Oops! I am SO sorry…. I forgot to write a post!

Please forgive me… but I totally forgot to write a post! I wish I had a really good reason for forgetting, but I guess I was having too much fun. There is that BIG, inside the Old Navy Store, World Hunger Sale Friday morning, and we were searching for big tote bags to carry things in, changing out our big purses to smaller ones, getting our cash in order, and I sat down on the edge of the bed and realized I hadn’t written a post.

So I’ll go ahead and do a post on the fly… Here’s a question for you:

What is the best treasure you’ve ever found at a yard sale, or a junk store, or along the side of the road?

Well, what do you know…a post just appeared. :o)

Thanks everyone!
I’ll see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Oops! I am SO sorry…. I forgot to write a post!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I think the best thing I found at a thrift store was some years ago when I was at a Value Village. I had found a few little things to purchase, and had gotten in line at the checkstand….and there, on one of the shelves at the end of the checkstand, was a Cabbage Patch Kids watch set (a real watch for a child and a matching pretend watch for the Cabbage Patch Kid), still in the blister pack!! I snatched it up immediately, of course!

    The one end of the blister pack was broken enough so I could get the child’s watch on and take it for a new battery, and I did enjoy wearing it for a while. I have fairly small wrists so fitting wasn’t an issue.

  2. I think the best thing I ever found was a Wedgwood Queensware coffee pot in “Patrician” and a completely sealed bottle of my favorite perfume, for one-quarter the usual price.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    We have been to Branson for a mini vacation the last few days, which we had to cut short because of the rain. It was nice the day we went, but too much rain yesterday to make it worthwhile, so we came home. We did get shopping and a nice dinner in, but Jeanne, I never go to thrift shops or Goodwill, or anything like that! I have enough stuff for me! However, when having lunch with friends or something like that, sometimes we visit antique shops close by just for fun to see what was used back I the “olden days”, like when we were small! (!!).

    As far as yard sales, I don’t go to those either, but a lady up the street had one many years ago, and had the cutest little Thomas the Tank engine there for toddlers to ride on, so I bought it for my grandson, who spent many happy hours on it when he came to my house. I am the kind of person that doesn’t like looking at someone’s things they have for sale, and then not buying anything! I feel terrible about it, even when I go to a store and it is kind of small, and then I don’t buy anything, and have to get by the person at the register!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Linda, I thought I was the only one. When I go to anything where there are booths I only stop at the ones where I know I will buy something. I’m terrible about looking and then feeling guilty walking away. I’m probably missing out on seeing a lot of great things but I know how much I have to spend and what I’m looking for. I think mine comes from people who aren’t like me who feel they must share why they are not buying my stuff – doll clothes too expensive, machine rather than hand embroidery, or I could make that myself in a few minutes referring to a project that took me hours to do – so I know how people feel when you don’t buy. Your last sentence made me laugh. I always wondered if my guilty look for not buying could be misconstrued for something else.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Oh gosh, Barbara, I would NEVER take anything without paying for it! I hope you don’t mean that! LOL

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Don’t worry about forgetting. I woke up this morning and thought that it was Saturday. Nope, that’s tomorrow. 🙂
    I’ve bought so much stuff at sales over the years, but nothing really grabs me at the moment. I suppose that may be because we have had so many sales, flea markets, etc. over the years ourselves. I don’t think I’ve ever sold something that I bought for resale that I didn’t make a profit on. I’m not talking clothes as those we practically would give away and now pack up for the Pick of the Litter kitty store. At our annual sales of years in the past which involved both sets of our parents, good friends, and our kids when they were little, besides selling the regular stuff, we also have sold two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle. Let alone bikes. We really need to organize another sale some time soon. Way too much stuff here. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Your comment reminded me of an ad on TV a few years ago. I think it was for a storage facility. The people had so much stuff they rented a storage unit. Then they went home and looked around and decided “we need more stuff”. It does tend to accumulate over the years and my yard sales have never been terribly successful so, if the kids don’t want or need it, Goodwill usually gets the overflow.

  5. Glad you’re having a good time with the kids, Jeanne. Those times are always so special. And the shopping sounds fun and full of adventure.

    Years ago, at a yard sale, I came across a ceramic Nessie ( the Lock Ness Monster). He’s about 7” long and comes in 4 pieces. His head, 2 humps and lastly a tail. Wherever he sits with his 4 pieces set apart, he looks like part of him is under water. Since I’m Scottish, I wanted him and he sits on a shelf in my doll room. My Dollie’s are quite fond of him. Back in the day, I’d see him in catalogs for 25.00 ish but I paid 1.25 for him.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Paula, someone in our subdivision has a big concrete Nessie in their yard, and it looks like it is coming up from the ground! Kind of different!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I almost wouldn’t have missed your having a post today. Like Joy I thought it was Saturday and nearly didn’t check in. Sounds like you have a family that loves shopping. I used to enjoy it but these days “strolling” or what I call the mall crawl does not work for me. It kills my back and I have to sit down every few minutes. Plus stores don’t usually have places to sit. So these days it’s usually online for me.

    I was wrong in what I said about the insurance company yesterday. David did report it to ours and they told him to take care of it himself and let them know if there is a problem. We have had the same insurance for years but the office has new employees and they are not the same as before. One in particular in the past was amazing to deal with. Mostly today they just want you to go online and report accidents, etc. We were looking around for other options before this but until this is solved we can’t change.

  7. Wonderful, Jeannie, that you’re having such a good time with your kids!
    One of our local Goodwill stores has been a source of some fabulous finds for me. Over the last 6 months, I’ve purchased 2 wonderful display cabinets for my dolls there for next-to-no $$.
    Best finds ever, though, were 2 early Zwergnase dolls and 2 Kish dolls – all found at the same time and in perfect condition. Hubby was with me and, as I grabbed them all up, I was shaking and told him, “Get me a cart!” He knew I’d found something really special and headed for the carts, no questions asked. LOL

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, no worries. We are still here.

    I am glad that you are enjoying time with your family.

    So far, I have not had any luck finding anything wonderful at a yard sale or thrift shop. I have been with friend who were lucky. I was happy for them.

  9. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Glad Rebecca and Karn are able to visit you and George and Reuben. I think the greatest thing as far as a treasure that I ever found was in a Garage Sale at someone’s house and it was a brand new West Germany food processor brand new, the box only had water stains on it and it was brand new because it was a Wedding gift and was never used. I paid $18 for it and I still have it. It is a Krupp brand which is one of the best. I was so thrilled with it and still am.

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