Flatware, Flowers and Fabulous Fabrics…

Now that’s an interesting and diversified post title, isn’t it? I’ve received more than a few emails this week and wanted to get all the pictures shown in today’s post, so I came up with the name, Flatware, Flowers and Fabulous Fabrics…if it wasn’t so far away till Friday an even better title could have been Flatware, Flowers and Fabulous Fabrics for Friday! But *alas* it’s Monday so enjoy them today!

(Maybe soon you’ll see a title something like…I’M BACK IN MY SEWING ROOM!… but I’m not there yet!)

First off, Joy sent me a picture of this miniature flatware that she found at her Joann Fabrics store in the scrapbooking section. She said it would be great for the 18″ American Girl dolls or similar sized ones… you might have to check it out if your doll is planning a picnic in the near future. :o) She said it might be at Michaels or Hobby Lobby as well.

Next up is Kathie’s flowers… she must have the most beautiful yard as her flowers are gorgeous! If you see anything white on them, it’s talcum powder…she read if you sprinkle it on the flowers, it keeps those pesky Japanese beetles away.

Now moving onto the Fabulous Fabrics part… Sissy sent me some pictures of the cutest sun suits which just so happened to be on the My Meadow dolls… Sissy designed these darling little outfits and even gave one to Miroslava (the artist for the Meadow dolls) at a doll convention. I thought you’d enjoy seeing her original design made up a few different ways…

I had a HUGE response to the My Meadow dolls yesterday in the comments and the emails I received! It seems they have been around and I didn’t even know it… I need someone to tell me when a new doll comes out… especially when it’s as popular as the My Meadow dolls are. Here are a few more pictures that Sissy sent me, I’m guessing of the doll convention where the dolls were on display…

If you missed all the talk about the Meadow dolls, I’ll just add a link to yesterday’s post and you can check out the links from that post…

My Meadow Dolls…have you seen them?

Well, that’s going to be it for today…My back is much better! It’s amazing how laying around being lazy-like can fix a back! :o)

See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “Flatware, Flowers and Fabulous Fabrics…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a neat post, and lots of fun! Joy, thanks for the heads-up on that silverware; so cute! We just might have to get some! 😉

    Kathie, your flowers are lovely; I speak as someone whose thumb must be truly dead, as I can’t grow anything but dandelions, my Hens-and-Chickens, and my one creeping phlox, which has expanded considerably over the last few years! If something thrives on neglect, than my house is where it belongs!! LOL

    Sissy, those little sunsuits are so cute! Love the matching bonnets, too.

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing pictures!! Jeanne, I’ll look forward to hearing about your next foray into the sewing room, whenever that may take place.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      There’s probably going to be a run on that silverware today!!! Thanks Joy!

      My thumb isn’t very green either, Charlotte… but I keep trying.

      I’m glad you enjoyed today’s variety of subjects! …and hopefully soon I’ll be back to sewing.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a fun and varied post today, Jeanne! It is so much fun to see what others are doing and what they have grown, made, or acquired!

    Such cute flatware, Joy! I just may need to get some more for Molly’s kitchen! Thanks for the tip!

    Kathie’s roses are just beautiful! I don’t grow roses, but if I did, I would hope they would be as beautiful as Kathie’s. I especially love the two toned pink ones that you have. And that darling planter with the pots tipped! I have seen those, but how do you water them ? It seems like the water would just collect on the lower part. Yours sure do look like they were well watered, Kathie!

    I love the little scenes of the Meadows dolls, especially the sandbox one! It reminds me of my sandbox that my father built for me when I was small. I spent many happy hours playing in it with my friends! Just looking at the picture makes me smile! And those darling sunsuits take the cake!

    Lastly, so happy that your back is doing better, Jeanne!

    1. HI Linda,
      I hope St. Louis is as beautiful as it is here in Southern Illinois. This morning was particularly wonderful…and almost cool!

      I like doing posts like this…variety…something for everyone!
      Thanks for your sweet comments, Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Linda,
      Roses are kind of in the family…my dad and Mom liked them and so did my step dad and we bought my Moms house so some of those plants were planted in the early 1970’s! The red and white one is called Double Delight and the longer the flower is in the sun the redder it gets and it is easily the most fragrant rose EVER! They are on the south side of the house and my hubby covers them with oak leaves and an ugly blue tarp in the winter but it keeps them alive through the winter. He also made the topsy-turvy planter the pots are threaded over a super long piece of that ugly metal rod that they lay before cement gets poured…it has to be 3-4 ft in the ground to stabilize the whole thing. It was on Pintrest a couple years ago..and yes the water does seep thru but the bottom one hasn’t gotten soggy…yet. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. I always appreciate a tip for what’s available for the dolls. Thanks, Joy. Kathie’s flowers are beautiful and the hanging pots are a very creative way to show them off. Sissy’s sun suits are hands-down the cutest I’ve ever seen. Does Sissy sell the pattern? It is age-appropriate for the My Meadows dolls. The Bailey doll is my favorite and looks just like your Rebecca must have looked at that age, Jeanne. Thanks for a very interesting post that got here the same day as the email. Hurray!

