Another Doll FOR SALE: Green eyed Essential Ellowyne Five

I’m back again with another doll for sale on Ebay…or rather, it will be Friday evening. I’m just showing you ahead of time in case you need to rob a bank…, I mean find some money in your baby’s piggy bank, I mean find it some legit way! :o)

This is Essential Ellowyne Five, the green eyed doll. She was one of 3 released in 2012 by Robert Tonner for his Wilde Imagination Collection. Ellowyne stands 16″ tall and pretty much considered a 19 year old fashionista!

Unlike my brown eyed Ellowyne on Ebay right now (HERE), this Ellowyne did see some modeling time with me. She is a beautiful green eyed beauty and like my brunette, she came to me bald, so I had to find her another wig. Her carrot red wig has been replaced with a pretty, kind of ginger brown one with ringlets all around. I think she looks beautiful in it though.

Her eyes are a pretty green and centered perfectly.

She too, has a flawless complexion and no marks on her body. I forgot to mention in my other listing, Ellowyne has pierced ears with the TEENIEST TINIEST holes. They aren’t noticed if you don’t want to use earrings in her ears. I just used ball head pins occasionally. You can see them in the picture with the straw hat.

I sold her original outfit when I received her, so I made her a new slip and bralette to travel to the winner’s home.

I found these shoes and know they aren’t the original style for the Ellowyne Five doll, but I’m including them anyway. I tried to find out which series they belonged to, but it was an impossible task… maybe someone on here knows?

Her saddle stand is also included.

I have her poem and her hang tag.

I also kept her shipper box, her inside box too. She will be packed very well for her travel to her new home.

I’m trying to think if I have left out anything…. She will start out at $100 on Ebay.

Oh, I wanted to show you a few things I made for her… NOW remember these AREN’T in the listing.. just a taste of what she can look like for YOU when you sew for her…OR buy her clothes! She’s a bit hard to say good bye to.

I thought I had made something else for her, but I could only find these 2 outfits for her… isn’t she beautiful?

Well, that’s it for another of my dolls. I’m trying to get this all done at once so I can sew like crazy for Christmas! YAY!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Another Doll FOR SALE: Green eyed Essential Ellowyne Five”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    She truly is beautiful, Jeanne! Her eyes are gorgeous! It’s probably just as well she no longer has her red wig, or I might Really be tempted to bid on her!! LOL I love love love red hair! Still, I suppose I could always get her a different wig. Hmmmm……

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      She really is a lovely doll and it really is hard to let her go. Her original carrot red wig TRULY was bright red… maybe a little TOO red. But it was pretty!
      I love, love, love red haired dolls too….and red haired kids! :o)
      I see that hmmm at the end… better not let her get away! :o)
      I’ve been working on getting her ready to go on Ebay this evening…and she will.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh yes, she is a beautiful doll, Jeanne! I do love that wig on her, but I think she would rock any old wig!! I really do prefer dolls that are children, so it is easy to say “No” to this one, but Charlotte might just get lucky with this doll, if she can manage to make up her mind!
    Oh dear, this morning I was expecting to see snow covering the ground, since it was showing cats and dogs last night when I went to bed, but there is not a flake to be found! It was a soft, wet, snow, that probably just melted once it touched the ground, which is too warm to make it stick. So, while I did see it snow, it’s gone already! Probably for the best!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I told Charlotte she better not let her get away! :o)
      I’m keeping my favorite Ellowyne… just in case I want to make her something pretty!

      I saw where you were getting snow last night, but I guess the ground was too warm for it to stick. It’s okay with me if it stays away awhile… I’m not ready for snow yet… followed by ice….followed by slush… yes, I’m still wanting nice weather for a while longer.
      Thanks Linda…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. That last photo of the outfit for Ellowyne is lovely. I’m sure she will make someone very happy.
    Blood red sun here today. Smoke thick, but not as bad as yesterday. They closed the schools and colleges here today since the air quality is so bad from the big fire up north in the Sacramento Valley. Another town, Paradise, is devastated by this fire. Still burning out of control. We have not had any rain so everything is tender dry and it is cold and frosty. No rain expected for at least two weeks out and maybe further. Wish we had some of Linda’s snowflakes.
    Anyone else still working on a slip? I at least have the one I’m supposed to be making figured out. Or I think so. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I love that last picture of Elloywne too… It might be her best picture I ever took! :o)

      All I’ve heard about on the news is the fire and how it’s wiped out towns in its path. Yikes…that’s pretty frightening to me. We never have anything like that here… just flooding.
      Did you get your slip made? If not, I totally understand… you’re on fire watch!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Jeanne, she is beautiful. I like the straw hat photo best. I hope she finds her new home very quickly.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I hope Ellowyne finds a nice home too… ANY place has to be better than HERE… poor dear! She’s been SO neglected!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I remember that she also had a pretty blue dress. She looks beautiful in anything, especially her traveling underclothes. That’s a very pretty wig, and I checked yesterday — Ebay has quite a few Ellowyne dolls — lots are around $25. There are also boots and very trendy ones. The new owner of this beautiful doll will be able to spend lots on a nice wardrobe for her.

    1. OOPS! Ebay has quite a few Ellowyne doll SHOES! I’m sure the dolls are not $25. I’m glad I caught that but sorry I didn’t get it right the first time.
      Last time I made a mistake this bad, Ten Ping forgave me for it — about 10 times in 10 different dresses. She was very thorough. Maybe you could just not tell her?

      1. HI Marilyn,
        Well, I guess I better keep this a secret from Ellowyne! I promise not to tell her. We don’t want her to think her “sisters” are going for peanuts on Ebay, do we?
        There ARE lots of shoes on Ebay for Ellowyne… every kind of shape, color, style, and fabric! I see a few that are so beautiful it makes me want to wear those high heels again… well, sort of! :o)
        Thanks Marilyn,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Seeing the post on the California fires, I needed to share an experience I had yesterday that has totally brought home to me the reality of the situation. I had ordered some belt sliders on Etsy. I got an e-mail from the woman I bought some from saying that she would not be able to fulfill my order because she had to close her shop and evacuate from Paradise. It definitely made it more personal. Then I looked at he city’s website and what a beautiful place it was, but there was something on it that really made me realize how life can change in an instant. It was a notice for the local choral Christmas concert scheduled for December 1st and 2nd. Right now I’m in the midst of rehearsals with our local civic Chorale for our Christmas concert. Our first concert is on 12/2. It’s something our community looks forward to every year and not being able to have it would be difficult for everyone. I sent the woman an e-mail saying that we would be praying for her and all the other victims of these horrific fires. I will send up an extra prayer on the first weekend in December for all the people that would have been somewhere else doing something other than what they will be doing this year. My heart goes out to them.

    On a brighter note. I love, love, love green-eyed Ellowyne. I doubt I will bid but I’ll check in periodically to see how she is doing. They are all beautiful dolls.

  7. I bought an Ellowyne when I saw her on your blog. She came bald too but I think the wig I have on her doesn’t match her personality. I must look thru my stash to see if there is a fuller, longer one.
    Good luck on your auctions!

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