Felicity was embarrassed…

My weekend was busy!!! A lady’s night out at a Mexican restaurant…didn’t want to miss that…another day out with my hubby looking at cabinets (and comparing the construction)…dinner at Alba, Edgar and Sara’s (our Columbian friends) YUM!!!

We got ready to eat and I said, “Wait! I have to take a picture of us and the food!” Sorry, I cut my hubby in half…

Beef cooked the “Columbian” way… veggies and rice and soup! It was delish!!!

We brought them a big bottle of Olive Oil and they used it as a centerpiece! :o)

Okay…back to my weekend… Church, a trip to my mom’s, and Sunday evening…a hayride and bonfire hosted by our neighbors. We didn’t stay long. I told my hubby I absolutely HAD to get some sewing done.

I don’t have a lot to show you, but some of the things that take time are now finished…the bodice is constructed, the lace was added to the sleeves and they were set in. I have the skirt ready to be assembled now too. I don’t think I have anything on my calendar tomorrow so I think you know what I’ll be doing.

I found a glass pearl necklace that Rebecca had made, but I didn’t have it listed yet, so I put it around Felicity’s neck. I’m not sure it’s the one I’ll use with the dress set, but for now it looks okay.

Then I couldn’t resist… I took the skirt fabric and wrapped it around Felicity’s waist.. I can guarantee you it will look MUCH better than this, but I wanted a little more color in my picture and Felicity was feeling embarrassed in her “naked-ness!” :o(

I am still so thrilled about all of you introducing yourselves Friday and then more on Saturday! I had a HUGE NUMBER of views on my blog Saturday…in fact it was highest number of hits EVER on a Saturday!!…389! You all are just the best readers any blogger could ever hope for!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Felicity was embarrassed…”

  1. What a fun weekend you had!
    The beginnings of the dress is just beautiful. The fabric is so pretty and the lace on the sleeves is a perfect fit. I know they may be temporary but the pearls are the perfect color. And everything goes so wonderfully with Felicity’s hair. I’m looking forward to seeing the next step.
    Hope you have a good day.
    Take care –

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Thank you so much for your compliments on Felicity’s dress. I do like the way it’s turning out so far.
      I’ll have to decide about the pearls because I like them too.
      Thank you so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Hi Jeanne
    Alba’s dinner looks delicious, I love different ethnic foods. Since it’s getting colder here in Michigan I’m wondering what kind of soup she made.
    I just knew that beautiful print would look great on Felicity and I can’t wait to see your finishing touches on the lovely hat you made.
    Wishing you a great day

    1. Hi Leigh,
      Alba sent me an e-mail and she explains how she did the soup, so I posted what she sent to me down below in the comments.
      I like soups and stews when it gets cooler too.
      Chili is a favorite of mine and a taco soup I make!
      I knew that fabric would look great on Felicity too…that’s why I bought if from Australia and waited about 3 weeks to get it.
      Thanks Leigh,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Did Sara get contacts? She is adorable. So grown up. The food looks delicious too.
    Dress is going to be so pretty. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
    If you haven’t taken a look at Home Depot for cabinets, they have some that are “real” wood and the prices reasonable. You might check it out just to compare prices as long as you are looking. They were very helpful for us.
    Happy Monday and on to Halloween.

    1. Hi Joy,
      No, Sara didn’t get contacts…she’s trusting the Lord to correct them. She IS grown up now…she is teaching herself to play a keyboard and she is VERY GOOD!!! We were very impressed!
      The food WAS very good!!! It always is!!!

      We already have checked out the cabinets at Home Depot and they are on our list for comparison.
      Thanks Joy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Blessings to you, Jeanne, and on all that you touch your hands too. We all benefit so much from your life.

    What a fun-filled weekend you appeared to have had, and then, to top it off, you show us further steps in producing Felicity’s upcoming ensemble! I’m thrilled to see the progress as well as share in your weekend. Thank you for all you do in sharing your life with us.

    1. Hi Becky,
      The weekend WAS full, but we had lots of fun…not much sleep…but fun!!!

      I have been working on Felicity’s skirt today…so I hope to have something interesting to show…
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh Jeanne, I’m late today because the desktop is not cooperating and I can’t get anything on it, so I am using the laptop. Someone in Toronto Canada has been messing with my account, and it’s a mess!
    My first thought in the first picture is, where is little Sarah? You mean that beautiful young girl on the right is Sarah?? Wow! she is adorable and so grown up!
    Oh, I love Felicity’s dress so far! The fabric is just beautiful with her coloring, and so colonial looking! Are you planning on a fichu for the neckline? I would thing that is a rather daring scoop neckline for Felicity! Love the pearls!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Sorry about your computer troubles… There’s nothing more frustrating than that.

