I’m b-a-c-k…. but don’t expect a new doll dress… just yet!

Hi everyone,
Well, I had a nice little “vacation” for a few days and am on the mend… I did just what you suggested… rest, rest, rest, lots of liquids, lots of extra sleep, and I added extra vitamin C on my own… (well, that was actually my hubby’s suggestion!) and I’m much better. Really, it was just a sinus infection… I know my body pretty well, and this was what it was… now I’m just trying to get back to my normal self which will be returning soon…

I didn’t do anything strenuous or any sewing, but I do have some things I can share…

First, Barbara, did you get some fabric decided on for Greer Adele’s Easter dress? You sounded like me when you were describing how many choices you had to make when trying to decide on what to make for her. Seriously, sometimes I HONESTLY do spend as much time trying to decide “what” to make and “what” fabric to use as I do making the outfit. I was actually in my sewing room this evening looking at my fabrics trying to get inspired for the next dress…it’ll come! :o)

Charlotte, you mentioned “stocking” up on things so you’d have plenty when it came time for needing something. I sometimes think I might be the “Queen” of stocking up on things… but seldom do I have to run to town to get a specific notion/? for what I’m making… it’s like having my own personal store!

Anne, I hope you had a good day at your market! I hope you sold out of those cute little purses you made too! She sent me a few more pictures of some new purses she got finished just in the nick of time… look at these! Actually she said these were the pictures she found on Pinterest that she copied… she had already sold her purses… She’s got the animal ones down perfectly!! Pinterest has EVERYTHING… (just in case you didn’t know!) :o)

This weekend was the Virtual Doll Convention Dorothy in PA told us about… did anyone attend? I watched a few videos and scrolled through the shops and the salesroom…
I watched a video from Allison Hernandez on figuring out the scale of your dolls… so you can figure out the size of props and accessories for them. It was very good!

I also watched a video from Designs by Jude, where she was making a dress and jacket set for the Grace Tonner doll. It was interesting to see how she did things as she sewed compared to the way I do things… she said several times on the video, “I do it this way, but if you do it another way, that’s fine too… this is the way my grandma taught me!” Everyone gets the same result in the end… no matter how you construct it..

Then I watched a video where a lady showed her collection of 300 Ellowyne dolls! Yep… you saw that right… THREE HUNDRED ELLOWYNE’S! She had 5 or 6 big glassed in book cases that they were all stacked in and she pulled LOTS of them out and told their name and told why she liked them.. Most of them were dressed in their original outfit but some were just pretty Tonner outfits she bought to dress them in. She had some STUNNING dolls and most I had never seen before…but I did recognize a few… I even saw the one I have… Too Wigged Out Ellowyne, but she was on a back row and the lady didn’t pull her out… I do believe mine was the first Ellowyn doll with glass inset eyes…

Thank you for sharing the link with us, Dorothy! Did YOU do any damage at the convention? :o)

I received a “belated” St. Patricks’ Day picture from Joy, but do we care? No, we don’t! So here they are… as cute as always…(Connie Lowe dolls) Stella is wearing a dress Joy made last year for her My Meadow Ardyn doll, but Meili received a NEW dress! She said her girls knew it was past St. Patrick’s Day, but they still wanted a picture! Look at Joy’s pretty daffodils!

Linda sent a few pictures and I’m going to add them to today’s post…This is what she said…

The 40’s girls are on their last days of spring break! Susan is playing with her yoyo, Molly with her bike, and Ruthie twirling her baton!

The next is Cecile, on her way to church! I also have a closeup up of the pretty lace collar that I put outside the coat collar.
This is from Samantha’s Beforever line, her Traveling Outfit, I think it is called.

Next, my modern girls are going to Palm Sunday church services with their palms! Recognize Betsy’s dress? I included a close up of it, since I don’t like the way the colors are in the fist picture. Betsy loves her bear too!!

I will be dressing everyone in their Easter outfits this weekend!

Thank you Linda! We’ll be looking forward to seeing your girls in their Easter dresses!

Well, that’s it for today! I hope you found something today that made you smile!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “I’m b-a-c-k…. but don’t expect a new doll dress… just yet!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yay, Jeanne’s back! So glad you are feeling better, Jeanne, and I’m glad it was just a sinus infection. I seem to get one of those every February without fail! And then we move into allergy season….

