Molly’s dress is listed on Ebay now, but that wasn’t the biggest news of the day, so she didn’t make the title… Her new dress is called CHERRIES N CHECKS and you can find it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

They say when you type something in Capital letters it’s the same as screaming! I KNOW! I AM!!! We bought this house in 2004 and it’s been a long time coming, but my hubby’s office was the last room to have flooring put down… We used Loose Lay Vinyl Plank flooring.. no glue, no underlayment, it can be taken up if a plank gets damaged… we could even take it all up if we wanted to when we moved. Of course, we’d have to put something down for the new buyers… but just saying… it’s that easy to pick up…

We worked most of Saturday and managed to get it all done… well the floor laid… not the moving back in done… but he did that today…
He told me ahead of time he was going to put a sign on his door… “This is not a “Home Beautiful Room… it won’t be on the house tour!” He didn’t want his walls painted… just a new floor put down… so all I can show you is the floor and you’ll have to imagine the rest… he’s kind of private when it comes to his office…

So here are a few pictures of the new floor…it’s like gray barnwood, no the brownish color in some of my pictures… must have been the lighting…

The first row was the hardest… getting the pipe placements, the water lines, the dryer vent, all marked on the planks… and yes, that one plank is darker than the others… it was a sample and since it was going to be under the washer and in the back of the closet, we used it… it will never be seen. I did fill in that back plank… in case you were wondering. We ended up with 5 planks left… Whew!

I just continued the planks from the hallway to the office… no threshold needed! I like that look better.

We do have one small hallway that goes to the basement that we want to do with some pieces we have left over from Rebecca’s room… soon, but not this week…

I will figure out who is next…right after I recuperate from laying that floor… I was really pooped Saturday and then had to get up earlier Sunday morning for church. I’m still sore! :o)

Well, I hope to see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne


  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hallelujah!! One more room floored! Looks nice, and since it’s George’s room, he gets to have it any way he wants it, and to keep it from public eyes, too.

    I just checked (1:36 a.m. 3/15) and Molly’s outfit has one bid already!! Woohoo!! Looks like it’s going to be another great auction!!

    I finished my jacket tonight–sort of. I am considering adding a closure of some kind, but have to think on it a bit. Still, I can wear it as is, if I wish. The construction is done!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Nice floor, George and Jeanne! What a difference it is and how much easier to concentrate on the work at hand without the distraction of the flooring! At least that’s how I see it! I work better in an uncluttered workspace than in one with a cleaner slate! And not to mention how much bigger it makes the room look too! Congrats on almost reaching the finish line with the flooring!!

    I love the picture of Molly’s clothes all laid out! What little girl would not want a dress like that with all the “trimmings”, or a big girl want that for her doll? None that I know of!
    Some Molly is going to be very happy on Saturday night!

    Before I sign off, I was wondering if anyone has made a Maypole for their dolls. I made one but am wondering how they made theirs.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh brother, too early for me to make myself clear! I mean to say that I work much better in an uncluttered workspace than a cluttered one!

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, are the sofa sisters making Maypoles? Yeaaa! I will contribute a photo of my doll preparing to dance under the Maypole as I am not crafty.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Dorothy, I have no idea about others, but I am going to make a Maypole scene! Would love to see yours! Maybe even Jeanne could make a dress for a scene and have her own Maypole!

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      I have a Maypole but I must confess I bought it from Etsy. It was too cute to turn down and the price was right. I actually was looking up Maypoles for ideas on how to make one when I saw the one I bought. But it will only fit my 8″ dolls. But I’m thinking of making one for my bigger dolls for next year. I’ve got everything I need to do that.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, I buy a ton of things on etsy. As a non-crafter, I feel I should support those who enjoy crafting.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    So wonderful that the flooring is done in the office/laundry room. The paneling is almost exactly what we have in our cabin that has been through two floods. Hasn’t flooded since 1962, so we’re good. Very sturdy stuff, but really wish George had caved to some fresh paint. Definitely would be lighter and open up the room. I’ll bet you are very proud of that shiny new floor because it looks so nice. Running the flooring in directly from the hall is a great idea too. Now, one more hall to go and it will all be done. What a difference it makes to have such lovely flooring everywhere in your home. Thank you so much for sharing your accomplishment with us.
    I wonder who will be next on the dolly set? Easter is late this year, so maybe a quick outfit? Or something with mix and match for spring and summer? Can’t wait to see the selection.
    Sounds like Linda’s girls are planning for a Maypole dance this year. The pole I made some years ago was pretty basic. A dowel stuck in a small jar filled with marbles held it just fine. Hope we get to see the photos. 🙂

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, how wonderful that it is all done. I am glad you are taking a break. You have definitely earned one.

