Red, White and Blue dolly slips…

Thank you for all your kind comments on my new “and improved” kitchen… we are quite taken by it…

I was trying to think of something to do for Memorial Day, and while I know this doesn’t pay tribute to all those who served and are serving now, this is what I came up with…

I made some dolly slips in red, white and blue and hope to get lots more made Friday. I’ll show them again on Saturday and we’ll have a Giveaway! Then someone’s name will be drawn and they can pick the slip they want. In the comments Saturday, just tell which slip you’d like for which doll…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Red, White and Blue dolly slips…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what fun! You haven’t done a giveaway in quite a while, I don’t think. (And I’ve yet to win one…just sayin’! 😂 ) I really can’t complain, though, as earlier this month I won a beautiful set of matching iridescent Klasse’ brand shears, measuring tape and storage pouch at our local Quality Sewing.

    I’m sure any of my dollies would love an “Auntie Jeanne” special, however!!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I volunteer you to take the ice cream to Jeanne’s virtual party (laugh). Charlotte Noelle says please have sprinkles too. I told her that she wasn’t invited but she said that she is a Duchess and Duchesses are always invited to important events.

      Honestly, that girl. I am going to make some nerve-soothing tea right now (laugh).

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Ha ha ha! Love this, Dorothy! Tell Charlotte Noelle that, while all the sofa sisters are having cake at Jeanne’s, maybe our “kids” can have their own party (well supervised, I would hope!) with ice cream, and definitely sprinkles! She should have seen the BIG container of sprinkles that I saw out on the counter at IHOP tonight–I think there would be enough for everyone in that! (And maybe we shouldn’t tell Charlotte Noelle this, but I collect fancy and special sprinkles! I think I have 50-some different kinds, including those for major holidays, plus Barbie, Bugs Bunny, etc. When I find them, I buy them! And, yes, I have used some of them!! But keep the licensed ones unused. I’m sure my son is going to wonder about some of the “inheritance” he will get some day!! )

  2. Sandra M Lyons

    How nice of you to do for your followers. The slips are just adorable.

    Fingers crossed hoping I will win one. Good luck ladies.

  3. Linda from St. Louis

    So nice of you, Jeanne, and, I must say firsthand, those slips are darling! I have already won one and somehow have another, one for Betsy and one for an 18 inch doll, so do not put me in the drawing. Others should have a chance!!

  4. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, you are one sweet peach. As Charlotte says, “What fun!” These are so pretty!

  5. The slips are adorable. I’m sure the winning dolly will be twirling. 🙂 So nice of you to have a drawing.
    I have Daisy’s dress done for Memorial Day, but I’m still working on Luca’s shirt and shorts. Hope to finish maybe even today and take a pic. Either today or tomorrow, we’ll walk over to the cemetery and put out red/white/blue flowers. Even with Covid, the scouts put out flags on the graves of veterans. Can’t wait until next year when the full program and fly over will hopefully return.
    Pixie Faire has a nice uniform freebie today too.

  6. Diana Jenness

    Hi, Another give-away!
    I would love to have a slip for one of my girls—I have girls of all sizes, so one would fit someone. I have a new Nanea that would love something, also a little Darling that needs a dress.
    Aren’t they all little Darlings? So If I were to be a lucky recipient, any would do.
    Thank you for your generosity.
    Diana Jenness

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh goodie a giveaway. I love giveaways. I seldom win anything but it’s fun to enter anyway. Anxiously awaiting!

  8. You all did a marvelous job on your kitchen.

    I would love to win a Ruby Red Fashion Friend Slip, but then I would love any size as I have dolls that can use any of the sizes.

  9. I looked at the kitchen pics again…. just amazing!
    Would love to have a slip. The red white and blue stars are so cute!

  10. Laura in Ohio

    I wanted to say that somehow I missed the kitchen photo of Reuben “supervising”. That one is just adorable! My pets always have liked to be right in with whatever is being done. Of course, if a doll is being dressed they better watch out. They will without a doubt end up with a hat on sumbonnet on their head. LOL

    The slip are lovely and would look sweet under any summer dress.
    I snagged that Pixie Faire uniform first thing. Really cute!

  11. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    I won’t go into the draw because of being at the other side of the world, or down under, whatever you want to call it lol but the slips are lovely.
    I looked at the Pixie Faire Freebie but it is a US uniform. I will see if Sam thinks we could use it.
    We have a public holiday next weekend for Queen’s Birthday (always the Monday closest to June 6th). It is a holiday in Australia too but not in UK go figure!!!
    I am glad you are enjoying your new kitchen without thinking ‘I must finish that tomorrow’.

    1. I was looking for a Navy uniform on Pixie Faire and found one. Almost exactly like the uniform other person wore. They also have some English looking uniforms, but not free of course. 🙂

      1. Elaine M. Hoffman

        Joy did you see the Freebie Friday giveaway this past Friday? It was a uniform pattern but did not include the hats. That is a separate pattern. I believe they are for the WW1 and WW11 uniforms.

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, a give-away how wonderful! That is an awesome way to bid farewell to May.

    I am gearing up for the Madame Alexander Doll Club convention next month. It will be so great to see my dolly friends again and to have big dolly fun.

  13. Marilyn from Colorado

    Just after Memorial Day two years ago I went to the ER and didn’t escape for 13 1/2 months — hospital, rehab, hospital, hospice, rehab. I’ve been home for 10 1/2 months, enjoying the blog, cleaning easy things, cooking simple things, and finally starting a garden. So now Memorial Day is a personal celebration.
    I won’t make my big floral arrangements this year — maybe next — but I realized that my grandfather, who died when I was 13, had a home-arranged basket of flowers every Memorial Day for 63 years, and more than half were made by me. My parents cleared the kitchen and filled pails with water and had scissors and clippers and newspapers ready when I showed up with flowers. One year I made a beautiful pink and white display. Mom said it was perfect for Virgil’s Mother (my grandmother) but Louie (my grandfather) would probably prefer an old tire. Actually Papa (the same grandfather) was a fine gardener, growing flowers and vegetables.

    I didn’t say congratulations yesterday, but congratulations on your beautiful kitchen. I think my favorite thing, except for Chandi, is the collection of signatures hidden away quietly blessing the house.

    It’s Memorial Day weekend in Boulder. Get ready for RAIN!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Congratulations, Marilyn!! I know it was Such a long haul for you, and we are all so glad to have you back on the sofa with the rest of us sisters!

  14. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Hi Jeanne, I would love to be in the Giveaway and receive a sparkling skip for my American Girl Doll. I want to learn how to make a slip like that, maybe without the sparkles, maybe a longer one to make the gowns poof out better like Felicity’s gown or the 1830’s gown. Thank you Jeanne for allowing me to email you. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Remember everyone, it is not to celebrate Veterans, it is for all the Service men and women we have lost that served in our country. I am a veteran, but I do not believe Memorial Day is for me personally. I will be celebrating my new baby twin Grandson’s 1st birthday and their older sister who is 16 this weekend as well. All together now!


    hi i admire how creative you are i missed the ruby red green gorgeous outfit it is a masterpiece

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