t taste fresh if I make them now.
    Making pies for Thanksgiving…pecan, pumpkin, lemon meringue and apple. I guess I’m just hungry!

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      The vase really is pretty and very heavy. I was worried that it might get knocked over sitting on my buffet, but I think it’s heavy enough to stay put. Cindy suggested the magnolia leaves… I had pussy willows in there but they were too scant for the bulkiness of the vase.

      If you snap any pictures of your Christmas swap outfit, send them to me, after the winner has gotten it, of course.

      I’ve been fighting the urge to make some chocolate chip cookies too… George has a meeting tonight and I am hoping I can “be strong” and not give in to making some while he’s gone.

      Sarah and her mom, Alba, are coming over Wednesday to help me make some of the stuff for my Thanksgiving dinners. (Thursday and Friday). She said she wanted to learn how to cook the way I do… :o) Have fun making your pies… they all sound wonderful!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You sure held out for the real bargains after looking at so many things over the weekend. The vase is beautiful. My son and his family lived in West Virginia until recently and the vase has a scene that looks like one just down the road from their house. I think one could find that scene within a mile of any house in WV. It does have an Asian quality about it in scale and application of the design. Love the ornaments and the lovely tiered compote. You are the Yard Sale Queen this week or maybe the whole year.

    Nice fix on the dress for the lucky person who won it. I’m worn out just thinking about making all those different pies, Kathie.

    1. Hi Susette,
      When I saw the vase was from WV, I thought of your family… and wondered if they might know the guy… small chance, but I wondered…

      I saw that you had sent me an “edited” picture of my vase on the buffet. I could have done that if I had taken the picture with my camera, and sent it to Picasa, but I don’t know how to send my pictures to Picasa for cropping and editing with my phone. It’s probably too old to do that anyway. About half the functions don’t work on it.
      I might exchange your picture for mine…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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