What smells bring back good memories to you?

I’m counting on all of you to carry the discussion in the comments below as I’m away for a little while. I hope you have fun sharing with each other.

Today’s question is… “What smells bring back good memories to you?”

Again, if you are interested, I’ll keep you posted on my hubby in the comments below.

Thanks so much everyone…

See you when I can,
Blessings, Jeann

26 thoughts on “What smells bring back good memories to you?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers off and on all day Jeanne.

    Smells….mom’s homemade rye bread, frseh out of the oven. The smell of her face powder when I gave her a hug (I have her pressed-glass powder box, and once in a great while I open it and sniff….moms’ been gone 11 years now, but there’s still a bit of the powder in there!) Lilacs, of course–my favoriter flowers–and sweet peas–my dad’s. I have most of daddy’s ties, all together in one bag, and there’s still just a bit of “him” in there, too (gone 13 years). And, what can beat the sweet smell of a freshly bathed and diapered baby?!

    1. Hi Charlotte:
      Oh, I would agree with homemade rye bread. Maybe sometime you can share the recipe? Rye is my husband’s all time favorite. I agree with your floral choices too.

      My Dad has been gone 7 years now and although I cannot connect any scent to him I truly miss his big loving grin and hugs!

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend

  2. Charlotte has done a wonderful job with the classics. My grass is being mowed this morning. That’s a good one. The smell of sun on pine in the mountains. Freshly cut wood — my dad built our house over our heads so that was a common smell at our house. The smell of baking — especially anything with cinnamon or chocolate.
    Good one, Jeanne.

  3. I just awoke and immediately God brought to mind your husband George and you knowing today is his surgery. I will be praying throughout the day.

    Smells… first thought is my Mother, she wore Estee Lauder’s Beautiful Perfume and that fragrance reminds me of her. I am a lover of popcorn and the smell of hot, buttery pop corn is a great temptation. Freshly baked Chocolate chip cookies cooling from the oven; love the beauty and colors of spring and the smell of freshly cut lawn; and the fragrance of a rose. Just thought of a gift I received from a friend , from Bath and Body, Jeanne you must try this because it is so therapeudic. A body lotion called Stress Relief (eucalyptus spearmint) relax and think clearly. Eucalyptus Essential Oil clears the mind while Spearmint Essential Oil uplifts. She also gave me a candle and the smell/fragrance is comforting. We all need some aromatherapy. 🙂 I agree with Charlotte that the smell of baby freshly bathed and diapered is heavenly. That made me think of another lotion called body drench original that smells similar and leaves your skin feeling so hydrated and fresh. How about the smell of freshly washed hair? I could go on and on.

  4. The smell of coconut sun tan oil. It reminds me of being a kid and going to the beach with my cousins from out of town. It was always fun when they visited.

  5. Connie Wright

    You won’t believe the smell that triggered fond memories of my childhood when we visited Lawrence Welk’s birthplace several years ago. We entered the outhouse and that smell brought back memories of when I was growing up on the farm! I sure don’t want to have to use an outhouse now but what a familiar smell it was when I entered! Speaking of mothers though, the smell that reminds me of her is the scent of freshly laundered clothing. There is nothing manufactured today that compares with clothing washed with homemade lye soap and hung on the line to dry. What a clean smell and that’s what I associate with my mother!

  6. For me, it is the smell of pumpkin. It makes me feel relaxed and content like I am a kid again at holiday time.
    Keeping you and George in my thoughts.
    Hope it is a good day —
    Take care–

  7. There are so many scents that remind me of my childhood, continuing into my adult life- Lilacs in my childhood and the day of my wedding, cut hay fields, copper tone for the wonderful places we swam and took our boats, the canvas tent smell taking me back to all those camping memories. But my all time favorite is the smell of pine Christmas trees, forever reminding me of my family Christmases, then and now!

    You and George are in my thoughts.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Paula, we got married in May so we could have lilacs on the altar! The florist said that was the only month he could guarantee having them.

      And, since I was the pastor’s daughter (and God really coordinated things that year!), members of our church brought lilacs from their yards, and we had big arrangements all over the church–even in the ladies’ restroom!!

      You’ll never guess what color the bridesmaids wore….

