A new wig for Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette and a sneak peek at my streamlined sewing room…

Joy asked the other day to see the beret’s on Violette with them cinched up… and as I see her in them, I think I really could have made them tighter for her and should have probably just scrunched up her hair a bit… now I’m rethinking about them… but… since I’ve already listed it with the snaps inside, I think I will probably leave them…

Here she is with the snaps fastened inside…

I also wanted to show you a new wig for Violette… I LOVE her big fluffy hair, but was wondering about another one I saw on Ebay. It wasn’t very much and I took a chance at the size…there was no picture of it on a doll, so I was just guessing what it might look like on her. Anyway, I think she looks pretty cute in it…

Of course, I had to try on the beret’s to see how she looked…works for me! :o)

Okay, now back to my sewing room… I have been working ALL DAY LONG and I’m so tired! I have eliminated LOTS of containers and tubs filled with things I need to do something with…

I sat these on the table as I emptied them and put them in the new chest… they had lots of little groupings and I found a drawer suitable to the size of the container and changed them out…

I also have these tubs and bags filled with things I have to do something with…

I didn’t show this picture the other day because I didn’t look very good in the picture. I hadn’t slept very well the night before and it showed! I wanted to show you just how big this chest is… now it’s on furniture rollers but it’s still taller than me when on the ground. I’ll show the picture… Oh well…we’re among sisters, aren’t we?

I got enough cleaned out in from the chest that I could step back and get a better picture…

I did put my felt, my slip tulle, my fake furs, and a few other kinds up on top but I’m going to sort through them soon…

Just for fun, I totaled up the number of drawers I have in my sewing room and I have 54 including the ones under my sewing table… YIKES… that’s a lot of drawers!

My Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls have been laying on top of my little armoire for months and I decided to move a few things off my “props” cubbyhole and put them up there. I like seeing their faces now!

This area is now cleaned up …

This was taken before I cleaned off the white dresser but you can see the top of my black work table again! :o)

I moved my dolls back where they initially were (ugh!) and my short bookshelf was moved back where it originally was, but I changed a few things in both of them…

I still have work to do on my sewing machine table and a few other spots but for now this will have to do… I need to get back to sewing and I can now.

All of the drawers in my new chest have something in them now… Some are just the way I want them and others need some help with sorting. I found a bunch of pattern pieces for things I had made recently, (shoes, purses, blouses, hats) and they all just got shuffled in one of the drawers, so I need to sort them. I think I’ll take one drawer a week and get it just the way I want it.

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “A new wig for Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette and a sneak peek at my streamlined sewing room…”

  1. Those berets do look cute all cinched up on Violette, much more “real” looking! And the new wig is such a cute style, and a totally different look for her! I prefer her original one, but I like this one, too.

    Man, you have really Worked in your sewing room and gotten a lot done!! It’s so nice you were able to get rid of some of those plastic bins, etc., and now have real drawers for many of your supplies.

    I am curious about something, though; to me (and it may be just that the perspective isn’t quite right, or I/m not looking at it the right way) it almost looks like that top left drawer of your new chest will hit the props cubbyhole when the drawer is open. Does it?

    I see your auction has its first bid already! Yay!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, here I am finally! I did comment yesterday right after Charlotte, but then must have forgotten to post the Comment! I was looking upward at somehting in the blog, and must have thought I had pushed the button, but didn’t! Senior moment I guess!

    I mentioned that you should make some kind of detailed list of what goes in what drawer to save time looking, but I think you already have that figured out. That is a beautiful piece of furniture, but I think in the future, you had better stop looking for more pieces or you will need a bigger house!!

    Oh, I love the way the hat fits on Violette with it tightened up! I think that is the way it should be. And that blonde wig is just adorable! She looks like what a doll would look like when I was little! There were lots of hairdos like that in the 40’s and 50’s on dolls. It changes her whole vibe, I think!

