If it were a HOT day, I would wear this…

Sorry, I didn’t get to your comments… but my day was VERY full… from 1:00 till almost 3:00 I was at a lunch for a friend who is leaving for Georgia… Then from 3:00 to 6:00 I was working at the Food Pantry and sweating like a pig… I know that’s pretty awful sounding, but the 3 of us were drenched… and then as soon as I got home, I had to start prepping my fruits for tomorrow night’s party… I did that until 9:00 and then I called it quits… I had ice cream for dinner after I did my dishes… My hubby had a chicken patty and ice cream for dinner… I was still hot and the ice cream cooled me down…

So I never made it to your comments, but I did sit and read them as I was eating my ice cream… Wasn’t it fun to see Julia’s She Shed? Now we’ll all be wanting one… It just looked so fun and cozy to me… a place to be all by yourself and just veg… or read, or hand sew, or crochet, or knit or do a puzzle, or look at magazines, etc… We should ask Julia what she likes to do the most when she’s out there… and I’m wondering how far is it from her house?

Anyway, I’m sitting her at my computer, and it’s 10:03 and I have nothing new to show you that I’ve started… and my face is still hot, so I got to thinking about how hot it was today, (mostly humid humid humid!) and thought I should have worn something cooler… Next week I will… then I thought about my dolls and wondered if I had to pick a few things for some of the dolls I’ve sewn for, what would be the coolest outfit I’ve made them? I decided to show you… I mean “cool” as in NOT HOT to wear!

This is what I came up with…

Riley was the coolest in this…

An Mei, the same size as Riley was coolest in this…

Bitty Bethany picked this dress as her most cool and comfy dress…

My Wren Pistachio doll picked this set…

I didn’t even have to think about what Katie Effanbee would pick… my all time favorite for her…It got 2 pictures…

Elin wanted to show you this pretty blue dress… (and Blue Bear!)

Patsy Tonner picked…

Nyssa felt the coolest in this…

I’ve only made a few things for Hope to model…

Now I’m not sure if ANY of my dresses for the Colonial girls qualify as “cool” but I chose this one…

The same for Felicity… hot crinolines and corsets would not be comfortable and cool, but this is what we both decided would have been the coolest on a hot day…

Molly looked the coolest to me in this dress…

For Kirsten, how about this for a cool dress…

Saige only had a few things… but we picked this one…but she looks hot in those boots to me!

Now it’s Josefina’s turn for something to stay cool in…

Now let’s see if I can find something cool for Addy…

It’s Nellie’s turn now… you might not think looks “cool” at all, but it’s a BATHING SUIT… from the 1900’s so she’s going swimming and will surely be cooler than ALL the rest of my girls! ;o)

I’m going to have to stop with that one… for now… but I’ll find something for the rest of my girls on another day when it’s sweltering hot…

I need to get to bed…

Have a wonderful weekend…
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “If it were a HOT day, I would wear this…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hm, I think the coolest/most comfy for hot weather are Wren Pistachio’s (so cute!) and Nyssa’s dresses. I like things of lightweight fabric that kind of “float” away from the body, in hot weather. You’re right, the colonial and prairie types of dresses don’t look at all cool, esp. considering all the layers of petticoats, etc. they had to wear underneath!

    Here in the Seattle area we are bracing for a heat wave the likes of which we’ve not seen in all the years they have been keeping records (over 100). Sunday they are saying triple digits (!!!) and Monday could get to 109!!! I remember twice it’s gotten to 100 or over, 1994 (I think) and 2007, when we actually made it to 103. Miserable, particularly when you consider that Very Few homes out here have A/C–because “we don’t need it”!!! Hah!

  2. Sally from Colorado

    JEANNE, sounds like ice cream (and you should have added a cold, wet cloth over your head), was just what you needed. Being back east here for a bit, I see the warped cupboard and drawers all swollen from humidity. NOT heard of in Colorado and I sure don’t miss that and the feeling drenched, as you were. Hope the humidity clears.

    Yes, I am bragging, but I am the proud owner of that exquisite blue colonial outfit. My friend Donna needed to downsize and I bought it from her for what she bought it on eBay, but she never found the necklace. Not earth shattering, but it is a smashing set.

    I remember that final bathing suit…I lost it in the last second or two of bidding and was pretty bummed out. Thank you for posting all these gorgeous outfits.

    CHARLOTTE, I am so sorry about your heat. It sounds like the west coast is headed for some very extreme temperatures that sound just ghastly. If no AC, then I hope you have lots of fans and that the energy grid can support the heavy usage in all the regions that are going to be suffering. Yikes. Hang in there and do very little!

    JULIA, great questions from JEANNE. How far is your super space from your house, and what do you like most to do out there? Yesterday I wrote (late in the day) on the blog stating how much I admired and was feeling inspired by all your DIY classes, especially the stained glass class. Boy, I have wanted to do that for some time and maybe I better get on it. I was just wondering if you thought that my having hands that shake a little might be a real hindrance. Any thoughts, please?