  8. Oh my there are so many, a lot have already been mentioned. Chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies fresh from the oven. Fresh pizza; bread sticks any kind of bread – can you tell I’m on a low carb diet! In the garden, Lilacs are the best along with silver lace vine and helitrope. I can’t forget to mention the smell of a brand new doll!

    Keeping you in prayer.

  9. All I can think about this morning is how is George doing? I’m sure it was late before you were able to see him. Today will be quite challenging. Hope you were able to get some sleep too. Continuing thoughts with you and family.
    The smell of pine needles is always a good one. Brings back the great memories of our little cabin in the CA Sierra’s. Nothing like the smell of the forest that emanates with every step on the steep path down to our cabin on the river.
    Hope we hear from you today about George’s successful operation.

  10. I just goT home from grocery shopping, hoping that we would have an update on George, but so far haven’t.

    As far as favorite smells, how about apple pie in the oven? My grandmother had a huge apple tree in her small backyard, and she made pies, apple butter, and anything having to do with apples. Then too, the smell of lilacs! Nothing better, but so many have already mentioned some wonderful scents, that I also love. Marilyn’s suggestion of freshly mowed grass is another one of my favorites! And how about a spring rain? Too many times we are looking out with our air conditioners on , and can’t really capture the smells from outside. Sometimes that is a good thing———-skunks are the worst!
    Freshly bathed babies, bread in the oven, goodness, there are SO many good things to smell!

  11. I work at the public library, and oftentimes, when I open up the case of a new audio book, that “new vinyl” smell of the CD sleeves makes me think, “New baby doll!” It takes me back to Christmases when I was a kid – I always anticipated getting a new doll, and always loved that “new baby doll” vinyl smell. You all know that smell I mean, right? 🙂

    I don’t post often, but do check your blog every day, Jeanne, and want you to know that you and George are always in my prayers.


  12. Hi everyone,
    Thanks for all your wonderful and interesting “smells.” We had everything from the smell of outhouses to lilacs!!! Isn’t it interesting just how many smells we can remember?

    My hubby still in quite a bit of pain but I think better than last night. He’s walked around the nurses station 2 x today already….not fun, but he did it.
    The Ostemy nurse came in and shared lots of information with us and showed us how to change the bag and gave us catalogs and booklets and some starter supplies. She’s coming back on Tuesday to show us more…it was a lot to take in.
    The hardest thing he’s having to deal with is when she said he won’t be able to lift heavy things…he said, but that’s what I do…she said, well, not so much anymore. You could see a slight depression settle over him. It really hit him hard…
    As far as sleep goes…what sleep???
    The nurses were in and out most of the night trying to get him comfortable with his pain…I think I finally fell asleep sometime before 3 a.m. then at 5 a.m. it started up again…drawing his blood, taking his vitals, dr’s making rounds, the change of nurses and going over his chart…anyway…tonight just has to be a better night!!!
    Thanks so muc,
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thank you so much for letting us know. Sounds like you will need one of those portable rolling file drawers for all of your new information.
      Glad to hear George has been up. A good sign. Now when he gets really grumpy, you’ll know he is on the road to recovery. I wouldn’t let that ostomy nurse dampen your spirits. I think I would also consult Google on that. It may just be for a period of time and maybe not quite as heavy lifting as in the past. Hope that is the case.
      Thanks again for the update.
      Take care, we’ll leave the light on for you.

  13. I’m sorry you and your husband have been through such a difficult night. I will continue to pray for both of you, that, in the words of the old song, “He will give more grace as the burdens grow greater; He will send more strength when the labors increase; and to added afflictions, He will add His mercy.”

  14. Thank you for the update, Jeanne! I think a lot of us have been so worried, since we didn’t hear from you for quite some time. I hope you both get more and better sleep tonight! That is wonderful that he is up and walking around already. If anyone is a warrior, it’s George!

  15. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, this little missive is entitled The Smell That Wasn’t There.
    Today marks my parents’ wedding anniversary. They are long since gone but this story is about them.
    My Dad’s job called for him to leave very early in the morning. My Mother would get up and make him breakfast and pack his lunch. Around 5 pm my Dad would come home famished and ready to sit down to an evening meal.
    Most of the time my Mother was on this schedule and she would put dinner on the table immediately. Sometimes, however, dinner would be delayed. When this would happen, my Dad would sit at the table and sigh. This was hilarious to my sister (now gone too) and me.
    Every once in a while my Father, hoping to hurry my mother to put food on the table, would take up his knife and fork, bow his head, and say grace over his empty plate. Fits of laughter would ensue from my sister and me.
    My response, then, is not what I did smell but the smell that wasn’t there.

