What excitement is in your future?

I’m glad everyone found a few things that caught their eye at the Antique store. .. That little red phone booth looking thing was just a decorative piece. The red dress way up high was just that… a very full white tulle skirt with a red velvet bodice and peplum over it. I didn’t zoom in on any prices this time….sorry…

We are still in Springfield… my sister Cindy, got very sick Saturday and is still sick… so we are staying a little longer till she gets some strength back. The antique store was the only place we’ve been too, but Deb and I have visited while she slept… even when we don’t do anything, we still enjoy each other…

I’m going to ask a few questions today…

Here we are on January 3rd… so I’m wondering does anyone have anything exciting happening soon? A new doll coming? You signed up at a gym? You’re planning a trip somewhere? You’ve decided to “finally” get organized? You’re welcoming a new grandbaby soon?

I’ll see you when I get home…
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “What excitement is in your future?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m so sorry that Cindy is sick!! Will add her to the prayer list.

    Anything exciting…how about this? Our first GREAT-grandbaby is due on Thursday!! No word yet as to his being born, so I’m thinking we are still in the waiting game. Being a first baby, it wouldn’t be surprising if he (a boy) is late. Last I heard, they had decided on Skyler for his name–but sometimes that can change! (It was at their baby shower that I fell and broke my arm on Nov. 12.)

    No new dollies coming at this point in time, but of course, we know that that can change! 😂🤣😂

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, I’m so sorry to hear that Cindy is sick, and she is so far away from home in Pennsylvania! I think it is harder being sick away from home and all you want to do is be home when you aren’t feeling well! Prayers for her so that your fun can continue with everybody healthy!

    As far as somehting good or exciting coming up, I can’t think of a single thing, but am very satisfied for it to stay that way! I hope we don’t have any surprise (bad) things with our appliances, we have no babies coming, no dolls coming, no trips planned, so my comments aren’t very exciting.

    Well, I do have something, but it isn’t really anything big. My youngest sister is coming tomorrow and we are going to go through a lot of family photographs and our parents high school yearbooks. These are things she hasn’t seen, and since she works, we don’t get together very much, so I am looking forward to seeing her.

  3. No new dolls, no gym membership, no trips planned, but I STARTED organizing my sewing room during my holiday break from school. I have a long way to go with that task.
    Our big news is that our first (and only) grandchild due Jan. 1 came early! He was born Dec. 17. Kodie Taj Sand is absolutely a joy and lives only 10 minutes from us. We feel beyond blessed.
    Happy New Year everyone!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Congratulations, LInda! Although all grandbabies are special (we have 5), there is something so thrilling about that very first one!! I remember the months before Isaac (who was our first) was born, looking at “baby’s first…” cards and thinking, “Next year, *I* get to buy one of those!” and tearing up! Silly, I know, but that’s how it was!

      1. Thank you Charlotte. Little Kodie is our miracle grandchild. He is a rainbow baby. I’ve learned that is a baby born after moms have had miscarriage(s). My daughter-in-law had three, so he is so very special to all of us. You can’t imagine the tears of joy!

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m not doing anything new, but a good friend is retiring January 6, which is, she points out, the 100th anniversary of my mother’s birth. It’s so nice to have her birthday commemorated in an important way.

    Do you have access to a COVID test for Cindy? It would be reassuring to everyone to know that’s not what she has.

    On new dolls, it looks like the new AG historicals, Jewish twins, will be out on 2/22. Profiles have been released — it looks like they’ll have different hairstyles and different interests — one is wearing tennis shoes, the other has mary janes. I’m planning to get #108 to be my Middle Eastern AG — she’ll be named after my Iranian high school friends.

    New snow here, but only an inch.

    Take care, and get your hands on an interesting lunch.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    So sorry to hear about Cindy. I agree with Marilyn about the Covid test. There is a pretty awful flu bug going around as well. Hope she rallies soon and no one else contracts it.
    Only one new dolly headed this way so far this year. 🙂 A few preorders though should be here with time. 🙂
    We have another big storm coming in off the coast tomorrow. Supposed to be a doozy with with high winds as well. Sacramento and S.F. got hit with the last one with lots of flooding. Hope this one heads north and fills up some water storage.
    Take care everyone.

