Want to see what my hubby got me for my birthday?

Hi everyone,
My birthday was back in August, but a few things got in the way… :o)
Some things are worth the wait though!

Look at this picture…

Notice anything different?

Maybe it’s because I moved this bookshelf over on the wall behind my sewing machines?

Or maybe you spotted this?

If you guessed “This” cabinet, you’d be right! We found it at a thrift store!!! This was my birthday present from my hubby. Here it is with the doors open! I love it and so do my girls…

No dust settling on their hair.
I can see ALL my dolls easily with one glance.
It was something I’d wanted for a long time!
I do need a few more stands though.

Each group of dolls are on one shelf…

My smaller dolls…

My Ruby Red dolls plus a few others…

My American Girl Dolls…

Well, that’s my big news! Happy Birthday to me!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Want to see what my hubby got me for my birthday?”

  1. I spotted that new cabinet right off, in the first picture, Jeanne, and you’re right, it’s just perfect for your dolls!! I didn’t realize you had that many dolls, though!! I think I’ve kind of forgotten just which ones you do have, although some, like TenPing and some of your LDs and RRFFs I do remember. also a couple of your AGs. Even though they are used as working models, I really think you now qualify for “doll collector” status! Even though you sometimes “rotate” your girls, buying new and selling others, I think you have enough to consider it a collection!

    Hm, next up….How about your RR boy? (Can’t think of his naem offhand–it’s late!) Or maybe Hanna–she’s looking a little forlorn there in the corner….

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I too, noticed it right away, becuase it looks so “special”: there and really highlights your dolls and what you do in your sewing room! It is just the perfect piece for them, and Emmy, stood out right away because she is fully dressed, while the others are, well, unadorned except for a few pieces of fabric.

    It’s kind of hard to tell, but you have two Josefina’s? Where is Kirsten? I thought you had more AG dolls, but wow, all the RRFF and other smaller dolls! I can see right there why the smaller dolls are popular because you can put so many more on a shelf than the larger dolls, but then AG dolls seem to be easier to sew for and dress, due to their larger size.

    But George did good, and I know you are happy!

  3. What a wonderful birthday present! Glass shelves are the best, everyone can be seen and few shadows on those sweet faces. Your sewing room certainly has transformed over the years, and your hubby has spend a “bit” of time in there too. Maybe the next outfit should be a tribute to the handyman in your life. I can see lots of accessories, hammer, tape measure, of course plaid shirt, jeans . . Hmm

    1. Lauren From the Land of Lincoln

      Yes, that is a great cabinet you have there! It is beautiful and I too noticed it right away! I too think that you have a BEAUTIFUL doll “collection”! Congrats 🎈 Jeanne!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    With all of the sparkle and glam of the new cabinet, all I could see was that lovely floor. Such a wonderful choice for your home. 🙂

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love your birthday present! It is so pretty and it is the perfect showcase for your dolly models.

  6. Kathie from Omaha

    Don’t you just love it when a piece is just right for what you need? Good job George! The dolls look perfect and the shelves must move to exactly where you want them. Your room is so organized. I knew it had to be that case because they were on an open shelf in other pictures😉 Celebrating birthdays can go on forever🎂 right?

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Wow! What a great birthday present! Kudos to George. I know you were over the moon receiving that. I would love to have something like that to display my dolls. It is so beautiful.

    I have that flooring in my new addition. I wanted it to look different than the rest of my house even though it’s more of a transition than a totally separate area. I love it.

  8. I spotted it right off as well. Fantastic gift! I also didn’t realize you had so many dolls, definitely “doll collector” status now. Yes, Emmy is the lucky one not having to stand around in the buff. I had lost count of your RRFFs and I see the PC/AG girls stand two deep in the bottom. I could just make out the top of Felicity’s head.

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    I noticed it straight away what a wonderful present. Well done George. I didn’t realise you had so many dolls either.

  10. Susette from Southern California

    You bet I noticed it. It’s wonderful! Perfect for a doll collection. The glass shelves leave it so nice and open. Kudos to George on the great find.

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