    1. HI Susette,
      I saw those tippy pots in a Country Living magazine years ago and even sketched a picture of it to try someday…I still have that sketch but never attempted one yet…maybe I should…it’s awfully sweet.
      I’m guessing Sissy sells her patterns…maybe she’ll see this and respond…
      Thanks Susette…
      I’m hoping the kinks got worked out of my haphazard posts…
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi, Susette,

      I don’t sell patterns, just outfts, sorry. I am just hands on, and not one to write things out. I have sold so many of these sunsuits, in different fabrics. The bonnets and tops are reversible which makes them more fun. I need to make a larger one now that I have 18″ Bailey.

  4. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, fantastic photos (well, photos doesn’t begin with an “f” but you get the idea -smile)! I am glad you are feeling better.

    The UFDC convention ended on Saturday. I can’t wait to hear how it went. I bet there were some My Meadows dolls there.

    Can you believe that this is the last full week in July? Wow!

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Someday I’d love to go to a doll convrntion. I used to go to the Quilt Convention in Oaducah, KY for years…mostly to look at what the vendors,were selling. They always had the latest, and most up to date things for sewing.
      I’d probably go bonkers at a doll convention.

      I’m like you…where did July go?
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Kathie’s flowers are such an eye pleaser. Beautiful. And where are the weeds? Didn’t see a one.
    Sissy’s doll outfit creations are always a treat. Great photography too. She also makes sandals for the Dumplings. Not easy when their feet are so tiny.
    The silverware idea came to me from some on the Ann Estelle group, so I had to see what I could find locally. Pretty nice to check and see if something is in stock before heading out to the store. Another internet wonder for me.
    I just checked and my newest Meadow doll, a Twinkles Chara is in town and hopefully can make the delivery today. I think Sissy is supposed to get one today too. She’s only around 6″ so we’ll see if I can even find her in the box. 🙂
    So glad your back is back on track. Wonder if it is up to painting cabinets or sewing? So many things and so little time. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      It looks like your silverware idea is a big hit…now dollies all over the country will have utensils to eat with!!! Thanks again.

      You know we’ll want to see your new Twinkles Chara doll as soon as you get pictures of her.

      We are hopefully supposed to close on mommas house this week…and maybe then I can get in my sewing chair again. We have been sorting out the piles in our house from everything going on lately.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. HI Joy,
        If I learned anything over the years gardening it is mulch, mulch, mulch. My hubby bags the grass when he mows so it gets dumped all around the roses and tomatoes and anything else growing. :0)

  6. So just saying the Meadon Doll is cute, but if I were to purchase another doll it would definitely be A Girl For All Time! They are priced reasonably. I would also like to have a Little Effner Doll but they are so expensive and with the hand painting you have to wait so long. Anyone know of a way to find one less expensive? Anyone have one they are willing to sell? Guess I will have to be content with McKenna, Felicity, Mary Ellen and Kit; I have lots and lots of clothes for them.

    Loved the roses, so beautiful and growing so beautifully. Sissy did a fabulous job designing and sewing the sunsuits, so adorble.

    1. I have one A Girl For All Time, Amelia. I’m looking at another. Bad me! At 16″ they make great companions for the AG’s. A also have a few mini Maru and Friends girls who are very close in size about 13″ to the LD’s. They are also designed by Dianna Effner. They are very reasonably priced too, around $100.00 and come fully dressed. 🙂

    2. HI Laureen,
      I’m being bad just looking at the Meadow Dolls… my dolly shelf is full and I really don’t need another doll to sew for, but “I MUST meet the needs of my customers, mustn’t I?”
      Well, not really, and we’ll have to see, but they are awfully sweet dolls…

      It’s okay about getting excited about the Little Darlings and saying things like I’d like one… and then having to retract what you just said! I’ve done that so many times…
      I hope you find your Girl of All Time! You’re not being bad… you just love dolls! Don’t we all?
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Dorothy in PA

      Dear Laureen, hello.
      There is an online Little Darling ning group you can join if you are interested. Sometimes members sell dolls and you can get a great price. The cost of outfits varies as with any doll.

  7. PLEASE ignore my question regarding the Little Effner Doll. I would not purchase one; very expensive and dressing them is way to expensive also. What was I thinking.

