Just a few tidbits to share with you….

Tidbit # 1
My hubby surprised me yesterday and let me know we are going to Gloria’s in Missouri, Thursday morning. Since her hubby, Larry, died a few months ago, she is needing a helping hand from us. I know there are some clear shower doors to install and she is in the process of scraping and painting her wrap around porch… (not to thrilled about that one… just between you and me!) She also had some tools that her boys didn’t want and she wondered if George might like them… well, that’s all it took…the word “tools” and my hubby was practically sitting in the front seat of the car waiting on me! :o)

I have Patsy’s dress set boxed up and I’m taking it with me, just in case someone buys it as soon as I walk out the door!

I spent the morning and afternoon taking care of some things for my mom, so I didn’t have time to do anything sewing or dolly related… This will have to be a hodge podge post, but I hope I don’t lose any readers over it… and the next two posts will probably be “archived” ones… I’d rather give you something and “hope” maybe you hadn’t seen it, than to just have a blank page with nothing for you to look at.

Tidbit # 2
I decided to line the inside of the hat with the scrap of leaf fabric that I had… this way the winner won’t have to worry at all about glue flaking off in their dolls hair. I just cut a circle and centered it in the bottom of the hat and glued it just at the bottom… then I make sort of folds in it and glued it in 4 different places up the sides and to the coral rows. That left some folds in the hat. I snipped them down to the crown of the hat, where it was glued and sort of folded them over each other, gluing one side first then lapping the other side over the other. I realize now, I should have taken pictures of it… but I forgot… anyway, here’s how it looked yesterday…

If you click on any picture it will enlarge.

…and now…

Tidbit #3
Joy got a new doll and her name is Jeanne and she’s a Minouche doll, from the beautiful collection that Sylvia Natterer has designed for famed French doll makers Petitcollin. Jeanne is supposed to be a young girl around 6-8 years old and is all vinyl. Joy sent me some pictures comparing Jeanne and Libby, her Effner Little Darling. Joy said they can share shoes, but Jeanne’s feet are slightly wider. Jeanne has slightly bigger arms and legs so dresses/pants would need to allow for that. They appear to be the same height, but Libby might have longer legs. It might be that Libby’s are just thinner. And Libby can wear Jeanne’s clothes. In fact, the dress Jeanne came in fit Libby a bit nicer than it did Jeanne. Joy said the Minouche outfits are very well made. The Petit Collin Natterer are way less expensive than the Little Darlings and can be found on ebay, a few places in the United States and in Europe. They are quite popular in Europe with adult collectors.
Joy ended her conversation to me by saying she thought I “needed” one! Oh, Joy, surely you jest! :o)

I followed a lady’s blog in France for a while and I’m almost positive this was the same doll she sewed for. Actually she had a sewing school and every month she would sell a pattern and give everyone time to buy it… then she’d give instructions on how to make a doll dress in a “sew along” and when she was done, she’d have everyone send pictures of the dresses they made and she’d post them on her blog. It was all in French, but I used Google Translator and changed it to English. It was pretty fun to watch…

Tidbit #4
A few weeks ago when I showed Ten Ping rummaging in the dishes in the wooden chest, I received a picture from Joy of her dolly dishes… I wanted to show just how beautiful her dishes are! I think they are wonderful! Don’t you? Thanks for sharing them Joy!

Tidbit #5
Remember this dress set on Emmie?

Well, I received some pictures from the woman who bought the dress set for “her” doll… and look at this… I can see how she envisioned this on her own doll… can’t you? Thanks _______!

Well, 5 tidbits will have to be it for today. I’ll try to comment if I get a chance!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Just a few tidbits to share with you….”

  1. I didn’t realize the hats were glued. I guess the stitches I was seeing were from the construction of the straw strips. The lining adds a lot and kind of finishes it.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your lovely doll and tea sets, Joy. I love seeing other people’s collections, no matter what size the dishes or dolls.
    I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face at Rogers Gardens. I escaped with just a skeleton of a pterodactyl, an tiny evergreen tree and ruffled pansy plants for my fairy gardens. I’ll send Jeanne a couple of pictures of customers at the gardens. They were as funny as the displays were scary!

