Pantalettes and Pretty Words

HI everyone and happy Monday to you! I spoke with Sarah this morning after church and she assures me that signing up using the form at the right side of my blog will make sure you continue getting my blog posts. If you were someone who was having troubles with them coming every other day or 2 times a day, hopefully this will stop it and you’ll receive the posts on the day they are supposed to come to you. So I’m going to post those same directions for the next week or so… just so anyone who may have missed them, sees them. One of my subscribers just emailed me and said her posts have been going into her junk mail folder… maybe check and see if your “disappearing” posts might be somehow getting trashed. I think that might be a problem easily solved by settings… If anyone has anything quirky that happens, please let me know so I can pass it along to Sarah.

My post will be down below…

((( Okay, I have some instructions for you from Sarah, my webmaster and hopefully this will begin to take care of the missing posts, the late posts, the posts arriving 2 times a day, etc. I won’t go into all the technical stuff but there was a conflict between the program I use to write my blog and the program that I use to send out the emails to everyone to receive my posts.

Sarah disabled the WordPress program and I’m only going to use the Mailchimp one. What she said for everyone to do was to use the form on the right side of my blog…it NOW says “SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG.” Fill in your name, (even if you’ve already done it) and email address. If it says You’re already subscribed or something like that, you are fine… you don’t need to do anything else!! If you are a new subscriber, fill in your name and email address and I think it will say Thank You.

It’s like we are all getting on the same page with the same program. But Sarah told me you WILL have to fill in your name and email address under the comments section when you get ready to comment. I’m not sure if “quick fill” will start happening for you or not… so it might automatically start filling in… we can hope it will.

I hope this is a simple fix and things start working the way they used to… We’ll give this a go and see what happens.

I’ll probably have to put this notice at the top of my blog posts for a few days so everyone has a chance to see it. You can disregard it once you’ve done it.)))

I received the sweetest email from Dorothy King yesterday and it just melted my heart… I loved how she viewed my blog posts and everyone who was a part of them and wanted to share her words… I hope you’ll feel the same way! (Part of her email was about a question she asked and Laura gave her some information…)

Dear Jeanne,
Hello my friend.

Thank you so much for sending this information.

I really enjoy your blog. It’s more than just a blog, you know. It’s a kind of old fashion “online neighborhood” where women hang wash on the clothesline and talk across the fence and share life stories. It’s also a lifeline for those of us who might not have the opportunity to connect like this in real life.

And, as in a real community, there is usually one person’s house in which the whole crowd gathers. I guess your know it’s yours. You provide a safe place to share ideas and dreams and to ponder the demands of life.

We know that it must be challenging, at times, to juggle all of your daily tasks and still find time to make a post. We, neighbors, recognize that and we are always appreciative when you can.

So thanks again for taking time out of your busy day to forward this information to me. And thanks for being there for the neighborhood.



Wasn’t that just the sweetest note ever? Thank you again Dorothy! I know “I” LOVE being here with everyone and hope most of you feel the same way!

I did a little sewing Sunday night…and you’ll be thrilled to know I finished the pantalettes…

They are a pretty white embroidered eyelet with a bit of Cluny lace at the hemline.

I worked until after midnight so I didn’t put Rebecca’s dress back on. Hopefully tomorrow I might get her crinoline finished and then you can see it all together!

Well, I hope that’s enough to make you smile on this Monday!

Have a wonderful day and I’ll see you maybe tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Pantalettes and Pretty Words”

  1. It’s 5:49 am, and I’m able to reach the blog, so that’s a good sign. My name does not fill itself in, but we didn’t expect it to. It will be interesting to see the results everyone else gets. I don’t sign up for the blog, I just check by typing in your URL. I’ll stick with that because I want to keep seeing how the blog responds to my normal pattern.

    Happy Labor Day! The weather reports keep saying rain, but it hasn’t happened and isn’t supposed to happen today. Boulder has a three day festival over Labor Day weekend, and it’s nearly always drowned out by rain. If it’s not, this will be a very unusual Creek Festival and all the merchants and attendees will be very happy.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      I guess,maybe we’ll see how this goes, but it doesn’t look too promising…the 3 comments below said they never received the blog post for today…ugh!!!
      I’m sure Sarah is checking it out, so I’ll see what happens the rest of the day before touching base with her again…

      The festival in town sounds very fun!! I hope the rain stays away!!!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Well, Marilyn told me there was a blog today, but I didn’t receive it, or yesterday’s either! I had to look for it, since I didn’t think you had one for Sunday. I just now saw two blogs, but they haven’t come in my email yet. I resubscribed, but it says I’m already subscribed! I think it woud be a lot easier if we all met in the gazebo in your back yard!?

