Rozen’s debut dress, “LET IT SNOW” is now listed on Ebay…

DON’T FORGET: The blue Regency dress I made and had Elizabeth model is ending this evening (Tuesday) on Ebay… If you want to see it please click HERE or click on Elizabeth’s picture at the right side bar…

I certainly didn’t waste any time getting Rozen dressed in a new outfit and listed on Ebay… of course, I let most of my duties go by the wayside today as I was busy… watching the snow fall, and seeing all the birds fighting for a space on the feeders…and of course, sewing! :o)

We did get a ton of snow today… 10-12″ but it’s too dark now to see if it’s still snowing. It was supposed to stop this evening and then tomorrow it’s just supposed to be cold… 13 degrees for a high… right now it’s 3 degrees with a wind chill factor of -16! We’ve been cold all day…

The birds have been in a frenzy to see who gets dibs on the bird feeders… it’s been a madhouse out there… Rebecca came home from the hospital and started shoveling paths for my hubby and Reuben to walk in. My hubby had taken Reuben out several times today but the snow is up over his belly and when he goes out in it, he hops like a bunny from one place to another. Rebecca was clearing paths as she has to leave in the morning at 5 a.m. and doesn’t want to shovel it then.

I will just show a few pictures of Rozen’s new dress set, but I’ll fill you in on the details tomorrow… I’ve spent all day on getting her outfit ready for Ebay… you can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

28 thoughts on “Rozen’s debut dress, “LET IT SNOW” is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, you did get a lot of snow! Ron measured ours yesterday morning when he went outside, and he said we had 10″, which is quite a bit for the Seattle area! However, last night it started to warm up, and today it rained most of the day, so I guess all the main roads are just bare and wet, and even our side street is showing bare patches amongst the slush! It’ll ALL be gone in a couple of days, I’m sure. We plan to run some errands tomorrow; we’ve been inside for four days now, and someone is getting antsy!

    Rozen’s new outfit is beautiful, and I see it has two bids already!! I love the little jacket you made to go with it, and her matching shoes are fantastic, and very special!

    I made some progress on Bella’s new dress today; the bodice is put together except for sleeves, and those will be next. Bella tells me she is Much happier with the yellow, and glad to have her sister Hanna take the lavender dress. (My Molly–my first AG doll–wouldn’t wear lavender, either–the first dress I made her was lavender, and she wore it once to please me, and then informed me that lavender was My favorite color, not hers! LOL Hers is red.)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Yes, we did get lots of snow and more coming tomorrow… or so they say… maybe we will be passed over…that would suit me just fine… :o) Although it is very pretty! The sun is out but it’s only 9 degrees with the wind chill of -6 so I don’t think much will be melting today…

      Yes, I am thrilled that it’s got bidders on it already… (3 now) and hopefully she’ll be paid for with one dress…that’s always wonderful when that happens…
      The shoes took me forever but I think I know what I’m doing now…

      Glad you got some sewing done too… this weather is a great way to get some sewing done… no shopping or running around for us… for awhile! Glad you found a taker for the lavender dress!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Great outfit and those shoes are adorable.

    It was -20 when I got up. It may not get above zero today. 🥶

    1. BRRRR Julia,
      You have us beat on your cold temps… The sun is shining so it looks warmer out, but it’s not!
      Hope you are baking something today… I know you aren’t outside!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Looks like you have perfected shoe making for the Fashion Friends group. I was trying to figure out if they had a different colored sole and checked out the listing photos and they do. Not sure how you achieved the no wrinkles around the bottom edge, but you did. Lovely presentation. And my favorite photo is the one of Rozen looking out the window at the snow. What a great shot. 🙂
    Hope no one is without power or heat in this cold swash blanketing the country. Take care everyone.

    1. Hi Joy,
      Well, I wouldn’t say I have the shoes perfected, but I’m getting there… I want to make a Mary Jane shoe next if I can…and then a boot… I want one of those shoe lasts on Etsy, but they are from Russia and are $46+ and take a LONG time to get here… I’m going to try clay and see what I can come up with…
      We lost our power 2 nights ago for about 3 hours and it got cold fast in our house… but then it came on and all was well.
      I’m just sewing and cooking… (and unfortunately… “eating”….)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. This is a lovely outfit. Rosen looks so sweet in it and the colors of the outfit compliment her hair, eyes and skin coloring. Her shoes are adorable.
    For those who have gotten lots of snow, take care. Stay warm and feed the birds if you can!
    My son said the birds were chirping quite loudly as they waited for him to put seed out for them. It’s amazing to watch them come to the feeders.

