It’s no secret… I LOVE being with my sisters! The three of us have only been together a few hours and we have already been having the best time.

We chatted so much this evening, I almost forgot to write a post, so I only have this picture of Cindy and me at Van Buren at the gas station… next to the Sinclair Dinosaur.

It was so cold and windy when we hopped out of the car and Tom took our picture by Dino.

What is the weather where you are today?

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “I LOVE SISTER TIME…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hope you have a wonderful time with your sisters, Jeanne! I’m a little envious, because I’ve never had a sister, just a brother. I do have a best friend who’s like a sister, though–we’ve been sisters since we met in first grade, some 70 years ago! We ended up with Many similarities. Even our married last names are similar–I’m Trayer, she’s Troyer! (After we’d had the same kind of surgery, many years ago, my mother said we could stop copying each other now!! 😂)

    Our high today was 40°, but by Friday, our high is expected to be only 28°!! There might be snow, or not…it depends on whether the moisture gets dumped before it gets to us (Olympic mountains), or maybe after it goes past us (Cascades). Our great-grandson’s first birthday party is on Friday, so I hope the weather cooperates!

    Have a great time, girls!

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    It’s 23, going for 26 today, but the weekend will be cold (8 on Sunday). It will start warming up on Tuesday.

    I like the green dinosaurs. We have one a few blocks away. I was always fond of dinosaurs, and fortunately my niece Anna feels the same. We have a picture of her hugging the foot of a sculpture of a life-size tyrannosaurus in Bozeman, MT. Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.

  3. Bonjour. Ici à Boissise ( région de Paris.) Il neige et il fait 1où 2 degrés . Profitez bien de votre famille ,c’est cela le bonheur. Belle journée. Georgina.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Georgina, I love other languages and took two years of French in high school as an elective (I didn’t need to just wanted to). I actually do pretty well at reading what you write and enjoy the opportunity to see what I remember.

    2. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Hello Georgina, I spent 18 months stationed at SHAPE headquarters before they moved to Brussels. It was between Versailles and St Germain and was where I met my (now ex) husband. After we married, I lived in Porch-Fontaine for 6 months. You are welcome to the snow, we haven’t had snow for about 5 years or more! I can just about read what you have written but I have forgotten most of my French since I left France nearly 60 yrs ago.

    3. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Bonjour Georgina. C’est tellement agréable d’avoir de vos nouvelles. Cela semble très froid là où vous êtes. Ici, à New York, nous avons des températures plus chaudes que la normale. Il n’a vraiment pas encore neigé. Normalement, nous avons beaucoup de neige en ce moment. J’espère que nous sauterons l’hiver et passez directement au printemps ! C’est une belle pensée de toute façon ! Prends soin de toi. Affectueusement vôtre Ingrid

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    We are still in the GA mountains at Helen, leaving tomorrow. We woke up to frost, but it will go up to the 40’s today. The weather has varied at home from the 30’s to the 70’s. We love our yearly stay up here but will be glad to get back home, always. I will send some photos to Jeanne so when she has time she can show you what is it like up here.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Your weather at home has been much like ours here. Temps up and down. Everyone has the sniffles.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Sun isn’t up yet here and it is 33. Good thing I covered my porch plants. Should be in the 50’s later I think.
    What a fun pic with the dino. I think you need one with a dolly on top. Hope you find some shopping treasures.

  6. Susette from Southern California

    A few miles back from the Orange County California Coast it’ll be 44-62 for a few days, then 52-70 for another few days.

    Glad you’re able to be with your sisters and have such a good time.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Glad you are having fun sister time. Love the picture with Dino. No snow here or even predicted just a lot of cold on the way. Right now I think it is in the 50s and there is not much sun so probably will stay around there all day. But I was looking at the extended forecast for this area and hope what I saw was a mistake. I’m sure we will be getting the very low temps predicted for next week as there is an Arctic blast on the way. What really confused me was seeing the week after where they were saying we would be over 100 degrees in temps. We sometimes are in the 80s for a few days at this time of year because we are sub-tropical so when it’s cold that depends on what happens north of us, but anything over the 80s would be really weird.

    Now that the holidays are over I’m actually getting some sewing done. I’m still working on Christmas/holiday dresses so I’m ahead of the game for next year. But I will have to switch over to Easter attire soon. Since Easter is March 31, time is not on my side, especially when I consider that getting started on a sewing project seems to be more difficult these days.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Hope you don’t end up with 100. Too hot for January for me. Thanks for the Easter, March 31st. Guess I should rethink Valentine dresses or even St. Paddy’s Day. My Jovi has requested something else to wear. Going to need a new pattern I think. 🙂

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    It’s always fun to do a road trip with people you enjoy and love! I bet you all are having a ball now, and we get to hear all about it soon! Luckily for you, the weather is pretty good today, …..then the bottom falls out!

    I have been so busy putting Christmas things away, the time just flies by. By the end of today, things will be pretty well done, just a few odds and ends to take care of.

    My amaryllis, second act, is doing just fine, growing again and hopefully we will have another bunch of beautiful red blooms, maybe for Valentines Day!

  9. The photo by Dino looks fun!
    36 degrees here now and blustery. We’ll be in the teens this weekend. I want spring!!

    1. Yikes…the weather Ia all over the place. We had our first big snow 5-6” but the city salted the streets ahead of time and it helped keep them mostly wet. Then it snowed a bit more overnight.
      We had a very dear friends funeral today too. Not only a dear friend but the healthiest of or group and he got Meningitis and was dead in less than 2 days.
      Been a rough few days.
      Stay warm ( or cool) whatever applies where you are😉

  10. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Good morning ladies, Temps here are way too high for me. It was 32 C yesterday, even the A/C wasn’t coping. Forget the idea that aches and pains are worse in the winter, for me it is the hot weather that causes me problems. Hopefully a bit cooler today, 23-25c depending which weather report you look at.
    Have a fabulous time with your sisters Jeanne, I really miss mine.
    Have a great day everyone

  11. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Happy New Year everyone! It’s been a while. I hope everyone is doing well.
    I hope Santa brought everyone something special that put a smile on your face!
    Our Western New York weather has been very mild. My wish for a white Christmas was sadly not granted. Big wet fluffy flakes melting when they land today. Temp hovering right at 35
    Happy almost friday!

    1. Ingrid B in Western New York

      Good grief… forgot to wish you a safe and fun sister time! Love the dino pic. You both have lovely smiles!

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