    Everyone, please stay cool and enjoy your weekend. We head back to Salida on Monday. As I said yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing our other dog, Chester’s “sister”, and all the wonderful goodies that I have bought and been delivered. Bad, bad Sally!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Nyssa and Josefina get my votes for coolest looking girls. Nyssa for the soft flowy fabric, and Josefina for the lovely white blouse and colorful skirt. Both outfits just speak of summer days to me.
    Charlotte, I’ve been thinking of you, knowing that the hot weather is landing to the north west. We’re worried about everyone in your neck of the woods because of the no air conditioning factor and not being used to that high heat index. Hope you have some fans, which really don’t do much for us except circulate warm air. Will there be cooling stations near you? Here they open lots of places like the rec center that has air conditioning that provides a cool places and water during the worst part of the day. Hope the power grid holds too. Be thinking of you. Hope you have lots of ice.
    I think we’re going to again have high heat the next few days. The north central valley here in CA is also expecting tremendous heat. Everyone is on fire watch too. Yesterday alone, we had at least four brush fires in various locations in our county. Fortunately, the air tankers got right on them, but it is scary especially with the 4th coming and crazy people setting off fireworks when they are not allowed. I keep my eye on Flightradar24 on the net and the local scanner reports to keep updated on events.
    We’ll see if another RRFF girl arrives here soon. Still no word on July Joy who should have been here some time ago. Just have to wait, but I’m not very patient.
    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and keep cool.

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Hi, Joy,
      Astounded that you have not received your Liberty Joy yet because you ordered yours before I did (June 9 for me) and mine was apparently delivered like on the 17th. Bought it from Happily Ever After. I am looking forward to seeing her when I get back next week along with Sydney and Perihelia.
      Didn’t you order one of the “vacation “ RRFF specials, too? Has she come? They were really lovely and very small editions. Good for you for grabbing one!

      1. Yes, the person I ordered from didn’t send in the order right away so the delay. I’ve also heard that some of the dolls have red under the arms from that flag dress. Not looking forward to finding that either. Next time, I’ll order direct from RRFF Toys. Much faster. And yes, my Vacation Kayla has arrived. She is very sweet. Word is that another new doll is due out, but no hints yet. 🙂
        Glad you had a nice trip, and how fun to arrive home to packages. 🙂

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks for your concern, Joy. Yes, there are cooling stations here and there, particularly places like the library (my personal favorite!). It got up to 100 today, and I was cleaning over at the church–mostly downstairs, thankfully, where it was only 75. It was 91 up in the sanctuary!! The building is poorly designed, too, so it’s difficult to get much cross ventilation upstairs.

      Our house got to 91 this afternoon, also. It’s down to 85 now; hope I can sleep some tonight–I teach Sunday School in the morning, and play for church, too!

      We went out for dinner tonight, and the A/C in the restaurant was working Very well! Felt so good!!

  4. Our yard is small so the henhouse is close. I love to read and listen to birdsong. For crafts it’s beaded sun catchers and button bouquets. I do crochet small projects out there. Big ones are for winter in my house. I collected small metal things to make wind chimes. I don’t have the hang of that at all. The two I made were silent!

    Sally, I don’t think some shakiness would be a problem. The only way to know for sure is try!

    Jeanne, I want Hope’s outfit in MY size! Is her jacket made from eyelet felt?

    1. Sally from Colorado

      JULIA, thanks for your input. I will definitely be on the prowl for a class when I get home.
      And thanks for answering those two questions. It really is a joy to have the quiet to hear the birds and the breezes or gentle rain. Good for you!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh my! What a beautiful array of summertime splendor. I love them all but Wren’s outfit looks the “coolest” to me. She looks ready for a walk on the beach at Cape May, and then some shopping and eating at places on the boardwalk. And maybe a quick visit with Sandra while there. Perfect outfit for everything summer.

    The 1900s bathing suit is wonderful. We’ve definitely come a long way on bathing suits over the years from showing nothing to showing everything. It’s embarrassing just to go to the pool. And the things people put on their little girls makes me really uncomfortable. I know you can get more years out of a two piece bathing suit, but by the time it has been worn a couple three years it’s way to skimpy. My son and daughter-in-law will not let my granddaughter wear anything but a one piece and she looks so nice and little girlish.

    When I was little I loved the idea of Colonial dress with all the long skirts. I was totally ignorant as to what a pain they could be until I wore gowns to the prom and for my wedding. It was okay for a short while but for all day every day, no way. I’m glad I was born at a different time.