    I had to look to see what Charlotte was talking about with the drawer hitting the props shelf, and yes, it does look like that! Hope not, or just don’t put anything you need a lot of in that drawer.

    Now to hit the “Post Comment” button before i forget!! 🙂

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Well, things have found a place at Jeanne’s. Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but that large piece seems cramped in that interior corner. I think I would like to see it in front of the door to the porch and the busy fabric shelf put back into the hidden corner, if it fits. That way, the pretty new chest of drawers would be an anchor for the space. I’m glad the doll shelf is back on the original wall and the bookshelf behind the sewing space also returned. They look great. I still think that decorative hanging tags on some of the drawers of the large piece would be helpful. Such a great storage piece.
    Thanks for showing Violette with the hat in it’s smaller circumference. I think it works with her gorgeous hair. 🙂 The new wig is a change for her as well. Might be perfect for a bonnet should a vintage style dress be made for her. 🙂
    And it’s Friday again! On to the weekend. 🙂

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    Congratulations on your new chest o dresser drawers, Jeanne! I bet you will have a lot of fun arranging what you put in each one. I think I might have trouble keeping track of them all since there are a lot of drawers.
    I am sorry my internet or phone wasn’t letting me respond to Kathy’s comment the other day. That was neat she got to be taught by Dominican Nuns, too. And I wanted to say that the baby is very kissable. 🙂 We finally came up with a first name for her, so it looks like her name is Lilly Carmelita
    Lilly, in honor of Mary’s purity and also for her tears. I read online lilies do represent that, too. It is a relief to have that chosen. Baptism is scheduled for Sunday Oct. 2nd at noon, the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      What a perfect first name for your new baby daughter. I love the name Lilly and her full name is absolutely lovely. You mentioned the other day that a posterior birth would be painful. I equate the birth of my daughter to being on a Medieval rack. I have a high pain threshold but I actually wished I could have passed out till it was over, since she was delivered with forceps. It was too late to give me anything when they realized she wasn’t going to turn and I could not have the mask for the nitrous oxide because I’m claustrophobic and it was making things worse, so I had no medication for the pain. Hard to imagine I was willing to give it a go 18 months later.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you, Barbara! I am glad you like her name. I cannot imagine the pain you went through or how you managed it!

    2. Hi Karen, Lilly Carmelita is very sweet sounding and I’m sure she’s a pure joy. I find it so interesting how you chose names and now I’m super curious what your other daughter’s middle names are?
      I’m sure they are thrilled that there are now two days off of school to cuddle and enjoy their new sister. I hope you are doing well and getting some sleep.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Dear Laura,

        Thank you for your sweet comments! I will tell you about naming our kids. I really wanted to honor our Lady of Mount Carmel with all of them. She has been such a consolation and hope to me. She said when we wear her Scapular, it is a sign that she is thinking about us constantly and helping us to procure eternal life. There is a prayer called Flos Carmeli that St. Simon Stock is believed to have prayed right before Mary appeared to him and gave him the Brown Scapular. In that prayer, Mary is called the Star of the Sea and so I wanted to name my first born that. One day Joseph suggested “Marion” (it had to do with Mary), so the next morning, I looked up its meaning online, and the first meaning I saw was “star of the sea”, so I knew that was her name. Her middle name is Philomena after St. Philomena. She is the patron saint of infertility. There is a story I read that someone wasn’t able to have children for four years, and then within about a year they had two sets of twins. She protects people wearing her red and white cord. She was martyred eventually by being decapitated but first Diocletian had her scourged, shot at with arrows, and tried to drown her with an anchor. St. Philomena has an interesting story and is a powerful intercessor with God. Also, I think a lot of people haven’t heard of her in these modern times, so I wanted to help make her known.

        Rose was named in honor of the Mystical Rose who is Mary. Her middle name is Immaculada in honor of the Immaculate Conception and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She also happened to be born on a First Saturday of the month which honors the Immaculate Heart. “Immaculada” is Spanish, which I love. Here is a website that talks some more about the first 5 Saturday devotions from our Lady of Fatima: https://fatima.org/first-saturday-devotion/ Tomorrow is a First Saturday.

