A few questions about some American Girl items…

Hi everyone,
We had a busy day, but my hubby is now off blood thinners and he got rid of 34 staples in his knee. He HAS to feel better, don’t you think? Not quite 100% just yet, but we’re getting there. We might honestly be at 60%… but I’m being optimistic!

I never had time answer any comments as I was the driver this time… but I’ve read them and thank you for ALL your advice and guidance…
We got home around 7:00, so I was a bit late getting started on looking up doll outfits.
I have a few items to ask you about. I actually had a fun time searching for the “sets” from the baggies things were already in. Some pieces went with other things and now I have a good idea of what goes with what. I have put them in different baggies with the name of the set and what all was included with it when it was brand new. These are all the ones I have gotten finished… you probably can’t tell much, but you will see them soon.

So I have these few items left over…and need some help identifying them…

Does anyone know if this little squishy toy goes with this Bitty Baby nightgown?

Does this hot pink and purple satin bed cover and pillow belong to any certain American Girl doll, or is it just a generic set for any of the dolls?

Does anyone know if these 2 pieces went together? It was in the same baggie, but I couldn’t find this anywhere. Is it a swimsuit cover up or a bath wrap around towel? I saw several of the flip flops in this color, hot pink, but didn’t know if they went with this or not.

I know there was some discussion of the denim dress… missing a pink belt. Is that something I could add to it and it be okay? It’s also missing a button, but I could probably find ones that would work. I’d share in the description that the belt and button were replaced.
Also, there was a mug and 2 plates in hot pink and one Bitty Baby shoe. Does anyone know what it goes to?

There is also a hair bow in a hot pink that’s attached to a black hair band. It’s an American Girl item.

I still have all the Dolly & Me stuff to figure out and some things don’t have labels in them, or if they do, it’s just about the item, not the name of the company… I’ll get to them next.

Well, this gal is tired, I’m heading to bed…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “A few questions about some American Girl items…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hooray for having staples out, and being off blood thinners!! Such good news!!

    I can help you with some stuff in the last picture. The hair bow/tie thingie and the little cup and plate were from the restaurant or bistro at the American Girl store. If you brought your doll, they had a “treat seat” you could put your doll in (which, being large, stayed in the restaurant, not a freebie, although I think for a while you could buy them)–or, if you didn’t have a doll with you, you could “borrow” one–they had quite a few on display in the restaurant/bistro to choose from. Then, the waitress brought a little cup and plate to your doll, and the hair tie was around your own napkin. I have a picture of my Molly and my friend Marika’s doll, Annie, sitting in their treat seats, with their cups and saucers in front of them; in the background you can see the rolled-up napkins with hairbows on them. I’ll be glad to send it to you, Jeanne (although I may have in the past, but that could have been quite a long time ago….).

    Our flipflops and sandals arrived today, although I haven’t had a chance to change shoes on anyone yet. It was a little too cold for sandals today, anyway. We went from a high of 94° on Monday to a high of 64° on Tuesday, with high winds at times. Brrr….Well that about sums up this time of year in the Seattle area–a few days of summer, and then slam! you’re back in winter again.

    Kathie, when we had a doll club, we usually did brides for June, too! I miss that. But the ladies were all older (I was the youngest, much of the time) and by now I think all but one or two of us are gone.

    Jeanne, you might want to post your etsy shop link again!

    Barbara, sounds like church camp has changed a Lot since the time our son attended (late 1980s)!! Hope Skyy has a grand time!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I meant to add, in regards to brown eyes turning color, that happened some years ago (20+) to certain dolls, too. I think there was a particular brand of eyes that used to do that. I know I had to send one of my Royal Vienna dolls in to have his eyes changed! (What they actually did was just change the head…) I don’t think they’ve been in business for many years now; Lloyd Middleton, the owner, died. He was a terrific guy–came to a signing at the shop where I worked at the time. He wasn’t the artist, just the manufacturer, but sure knew his business!

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Oops, that was AbbyRose who was at the AG Place bistro with my friend’s Annie. Sorry about that!!

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      I went to the AG cafe in the store in Houston a couple years ago. I was by myself but they didn’t treat me like an addlepated old person which made it a lot of fun. They insisted I pick a doll to join me for lunch since I didn’t have one with me. I was at AG to buy the wonderful upright piano and didn’t think I’d need another thing to carry. I still have my cup and all the things they provided for my luncheon companion – and I took a bunch of pictures. I need to give them a call to see if the cafe is still open since many stores have done away with theirs. I know it’s still there but need to make sure they aren’t solely using it for parties these days.

      Church camp has definitely changed. When Jason went back in the 1980s the camp was very rustic and the cabins had no A/C. Now the cabins are air conditioned and heated so they have things all year around. They now have a convention center that is used by more than just the camp so has become quite the money maker. But the experience is still much the same for the kids. It is located in the woods near Navasota south of College Station. It is a lovely area. Sean went during his middle school years and loved it and then in high school became a counselor. Andrea went once but didn’t have a good experience so she didn’t want to go again. Seems she ran into that “mean girls” sort of thing.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So glad to hear that George is coming along! he will be back to his old self in no time!

    I do have a few comments about some of the items you have questions about. It takes time to look all this up, so I may not get much each time I find something for you.

    First of all, yesterday you showed some little slippers with faces with somehting they didn’t go with. That pink bitty nightgown was what they go with! It was a set from 2009, called Bunny Robe Set, and it had the pink nightgown, a fuzzy robe with bunny ears, and the bunny slippers. I guess the robe wasn’t there.