    1. Hi Susette,
      Yes, those little hats take about 5 yards of braid and round and round the mold they are glued. It’s only about 1/4″ wide so you barely put glue on the edges.
      Probably every dolly lover has a tea set, but it’s always fun to see the different ones.
      I’m proud of your restraint at Rogers Gardens… you were good!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Very fun tidbits, Jeanne. No worries with me, I’ll always come back to read whatever you may be sharing on any particular day. And, thanks to Joy for sharing her photos today.

    I trust your work at Gloria’s will be filled with fun although I know the porch work could be extremely tedious.


    1. Thank you Becky,
      I’m glad you enjoyed what I posted today…
      No telling what Gloria will have in mind for us to do…can’t wait… *she says with a smirk*
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. George’s appreciation for tools is wonderful. He understands their use and has shared his talent of using them to help others as well as fixing necessary things in your own home. I appreciate my husband for having a talent the same way. Tools to me, while being purposeful, are “that thingy that undoes stuff”, those pointy things etc. !
    I do know what hammers are.
    Patsy’s hat is wonderful. That material, Jeanne, is just gorgeous. It’s so rich in color. I wish I had a doll to wear it.

    Joy, thank you for sharing your tea set pictures and your dolls. It’s always fun to see everyone else’s dolls and accessories and collectibles. Both dolls are so cute.

    Jeanne, enjoy your time at Gloria’s. Sounds like some tedious work but it’s always a good feeling in accomplishing difficult tasks and helping others.

    1. Hi Paula,
      We are on our way now, and we just passed a yard sale. My hubby said, “Let’s stop.” We looked around for a few minutes and walked away with nothing. My hubby got in the car and said, “Crummy yardsale…no tools.” :o)

      I am looking forward to visiting with Gloria! She is a doll of a sister in law!
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I swear, Jeanne, everytime I hear you say you are coming to Missouri, I get my hopes up to be able to see you, but no, Salem is too far away for a little visit! Well, someday!

    I think you did a great save on the hat. I was wondering how that shiny glue would be on doll hair, but probably fine. However, the fabric lining makes it so much better!

    Joy, I love seeing your dolls and pretty dishes! It’s fun just looking at other people’s collections, and I hope more of us show us what they collect.

    I can certainly understand why your reader who bought Emmie’s outfit wanted it! She looks just like Emmie in it! Lucky her!

    Going outside to rake leaves now in the cool morning air—-finally!

    1. Hi Linda,
      One of these days we will meet up… :o)
      The glue wouldn’t have hurt anything but I agree with you, it just looks nicer.
      We are getting into the Mark Twain forest so I need to get my other comments answered before I lose phone service.
      Thanks for enjoying seeing what a few others have.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Your little trip will be so helpful for your SIL. At least the weather should be good… our weather guy said it will be a top ten day for several days ?
    The lining in the hat looks so nice and neat and finished! That hat is just the perfect accessory…and the colors just set it off.
    Don’t work too hard but hope you have some nice days to work outside

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I’m hoping for wonderful weather at Gloria’s. We can get more done if the weather cooperates. Once before when George was helping his brother build his chicken coop, it rained cats and dogs!
      Thanks for your compliments on my hat. I like this one very much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. So sweet seeing Emmie’s beautiful outfit on her mystery twin. I love that outfit.
    The lining on Patsy’s hat is such a wonderful idea. Such a lovely matching set.
    Jeanne (dolly) and Libby were thrilled to see themselves on Jeanne’s blog until the underwear photo. They are both rather embarrassed and decided to hide out in the depths of the dolly room today.
    The remnants of the tea sets were mostly picked up at thrift stores. I always look for them.
    Hope Jeanne has a wonderful ride to Missouri and enjoys painting on the porch. At least it is an outside fresh air project. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I was surprised at how much the dolls liked alike too… it was fun to see the dress on another doll.
      I’m sorry if I embarrassed Jeanne and Libby. Tell them I’m sorry…
      We ARE having a nice ride in the car. We’ve stopped at 2 yard sales and just went to a place I saw on Craigslist that sells wondows. We have one attic window and 4 dining room windows still yet to replace. Struck out…nothing… so we keep driving… :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Hi Jeanne,
    Have a safe trip. It’s so kind of you to go lend a hand to your SIL. Work always goes quicker when you have someone to chat with… Even if it’s scraping the porch and painting : D
    Your Patsy outfit is adorable. The hat is such a pretty finishing touch. I think it screams Autumn. My fav time of year, love it!
    Love Joys dolls and dolly dishes. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Hi Ingrid,
    I love Fall weather too…just cool enough to wear lightweight sweaters!
    Thanks for the compliments on the dress.
    We’ll have a good time no matter what we do!
    Thanks so much
    Blessings, Jeanne

