~ Christmas Cheer ~ for Patsy Tonner

I don’t have Patsy’s new Christmas dress listed on Ebay yet, and will probably wait until after Thanksgiving, because she wants EVERYONE to see how sweet she looks. We’re calling this one Christmas Cheer and I think that’s a fitting name. It’s pretty Christmasy and Patsy is full of Cheer because of her new legs!

I was on a roll with this dress… it just came together with everything working out! The snaps were sewn down the back of her dress, some little loops were made on the side of the dress to hold the belt in place, I had the right color wool felt for her jacket… I just handstitched the design on her jacket without overthinking it; using some red and gold glass beads, her thigh highs were made from some stretchy gold colored fabric I had, we decided on a hair bow instead of a hat, and we found some black shoes that looked dressier than the red ones I had planned on using.

Patsy also dug around in my Dolly Toy box and found what she wanted to go with the dress… Briley, a sweet antique reproduction mohair bear.

…AND we had a really nice photo shoot too!

Would you like to see some pictures of Christmas Cheer? I thought so!

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday! I’m hoping to go to a Bazaar at a church down the road from me… I saw a sign that it started at 9:00 Saturday morning! Never know what you might find… *wink*

Don’t forget… my auction for Amanda ends Sunday evening. I might send out a reminder.

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “~ Christmas Cheer ~ for Patsy Tonner”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a darling outfit for Patsy! I can see what you mean–the pieces all just look perfect together!! The little beadwork design on the jacket is the perfect finishing touch!

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I wish they all went together this quickly…
      I’m glad you like it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. It’s amazing how you can take a perfectly plain dress pattern and fix it up to be one in a million, Jeanne! You have the perfect fabric, add a little bit of sparkly ribbon, a sweet jacket with beaded embellishments that give it that extra touch, pretty stockings and a pert little bow, and. viola!, you have a one in a million dollar outfit!! Patsy looks just darling, and I am sure she is relieved that she won’t be tumbling over with her new “elastics”!

    Have fun at the bazaar!

    1. Thank you for that glowing list of compliments, Linda! That’s what keeps me sewing for the dolls!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I’ve never seen felt with two colors, blue and green, mixed together. What a great effect is makes with the fabric you’ve chosen for the dress. All of the Jeanne Marie touches are there, the special tights, the embroidery on the jacket, the sparkly belt, the bow for the bear. Congratulations on creating another heirloom ensemble.

    1. HI Susette,
      I’ve seen a few wool felts in these variegated colors and just love how they blend with print fabrics. I have a red piece too.
      Thank you for your kind comments, Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. This looks like the sort of thing where a designer has fabrics made just for a special outfit run, not something constructed out of items in a very nice stash. That’s elegant, and someone is going to be very glad to own this outfit. The glass beads are the last perfect detail.
    Monday you can show us what you found at the bazaar.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Well, don’t hold your breath on the items I found at the bazaar…I didn’t buy a thing…there were mostly the same people and work from AutumnFest last week. It’s the season for craft fairs.
      I was around the room in probably 3 minutes…so I left and decided to see if there were any yard sales down the street…I found a Christmas Yard Sale at a Methodist Church and found 3 things…so I’ll share those maybe Monday.
      Thank you for your kind words about Patsy’s dress set. She looks very pretty in this green and here I was concerned that she needed a blue dress.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Delightful Patsy! Beautiful dress and accessories. The thigh highs are especially lovely and festive. I can just see her passing out sweet treats at the holiday open house.
    Even if you don’t find anything at the bazaar, perhaps you can take a few pics for us. 🙂
    Have a delightful weekend.

    1. HI Joy,
      Thanks for the comments about Patsy’s dress set…I appreciate them.
      I didn’t take any pictures at the bazaar…it wasn’t really my style of stuff…what I’d really like to go to…is the sale where people who MAKE things, have their supplies for sale…you know, left over fabric, patterns, ribbons, lace, buttons, etc…that’s my kind of sale!!!

      I did find a Christmas Yard Sale and found a few things… :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Patsy is so sweet in her new Christmas outfit!
    She’s definitely happy with new legs:)
    FYI.. Patsy clothes fit 10” Bonekas and 11”Meadow Dumplings too:)

    Thank you for showing how to use those bands .. I’m sure we still have that kit around here somewhere! I’ve got some Ellowynes who need it.

    1. Thanks Shara,
      I didn’t know Patsy clothes fit the Boneka dolls. I might have to try Patsy’s dress on Amanda and snap a picture…just to see… :o)
      I also didn’t realize the Dumplings were that small either. I forget they are 11″ tall instead of 13″ like the Little Darlings.
      I can’t wait for my Bailey to get here…but I know it will be a while and then I have to paint her face…
      Thanks so much, Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, Patsy is a vision in green. The bear is the perfect accessory.

    Echoing Shara, I will add that the 10 inch Boneka clothing can also be worn by Iplehouse BIDs (Baby Iplehouse Dolls). My Bonekas and Iplehouse BID share clothing. The only challenge is the hand span for some of the jackets and blouses.

    Amanda is selling very well. I think you are going to be making the second outfit you mentioned (smile).

    I am sure that at the next yard sale you will find a ton of things that are just perfect!

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Yes, I’d agree, Patsy IS a vision in green… I usually pick fabrics with blue in them or at least that aquamarine color to go with her eyes…but this green looks wonderful on her!
      I might have to try this on Elin to see how she looks in it… along with Amanda!

      Yes, Amanda is selling well, and I’ve already been wondering what will I make her? I guess I could go ahead and start something and if the price for Amanda doesn’t go any higher, I can just use it for Noel’s next dress! :o)

      I did find a few things at a yard sale today, but not for my dolls… for my house! :o)
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Aww, what a sweet little outfit Patsy has on. I love Christmas dresses that have gilding in the fabric. The jacket is very cute with the touch of embroidery and gold tight certainly add to the dressiness of the outfit. You always seem to pull just the right fabrics together for a lovely outfit.
    Hope you had fun at the bazaar. Yesterday when I was out I stopped in one of our three antique store to learn that after almost 21 years they are closing at the end of the year. :-(( It’s the one I’ve found the most things at over the years and if you were to find the exact same item at all three of our antique stores and on eBay, this one would sell it for the least. :-). We lost our five and dime about a decade ago. Sadly, that’s what happens when the owners want to retire. I really love antique baskets and have found a few beauties there including what I refer to as my “Avonlea” basket. If you’ve ever seen “Road to Avonlea” ( one of L.M. Montgomery’s other works) it’s the one Hetty and others use for shopping, picnics etc.
    I Think we may be treated to a Christmas dress for Amanda. That will be fun.

    1. Thanks so much Laura, for your sweet compliments on Patsy’s dress set. It’s fun when things happen quickly and I can see results right away. It sure beats making something that you have to rip out parts or something doesn’t look quite right so you have to go with Plan B!

      I’m so sorry your antique store is closing… what a pity that it can’t find a new owner and stay open some more. It’s sad when that happens.

      I think I better start thinking seriously about a Christmas dress… hmmm… let’s see what I can come up with… It will be fun to do a Christmas dress with her coloring. She is such a beautiful doll. I just love her! I hope someone else will love her just as much!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. One word: Perfection!
    She looks gorgeous and I love the fabric and the two tone wool felt.


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