    You know, a while back I did have to go to the store for some 80/12 Universal sewing machine needles! I didn’t have Any extras!! (Lots of other sizes and types, though!) Of course, after I bought some, I came home and found the three packages I had bought a while ago when Jo-Ann’s had a big sale on them!! Well, at least they don’t spoil!! LOL

    Lots of wonderful pictures to look at today!

    Anne, the purses are wonderful! Congrats on selling them all!

    I didn’t get to “attend” the Virtual Doll Convention at all–it turned into a busy week. So thanks for sharing what you saw/did. I can’t imagine having 300 of Any particular kind of doll! Wow!! I tend to get a few, and then move on to a new “find”….Maybe I’m fickle?!

    Joy, your girls’ St. Patrick’s Day dresses are so cute! I especially like the one on the right.

    Linda, it’s always fun to see the pictures of your girls, and how you have them dressed up and posed. Where did you get Ruthie’s baton? Was it part of an outfit? For some reason, it’s not ringing a bell for me. I took baton lessons when I was a girl–just the most basic ones, but it was fun. Molly might enjoy having a baton of her own, also (my Molly, I mean). And yes, I do recognize Betsy’s outfit! It’s perfect for her!

    BTW, Sylvia, I replied to your comment about Gail Wilson’s dolls, from the last blog post. I love her work, and actually own one of her small cloth dolls!

    My Leeann dresses are done now except for the sash for one; then I will send Jeanne some pictures. Now I’ve started smocking another Wee Care gown.

  2. Yay, you’re back, Jeanne! We missed you, but you did the right thing to take time off, rest and just “sit”!! We all need that every once in awhile!

    Yes, I did enjoy the doll convention! It was my first time, and I still have not watched all the videos I wanted to, so will do that as time goes by, but I really did enjoy it! There was a lot of Ellowyne, and she is not my cup of tea, but there were so many other enjoyable things to watch. I especially enjoyed the one about the antique doll, Bonnie Prince Charlie. The woman who owned it, did a wonderful job of explaining his outfit, the accessories she has for him, plus she even explained the times that he lived in, so it was really informative, and very much a history lesson. I wish I was taught history like that! Most of my teachers of history were men and they seemed to emphasize wars more than anything!

    Then too, the several doll collections I saw were over the top and so much fun to see and remember the dolls from my childhood and way before that! I can’t imagine having so many dolls in every nook and cranny, but they sure did fill up rooms and attics!

    Joy, your two dolls look so sweet, are they looking for birds flying overhead? And Anne, purses are just the thing to give someone for Easter! No wonder you sold out!1

    Charlotte, the baton is one of three that I bought from someone on Ebay about 8 years ago, and I do not remember who they were, but it was some sort of doll toy store. Someone on AGPT had bought them and sent pictures, so I went onto their site and got three for my 40’s dolls, I also had a baton, but was never as good as my sister was!

    So, we are all back together again! Let the sewing begin!

    1. I told the girls to watch the birdie! And they did. The bird feeder is directly in front of them. 🙂

      1. Joy, yes, the overalls are from AG, they are Ruthie’s Hobo overalls. However, I got them on EBay, because they were retired by the time I discovered them! The sweater, was made by a woman, can’t think of her name now, but will find out for you. She also makes skirts to go with the sweaters she knits. Not expensive at all, or I wouldn’t have it! Actually, Susette told me about them. If she doesn’t chime in, I will ask her.

        1. Ok, Joy, here goes. If you type “Doll Clothes, HandmadeSkirt/Sweater Set” on Ebay, you will get several, but the one that I got are the ones that are $15.99, and free shipping, just keep scrolling down, and they will show up. She has a whole bunch of all different colors.The seller is listed as “Kennemere from Greenville, SC.

  3. Linda, that pink outfit on Cecile is spectacular! I have never seen it on ebay and I totally missed it on American Girls site originally. Wow. Since I love pink that really stood out!

    Dolls dolled up are fun to see and admire.

    All the pictures were excellent!

