Kitties today, but TOMORROW, the American Girl Online Yard Sale begins… :o)

I’ll explain about the yard sale in just a minute, but Laura sent me some pictures of her kitties and I thought you’d like to see them.
She called her emails “Doll Babies Camping!”

Three of my “dollbabies” went camping in their camper with all of their supplies. They had popcorn and edible treats in the cast iron skillets. Here is my sweet Truffle enjoying her dinner in the great indoors. 😸 The best place to enjoy camping for kitties. She is happy with what is served.

Ollie (black Bombay) and Truffle (mushroom colored – named for the candy as well and her coloring of the mushroom ) are ready to settle in for the night. Please be sure to check out their wonderful selection of food and camping supplies. They have a few forest friends who have joined them.

Doyle and Ollie are exhausted after a busy day playing in the great indoors.
I hope everyone enjoys our take on the camping theme.

Here are Doyle and Ollie (inside camper). The kitty skylight makes for great stargazing.

Thank you Laura… I had no idea they made a “camper for kitties!” :o) Looks like they had a wonderful time!

Okay, now to switch gears. I am “sort of ready” to begin my American Girl (and some other things) Online Yard Sale. I wanted to give everyone a heads up, so it won’t begin today but hopefully tomorrow. This is what I’ve come up with.

* Each day I will show 8 items for ONE DAY ONLY…and give a brief description and a few pictures. All of these first things I’m showing will be authentic American Girl items. You can find most things on Ebay if you want to see them better.

* I will start the bidding at $5.00 for each grouping and you will see it next to the name of the item and the pictures of what is included. You will have to bid by emailing me and letting me know WHAT items you are bidding on…I will keep track of things and try my best to update the bidding right on this blog post, changing bids as they go up. As you see the bidding change you can bid again if you like, by sending me another email with your new bid. Don’t forget to tell me WHAT you are bidding on… and you can bid on more than one in any email… just tell me what each bid is for.

* The bidding will be over for these 8 items at midnight (Central Time Zone) Thursday and if there is a tie bid, I’ll go by the time of the last bid before midnight. If someone bids at the last minute, you might not see the change from me as it will be difficult to get a bid and change it in my post, but I’ll do my best throughout the day. It helps me if you bid something other than regular prices, like $8.00, or $12.00… TRY bidding something like $11.11, or $9.65, or $10.10… it helps me keep track of the bidding easier. :o)

* I will run 3 days of listings on my blog and then add up the totals for those items for each person. I will send everyone what they owe. The shipping will only be FIVE DOLLARS for everything you buy… whether it’s 8 items or 2… $5 is all you’ll have to pay for shipping along with the prices you bid for the items you wanted. :o) Then I’ll run 3 more days of items and do it the same way.

I think that’s everything I needed to tell you… I thought I’d give you a little preview of the items that will be up for auction on Thursday.

These are just one shot of the items for Thursday’s auction.

If you have any questions, ask them before the auction begins tomorrow.
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Kitties today, but TOMORROW, the American Girl Online Yard Sale begins… :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Laura, I didn’t know kitties could go camping, but yours seem to have found the best way!! Staying home. (Or for us humans, a motel!)

    When we were first married (or maybe even when we were engaged, I don’t remember–it’s 48 years ago!), Ron talked about getting me a sleeping bag that could be zipped on with his, and maybe a little bigger tent, and we could go camping. And my response was, well, that would be fine, as long as there’s somewhere to plug in my sewing machine! 😂🤣😂 I still don’t have a sleeping bag, nor do we have a bigger tent, and I have NEVER been camping (at least not like that, in a tent) in my entire life!! Nor do I intend to, thank you very much!!

    Looks like you have a plan for your Online Yard Sale, Jeanne! I like the idea of an odd number for bids (10.10, etc.), as being more memorable for you, and easier to keep straight, etc. This will be fun!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Charlotte! Yes, kitties can go camping and all sorts of things from the safety of the “great indoors”. I have been camping a few times, back in Girl Scouts and then with my daughter’s girls group that was similar to Girl Scouts. In Girl Scouts we had cabins. I wouldn’t want to now unless I had a camping trailer that locked.
      We also did day or evening camping in the backyard with the dogs when my daughter was young and then came inside to actually sleep.

      Your comment about a hotel reminds me of a friend of mine who thinks “roughing it” is when the pool isn’t available at the hotel.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I used to work for lawyers who took some very nice vacations. They all said their wives considered roughing it a hotel without room service.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Laura, your kitty camping pictures are so cute! With all those “activities” right in front of them, they must have had a hard time putting that tent up, because they look worn out! Ha, ha! You have a kitty named Doyle? Really? How did that name come about? That’s my last name, you know!

    Thank you all for your compliments yesterday! I wrote to each one of you in case you didn’t see.

    Jeanne, I wish you the best of luck with your “yard sale”! Just be glad you aren’t really having it in the yard with this weather!!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Linda! Regarding Winter from AGPT yes, she’s still on just hadn’t posted lately, but she has checked in.

      Doyle is named after the character with the same last name on a British show called “The Professionals”. I haven’t seen it, but my daughter was watching that and Starsky & Hutch (which I did watch as re-runs in the 1980s)) when the mother cat had kittens in our backyard under the pine tree. My daughter was into 1970’s tv series at the time. The kittens were about three weeks old when we found them. They were named Doyle, Bodie, Starsky, and Hutchette because Hutchette was a girl. LOL Anyway, I wanted Doyle and a friend took Bodie. She liked and kept his nameThe mother and the other two kittens went to live with a friend of the lady who runs our Humane Society so everyone got a good home.

