Meet Jule… my newest Challenge!

Hi everyone,
Cindy and Tom made it here safely, but it was a long day for them. Leaving from Gettysburg, PA, at 4:50 a.m. this morning, they encountered blizzard-like snow, strong winds, thunderstorms, pouring rain, white out conditions, and more. They didn’t listen to any music while they were driving… (too much to pay attention to), they made minimal stops and just concentrated on getting here. They arrived safely, but they were wiped out… mentally and physically. It was a very stressful trip this time. They arrived here at 7:15 p.m. I’m thankful they made it here safe and sound!

They brought me something… my newest challenge!!! Their son, Dylan, is a fantastic artist of lots of different things… he’s a great guitar player, he sings, he draws extremely well, he makes videos that are incredible, he and his wife opened and ran their own restaurant for a while, his specialty is making high end cabinets for super high end homes. He just took over the business several months ago and I think they built 5 homes last year. He writes, he loves antiquing with his mom, (Cindy), he’s had rental properties, he is VERY talented in so many different areas and I am going to be a part of his newest endeavor… puppet making. Oh, I’m not making the puppets…that’s his baby… but I’m going to give it a go at making something for this one to wear…

Meet Jule… short of Julie.

Dylan has been intrigued with making puppets and this is his latest. Jule was carved out of wood, and then I think turned into a resin like mold. She will be painted later. Since it’s hard to tell, she’s about 12″ tall. She is an actual friend of his… she paints the cabinets he builds… and he wanted to make one “just like her!”

He has Jule on a pole that goes up to her head, with a lever at the bottom of the pole that allows her head to move in all different directions. She’s fun and whimsical and will really come to life once she’s painted.

I’m not the greatest at videos, but here she is, with me using one hand to hold my phone and the other one “trying” to work the lever for her head… I hope you can kind of see how she moves. I had to let the video buffer for about 30 seconds and then watch the video again without it stopping.

When Cindy and Tom showed her to me, I assumed he wanted a sweet printed dress made for her. I was instantly thinking in my mind how I could make it. But.. Dylan wants a pair of pink gym shorts and a Tee shirt because that’s what she likes to wear.

I’ll have to look in my stash and see what I can come up with.

Jule has “snap on” arms so it will be easy to dress her since they come off.

I just wanted to introduce you to her and I’ll keep you posted as she progresses! Maybe I’ll even get a video when Jule makes her debut!

Well, I better get to bed. I’m the only one who is not in bed… it’s almost 11:00 p.m. and we are leaving tomorrow to head to Springfield, MO, to my sister, Deb’s house for a few days. My hubby will be staying here. I hope he doesn’t miss me too much!

Oh… good news… my Amaryllis bloomed today! Just in time to greet Cindy! (She gave it to me for Christmas!)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Meet Jule… my newest Challenge!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m so glad Cindy and Tom made it thru the snow and safely to your house! Although we don’t have any snow in the greater Seattle area, there were blizzard conditions up in the mountains and at least two of the passes were completely closed today, it was that bad! (Of course, this doesn’t affect me, because I avoid the mountains at all costs. I went up to Leavenworth once, and driving up wasn’t bad, but coming back down, it was “white knuckle” all the way, and it was summertime! I just don’t do heights very well at all.)

    Well, if “Jule” is any indication, I would say Dylan was both creative and artistic!! She’s a wonderful piece of sculpture, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with to dress her!

    Your amaryllis is beautiful! It bloomed at just the right time, so Cindy could see it, too!

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      We are about an hour and a half away from Deb’s house.
      We stopped at a thrift shop and found some fabric for Jules Tee shirt and shorts. It will be different, that’s for sure.
      I’m almost out of phone juice, so I better say hey to a few more ladies…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Guess what? My Amaryllis from Thanksgiving is blooming now too!
    Quite an interesting puppet you have there. Wood to resin. I would think you’d have to be very careful not to drop her if this one is the resin. Can’t wait to see the sweats outfit. I took a puppet class years ago, but the puppets were more Muppet like. I still have Hector around here someplace. They are lots of fun.
    Supposed to get a little rain today and then back to frosty mornings with covering plants a necessity.
    Drive safe and have fun.