      1. Oh I mean Julia! Sorry!, well, now Joy also commented so I can reply to her too! Joy, you mean Susan with the yo-yo? That is the only picture she is in, but she has on Kit’s overalls, one of Molly’s camp shirts, and a sweater from a lady on

  4. Glad you’re back Jeanne. No fun being sick. And congrats on your auction too. 🙂
    Glad to hear that Anne sold her purses. They are such fun accessories.
    Glad to know the doll convention was a success. I did see some clips. Just no time available yet to see more.
    So glad to see Linda’s 40’s girls. The sweaters and overalls are perfect. Is the outfit on Susan AG? Love it. Great outfits on the modern girls and Cecile too. Looking forward to seeing everyone in their Easter finery. 🙂
    Grands are glad that they can go to school again for a few hours this week. I think mom is the most excited though. 🙂 Hard to believe that Easter is Sunday. We’ll be having temps in the 80’s here in northern CA. Time to break out the short sleeves.
    Have a glad week everyone. 🙂

  5. Good Morning Jeanne,
    I’m so happy to hear you’re on the mend and you got lots of rest over the weekend. Sinus issues are a pain. Congratulations on the auction. Such a beautiful outfit the winner is tickled I’m sure. You know I love photos… Anne’s purses are adorable, and Joy and Linda’s dolls are always a pleasure to admire.
    Crazy weather continues here low 30’s today 70 expected tomorrow, yikes!
    Enjoy the day everyone!

  6. So glad you’re feeling better and that the auction went so well. Love seeing Linda’s dolls and their wardrobes with so many details. Great idea to bring the lace ruffles onto the collar. Betsy looks so cute in her Jeanne-Marie original. Joy’s dolls are always cute. Anne’s purses are so creative. You’ve sure got winners there.

    We’re looking at highs of between 65 and 85 for the next ten days, partly sunny, our usual weather for this time of year in Southern California. Great weather for the blooming orchids and for refurbishing the fairy gardens.

  7. Jeanne, I’m so happy you are feeling better. I’m glad it was just a sinus infection, even though that is horrible itself. I usually get laryngitis in January or February but seem to have escaped it this year.

    Yes Jeanne I did come to a conclusion on Greer Adele’s Easter dress. I didn’t really expect her to arrive until around August per the timing of my last LD from Magalie, so I had to come up with something quick. Using the same pattern I used last year for my other two Little Darlings and another color combination from the fat quarter pack I used last year limited my choices which was a good thing. You will get to see them in the Easter photo shoot I will be doing after Easter. Can’t have an Easter Tea before Easter. Everyone is dressed except for My Heartstring dolls and Tiny Betsy. I will be doing them today. I also need to change my two 18″ MA dolls from winter attire to spring. I won’t have time to make them anything new, but they do have lots of choices of pretty dresses some with embroidered collars.

    I always love seeing the dolls of other sofa sisters and their displays. Linda’s look so cute enjoying their Spring Break. Normally they would probably be lamenting the return to the classroom, but this year I think they will be glad to be back. My grandkids have been in-person since late September but when they were off for Spring Break this year their parents were fearing a repeat of last year when they went on Spring Break and never were back in class again that school year. They breathed a sigh of relief when they returned to class such as it is. I love the girls all ready for Palm Sunday. Linda, where did you get those tiny palms? And Cecile looks absolutely beautiful. Her outfit is lovely and the color looks amazing on her. I loved twirling when I was growing up so I’d love to find one or more of those batons.

    Joy, as usual your dolls look precious sitting among the Jonquils(?) in the St. Patrick’s Day dresses you made. I hope your grands have a good time returning to in-person. I’m sure it’s been a tough time for all. Even being back since the fall, my grandkids still miss having a teacher at hand since the teachers are in other rooms and the kids are still working from Chromebooks.

    I did visit the Virtual Doll Convention but still have a lot of things to view. My time was taken up with sewing Easter clothes. I was going to buy an Ellowyne but the one I wanted was sold out and I tried to shop early. Since Greer Adele arrived earlier than anticipated (definitely not complaining) I decided I’d spent enough on dolls for awhile so I passed on buying another one. She really doesn’t fit it with my other dolls but I thought she’d be fun to sew for.

    Anne your purses are so wonderful and I’m glad they sell so well. We have a church Fall Festival and I always have a booth. I still can’t find the “thing” that will sell but it seems to most of us who have booths that people don’t really come to buy even though it’s before Halloween and Christmas and there is much being sold that would be great for both holidays. For a few years it seemed that people came for the BBQ luncheon and the kids’ petting zoo only. The last time we had the festival (before COVID) we cut out the luncheon and had food vendors instead so people would have to walk around more. Problem was the day was hot and people didn’t want to walk around. In early October here the weather can be early Fall or late Summer but you never know until right before what it will be.

    I still need to follow the links to youtube, etc., that people have sent . Looking forward to that.

