Apple Green looks nice on Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll, Rose…

Quick Reminder:
Tonight my auction, “Little Irish Lass,” ends on Ebay. It’s not just a St. Patrick’s Day set, but could be used any time! I hope you’ll take a peek… If you click on the picture at the right sidebar, you will be taken to the listing on Ebay… or you can click HERE

Thank you too, to the winner of Lian’s purple dress set, “Bunny in my Pocket!” (If you’re watching!) I appreciate your generous bid!

Now for the next dress. I looked at the dolls on my Dolly Shelf and felt bad that I hadn’t ever even introduced Rose properly. She has been standing there on the front row just hoping to be picked next… so I did.

She has pretty green eyes and I wanted something to enhance them… This is what I came up with… a pretty apple green, or almost lime green fabric… I used the print I made Navi a dress from one time…

This bodice is an absolute perfect fit around the armholes…

I have this embroidered gauzy cotton fabric that I LOVE and it goes perfectly with the print in the dress… so guess what I did with it? Made a jacket of course!

To make it soft and fluid, I lined it with tulle so it’s super lightweight and hangs wonderfully!

I have just gotten the basic dress and jacket made, but no embellishing so far…

Rose’s complexion is kind of transparent and hard to photograph. She looks like a ghost in some of my pictures… I see trouble ahead for future photo shoots…

However, when I laid her down on her back, with my overhead lights shining on her, she looked wonderful and this was the best shot of the evening… I might have to pose her on her back this time! :o)

I’ll see what I can come up with on Monday to keep this one moving along!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Apple Green looks nice on Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll, Rose…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That print has lots of possibilities as to coordinating colors; I think the jacket could be embellished in several different ways, depending on the colors you choose it should be interesting to watch!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Oops! There should be a period between “choose” and “it” (next to last line.) I guess I’m just too tired to stay up any longer!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Rose is a very pretty doll, Jeanne, and I don’t understand why you think she looks “ghostly” in pictures, because she looks perfectly fine to me, and has such rosy cheeks that give her a healthy glow!

    Yes, green is a very nice color for her to match her eyes, and that is a darling print, but that jacket is what I really like, with those ruffled sleeves! It will be fun to see what you do next to make this outfit shine!

    Come to think of it, we haven’t heard from Alina in Poland for quite awhile. I hope she is doing well.

    Charlotte, we all have made bloopers while typing here, and anywhere else! Don’t worry about it, but I do wish we could correct some of the things we do in error here! I just wish I could type as well as I write!

  3. Sylvia from NH

    Another winner for sure, I have also been wondering about Alina in Poland, what a terrible year for all of those folks, it is hard to imagine ever going through anything like that! All we are dealing with is winter and cold but the sun is out today so it should be a good day! Hope you All have one too.

    1. Rose is a pretty RRFF. Her coloring looks good to me too. I didn’t order one of them until they came out with a darker skin tone….the very pale ones don’t appeal to me at all. I did buy a Silbie (sp?) boy with a coffee with cream color skin and working on putting in new dark green eyes.
      Looks like we are having at least two more weeks of very cold weather 😲…sometimes March is nice here…that’s OK …corned beef and cabbage tastes good in any weather☘️🤭

      1. Joy in northern CA

        So, Kathie, do you heat the eyes with a hairdryer and pop them out or operate on the head by cutting an opening?
        Thanks for the remind about the Corned beef and cabbage. 🙂

  4. Both fabrics are very pretty. But my OCD kicked in on the jacket length! My brain needs it to match the waistline length! Lol. I’m hoping for frayed flowers in her hair or as a corsage? Love those frayed flowers you do so well..
    I also think about Alina often and wonder how she and everyone there is doing an unbelievable year

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I think Rose photos very well and also wears the greens perfectly. I’m with Dorothy on the jacket length which is disappointing as I love the jacket. Either a higher waisted dress or longer jacket. To me it looks like she’s wearing something she has outgrown or borrowed her younger sister’s jacket. Maybe it needs hanging beading all around the bottom. 🙂 But I do love the colors of both pieces.
    More rain here. Hoping for a break so we can get in a walk today.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Wonderful fabric choices for this outfit. I also don’t think Rose photographs poorly so I wouldn’t fret too much over it. She is lovely. I had no problem with the jacket because all my clothes catalogs seem to have dresses with short jackets or shrugs this year, so I’ve gotten used to seeing the shorter jackets/shrugs with all kinds of waistlines.

    As for typos, well I was a secretary for years and proofreading was my specialty and yet even after I proofread a comment a dozen times sometimes something will escape me. And it’s usually something that makes me cringe. When I went back and reread Charlotte’s comment, I see why she pointed out that a period was needed. If the wrong colors were chosen, she would not find the outfit interesting at all. So not Charlotte but it did make me chuckle. With computer spell checks thinking they know more what we want to say than we do, proofreading seems more important than ever. I once read an article about headlines that didn’t come out saying what was actually meant, usually because of missing punctuation. They were hilarious. And Jay Leno used to do “Headlines” on his show, and I loved those. One time in the want ads someone was looking for a Sioux chef.

  7. So so pretty. It looks great on Rose. She’s perfect for that color with her green eyes and complexion. I love the material your using for the jacket. Just love it.

  8. Laura in Ohio

    I think Rose is a lovely doll Why do you think I bought my Lark (Rose) as only my second of these dolls? I’m super picky. I thought mine photographed beautifully so why would yours be any different?
    I like the fabric you chose for the jacket and the ruffles on the cuffs. I will admit I’m not fond of short jackets, boleros, or shrugs, but I do know they are in style even if I don’t wear them. In clothing, I’ve always walked to the beat of my own drum.

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