Gifts and Generosity and Grace…

Hi everyone,
My sister, Cindy and her daughter, Amy, and her daughter, Hannah, made it to Carbondale this evening. They are staying at my mom’s apartment and I went over there about 9:00 tonight, just for a short visit to get things started… but I ended up staying until midnight! Yikes… BUT, we had things to discuss and since their visit is only until early Monday morning, we have to make every minute count! We were even talking “decorating” tonight… :o)

Cindy said she had a nice comment to thank all of you for your kind comments about her decorating, but it disappeared after she had written it. Maybe I can get her to write it again and I’ll post it… She told me what she had written and it sounded so sweet…

Speaking of sweet…and humbling… a few days before we left to go to St. Louis for my hubby’s surgery, we got a box from one of my very generous readers. It was filled with the prettiest wrapped gifts and was hard to make myself open them up! (But Rebecca helped me eventually get over it!)

If you click on the pictures, they will enlarge.

This box was filled with lots of different kinds of teas, tea bags, tea canisters, a tea pot, and some other tea things I’m not sure how to describe. But I can tell you, we are set for tea… I even have a cabinet designated just for all my nice new teas.

There were also some other fun gifts… a clip for the sun visor in the car, the neatest 2 pairs of footies, and a darling pink wool felt (I think) tote bag, 2 boxes of Blessings cards, 2 more books by Sarah Young (I loved the first one I received and have read the dickens out of it)…whatever that means! :o)

But I think my favorite thing in the box was a bracelet… it was a simple leather piece with a metal piece and the word GRACE was engraved on the top.. It had 2 gold chains on the sides that made it seem dressier. It had a magnetic clasp with the initials GW on it.. I think it stood for God’s World Jewelry… but it just so happened to be my hubby’s initials… :o) I really should have taken a close up of it.. You can maybe zoom in on it… But I put that bracelet on the morning we left for St. Louis and I only took it off when I took a shower. I even slept in it. I think the reason I liked it so much was because every time I looked at it, I thought of that person praying for us, but not only her, all the rest of you who carried us through those days. There’s something about Grace… God’s unconditional love toward someone who did nothing to deserve it. We felt His favor on us everyday, in every situation. That little bracelet is my new favorite piece to wear! Thank you so much, dear reader!

Then 2 days ago I received another box in the mail from another reader, with the most wonderful Strawberry Jam and Grape Jelly and Apple Cinnamon Pancake Mix. We had the pancakes that night and they were SO delicious! I should have taken a picture of my pancakes, but they were gone before I remembered…oops!

We were truly blessed and humbled by the generosity of these readers and wanted to publically say thank you very much! The kindness shown to us has caused me to be much more aware of what you can do for others, even if it’s small… it can make such a difference in someone’s day.

So thank you again to everyone…you’ve all played a part in seeing us through this hard time and one of these days I’m hoping my life is normal again… but for now, I’m too busy to write a post everyday… someday!

See you when I can,
Blessings, Jeanne

6 thoughts on “Gifts and Generosity and Grace…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad you are having some time to spend with your sister and her family, Jeanne–a nice respite after all you’ve been thru!

    What lovely and thoughtful gifts you received, and such a variety of items, too! That bracelet was really special, though–and such a lovely keepsake, long after the tea is gone and the footies are worn out!

    I would not have thought to put apples in pancakes!! Blueberries, of course, but apples? I’m going to have to try that myself one of these days!

    Take care, dear Jeanne, enjoy your time with your family, and remember you are always being lifted up in prayer out here in Wash. state!

  2. Jeanne, you truly have a wonderful, generous, and thoughtful group of readers! I am amazed at the times you show us what arrived at your house, all those wonderful packages, that are so fun to see as they are revealed! It’s almost like we are getting them too! Where do people find all these unique items? I think I am going to the wrong stores!

    Have a fun-filled, fruitful weekend with Cindy and Hannah. We know you will be busy and need to do what you have to do, first and foremost, so we will be here, waiting patiently for you to return! Stay cool, these are going to be really hot days ahead!

    Happy Father’s Day to George!

  3. What wonderful gifts from such kind, thoughtful friends.
    Please tell Cindy I so enjoyed your decorating posts of her lovely home. Don’t need pinterest, only Jeanne and Cindy.
    How exciting for your mom to host daughter, grand, and great grand as well as her local daughter. Hope business is accomplished quickly and you have time to socialize and maybe even do some decorating and antique shopping.
    Have a fun weekend.

  4. Awe how sweet… and yummy! I just love honey in my tea don’t you!? More gifts from your sweet blog family. It just makes me smile. Hubby and I vacation in Lancaster PA every year (that’s Amish country which I adore). The jam, jelly, and pancake mix comes from a really fun shop. Been there many times. Yum! Have fun with Cindy, Amy and Hannah. Prayers continue.

  5. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister.
    Lovely presents for a lovely lady — makes sense to me!
    Have a great day!
    Take care –

  6. That was a fantastic box of goodies…and yes…the bracelet was awesome!
    So thoughtful…tea…sweets….books…just perfect!
    Those are the things that help us get over the humps. Have fun with your family!

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