~ Darling Dirndl ~ is now listed on Ebay…

I was helping my hubby with the storm door again today and we think we got it repaired… we’ll know in the morning if using clear silicone caulk was the right thing to do… if not, we’ll both cry. :o(

I wanted to give you the link to Kirsten’s new dress set, listed on Ebay now… you can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE. I hope you’ll take a peek…

I’ll also show you something else I found on Ebay, that would be Darling with the “Darling Dirndl” but I didn’t see them until I was ready to list it. I decided to just show it on my blog and maybe someone might be interested in them… the link to the listing is below the picture. I also saw a few others selling these same clogs. I typed in American Girl Doll clogs to find them.

Blue doll clogs

Well, nothing like short and sweet, but that’s today’s post.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “~ Darling Dirndl ~ is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hm, I just posted a reply, and I don’t see it. Might be because I posted a couple of links? Here it is again (and I will see if I can “break” the links a bit so it’ll post). Jeanne, if my other one does show up, you can delete this one.

    That is one cute outfit, and some Kirsten (or perhaps another AG doll) will certainly enjoy wearing it.

    Those are really cute clogs! Too bad the one flower is orange, not pink!! I can also see them with a “flower child” type outfit, as well as for Kirsten.

    Now, about yesterday’s replies….

    Linda, my first microwave (bought after we were married in 1974, so maybe 1975 or 76) was an Amana RadaRange, and it was wonderful! It came with the Best cookbook, pages and pages of wonderful recipes, plus charts for how to cook different veggies and things in the microwave. That baby (well, a BIG baby–it was quite good-sized!) lasted us many years. We replaced it in 2011. (I still have the Amana cookbook, though!)

    So excited to see Joy’s comment about Winky Dink, because….I remember it, too!! I just LOVED Winky Dink, and I think I may have had that screen and crayons, but I don’t recall for sure. The show was on from 1953 to 1957, and 1957 (when I was 11) was, as I recall, the year we got our very first TV–which had a screen not much bigger than some of the tablets people use these days!

    I looked up Winky Dink, and that program/character has its own Wiki page! https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winky_Dink_and_You

    And if you’d like to take a little trip down memory lane, here is one of the episodes! https:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5TdRhNLOPk

    Color TV? I have a story or two about that, too, but that can be for another day.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am looking forward to hearing your color TV story.

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Well, I started my day with Winky Dink. Who would have thought that it could be found on youtube? Anyway, interesting to see the old black and white. Brings back memories of the more refined days. Thanks Charlotte.
    Fog has rolled in this morning, and it is cool inside, but prediction by the weather people is 90. Definitely going to heat up more over the weekend.
    Saw that Jeanne, already has a bid on Kirsten’s outfit. It really is a cute one.
    And on to the weekend. Hope everyone can beat the heat.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I get my dose of black and white watching “Perry Mason” every morning. Only one of those shows was in color and the day it came on it was so shocking but it was really enjoyable to see. My friend’s family had a color TV but it was so awful that we never bothered getting one. I don’t remember the color film for TVs. My first color set was after I was married. I remember Winky Dink but we never could convince our parents to get the screen and crayons. One time I think we did Saran Wrap and Crayolas. As for fog, when I worked for Shell Oil they bought the Belridge company in Bakersfield. Some of the people I worked with were going to visit the site and a couple of us support staff got to go too. I remember the terrible fog on the drive to the plant. Definitely pea soup. I was surprised we made it safely.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Dorothy, I watch Perry Mason now at night on MeTV. He also comes on on FeTV.

        I also remember watching the Mickey Mouse Club, the “OG” one with Annette Funicello. I can still sing all of the words to the theme song!

        1. Joy in northern CA

          Ha ha. I can sing the theme song as well. How about the episodes at the horse ranch/camp? Here we are at the Triple RRR, Yippie Yi Yippie Yo! 🙂

      2. Barbara,
        I watch Perry Mason in black and white too… late at night when I’m sewing…
        then The Twilight Zone!

      3. Barbara,
        Looks like Perry Mason is pretty popular among us. I watch him late at night while sewing…

  3. Kathie from Omaha

    Couldn’t be a cuter Dirndl😉 Hope it is a great auction!
    For a minute there I thought maybe you actually did carve some wooden shoes🫣
    Hope the door holds up! Have a great day☺️

  4. Kirsten’s dirndl is indeed darling as I stated yesterday. I also saw your mention of George having surgery next week, hopefully something minor.
    Those clogs are very cute as well. They would work for Kirsten as well as Julie.
    In the high 80s here and we are sweltering.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a sweet Dirndl outfit. And what a clever idea for a hair adornment. I too like using things up and often save the tiniest piece of trim that ends up being just what I need for an embellishment on a neckline or pocket.

    Had a fun day with Skyy and Jaiden yesterday at Splashway. I think they were a little tentative at first because the last time they had been there was in 2019 when their school gave out free passes. Then came COVID and it was closed in 2020. When it reopened the timing was never right for us to go but I was determined we would go back this year.

    Splashway is a small waterpark southwest of where I live and in another small town. But it is a class act and gets better all the time. They were just a small waterpark for years providing summer fun for people in rural areas who couldn’t make it into Houston. Now they have added things to the waterpark but have a wonderful campground also. At Christmas they have a “reason for the season” celebration and we are seriously thinking of doing that this year. We just have to figure out the lodging situation. There are several options and pricing.

    I totally enjoy spending time with Skyy and Jaiden. They’ve always been fun but for awhile there was a bit too much spatting but they seem to have gotten over that. They had to stay together yesterday but if they wanted to do different things, they worked it out. Once the decision was something other than what each of them wanted to do and they agreed on doing something else. Once they relaxed and got the lay of the land they were good to go. Renting the cabana was a stroke of genius because not only did it keep me out of the sun most of the time but park personnel came and took orders for food and delivered it. Definitely worth what I paid for it.

    Thanks to all who made suggestions of what to do regarding projects, but I think this year it was more about letting them lead the way than me finding something for them to do. A few years ago when I had the grandkids several days a week I would meet their mom and pick them up in the parking lot in the Hobby Lobby shopping center. The kids and I would go into the store and they would pick out projects and with that and going to the pool we had a lot of summer fun. We also found a lot of fun projects at Walmart. But they were younger and here most of the week and it was also things they could complete and take home right away. Skyy’s fun these days is putting together LEGOs but the price of them for someone his age relegates them more to Christmas or birthday presents and I think we are going to have to go together with Sean and Dionne for Christmas this year to get him one of the larger sets. Jaiden has more interest in being on her IPAD but what she does is creative things. She has some kind of interior decorating program that you do things to earn virtual cash and use it to decorate your chosen abode. A lot like some of the things Jacquie Lawson has that I do indulge in so I understand Jaiden’s enjoyment since I do the Jacquie Lawson things as well as I love my home design program. So I think this summer it has been more about observing where their interests lie. Kind of a transitional summer since both of them are in middle school this coming school year.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, when you come this way, remember, there’s always Hershey Park! (smile)

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the clogs are cute. It is amazing the outfits and accessories available for dolls today.

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