Just imagine “Mint Chocolate Chip” ice cream for the color…

I thought I’d show you another angle of the roof on our house… YEP, more pitches on this part… :o(

Sorry about not getting to your comments today… we got a call from another roofer who wants to come Friday morning and he wants to look up in our attic and see behind the walls. There are 2 access panels but they were covered up by “stuff.” So we spent about 3 hours clearing out things and decided we needed to do a little pitching too! All in all it was a good thing, but it just took a lot of time…

Then I was determined to get a few more coats of paint on the cabinet doors and under the sink area. I’m whittling it down a little bit each day, but with everything going on, it seems like I’m spinning my wheels.

It was about 6:30 and my hubby came in my sewing room… (I had secretly slipped into my sewing room and wanted to get “something” “anything” done on Isabelle’s dress so I could show you…) He asked, “Are you going to make anything for dinner?” Oops… bad wife… putting my sewing ahead of dinner… So I stopped and made dinner, did the dishes and broke down all the cardboard boxes we had thrown downstairs…

Anyway, I just never found time to answer them… but I’ll read them and see if anyone had any questions… and then answer those…

Right before my hubby found me in my sewing room, I had taken Isabelle outside in hopes of getting some better pictures of the color of her dress… well, I just tried everything on Picasa to try and edit, improve, enhance, saturate, warm up, tone down the color of her dress, but it just will not come out the color that it actually is…

That’s why I made my title…”Just imagine “Mint Chocolate Chip” ice cream for the color. There is NO blue undertones in this fabric…it’s as green as anything…and mint green is the absolute best color to call it…

Here are a few of my outside pictures I tried tweaking and then the ones back inside “HOPING” to get the right color… but still nothing came close…





I came back inside and tried taking a picture of the fabric away from the lights…but it’s still not right…

I tried laying Isabelle down… sometimes my overhead lights gets a better take on the color, but not in these 2 shots…

So, forget the color for now… I’ll just tell you what I did… I finished the insides of her bodice and have that all nice and neat…

I made her little wool felt jacket and edge stitched it in white, making it look kind of scalloped.

I’m not going to leave it plain… :o)

Her dress didn’t get hemmed yet, but I will, maybe tomorrow…

…and one last look at this “mint green” jacket and dress! HA!

See you tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Just imagine “Mint Chocolate Chip” ice cream for the color…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, some colors can be so hard to capture! I’m wondering if having her against the green-grass background might have been throwing off the color some. Sometimes a plain neutral color (beige, light gray, etc.) works better for that.

    And in some of the pictures (the first three), the jacket fabric looks like it perfectly matches, and in others, it looks more “blue” than the dress fabric!! I guess we’ll just have to take you word for it, for the moment. As I recall, there’s at least one person on this list who has a lot of experience with photography, so perhaps she can chime in with some suggestions for you.

    But, it’s coming along nicely, and I was pretty sure you wouldn’t leave the jacket plain! (By the way, I don’t like mint chocolate chip ice cream, and never buy it, so I will have to take your word for the color! Now Peppermint ice cream is another story! It’s my favorite!)

  2. Oooh, Blue Bunny Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream is the absolute best, Jeanne! We have it all the time! CORRECTION, Michael has it all the time! I would look like the Queen Mary if I ate ice cream as often as he does, which is every day!

    Well, the dress and jacket still look aqua, and a very pretty aqua at that! In some pictures the jacket looks more aqua and the dress does look a bit green, but nothing like you say it is! No matter what, it still is going to be a very pretty spring-like outfit! I do htink the green grass makes it look more aqua. I love the white stitching on the jacket too!

    You mean you forgot dinner and it was 6:30?? I always figure out dinner the minute I finish breakfast, so I know when to start. Don’t ask me what’s for dinner now, because I haven’t had breakfast yet!!

    You said you had two chimney’s, so where is the second one? I don’t see another in the picture, except for the one you showed us yesterday. You certainly do have a lot of pitches on the roof! I was watching the HGTV show, “Fixer to Fabulous”, yesterday, and they are a couple who redo houses around Bentonville, Arkansas. Lo and behold, they did a house built in 1902, and it looks almost exactly like yours, with the same roofline! It turned out just great, but they had the inside look completely modern, not at all what you would think it would look like from seeing the outside. But I would have sworn the outside was just like yours!

    Time for breakfast and dinner plannig! (wink, wink)

  3. Iโ€™m noticing the dress looks more aqua in the outdoor pictures, and I think it is the contrast of all the green grass. Would it look more green with a different color background? Maybe a blue background? Or yellow? I donโ€™t much about photography, so Iโ€™m just guessing here!

  4. Colors look mint to me and felt looks perfect, I think a of it is monitor issues. I would love to see ribbon flowers and white seed beads (not pearls) to match the dots on the fabric. But whatever you do always looks yummy!
    Happy April Fools day all!