  6. Sally from Colorado

    Oh, darn! So sorry about Cindy coming down with something. I assume you carry covid tests with you when you leave home as it is becoming standard equipment once again. But that is a real bummer. Hope the rest of you stay tough!
    I caught one heck of a cold last week, after finally having one full week of feeling well after my diverticulitis attack on Thanksgiving, and this cold knocked me flat on my back two days and no energy since. So sick of being sick I could scream. So. Sending Cindy and you girls my prayers.
    All sorts of dolls expected this month, one coming today which, if I can manage to intercept before my hubby does, will cheer me up. He was gone the last two days so I hauled some of my girls out into the living room where I have been vegging so I could enjoy them. They went back to their spots before he got home. They did cheer me up.
    OK. Everyone stay well. Congrats on the new babies. I hope there will be none coming our way for a good long while. 😊

  7. So sorry to hear Cindy isn’t feeling well. Hope she feels better soon.
    And special blessings to all the new babies!!

    We’re looking forward to some friends coming over for a couple of game nights. We like to play Golf (a card game) and Sequence.
    Also our niece will be coming next week and one of our sons will be coming in two weeks! We miss them so much!
    It’s a great way to start the New Year.

    I hope everyone, all the Sofa Sisters, have a blessed New Year!

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Well my new dolly daughter MA Elizabeth’s European Vacation came today. She has reddish long hair and is so cute. No new grandchildren on the way but sad to say I lost another cousin last week. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer right after Thanksgiving but kept it to herself. I heard from her sister the other day that she had passed quickly with no suffering. She had Asperger’s Syndrome and back when she was little (born in 1953) they did not understand that so all through school she was just considered immature. Her mother had her tested for autism, but they said she did not have autism because she could make eye contact but there’s more to it than that. She was a real computer whiz which is common for those with Asperger’s and always had a good job until she went on disability the past few years. She lived on her own. I will miss our chats on Facebook.

    I can sure relate to Cindy’s situation. I was pretty much under the weather our whole vacation this year with a cold. Thankfully David likes to read and had a Nook. He went through a lot of books while I slept. Hopefully Cindy will be back on her feet soon.

    My New Year’s resolution. Find more time for sewing this year.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Oh, Barbara, I’m so sorry for your loss. I have lost two of my cousins (who were sisters to each other) about 4-5 years ago, and I miss them, so I understand how you feel. You know, they say our cousins are usually our first friends, and in the case of Gail, especially, that was certainly true. My deepest sympathy to you and the rest of the family.

  9. My sympathy to you girls for having your plans turned upside down. I’m sure you are good nurses😉
    I did unpack a new to me old doll. Bought her on eBay and hadn’t opened her because of all the Christmas business. I had asked for the new book on Dewees Cochran for Christmas/birthday and this doll is one of the Effanbee reproductions called Cindy. She has a darling dress with embroidery and smocking and super nice hair and a red velvet hooded cape. She is my fifth. 🤭😍🤫
    I didn’t comment on the antique shop pictures but having been a part time long distance telephone operator in HS and College the switch board looked familiar. Of course it was a bit newer and bigger and a room with 20 on each side..but still the same cords and boards😉
    While Cindy is getting better you can rest… you have been soooo busy! This should be a great New Year🥰

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Kathie, I hope you’ll share a picture of your new doll! I think I remember her; I was working at Dolls, Bears, and Friends (now defunct) about the time those reproductions came out, and I’m sure we had them in the shop. I may even have one of the Cindy repros, but I’d have to go look in the basement and see. I don’t remember half of what I bought back then–it was certainly a tempting place to work!! Almost as bad as a fabric store!! 😂🤣😂 (I’ve worked in one of those, too!)

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