  3. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

    Indoor camping ⛺️ is ALWAYS the way to to go, so your kitties have the right idea! Camping where there is air conditioning…smart cats 🐈! Looks like they have plenty of fun toys 🧸 to play with too! How cute! And your kitties are adorable 🥰 as well!

    Linda, I do plan on sending in a picture of MaryEllen and a few other girls I dressed up for the 4th. I just want to get a few more pictures also. I am a big fan of AG so yes, I did recognize the tap outfits! They look so good! I just love ❤️ Molly as Miss Victory!

    Jeanne interesting solution to selling your AG stuff! My Aunt is picking me up tomorrow and I am staying with her through the rest of the week(we ALWAYS do this sometime during the summer for my birthday 🥳 …don’t worry ladies, it’s not yet! I might not bid(you never know though) but I might check in now and then when I have the time!
    Ta Ta for Now!

    1. Laura, love your pictures of the kitties playing with their woodland toys! Like most animals, they like little enclosures and their tent/or camper is perfect for them. It’s amusing to us but they like hiding too as part of their playing.
      Beautiful kitties!

      Jeanne, looks like you are organized and ready to go with your sales. All the girls look nice in the clothes you have put them in.

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Paula! Yes, they love their camper. and play hide and seek with each other in it. They also have a few other play tents that I switch out according to the season.

    2. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Lauren! Yes, camping in air-conditioning and bug-free is definitely the way. Looking forward to seeing your dolls and hearing about them. My kitties do have a LOT of toys.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    How fun to see Laura’s Glamping kitties. That camper is perfect and the play treats must be so fun for them. The s’mores are a gotta have as well as those cute cast iron skillet treat holders. Such lucky kitties. 🙂 Our visiting kitties Charlotte and Coco are waving. 🙂
    Love Jeanne’s online yard sale idea. On to Thursday. 🙂
    A UPS package is due here tomorrow afternoon. Hope my luck starts changing. 🙂

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Joy! Yes, I guess they are really glamping and living the high life. My kitties wave back to Charlotte and Coco. 😸 I have some of those “porch kitties ” to feed as well.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, yeaaa another package! I can’t wait to read about your next adventure.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing Laura’s photographs. I haven’t heard the term “dollbaby” since I was a child. The old folks used to refer to dolls as dollbabies. This is taking me on a walk down memory lane (smile).

    I am sure your sale is going to be exciting. You have amassed a treasure trove of AG goodies!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Dorothy! I had to called them doll babies to distinguish them from just dolls.

  6. Laura…you have sweet kitties and I wonder if they have any clue how lucky they are to have you caring for them?☺️ They must have had fun camping….and you watching them.
    Jeanne your auction sounds well organized and you have thought through all the details. Maybe call if “Jeanne-Bay”. Your very own Auction house.

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Kathie! All my kitties are rescues so I know they are happy to not be out in the world anymore.I’m lucky to have them. Our last dog (Collie/ Samoyed/ Keeshond mix) was a driveway rescue and you could not have asked for a sweeter or more gentle dog.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Laura, what beautiful kitties you have and they all look so cute enjoying their camping experience. It definitely looks like they have all the necessities and then some. Love the camper!

    Camping is what we did for vacation when the kids were growing up. For years it was with tents and all the accoutrements. David and I did have sleeping bags that zipped together. Air conditioning was not a problem because we were going to places that got quite cool at night so I was more than happy to share my sleeping bag. After a few years of packing things in the car, David got a small utility trailer and modified it into a wonderful kitchen/bathroom. The two top pieces of the trailer when removed formed tables on both sides that attached to the trailer so they worked for meal preparation and dishwashing, etc. The toolboxes on the sides were for storage. One side contained food items and the other side was utensils, bowls, plates, etc. When the top of the trailer was removed it left a nice sized space inside the trailer. We then attached pipes to each corner and created “rods” to hang shower curtains on all around and that was the bathroom complete with porta-potty and sun shower. When we were headed in to town for dinner, etc., we all took showers. The sun shower bag took too long to heat up for all of us, so we used half that and half heated water and it worked great. David was always the last to shower because he was the one heating and preparing the showers for the rest of us. After several years of camping like that, the trailer was showing signs of wear so we bought a pop-up camper. We went to Nova Scotia with that and two backpacking tents for the kids. These days it’s motels all the way. The idea of sleeping on the ground, even on an air mattress, is a non-starter if either of us wants to move the next day. We were more than happy when motels started to see the importance of having comfortable mattresses. I can do without a pool or room service but I need to sleep comfortably.

    Gracie, Natalie and Jaiden’s doll Dorothy are all anxiously awaiting the start of the auction. Best of luck to all who will be participating.

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Barbara! The kitties certainly do have what they need and more.
      Your camping experience sounds fun. Nova Scotia is gorgeous. We went there to Peggy’s Cove and Bay of Fundy while we were heading to Prince Edward island to see all of the Anne of Green Gables sites. Best vacation ever!!! I brought home a lovely collection of rocks, soil, and sand.

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