        Lucia (pronounced Loo chee ah) was named to honor our Lady of Fatima and our Lady of Mount Carmel. One of the seers (Lucia) of the apparitions at Fatima, also was fortunate to have Mary appear there as our Lady of Mount Carmel.

        Lucia’s middle name is Guadalupe after our Lady of Guadalupe. I love Spanish Catholic culture. I was fortunate that my wedding veil which was given to me came from Mexico and has an image of our Lady of Guadalupe on it.

        Avila is named after St. Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite Nun, who I believe saw a vision of Mary holding the Infant Jesus. Her middle name is Esperanza (Spanish!) which means hope, honoring Mary, our Lady of Mount Carmel.

        I love to give our kids long middle names. Mine is long (Elizabeth), but you don’t have to worry about nicknames like you might with long first names.

        Rita Philomena (my first loss) was named in honor of St. Rita because I was doing a long novena to her. She is a Patron Saint for desperate cases. Philomena, because my daughter Marion Philomena happened to be support for me during that time.

        My second loss was very quick. And I named her Josefina Maurietta. Yes, Josefina partially because I really love that doll, that name, that culture, but it also works for St. Joseph. Maurietta, because a little baby girl named Maurietta Josephine was born one or two years after I lost Rita on the exact same day. Her family was from our Church. Maurietta Josephine was born and died on the same day, but was extremely fortunate to have received Baptism and Confirmation first, and she is a Saint in Heaven. I hoped she would help my Josefina make it there, too.

        This is long enough, but these are my children and my life and I hope you made it through reading it. Thanks, Laura 🙂 (I also have a sister named Laura). Good night!

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Your children have such meaningful names and so much thought went into them. My daughter’s name is Andrea Kristin. After she was born my husband called my mother and she asked what we named her. My mother remembered my fixation with the name Andrea when the ship Andrea Doria sank. I was naming everything I could Andrea. My mother said well she finally got her Andrea and then jokingly added that she was named after a sunken ship. My son is Sean Andrew. Sean because I love the name and having Irish heritage I used the original spelling. St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and I also have Scottish heritage. It is interesting the hows and whys of naming children – and dolls.

    3. Joy in northern CA

      Love your name choice, and I’m sure Lily will as well. 🙂 Congrats again on your little darling. 🙂

  5. You are amazing…all the drawers have items in them? Now you can play a game by trying to find the right drawer for the right item. I’m sure your memory is better than mine😉 Now sewing in your room will be even more fun. I think I have all the little plastic drawers you are getting rid of.
    The new wig is adorable…she is a real curly girl. Matches her little expression. She looks good as a blonde too.
    Karen…Lily is a beautiful name for that sweet baby girl! I’m sure her sisters are playing with her like a real doll. Hope you are feeling good…don’t over do! We will need some Baptism photos too🤗

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Kathy! Sometimes Avila asks if she is her cousin. Her cousins live far away, and she hasn’t seen them much. I have been getting rest and my husband has been spoiling me with meals in bed! I hope it lasts a while longer. Is very nice =) Rose has been enjoying going to school with her daddy as the driver. One of the kids said it was like a new world with her arrival here.

  6. That dresser is really wonderful, Jeanne. I don’t know how tall you are, but it still looks like a large piece. It will be so nice to get rid of all those plastic boxes, too. A few pieces that hold everything is the system I much prefer, and it makes it easier to find things. Since you’re blessed to have a dedicated room for sewing, I would also put whatever I needed for a certain task right there. So, I would have my cutting scissors and patterns right by my cutting table etc. I saw Joy’s comment about a little decorative tag for each drawer and I would do that as well.

    Violette’s beret looks so much better cinched up. She also is very cute as a blonde.

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