      Yes, our little Sarah has grown up right before our eyes. She was playing the piano last night and you should hear her. She’s taught herself by looking at online videos. She is amazing!!!
      Learning English, making the honor roll, Sewing, knitting, saxophone, and now the piano…
      Felicity will probably get a fichu…we’ll see!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. It was so interesting to read about all of your followers. I think perhaps people know enough about me from the pictures you post sometimes and my comments. What a great idea and glad so many participated, a broad cross-section of America and the World. I copied it and will keep it for reference to read when people Comment so I’ll remember their stories.

    Love the new outfit. Can’t wait to see it completed. Thanks again for the daily inspiration you share with us all and the new friends. Great food and company you had all weekend.

    1. Oh, Susette,
      You should still go back and add your “bio” to that post…I think I’m even going to transfer the bio’s from Saturday to the Friday post…
      We need “you” on that page too! :o)

      I can’t wait to see Felicity’sdress finished either. ..I’ve been working on it…
      Thank you Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Alba sent me a sweet reply to the blog post today. I thought I’d just copy and paste what she wrote..

    Hello Jeanne
    I just saw your blog. I am very impressed. I can’t believe your followers still remember us and specially Sara and most importantly they noticed about her glasses and how much she has grown. Would you thank them on my behalf, please.
    She does not have contacts, but was prayed for in Januare and we decided to stop wearing glasses by faith and that GOD is healing her eyesight ?. Yes, she has grown and she is just a little bit taller than mom. And the soup was made with broth from real turkey ( we had bought two turkey legs that were on sale in Kroger the day before, we took skin and fat out, boiled them in water with garlic, onion, salt, and seasoning and then broil them in the oven). So for my winter soups I always use any broth and vegetables I have plus onion, garlic, cilantro, little bit of pepper, and salt. I boiled them until tender and then I blend them.


  8. Well, it sounds like a fun-filled weekend! The olive oil centerpiece is awesome, and the food looks good. Just seeing that vegetable dish has made me hungry. Felicity’ dress will be perfect–the fabric really complements her coloring. I wish you luck with your search for the perfect cabinets. I’m sure you’ll find them. Oh, and silly me, I was typing away and rembered that there are some English majors reading your comments, so I went back and proof read my comment and added a hyphen between the words fun and filled! Well, there may still be grammar errors, but I do my best!

    1. Thanks Carolyn,
      The food was even better than it looked! They both are really good at cooking. We got to talking coconuts that night…they gave some tips of how to open one up…I might have to try it…
      Sometimes I feel intimidated with the way I write on my blog…but I just carry on and hope it’s okay….but I know what you mean…

      Some new cabinets are supposed to come in at the local place here in town, so I hope I find my dream cabinets soon…
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Sounds like a busy but fun filled weekend. Yes, Sara has grown into quite the lovely young lady. Does she still work on sewing?A hayride and bonfire sounds like a lot of fun. Our homeschool group used to have a “fall day””, apple picking in the morning and then a hayride, bonfire dinner and games in the evening.
    Felicity’s dress to be is really, really pretty. The colors are beautiful on her and the mossy green hat really sets off her beautiful green eyes.
    Fall and the cold has come all of a sudden. Last Sunday I wore a short sleeved fall dress to church and yesterday I wore long sleeves and my winter coat. the high was in the 50’s. We had two days of Indian Summer. I know the season was long, but I hope we get one more warm spell before the cold sets in.

    1. Hi Laura,
      It was a fun weekend and we have another BIG hayride this next weekend. It will be our Taste of America for the Internationals, put on by our church.
      I think Sara is so busy with school, she doesn’t do much sewing now…but she’s still interested in it..
      I’ve got to get my sweaters and things out…it’s been down in the upper 30’s and I’ve worn a light weight jacket a few times myself…
      I think this will be very pretty on Felicity…when it’s all done…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Hi Jeanne,
    My but you are a busy girl! Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Your dinner looks very tasty. I’ve never had Columbian style cooking, I must see if I can find some recipes on Allrecipes.com.
    Felicity’s dress pattern/color is so very pretty I can see why you hunted for more of this fabric. I can’t wait to see the completed project.
    Have a nice evening

    1. Thank you, Ingrid,
      We did have fun and the food was delicious…
      I posted an email from Alba up abovevine comments. She explained how she did the soup….the beef had a little bit of ginger on it…

      Thank you for your compliments on Felicity’s dress. I just love this fabric…so glad you do too.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Jeanne,
    You have such a wonderful ability to pull together fabrics, trims and accessories for your dolls that it seems possible to do the same in making your kitchen extra special. Perhaps you have a fabric(s) with the neutrals you’re using but with an added punch of color for your accessories, or even a plate or dish towel for inspiration. The Pioneer Woman kitchen things at Wal-mart, for example, have lots of fun colors and patterns. Trust your talents and have fun with finishing touches.