  16. Jeanne, Thanks for letting us know how everything is going. Hang in there and get as much rest as you can!
    As for smells that bring back memories, someone already said the smell of new vinyl. That smell always reminds me of Christmas. The smell I associate with summer is watermelon. We spent many weekends camping at the beach when I was a kid, and we usually had a watermelon or two on ice. Those are good memories.
    Smells I just like, but not necessarily because they are associated with a memory, are coffee brewing, honeysuckle, cut grass, and of course baby puppies.

  17. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you for the update, Jean. Rely on that Ostomy nurse: he/she will be a font of information. Don’t be afraid to ask questions–you know the old cliche’, there’s no such thing as a stupid question! This is especially true of medical things. You are now entering a whole new world.

    A few years ago, my husband had over 2′ of his colon removed, and had to have a colostomy for a while (thankfully, it was reversed after 6 months). We had some ups and downs in the learning curve, I can tell you! The Ostomy nurses (both in- and out-patient) were wonderful, and so very helpful. For a while, it seemed he was having a problem with leaking under the seal; we discovered that maybe I shouldn’t be “checking” it so often!! LOL Once I stopped trying to see if it was okay, it was okay!! Sometimes you just have to trust that the equipment will work, and allow it to do so!

    As to the pain, once he gets past the first couple of days, things should get better. Sleep or at least rest when you can, even though it might just be in snatches for a while. And remember, you are both being lifted up in prayers–frequently. God will see you thru this!!

  18. Hi again everyone.
    I didn’t want to miss out on telling what smells bring back good memories to me…it might not be a “good” smell necessarily, but I won’t forget the smell of this hospital…the place where my hubby began the road to living again…and new health.
    We haven’t gotten the pathology report but I’m believing for it to be good!!! We are so grateful and thankful and blessed and joyful!! Thank you SO much for all your prayers and cards and emails and gifts and love shown to us!!!

    You all helped me through the roughest thing I’ve ever been in!!!
    I’m hoping to get some sleep tonight…I’m going to help George walk around the floor one more time and then I’m pulling out the cot, making my bed and putting my jammies on. I’m going to stuff some kleenex in my ears and go to bed!!! :o)
    Night everyone,
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Think you need those noise canceling head phones. 🙂 Thinking of you and George. Tomorrow will be another glorious day.

  19. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Dorothy and Charlotte.
    Thank you for the update on George, Jeanne. Prayers continue.
    Most of my favorite smells are either flowers or baking- lilacs, lavender. my grandmother’s baking including cookies and orange chiffon cake. I also love the smell of warm dog or cat which just means you’ve been snuggling with them and they give off their sweet fur smell.

  20. Thank you for the update, Jeanne. Take care of yourself and rest when you can. I think the healing includes you and George being together ?.

    Charlotte, I enjoyed hearing about tidbits of your wedding. My best friend, who was also a bridesmaid, went out that morning picking sprigs and branches of lilacs, that our mothers placed in glass vases for the reception tables. I wonder if your attendants wore gowns the same color as mine?

    Laura: Happy Birthday! When is your birthday date ?

  21. Sorry for not replying to your posts sooner. Health got in the way. grrrr.

    I am happy to hear that all went well with George’s (my father’s name also) surgery. No such thing as sleep in the hospital. I was in one in 2008 for 5 weeks by the time I was released to rehab I was exhausted. I had one relief nurse who insisted on waking you up and bathing your at 4am (I was paralyzed so no getting to the shower). Not sure why. Hoping they get the pain under control and that his recovery is goes smoothly. Please take care of yourself also…even if you just go down and sit in the lobby area for a short break.

    My favorite smell was and also has been honeysuckle and lilacs. The smell of my grandmother’s homemade bread and she made it everyday. My father and his dad wore Old Spice and that just brings back the most wonderful memories. Newly cut grass and coffee. My grandfather made me my first cup of coffee on the stove when I was 9 and I think it was more warmed milk than coffee but the smell and taste. Caramel popcorn.

    Will keep both of you in my thoughts.

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