    I can relate to those worrying about the forthcoming heat. My one stepdaughter lives in Portland, OR. She told me it took her awhile to get used to no A/C and to realize that you opened your windows at night and shut them in the morning and her place would stay cool all day. Not here. I’ve done that when our A/C went out and by 3 p.m. it was stifling in the house. Our other stepdaughter moved to Vancouver, WA, when her sister moved to Portland. She moved back to Texas after a few years because she could not get used to not having A/C. And I heard something on the news last night that really scared me and if it happens we will definitely think about moving elsewhere. Texas has gotten heavily into alternative energy, mostly wind. Everyone knows what happened last winter when the grid could not keep up with the cold and the windmills froze and that was only a few days. Imagine that in the summer for months due to overload. We have smart meters but we do not have a smart thermostat but we conserve anyway. But there is a possibility we will have to install smart thermostats that will be controlled by ERCOT. A week ago we had a request to cut back on our power during the middle of the day. Only do laundry and use the dishwasher after the sun went down. We found out last night that those with smart thermostats were having their settings controlled by other than them. A little to Big Brotherish for my liking.

    I really love Addy’s dress and it looks so lovely on her. Ice cream for supper? What a great idea in the heat. Yummy!!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Ooh, Barbara, that IS scary! Too much like the book, 1984, where the govt. controlled everything!!!

  6. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    All this talk about hot weather and air conditioning and we are expecting a polar blast tomorrow!!!!! Maybe even snow! There are some kids in school who have never seen more than a sprinkling of snow in Christchurch!
    After the earthquakes all our infrastructure needed upgrading, power being one of them, so it is a few years since we had any problems due to overload. When I was last in Melbourne (Australia) it was very hot and when the temp went up to 42 C the power went out. My son and grandaughter and I went to the mall. Their A/C was out but it was cooler than the house. I have enough problems coping here when it goes up to 35C. 42C nearly killed me. I always said I wouldn’t go over to Oz in January but I went to help out when Rob had his stroke. When it goes up over 30C here I close all the curtains and put the heat pump on 16C and turn it to A/C. Next week, if the forecasters are right, I will close all the curtains and crank up the heat pump to 24C and hibernate!
    To get back to the dolls, Jeanne, I thought Nyssa’s dress would suit me best in the heat. Some of the others with their pantaloons would have been still very hot.
    Barbara I was the same when I was younger, I remember saying to my Mum how much I wished I had lived when everyone wore such lovely dresses. She told me I wouldn’t have been wearing one I would have been too poor lol. I have just been reading a book about Australia in the early 1900’s, corsets, petticoats, long sleeves and no A/C then!
    Try to stay cool people

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Funny how you should mention being too poor to wear those lovely, long dresses. When I lived in Wilmington, DE, there was a town near us that had Old New Castle Day every year. But one thing I noticed was that the houses tended to be Colonial-style narrow row homes. I asked my mother how the women managed in those houses with their big skirts. She reminded me that the skirts I was talking about were worn by the rich who lived in homes that could accommodate them. Other women wore long dresses, but they weren’t fancy nor full.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Here I am, a whole day late!! Oh yes, Jeanne, the stiffling heat and humidity are about to do me in too! Then we had a monsoon of a rain last evening and more on the way today! Let’s not even mention mosquitoes! Inside in the AC is the place to be for sure now!

    All those “pretty maids all in a row”! I think Nyssa’s dress is it for me for sure! Nothing tight around my waist or leg coverings, but soft, flowing materials would be the thing.

    Charlotte, I wonder if you have a basement, since that would really work out nicely in this heat you are having. Most houses here in the midwest have basements, and they saved us one summer when we had a big storm and about a week without power. I know that some places in the ocuntry don’t have basements because of various problems.

    And Anne, could you please send a blast of whatever it is you have there? You are mentioning temps, that I have no idea what they are, since we don’t use Celsius, but I get the idea you are having cold weather now!!

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    I forgot to mention that last picture of the bathing suit! I hope to heavens they didn’t go in the water with that on, of they would have sunk to the bottom in no time!!

  9. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    Barbara, the exact conversion of 42C is 107F however if you want a quick guide ‘double it and add 30’ will give you a rough approximation. The higher the temp the less accurate the equation is so with higher temps take off 5. We’re a long way from that but the polar blast doesn’t seem to have arrived, not here anyway. Not only do we not have snow there wasn’t any rain either! And the temp is still in double figures (10C, around 50F) at 7.30am.
    Lol Linda I think they were were more likely to float away when the outfit filled with air.
    Those ladies were still not allowed to be seen in their bathing suits let alone be allowed to swim in them! They would change in a bathing hut which would be towed down to the water then they would bravely step down into the water and I guess just stand there getting very cold. The sea around Britain is VERY cold particularly along the East Coast. When I was young we often went to a small seaside town called Skegness and spent hours in the water. When I was over there in 2008 my brother took us (with his children) to the beach a bit further north but still on the East Coast. The children were enjoying the swimming so I thought I would join them! I had no idea how cold the North Sea was!! It was like stepping into refrigerated water! It never seemed that cold when I was young.

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