    1. Hi Judy,
      I was textinguisher back and forth with my sister, Cindy today. I’ve been waiting 13 years to get started on my kitcjen…I guess I should have had some ideas in a folder…
      Cindy said it will all fall in place…but I’m glad I have her “on call” to run things by…

      She said approach my kitchen the same way I do my doll dresses…and it will work… I hope she’s right.
      Thanks Judy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. There have been so many things that have happened to you since the Blog of last week–when the others got busy and wrote their information–biographies. It is a little past midnight now, and I am not sleepy, so I will start this and hope to finish.
    I was born in Carbondale, Ill. My parents were both students at SIU. My father was a Baptist Minister and we lived in several places while he was finishing his degree and then went to the Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY. In the meantime we had six children, including me–I was number two in the line of kids–five girls and one boy. We had a pretty normal childhood. I played with dolls and paper dolls with my older sister. We had some tiny rubber baby dolls–about two inches long. We played with them and even made clothes for them–at age seven. We wrapped ribbons around them to make clothes. This was my first experience with designing.
    We just had baby dolls–nothing too expensive. I think those dolls went to my little sisters. One year my oldest sister got a Tony doll. She was very pretty, but I didn’t get to play with her. I wanted a bride doll, just like the one in the Sears Catalog, but instead I got a big baby doll. I don’t think I played with her very much because this was the last year that I got a doll. I was interested in dolls all through out my childhood, but I didn’t get any more of them. When the Ginny dolls came out I fell in love–they were so sweet and small. I was sure I would love to have one. They weren’t in the budget, so all I could do was look in the store window and dream. When I was in the eighth grade I saw an offer on the box of Little Debbie donuts. If I sent in a dollar, I would receive a little doll that looked just like the Ginny doll. I saved my money and sent it to the Little Debbie Bakery Company. I received my doll! I was so proud of her. I decided that I would sew her some clothes. I had just started learning to sew–in my Home Ec. Class at school. I made her a beautiful blue dress. It even had darts. I was so proud of it, showed it to my mother, my Grandmother, and even to my Home Ec. teacher at school. The only reaction I got from anyone was “Uhh-Huh.” I was pretty discouraged, but that didn’t stop me from sewing. It did stop me from ever taking any more Home Ec. Classes, though. My sewing, since then, has been pretty much self-taught.
    As far as doll collecting, I planned to have a doll collection for my daughter. I would buy her some beautiful dolls, starting with Ginny and Madam Alexander Dolls. But, I had two boys instead of girls! They are wonderful, smart, creative, but not interested in dolls!
    So, I started to collect a few dolls, and now I have many–I don’t know how many, for sure. I have mostly modern dolls–only a few antiques. I fall in love with cute faces.
    I sew clothes for them, mostly for the American Girls. I like the way their clothes look when they are finished.
    I told myself that since I didn’t have any girls, that maybe I would be lucky enough to have a Grand Daughter that was interested in dolls. Well, I have a beautiful Grand Daughter, she is smart, beautiful, creative, and a real joy, but she is not interested in dolls! She loves all animals, especially cats. For a while she wanted to be a vet, but now she wants to be a zookeeper. I have a grand son, who wants to either be an actor or a reader for Books on Tape.
    He is about to be ten years old. His sister is eight. They live in Alaska, so my simmers usually include a trip to see them.
    I have been making Halloween costumes for my grand Children, so I know they appreciate my sewing for them. This year I made a Donut for my grandson and a cat costume for my grand daughter.
    To Linda D. I live very close to Wentzville, in the area north of Lake St. Louis. My husband and I have both been teachers and are now retired. We have lived in El Paso, Texas, and Ganado, Arizona. I have taught mostly Kindergarten . My husband was history teacher. We moved to this area ten years ago, to be close to some of my family that live in the area.
    I have enjoyed reading the Bio’s from all of the Blog readers. It is a large group, many interesting lives.

  13. Diana, it’s nice to have another reader so close! We all have to get together sometime, along with Jeanne!

  14. T0 Linda D.,
    I am all for a get together with Jeanne!
    I guess we will need to make the plans–hopefully before the snow flies!

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