    1. HI Linda,
      I did notice something in your comment. It came to my “dashboard” and needed “approval” before it could be added with all the comments.
      You actually had made a mistake when typing your email address… at the end of your email, instead of…yours said so that may have been a typo you made…I wonder if possibly you typed it that way when you re-subscribed? …just wondering…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I didn’t receive the blog today in my email either. I signed up on the Chimp Saturday and got a thank you. (I was previously getting them by having signed up very early on with your WordPress email list, but sadly it didn’t come today. A first.) I’ll go to my online server and see if it was put in the junk mail there. Just checked and no, it wasn’t in the Spam folder there. Looks like I didn’t get it at all.

    1. HI Ali,
      Clearly there are still some kinks to be worked out…I told Sarah yesterday I’d pass along any comments from my readers if they were having issues…yours will be in that group…
      Thanks Ali…and I hope you’ll hang on for a bit longer…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Of course, I’ll ‘hang on’ here. I don’t leave friends when our meeting place is having a bump in the road. 🙂 Don’t worry, it will get straightened out! Hugs to all.

  4. I didn’t receive a blog post today either. I just thought to check in case there was one. The last one came to “promotions”. I checked there, updates and spam… nothing. I resubscribed the other day, but it said I was already. I also have to fill in my name and email to comment, but had to do that the last few times. That’s no big deal though.
    The email from Dorothy was so sweet and very true. I’m glad she got the information and hope it was somewhat helpful. It would have been fun to hear her talk in person.
    Rebecca’s pantalettes are lovely and the cluny lace that will peek out beneath her skirt will look very nice.
    I hope everyone has a nice Labor day. I hope your Creek Festival will be dry, Marilyn.

    1. HI Laura,
      Sorry, you didn’t receive the post today either…
      It looks like Sarah still has some work to do…I hope it’s resolved soon.
      I’m glad you enjoyed Dorothy”s comments…me too! She really appreciated that you reach out to her. Thank you!!
      Glad you like Rebecca”s pantalettes… now to get that crinoline finished.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I’ll second Dorothy’s kind comments as it’s the way I feel, too. Thanks for writing it, Dorothy. I’ve made friends whom I treasure through Jeanne’s blog. It’s great to start out the morning with friendship, food (recipes) and fun (sewing) on the Blog.

    1. Thanks Susette,
      I wondered if everyone felt that way… It made me all warm and fuzzy inside when I read it! I treasure all the friends I have made too…from California to Connecticut! :o)
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. It’s 12:13 am and no new blog for Tuesday yet. I’ll check later to see if there is one then.
    You have friends way beyond California or Connecticut if I remember correctly and they won’t be giving up either. It will be nice to have the blog clicking away the way it should — good luck to Sarah and more answers.

    Laura wished Boulder a dry Creek Festival, and it worked. I don’t know that we’ve ever had a Creek Festival that wasn’t rained out, sometimes fairly early. A number of years ago I walked through it after a trip to the grocery. I stopped to listen to one of the bands. A neighbor came up and stood beside me. I said, “Hold this a minute,” and passed her the grocery bag. She held it a couple of seconds and started to smile. The half gallon of milk was vibrating to the music.

    Good luck to us all in getting today’s blog. I want to see that petticoat. I love everything so far and think the sleeves are remarkable.

  7. I’m still getting my posts a day late. I resubscribed and we’ll see what happens. Thanks for looking into this Jeanne.
    I loved Dorothy’s thoughts. We are like neighbors over the back fence – here to share ideas, talk about our lives, and get support for the bumps we find in the road. Thank you to everyone who contributes.

  8. Well, I had no idea that there was a post yesterday at all. Today, my day late email post arrived so here I am a day late.
    I just tried the “subscribe to this blog” in the sidebar as directed, and it came up as already subscribed. So, guess Sarah had better try Plan B! I was getting two emails, one on the right day and then one the next day. Now, I no longer am getting the right day email. I was finally able to fix that by resubscribing awhile back, but it looks like now that has been removed. My spam shows immediately on my computer so it is not going there. Now what??

    The pantalettes are lovely on Rebecca. I’m sure she will appreciate them as the days around here are getting chillier at night.

    I stopped by Joann’s yesterday and bought of all things, Halloween fabric! Big Labor Day sale. Guess I had better buckle down and actually make something. 🙂 Enjoy your week.

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