  9. My dad was a distance driver — once in the car, no stopping. Stopping for yard sales and window possibilities is so civilized. It makes the drive so much nicer.
    It’s lovely of you to be making this trip. And when you leave, everything will be nicer there and all three of you will be feeling satisfied. A wrap-around porch is going to be a major project but you and George are so good at projects. Have a great trip.

    It’s always fun to see someone else’s dolls and doll clothes. I love those red shoes, Joy, and the lace on the table with your china. The way something is displayed is nearly as important as the thing being displayed.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’m a little late finishing up my comments, but wanted to before I went to bed.
      Gloria found someone from her church to paint the porch so she has put us on the drywall and shower doors ptoject. We got a big area of the drywall fixed and we can start working on the trim tomorrow.
      I like looking at others dolly things too.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Enjoy your upcoming trip. Oh my, a wraparound porch? That sounds gorgeous, my ideal. I love porches. Our house jsut has your typical length of the house front porch, but I love the wraparound ones or the ones that have that extra space in one area to have a table, this North and South movie.
    That hat looks so much better and finished now. That best thing is that the lining prevents the straw from snagging dolly hair.
    Sweet doll you have there, Joy and I love your collection of doll dishes. Always nice to see not AG things that others have.
    Aww, the buyer of Emmie’s dress has an “Emmie” of her own and had turquoise shoes to match.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’m a bit late answering these last few comments but wanted to get to them.
      I’ll try to get a picture of the porch tomorrow…we have been put on “bathroom” detail…at least for now…drywall, trim, painting, building our a wall, putting on the shower doors…
      I’m glad lining the hat looks okay…I only had a scrap as wide as the green inside part and about 6″ long…but it just fit.
      I noticed those turquoise shoes immediately, ..and aren’t they cute?
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I’m finding myself with little time for reading blogs, much less commenting, but today I have a little spare time for catching up. I hope you enjoy your visit with your SIL. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have the help and the company! Joy’s new doll is adorable as are the little dishes. I’m familiar with the Minouche dolls from Pinterest and think they are very sweet. It is nice to see a size comparison with a Little Darling doll.

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      Sorry your life is so busy right now but whenever you can join us, we’ll be waiting for you!
      Gloria said it was wonderful to have us visiting and we’ve already been “put to work!”
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. I love the Natterer dolls by Petitcollin, and have three of these smaller sized dolls like the one you pictured. I didn’t realize that they were nearly the same size as the Little Darlings–for some reason, the LDs just looked so much smaller and more petite in their photos than what they actually are! Do you happen to recall the name of that doll blog from France you followed? I would love to check it out!

    1. Hi Angela,
      How fun that you have 3 of the dolls by Natterer. The Little Darlings are bigger than they look like in the pictures…but I know what you mean about them looking dainty and petite.
      The blog was something like cherries vanaline or something like that…maybe it was vanaline cheries… I think the lady’s name was vanaline. I’ll see if I can’t find it. She had many dolls thst she sewed for …about 6 or 7 Little Dsrlings, and lots more, but I remember her doing a full year with one Minouche doll and made a new outfit each month for the sew along. If I find her website. I’ll post it in the future.
      Thanks Angela,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh, thank you for the name…I think I found it! I just searched “Vanaline Cheries” on Google, her blog was the first thing to pop up. Sometimes, I’m so amazed with the internet! I look forward to spending some time over there now, drooling over doll pictures!

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