  8. Ha, Barbara, I was hoping no one would mention the palms and ask where I found them! They are actually the tips of last year’s Palm Sunday mass! I just cut the tips off, hope that wasn’t too sacrilegious! They are actually gathered up from all the Catholic churches and burned at the Cathedral and that is what the ashes are that we use on Ash Wednesday. So I do not throw them away in the regular trash! I know better!😇

    1. I never bring my palms home because, as you mentioned, they are used for the ashes for next year’s Ash Wednesday. Next year I will rethink that, and, while I try to get the biggest Palm I can, I’ll also check our the choices and pick one with small tips so the dolly girls can participate.

  9. So glad you’re feeling better, Jeanne. Yes, extra Vitamin C and D also really helps.
    Always fun to see what the sofa sisters share.
    Anne, your purses are just amazing. I’m sure they are well loved and I hope you had a very successful selling day.
    Joy, your doll dresses are just wonderful and your girls look sweet posing with the dlies daffodils. Mine are up as well and I’m thrilled to see them. The St Patrick’s Day dresses and daffodils combine Irish and Welsh heritage beautifully!
    Of course Linda’s dolls are always dressed perfectly for the month. Your ’40’s girls are certainly enjoying their games. It looks as if Susan’s dog wants a chance with the yo yo.
    Cecile looks elegant for church service and your modern dolls are very colorful. Actually, I can buy palms at our tiny local florist. They use them in Easter bouquets just as I can buy lilies there. There’s a lot to see crammed into that small two room shop.
    Thanks everyone for sharing.

  10. Glad you’re back and hopefully rested, Jeanne.

    It’s been fun seeing the pictures the girls sent in.
    Anne, your purses are delightful. I can see why you sold all of them. They are very cute and whimsical.
    And Joy, your two girls sitting out in the sun on their bench look lovely in their St. Patrick outfits.
    Linda, it’s neat that you dress your girls in the various holiday outfits,. That’s a lot of work but seeing them poised for the holidays is really enjoyable. I love Molly in her casual outfit standing along side her bike. Looks so real for any little girl to be doing that.
    It’s always fun seeing everyone’s pictures.
    Thank you for sharing.

  11. Jeanne, I am so glad you are feeling better than you did. Loved seeing the pictures of the dolls. Glad you took the time for some rest.
    It might be time for Easter dolly dresses now the market is over. I spent yesterday cleaning the house which had been neglected for the last few weeks. My back noticed that I hadn’t been doing it and didn’t like the extra bending, I can hardly walk at the moment. Still, life has to go on it is shopping day today so have to do that. During Lockdown I thought I would try getting stuff delivered. Only one company here offers that service, It was impossible to actually get a time because everyone over 65 was trying to do the same! but the site was terrible to use anyway. I ended up sending my DIL a list and she did the shopping for me (at 76 I wasn’t supposed to go out where there were people). I was never more happy to do my own shopping after lockdown ended and I usually hate it lol.

    Linda your girls look lovely in their outfits. I especially loved Cecile’s lovely pink coat and accessories and the 40’s girls look great ready for play time. The modern girls look great too. Joy, your girls look lovely in their pretty green dresses. Can’t wait to see the lovely Easter outfits. Even after living in the Southern Hemisphere for 46 years I still associate Easter with spring and new beginnings. I miss that far more than I miss Christmas in Winter. No one dresses up for Easter here. I remember as a girl I always had a new dress for Easter Sunday. Here it could be 12C or 28C, with only the winter to look forward to lol.

  12. Jeanne, I forgot to congratulate you on selling Felicity’s outfit. I see there were 14 bids! I am not surprised it was lovely.

  13. Sylvia from NH

    Jeanne, Glad your feeling better! I take vitamin C every day,I have been lucky this year with no colds. Of coarse wearing a mask everywhere probably helps too. We have had such winds today that we lost electricity for 8 hours. Just got it back!
    Take Care,

  14. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am commenting late today. The day just zipped by.

    I am glad that you are better and that you got rest. I enjoyed the photos you shared from the Sofa Sisters.

    I attended most of the Virtual Doll Convention but I still have a few videos yet to watch. I loved learning about the dolls from the 1800s.

    No, I didn’t buy anything. The sales were on Facebook, I think, and I don’t have FB. I was happy to keep my money in my pocket but of course if a doll comes along to tempt me then who knows (laugh).

  15. Anne your purses are just fantastic!
    Glad you are feeling better Jeanne. George knows his Vitamin C we take Esther C every day😊
    Had my second knee replaced on Thursday and it went well. Came home Sat and slept thru the night last night 🤗🤗 Hope it will be in shape by gardening time🤩 VM

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