  5. I noticed your lovely bay window in the photo from yesterday. Is that window in the dining room? I always wanted a bay with a seat across it and bookshelves. A perfect reading nook. I’m with Linda. Where is the other chimney? ๐Ÿ™‚ Interesting about the roofer and wanting to see upstairs behind the walls. We’ve never had any wanting to go inside. Often once the roof is torn off, they want to replace plywood if in bad shape, but not inside. That is if you have regular roofing shingles already. If you have an old shake wooden roof, that is another story. The whole roof would have to be covered with weatherproof plywood after the tear off before they can start in on new roofing. But, I’m sure you know all of that already. It will be interesting to hear just what the roofer wants to see and why. I’m going to try and find that program Linda saw on HGTV. Would be so fun.
    As to the cute dress on Isabelle, whether it’s minty or aqua, I love the fabric. Adding white to the felt jacket helps that color blend in too. Can’t wait to see the embroidery. Seeing her with the pink shoes, I think I would put her in white shoes or even red. The pink in the fabric is overpowered by the red and very subtle so the shoes look like they don’t belong. But, that is just me I’m sure. Are you adding growth pleats to bring up the length? I think the length should be at least mid-calf for a modern look, but others may disagree. ๐Ÿ™‚ Isabelle looks so like she is smiling wearing this sweet dress. At least she’ll have photos by which to remember it.

  6. I wondered if the roofer wants to inspect the rafter support? Regardless, hope you find the right person.

    Iโ€™m seeing mint in most of your pictures, although since most of our sofa sisters see aqua, I often wonder if Iโ€™m color blind! Sometimes I see navy when something is dark brown. The color description of mint chocolate chip you called her dress color is delightful though.

    Of all your LD girls, Isabella and Lian are my favorites. I really like their facial painting and wigs. They’d be the ones Iโ€™d choose to get from the Little Darlings creations.

  7. In the pictures yesterday the dress did look mint on my computer but today it looks aqua. Whatever the color it would not determine my desire to purchase the outfit. The fabric and the sweet jacket would make my decision easy.

    You do have a lot of “roof”. Oh my. I love a lot of peaks but it does make roofing more difficult and expensive. I agree with Joy about the bay window. I always wanted a window seat and your bay window looks like it could be great for that. I had a friend who lived in an old, stone farmhouse in PA. Her walls were two feet thick so each of her windows had a window seat or a planter box. Really lovely.

    I can forget dinner in favor of sewing. It’s really a problem at this time of year when it stays light longer and hubby does not come in as early. When he does I realize I’ve let time get away from me again. I try to keep things simple so I can put dinner on the table fairly quickly – but then there’s the clean-up. I’d rather sew.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I’d rather sew, too, Barbara! As I told my girlfriend (who LOVES to cook) the other day, I only have a kitchen because it came with the house! LOL

  8. Well, it wasn’t colored, but I loved Breyer’s mint chocolate chip ice cream as a child and we also got Graeter’s which was dyed green. My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road.
    Isabelle’s little jacket is off to a fine start. If the weather stays fickle she might need it for awhile. We are yoyoing back and forth from 30’s to 60’s.
    I’m seeing aqua in the outdoor photos and minty green in the indoor ones.
    Of course the jacket will be embellished! Can’t wait to see.
    I also always planned dinner early in the morning, but have a few quickie meals in case the day gets super busy.

  9. I tried looking at the colour on my phone instead of the computer and it did have a hint of the mint green, at least the dress did but I don’t really care as the colour is lovely to me, one of my favourites.
    Only me here so if I forget dinner I only have myself to please. I actually started on a dress for Bella yesterday (She was my first Our Generation doll). I am making it from a Pixie Faire pattern called ‘Provence’. It is always interesting using a pattern for the first time, I always see things I could do differently ‘next time’, though there never seems to be a next time, I always want to do something different. I think I have done the really hard part (the skirt) so should be able to finish it today. I haven’t tried it on her yet, haven’t got that far but hope it will fit. The other pattern I used of theirs was slightly (only millimetres) small so had to pull it in a bit tight but this was made for a slightly bigger doll around the waist, Julie, so it should work. I will take a photo when it is done.

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I think the dress looks pretty in any light. I like the fabric.

    Can you believe that there are only 30 days until May? I plan to dance around the Maypole (well maybe in my imagination – laugh).

  11. I had to laugh at myself… I thought when you said chocolate chip you meant a color for the new shingles….like shades of brown and white. Ha ha!
    No matter how that dress photographs it is so pretty. Either of those colors are so springy and light and look awesome on her.
    All those snatches of time you spend on the cupboards are good…it will be done soon enough!

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