Another hint about Nyssa’s dress…it’s another black print

Well, it’s not a very big hint but it’s something to hold you over I hope. I bought a new pattern for Nyssa’s dress…and I’ll be using these 2 prints…(at least) and most likely some vintage lace… trust me, I think you’ll like it. I will probably also have Nyssa wearing black boots with this one! I should have shown the boots as another hint.

The pattern was a PDF file and I thought it would be an instant download, but apparently not. Maybe I’ll get it in the morning and can at least cut the dress out and lay the pieces on top of Nyssa so you can see what it will “sort of” look like… if you have a good imagination! :o)

I was busy today and didn’t get the pattern ordered until this evening… but hang on…it’s coming!

As I was reading through the comments for Thursday, Linda commented and asked how Nyssa’s eyes were changed. I thought for sure I had written a post on how to do it, but I searched and didn’t see one… however, I did run across the post where I told the story of how I received my Nyssa doll and I thought you might like to read it…It’s pretty amazing if you haven’t already read it. Maybe I’ll get that “eye changing” post done soon… It’s pretty interesting how you do it.

You can see the post I just mentioned HERE.

Theresa also mentioned in her comments that she had found a tan Nyssa doll but she wasn’t sure the black would work on a tan doll. I only have a few pictures of anything black on my Nyssa doll, but I thought I’d share them…just so you have some pictures to look at! :o) The tan Nyssa was a loaner doll from a friend who let me borrow hers until I found one and I used hers to draft some patterns and make sure they fit.

Don’t forget…today is Friday and that means a FREE pattern (if you want to download it) from You can sign up for a free pattern every Friday if you wish.

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Another hint about Nyssa’s dress…it’s another black print”

  1. Strange. Where are the comments?
    Anyway, so happy about the black fabric. And now two black fabrics. Nyssa will be very excited to be featured.
    Your pattern should be received instantly I believe. Maybe check with the vendor. I have had to go back to etsy and then found that the download was there and had not been sent to my email. Maybe.
    I receive the Pixie Faire Friday Freebie every Friday in an email which I usually download and save. Later, I print it out in whatever size I might use. Since there are usually a ton of direction pages, I only print the main photo and the pattern pieces. Then later, if needed, I can go back and read the directions. Saves a ton of ink and paper. Also, you can vote on the Friday Freebie pattern. Usually, from I think Wednesday on. After voting for various patterns, it shows which pattern is actually winning. I believe a bunch of Gotz fans all voted for this weeks pattern. Me too. 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. HI Joy,
      Yep, you’re first today… everyone must be sleeping in today! :o)
      I still haven’t received the PDF file for Nyssa’s new pattern so I just contacted the seller… Hopefully I’ll get it soon… I’m anxious to see these 2 pieces of fabric just as much as anyone!

      I leave the directions to the patterns on my computer…(sometimes), and then just go back and look it up if I run into something that’s questionable. I usually don’t use the directions either… I generally know how something goes together… but I had to look on that En Forreau dress to do those pleats, by Acorns and Thimbles…

      I saw Pixie Faire’s pattern this morning and noticed all the choices were for the 19″ Gotz dolls… hmmm…

      Thanks Joy, I plan to have a wonderful weekend…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Dear Jeanne, I love the school outfit above the best! I can’t wait to see what you new outfit looks like.
    Dolly prayers for the doll folks in the Carolinas.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I can’t wait to see the new dress for Nyssa either. I don’t know why I don’t sew for her more often… I always get excited when I know I’m making something for her… she just gets neglected because I keep her in a box to shield the light from her resin finish.

      If I don’t get the PDF file soon.. I may move on to Noel’s dress and get it started in the mean time! :o)

      My hubby’s niece and her hubby live in Greenville, but we just heard from them and they said they are okay and think they won’t get too much but rain…
      Thanks so much, Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Is the new black print from the same company or did you just happen upon it. It’s perfect for the style of ensembles you create.

    One of my very favorite outfits is the last one in this post. I can’t get over the net blouse. How did you finish the hem, neck and sleeves of the net “fabric” edges? All of the outfits are wonderful. Did you use a pleater to make the skirts? Is the white tee shirt made from a sock? Where did the hem edging come from? Did you make the purse? Lots of questions about this great ensemble.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I didn’t forget about you…life got in the way…
      The back print is by Windham and is called Colonies. The light black fabric is just one I had that happened to go perfect with the black one. It doesn’t have a name along the selvage…
      As far as the last outfit on Nyssa…the pink and white and black one… I used my serger and set it to a rolled hem when I did the edges. I had NO idea how it was going to turn out because the lace had gaps and spaces so part of the time my serger was just serging “space.”

      The knit top was a little easier. It was actually a pair of little girls tights with ribbing. When you pull the edge of a knit under the serger it ruffles it or makes it a “lettuce” edge. I like them a lot… You can also do it to tulle and get the prettiest ruffled edge. I think I did a slip for Ten Ping one time with that technique.

      I did use my pleater to make the pleats in Nyssa’s checked skirt. If you cut your yoke on the bias and then add the row of pleats to the bottom of that yoke, it will fit like a charm around any dolls waist.

      I found the pink purse somewhere… I think a yard sale in a batch of other doll purses…It was the perfect accessory for this outfit. I loved this one too…
      Thanks for all the questions, Susette!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Okay – tan Nyssa can wear black. 🙂 Hard to pick, but I think I like the last one best. Though I really like the polka-dot jumper, too… Nyssa looks good in everything! Cant’ wait to see how it all comes together!

    1. HI Theresa,
      Yes, Tan Nyssa CAN wear black… when I get this dress finished, you’ll have to hold your Nyssa up to the computer screen and see if you can see what she’d look like in it…or if you know how to do a little photo shopping, you could insert your doll over mine and see… Just a thought… :o)

      I hope to get something done on the dress this evening… my pattern came this morning, but my day was not my own after that… *sigh*
      Thanks Theresa…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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