    That satin blanket or coverlet and pillow, looks like it was from what a hotel gave you when you visited an AG store, and stayed overnight. They also gave you a bed for it. I’m not 100%, but it sure looks like it.

    Those cups and saucers, are, like Charlotte said, what they gave you when you eat at the restaurants. They also sold them there in the store.

    I was checking the Wki Fandom page, and they showed a picture of the Denim Bubble dress, and said it comes with a red belt with a bow, and showed the picture. So I guess it is a red belt you are missing.

    That coverup looks so familiar, but I can’t quite place it. I will check my catalogs to see what it is and if the thongs go with it. I have those thongs exactly in that color, but from another outfit. They do use some of the same thongs for several different outfits though.I hope to be back later with what I find about the coverup. I do think it is a bath coverup.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I’m back! I finally found that the so called denim dress isn’t denim after all, it is chambray! And it did have a pink belt! However, there must be another dress in denim with a red belt, because that is what AG Wiki showed. So Lauren is right about the pink belt. It can also come off completely and become a hair band! It is called Indigo Bubble Dress. (2016-2019)

    That bath wrap, which I think it is, might be one of those “exclusives” that isn’t listed anywhere! There is another bath wrap, called Lots of Dots, that is exactly like that, but with a dot pattern. Haven’t checked my catalogs yet, but will do that. I have a dentist appt. this morning so it might be in the afternoon before I look.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I Thought I remembered seeing that, Sarah, and when I looked at the picture, yup, that was it! I’ve not been “up on” AG stuff in recent years, though, so wasn’t sure I could trust my memory.

  4. So glad George is doing well, off the blood thinner snd staples out. Ouch! Still he’s on his way – like you said, not quite there at 100% but that will come.

    Looks like you’ve got some helpers there with your items. I’m not familiar with any of them. What a fun box to find.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I’m sure that George was delighted to lose that staple weight. What, like 5 pounds? 🙂 Getting off the blood thinners will be great as well. Hurray, on to the rest of summer! 🙂
    It really is great having those AG experts available to tell us what is missing or the name of the set. Enjoying seeing the outfits. I would love to find some of the older outfits or furniture myself and then have Laura, help out with that. Guess I should go to more thrift stores/garage sales.
    Didn’t get much done yesterday as we were glued to the hearings. Hopefully, today I can get back in the groove and finish up the boy outfits I started way back. Crows are cawing for their breakfast. Better get going. 🙂

    1. Thanks for the clarification on Venus’ daybed and glad to know all you dolls are fine. I do know RRFF appears to be correcting the eye issue . I am very pleased with my Requiem Celestia (Anaelle). I thought her outfit was well sewn and the fact that her shoes had buckles in that small of a size was amazing. She’s a beautiful doll and I love her sweet smiling face.
      I agree that the clothing does remind me of the detail and care of the PC and early AG items where all the little details were so evident (buckles, buttons, snaps)

      Awww, thank you for the sweet comment about helping out with the old PC/AG stuff.
      my main era of knowledge runs from 1986- 2009 which was when my daughter basically called it quits. Once I started my own collection i can go through 2012 and bit further for a few things.
      Obviously, it’s almost entirely knowledge of the historicals with just a few old AGOT sets that I happened to love for my sometimes 1980s girl.and my daughter had years ago.
      Just as an example, there are variations on Samantha’s Lemonade set,
      Kirsten’s pottery, and Kit’s school supplies, and IMO you’d want the first versions as I or my daughter have..

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Good to know about the versions. There are quite a few AG pieces I wish I had gotten. 🙂

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that the Sofa Sisters are able to help you identify the items you have. I don’t know much about the AG dolls. I just have Addy.

    I don’t remember if I shared this before so I will now. UFDC (United Federation of Doll Clubs) has a YouTube site called Adventures In Dolls. On the site are brief videos of doll programs. It is a new site so there are not a ton of items yet. UFDC will slowly add items. Right now, UFDC is focused on the convention coming up in August in St. Louis. Here is the link:

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    So glad to hear George is coming along nicely. David’s blood thinner was given by shots which Jason, thankfully, was willing to give him. When my cousin had his knee replacement he was not given blood thinners and ended up getting a blood clot. He recovered but he said it was a scary time. David’s doctor insisted on them because he said knee replacements were notorious for causing blood clots. He also had them for several months after his heart surgery but they were pills.

    Really enjoying all the pictures and discussions about the Goodwill treasure trove. Looks like you have plenty of help with identification.

  8. Glad George is moving forward and hopefully will get better each day.

    I’m with Paula, except for the AG label on a few I wouldn’t even recognize anything as AG.
    I wouldn’t even have known the bistro set as when we went to AGPChicago back in 2004 we shopped at the store, but my good friend, Tina, who we were with wanted us to eat at a lovely Italian restaurant she knew. It was delicious!

  9. Does anyone know what Jeanne’s Etsy shop name is?
    Also, Linda thank you for the credit you gave me for knowing about the Indigo Denim dress 👗 and the pink belt! That was very sweet of you! I like to think I know my AG pretty well!
    And Dorothy, you may just have Addy but Addy is one sweet girl and with one doll come limitless character possibilities for your imagination! Who she is on Wednesday may change completely on Thursday! Personally, Addy is definitely a favorite of mine! I love ❤️ her stories!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Lauren, I really do like Addy. I don’t have any of her other outfits, though, so she stays in her “Meet” ensemble.

      We used to have an AG outlet nearby but it closed with Covid. I got some nice items for my other 18-inch dolls.

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