    I am glad to read that the Sofa Sisters are making Maypoles! I am ready to celebrate Summer.

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      Jeanne, I know you will love the new floor from wall to wall, room to room. Brightens the whole house. Our latest home has a very similar vinyl plank from end to end. I am trying to get used to it as we we have always lived with carpet and wood. Right now we are in a multi-city tour of all the places we have loved and lived. We started in Florida then back to Louisiana for a milestone birthday. We are finishing the tour in Tennessee. Tomorrow it is back to North Carolina. The tile guy and plumber are finished. After the drop cloths are gone I might actually see my dolls again. Not that new ones haven’t found their way to my doorstep since the move. Maisie being the latest to arrive.
      I have to keep reminding myself that I sold my Molly because Cherries and Checks is fabulous! Molly is a fan favorite and I predict a good auction for you.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Congrats on flooring your final room. What a relief that must be. We’ve done our kitchen and breezeway (more like a sunroom connected to the kitchen) and it looks so nice now. We need to do my study which is off the kitchen, but it will be like George’s office – a lot of stuff to move including my computer desk. While I won’t have to do any of the moving, I will still have to deal with the upheaval while they are doing it since some of the stuff will have to be moved into my kitchen.

    I really thought my bathroom would be finished this week but installing the new church A/C has been a gargantuan project. David swears they put the A/C in and then built the roof around it. Fortunately he is good at engineering and one of Jason’s friends in A/C has been available so with all four of them they’ve managed to solve a whole lot of problems. Our priest asked David Sunday how in the world they got the unit up into the space. David told him but it was so beyond his comprehension (he used to be a high school band director) that he shook his head and said rather you than me.

    So my bathroom has taken a backseat to a paying job. The vanity is finished and David and Sean did an amazing job. It’s a double sink with nine drawers, six of them regular size and the three bottom drawers are deep. But before they can install that they have to put in the new flooring. The marble top has been finished and hopefully all the preliminaries will be completed next week and the men are able to come install the top. The people doing it are awesome. We told them what we wanted as far as colors and pattern and they made it to our specifications. David and Sean went to their shop to do the final approval and saw the big piece (rather than the sample they texted). David wasn’t sure it was what we wanted based on the texted sample but when he saw the big piece he was more than pleased.

    We had a front come through last night. Not a particularly cold one but the storm it brought with it was scary with lots of wind. Houston was supposed to get the worst of it because it seemed to increase in intensity as it moved southeast and possible hail and tornadoes were predicted. The worst of it avoided us and we were thankful for that because the vanity is in the garage and we can’t get the car in right now.

    Molly’s outfit is so wonderful. I love Molly and this dress is so perfect for her. I know she will be sad to have to give it up but I’m sure her modeling will guarantee a successful auction.

  6. Running quite late and only have a second. Molly’s dress is just lovely and the black kitty is the purrfect accessory.
    Congratulations on having new flooring through your entire home. Absolutely wonderful!!

  7. So glad George’s floor is in. I’m sure you’re both tired. But it looks really nice snd George must be very happy with it!
    Jeanne, this outfit for Molly is so adorable. My girls are oohing and ahhing over it!

    Hard to believe we are already in the middle of March. Hope Spring is in the air for everyone!!

  8. Forgot: love the black kitty and love the story- mentioning Woolworth’s in the storyline was a neat idea.
    I remember as a girl about Molly’s age going into Woolworth’s and looking at the paper dolls in the back of the store.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Paula, I must have been standing beside you. I loved playing with paper dolls.

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