Sister Time and Shopping Fun!

First of all, Marilyn, I hope and pray you are okay… I just read the comments and your email and if you had to evacuate I hope you are in a safe place and that your home is saved from any destruction!

Saturday, Cindy and I took a little shopping day and had lots of fun… we hit 8 different places, I think! The guys went their own way and I think they had a good day too. We left at 10:00 and were finally on our way home at 5:00!

I tried to take some pictures along the way of some of the things we saw… I hope you’ll see something that makes you smile… We saw it ALL… the good, the bad, the ugly, AND the gaudy!

Joy, if the doll house isn’t to your liking, here is one I saw for $15! Of course it’s a bit worn…

Here was a smaller one on the floor…

…some tiny doll house furniture…

…an Airstream “look alike” trailer…

A mirror not to my liking…

…one I did like!

I LOVE to watch Cindy shop…

I’ll have to show you my picture and some vintage buttons when I get back…

Well, I hope you are having fun… we are!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Sister Time and Shopping Fun!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a great time you are having, Jeanne, and looks like that was an interesting shop! I’ll have to go back and enlarge more of the pictures tomorrow, but for now, I need to get to bed.

    Freida’s dress is coming along–I’m ready to set the sleeves in now! She can hardly wait.

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    You clearly had more fun than I did, though my time wasn’t that bad — the fire was very smoky and up the nearby hill near the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a nice IM Pei designed building with a beautiful view. I was once walking nearby with deaf friends when we found ourselves surrounded by a herd of deer. The fire did not burn the building or any houses but did burn nearly 200 acres — it was 35% contained at last report. We are due for rain and snow tomorrow and Wednesday.

    A thoughtful neighbor drove me to my sister’s house Saturday afternoon. She has a lovely large home near a lake. The pelicans that live there in summer have not arrived, to my regret. I got home yesterday afternoon and have still to unpack.

    Evacuation areas here are quite large, so I didn’t expect the house to burn, but being away from the smoke was a good idea. In other words, we received sensible orders and took sensible precautions and no one was hurt. With luck, vegetation will grow back this spring and summer. All my dolls survived unharmed.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Marilyn, thanks for the update. We have all been thinking about you! So glad you stayed safe and your property did, also. Prayers answered!!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    So glad to hear Marilyn got away from the dreaded smoke and was able to return to her unscathed home. We had a lot of rain last night, so hopefully, it will be headed Colorado, way soon.
    What a wonderful shopping excursion to view this morning. I found so many things I like. Glad you had fun too. Now, march right back and pick up that little dollhouse on the floor because, that is one I would love to own. 🙂 It’s a bungalow and smaller than a lot of others. Pretty neat. My childhood dentist had a similar set of that ice cream parlor kid sized table and chairs in his office. I remember sitting in a chair reading a Highlights for children while waiting. That airstream trailer is pretty neat too, and the mirror you like is lovely. The other is well, way too extreme for me. I wonder if that wooden tree round piece is a table, chopping block, or stool? I have no idea what you’d do with it, but it’s a very interesting piece.
    Thanks so much for sharing your shopping trip. I’m sure I’ll be visiting the photos again later on today.

  4. I’m so glad you are safe, Marilyn, and had some time away from the smoke with your sister.

    It looks like a fun trip with Cindy, Jeanne. I always enjoy browsing through antique stores. You can find some wonderful treasures among the trash. I spied a pink princess phone like my great- aunt had, except hers was a rotary dial.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What wonderful things you saw on your shopping excursion. I saw many things it would have been hard for me to leave behind. I love the carved cabinet with matching desk in picture #11. I imagine that is pretty pricey. The first dollhouse looks like it would be worthwhile and fun to refurbish.

    I’m so sorry to hear that Marilyn is once again in the crosshairs of fire danger. But I was happy to hear that neither she nor her property were harmed. I can’t imagine worrying about fire danger 24/7. We have to worry about hurricanes, tornadoes and floods here but they don’t come often and we usually have a pretty good warning they’re coming. I have all our family pictures in one spot for easy access and the dolly girls all have their emergency instructions telling them which clothes basket to jump into. That and my sewing/embroidery machine are high on my list of priorities. Well I do have all my important papers in a file box for easy grab and go on the way out the door. So far in the 50+ years I’ve lived here we’ve never had to evacuate. Sean had to a couple times when he lived in Pasadena (TX), but they are closer to the coast and at a lower elevation, not to mention they’ve had terrible subsidence.. He grabbed his cat and TV and headed this way. The last time a usually 1-1/2 hour trip took over 12 hours. At the time he was driving a Mazda with an electric fan so, while many others were overheating, he never did. The one thing he forgot was snacks and water. He was nearly here before he encountered people handing out water.

    I made the most adorable Easter dress for my Siblie Sydney the other day. It is a SewDolledUp81 pattern called “Tea Party Princess”. It was a wonderful pattern and quick to make. But I used a tuille lining rather than the rolled hem on the bottom of the overskirt. It added no bulk and made the bottom look so nice. Thanks, Jeanne for the tuille lining technique. I find myself using it often.

    Spring has arrived here for sure. Days in the mid to high 80s. I saw where PA was due for another Polar Vortex. When I lived in PA we sometimes had snow in March but when we did by that time even we kids were getting tired of the white stuff that we so anticipated back in November.

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    I certainly thought I would have been here before this to comment! I wanted to really look at the pictures so as to have something to say, but the day is going way too fast! of course, I am trying to decorate for Easter, so that is keeping me away from the computer

    I do love to check out antique and secondhand stores, not to really buy, but for the nostalgia, I guess. I don’t like old things in my house unless they have a meaning or belonged to someone I know. I want new things that I had first!! I’m sure Laura is rolling her eyes at me now!

    But oh, so many things to comment on and so little time! Yes, that small dollhouse that Joy mentioned is really a good one! I think I bought that larger dollhouse for one of my granddaughters, but it was in perfect condition. That Airstream camper would be fun to have for my dollhouse! I also like the table in the picture above that huge dark desk that Barbara likes. That desk scares me half to death!!

    That is a sweet picture of the little girl sewing for her dolly. So cute for a sewing room!

    So Cindy has all gray hair now? Very attractive!

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what fun! I like the Air Stream and a little bench. My Lati Yellow Lea, called Lace, would love them also.

    I am glad that you had sister time.

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    I hope you had a great time with your sisters, Jeanne. Did George manage Ok while you were away?

    Marilyn so happy that you and your house are unscathed. I live in the city so it would have to be a very big fire to reach us here and we are too far away from the sea and the river to have any flooding problems. We just have to worry about earthquakes lol.

    I saw the doctor last week and got some different medication, also had an X-ray. I have to see her again before Easter to find out the results. For the first time since my first pregnancy (in 1965/66) my blood pressure was up! However the pain has diminished to a manageable level. I still struggle with steps and getting in and out of the car but I can walk relatively short distances. I am sleeping better the pain isn’t so constant when I am in bed and that helps a lot.

    I am getting overwhelmed in my workroom with scraps and decided to start making quilts with them. We have several groups at Guild who distribute any donations to people/children who would love them. I have made two and almost finished a third. Hope to have it finished by Saturday. This one even has scraps as a backing but my pile hasn’t decreased at all. I am convinced that scraps breed in the box!!! I’m not sure Sara is impressed with me.

    Take care everyone

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