    1. Hi Joy,
      We should dub this Amaryllis day!!
      We are almost to Deb’s… well a little over an hour… it’s very breezy and chilly out.
      We found some fabrics for Jule’s outfit. I personally wanted to make an Aunt Bea dress… maybe another time.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    And guess what? My amaryllis is growing another stalk on the other side and will have blooms in another week or two. This is one that just keeps on giving!

    What a story about Cindy’s trip to Carbondale! The weather has really been something, hasn’t it? With all the cold, snow, sleet, rain, and wind, we certainly have been getting a full dose of winter around here! It is supposed to go down to 0 and go up to 11 one 12 Su day and Monday, so I sure hope you have plenty of sweaters, coats and scarves with you! Should be halfway decent today, but cold.

    Your family sure seems to be artistic, no matter if it is art, music, sewing or decorating! This will be interesting to see what you come up with for Jule!

    Have a good time in Springfield!

    1. She has lots of personality for sure! Maybe make what he wants and then what it was you were thinking. Ya never know he may like it better…, or is he giving it to her?
      Have a fun next part of the sister trip… sure hope it is better than the first part of their trip… that was white knuckle for sure. Poor things.. scary roads are just no fun.

      1. Hi Kathie,
        Dylan isn’t giving her the puppet, but she was flattered when he told her he was making one to look like her…
        I’ll make the tee shirt and shorts and maybe something later on. He does want me to cover her legs and arms with some kind of fkesh like fabric… maybe the doll baby stretchy fabric…
        We are venturing out tomorrow because its supposed to be in the 50’s… we are already having fun…
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Joy in northern CA

      It must be Amaryllis Day! It looks like the one here has some more leaves coming up between my double. Not sure it it will bloom again later or not.

    3. Hi Linda,
      After we get back from Deb’s and they drop me off, they are headed to Morrison IL, way up north and the temp for next week up there is NINE BELOW ZERO!!! The temp… not even the wind chill factor!!!
      We are almost ready to begin the fun with Deb in the mix. She has a pot of soup made for us… can’t wait!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. My goodness- what a talented young man. It will be interesting to see how you dress her. I’m assuming your nephew is wanting it to be dressed like his friend Jule.

    What a trip Cindy and her husband ran into on their way to Illinois! Glad they got through it. The weather certainly is showing its variety side across the states.

    Enjoy your time at Deb’s.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      Apparently, the puppet already looks like Julie… this might be fun if the clothes really bring her to life.
      We are getting close to Deb’s… and I’m hungry for a bowl of her soup.
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Marilyn in Colorado

    Probably you can make an outfit that will make that poor puppet look cute. Maybe you can make 2 outfits that mix and match. Pink gym shorts were requested. I’m assuming a paint-splashed tee, probably not white. One of my AGs looks quite dull unless she’s dressed in something she really likes — red or bright pink The shorts are going to be pink — what do you have in a cute knit for the top? Joy mentioned sweats. Or knit cargo pants? Much nicer for winter. What do you have that soft and cozy and interesting but not cute? Maybe add a muffler for color or contrast or fun.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Shorts and a tee shirt weren’t exactly how I saw her dressed, but maybe in the future, I can make her a dress.
      We stopped at a thrift shop on the way to Deb’s and Cindy was looking for a tee shirt that wasn’t “new” looking.
      As cold as the weather is… I might consider making long sweatpants instead of shorts…
      We’ll see.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, safe travels and wonderful sister time! I look forward to hearing about your adventures.
    It is nice to meet Miss Jule.

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      I’m going to bed earlier tonight at Deb’s than I would have at home.. we have LOTS to do tomorrow!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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