  8. Thanks for the tips about the roses. I think I will try the powder trick. The flowers are just beautiful. Also, like the little silverware tip. I just love miniature things. I never thought to look in scrap booking departments but it makes perfect sense.
    The My Meadow doll photos were so cute. It reinforces what you were saying the other day about the need for good photos when selling clothes. These photos (like your photos) create a whole story. They draw the viewer in.
    Glad your back is doing better. Don’t work too hard just because it is feeling a little better though.
    Have a great day!
    Take care —

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Oh, I’m not working too hard…sorting sheets and packing up stuff I don’t want in my house anymore. Clearing out and cleaning my mom’s house was an eye opener for me…I can’t imagine what my kids would say if I had to move out and they were in charge of all my junk. I’ll never be a minimalist but I’d like to see how close I could get! :o)

      Thanks so much Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I think I’m in love with the Meadow dolls! I spent way too much time on that website yesterday. Those sweet faces are just amazing!
    Do those of you who have them get the faces already painted or do you have the different artists do them? Sissy and Joy you MUST post pics when your dolls arrive. Sissy those little sunsuits are just perfect on them! That is the same pattern I made a zillion of when my girls were toddlers…their little ruffled bottoms were so cute peeking out of the criss-cross straps
    Thanks for the nice rose comments. My Hubby is mostly the gardener..especially this year. We are fighting the horrid Japanese beetles but they are not as bad this year!
    Keep resting your back Jeanne…

    1. Hi Kathie, I go with the factory face up. I like the results, but those by the artists are lovely too. I think the pics on the purchase Meadow page are factory face ups so you can see what they will look like.
      My little Chara 6″ just arrived and crawled out of her sack. She is so tiny and cute! 🙂

      1. Oh Joy,
        She came! I bet you haven’t gotten a thing done all day, except stare at your new doll…
        ~ Jeanne

    2. HI Kathie,
      I think I’m in love too… but I keep going back and forth as to which one is my favorite. I LOVE Giggi’s smile, I love Bailey’s grin and her dimple, I love Saffi’s innocent little girl look, I love Ella’s smirk, and it goes on and on… If someone counted to 10 and said, make up your mind about a doll, I don’t know which one I’d pick! I’m just looking right now, but it’s hard not to press that button for a Bailey since she’s up for pre-order now.
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. The my meadow dolls are really cute. I’m not really a doll collector. I like the AG girls, especially the PC ones and that because they are like the few German dolls I have that are mine or my mom’s. I have a couple Kathe Kruse, one is probably 24 inches that my great aunt brought back when she went to visit our relatives. I also have a signed Elfriede Herse doll ( no one has ever heard of this artist) that was my mom’s as a child. The flatware is nice, Joy. I only have the two sets that are part of Samantha’s lemonade set. I could use three more. I’m really drawn to all the little historical accessories.
    Your flowers are beautiful , Kathie. I love roses!!
    The sunsuits are really sweet, Sissy. I love the duck one.

    1. HI Laura,
      It’s good to be so focused on what you love and collect, that you can’t be steered in another direction. I need some of that!!!
      You’re right, I haven’t heard of Elfriede Herse, but I bet the doll is a treasure for you! :o)

      All this new dolly talk is getting me excited to get back in my sewing room.
      I heard from the realtor this morning and we are just waiting on the news about the septic system. I hope this is all over by the end of the week.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Good luck with the house closing. Why is it that there’s always one thing between us and getting back to what we hope are our real lives? It rained here yesterday, quite a lot. It’s supposed to be nearly 90 today and then rain W-F, which will make a huge difference to everything that grows and minimize forest fire danger at the same time. What could be better, especially since I mowed the lawn yesterday?
    I love the sunsuits. There’s a line of toddler girl clothes called Ruffle Butts. My great-niece (2 years) is a fan.
    Some of my favorite pictures on the blog are of flowers. It was lovely to have these.
    Don’t the My Meadows dolls pose nicely. I love the sandcastle in the sandbox. I hope the props are for sale too.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      The sale of my mom’s house seems to be going forward pretty smoothly… if you don’t count the septic system bump in the road. I was sure there was a septic tank but the man from the septic place said he couldn’t find any evidence of one.
      I told him there was a clean out pipe somewhere up near my mom’s concrete patio. They just wanted to say the sewage was draining out into the woods. I knew that wasn’t true. So today we met two guys out there and I showed them a pretty good idea of where that pipe should be. I remember it well, because once I helped my mom rout out the sewer with a router and got my middle finger caught in it and it and it cut the last inch or so off. (fortunately it was hanging on by one blood vessel, so it lived, but they used my finger nail for a splint and sewed it back on.) Anyway I knew it was there… They probed around the ground and found the tank… we hoped it would still be good, but it had never been pumped out… that we can remember, and it was all crumbly and filled with sludge… still working but it really needed to be replaced. So there goes another $5000 off the price of the house.

      Oh well, it’s selling… and some houses have been on the market for over a year now! We are very blessed! Just like you getting rain to stop the fire danger!
      Well, I better get to bed. It’s after midnight now.

      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. $5000 is a lot, but maybe better than having to undertake the septic tank work. It’s hard to stop you and George from doing all the work yourselves, but this would be hard and dirty and that not really what you need right now. Stick with the dolls and the birds and the mowing and the kitchen and all your other projects. Let someone else take care of the septic tank. You nearly lost a finger to it once. Keep your fingers for painting the kitchen. I’m nearly certain that when you finish that, another project will show up.
        Great to hear from you today, and to know how it’s going. Stay well, rest your back, and maybe the weather will stay nice and you can enjoy it. Yesterday morning, after the rain, it was so nice to be out in the garden, even if I was only weeding.

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