    1. Thank you Paula,
      I’m glad you like Rozen’s new dress set… I enjoyed sewing it for her and was thrilled to get it done so quickly!
      We have a bird sanctuary around here… we spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window watching them… My hubby did find a blue bird frozen in the snow yesterday… He would always flutter around in the birdbath.. it made me sad to think he was gone…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. We set new record lows last night too -23 and the power company is scheduling outages for each power area. When I woke up the power was off so went back to sleep in my warm bed!
    I think you can be called “Zippy”….for how fast you made that whole outfit! Those shoes are fantastic! The whole thing is darling. Hope it goes sky high😍

    1. HI Kathie,
      BRRR… that’s just TOO cold for humans! I don’t blame you for getting back in your bed… our power went off the other night for about 3 hours and came back on about 4:30… Rebecca got up and was wanting to call the power company to let them know it was out… I just stayed under the covers and let her do the calling…
      Jeanne “Zippy” Marie… it has a nice ring, don’t you think? *wink* *wink*
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Rozen’s debut dress is so pretty. I love that paisley fabric, perfect for Easter with the little jacket and bow. The shoes are darling. I love that they match the jacket. Rozen is such a lovely doll. Good thing I didn’t know about her as I really would have been tempted. but she’s quite expensive and I couldn’t justify that like you can. You can make a dress or two at the most and earn her cost back.
    We probably have a foot of snow as well. Yes, been feeding the birds, porch kitties, and other furries outside. They need our help in this cold weather.

    1. HI Laura,
      Thank you for your kind words about Rozen’s dress. I think she looks very pretty in those colors too… Actually she is much less than some of the other dolls I have bought… and I wanted Sara to have a sister, so I gave in. I really wasn’t looking for another RRFF doll. I got her for $134.99 at Happily Ever After… that’s not too much more than a new AG doll…
      But yes, sewing for the dolls and selling their outfits does bring the cost down quite a bit…

      Our birds have been going crazy in this snowy weather… all day long there are gobs and gobs of them at the feeders…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Wow! I can’t believe how fast you put that beautiful outfit together for Rozen. And the shoes are great! The jacket is really a nice touch. I’m still trying to get into my sewing room. Guess I need more discipline but I keep finding other things I need to do. David is pretty self-sufficient now and walks down to his shop for exercise and stays awhile, so I don’t feel as “on call” as I did for awhile.

    Still below 20 degrees here at 11:30 a.m. David and the city people are outside trying to find the water shut off under the snow. The line into my washer broke last night so they’re working on fixing it. We thought we had everything taken care of a few years ago when we had a hard freeze and the property sprung leaks everywhere. We have a lot of water spigots around the property and the people before us did not think about freezing temps when they installed them. Looks like we missed this one.

    We have not lost power but I saw on Dionne’s Facebook page last night that they were without power. We’ve been trying to get in touch with them this morning to see if it’s back on but can’t reach them. I don’t know if they got caught in the rolling blackouts or if it was another problem. Texas uses a lot of wind power and the turbines froze up so they’ve been short of power in several areas. And I understand there is more freezing temps to come.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I have cabinets I need to paint and ALL I want to do is sew… I guess we both have problems getting done what we need to do…
      I’m glad your hubby is recovering so well…and giving you a little breathing room!

      I hope you have found the water shut off by now and things are taken care of. We once cut down a big tree and of all the places the tree could have fallen down in the yard, it picked a place EXACTLY where our neighbors water line was and the limb gouged into the ground right into that pipe and sprung a leak for them… needless to say, my hubby put on his “plumbing cap” and fixed it for them…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I told them exactly where the shut-off was and no one believed me, even son Jason who has shut off the water in the past. Since they can read the meters remotely now and we had no need to shut off the water for awhile, grass and tree roots grew over the cover for the shut-off. It was right where I said it was but it took them bringing in a metal detector to find it after over an hour of poking through the snow with poles.

  8. I’m beginning to think the cold snap is world wide. It is only 7C this morning (7.30am) which is about 44F and February is equivalent to August for you!
    I love the outfit on Rozen that you have made. Much nicer than the one she came in. You should have a tutorial on making shoes they are so pretty. I had a piece of that jacket fabric or something very similar but only enough to make the front of a bag for Ashley’s doll. I picked it up from our free table at Guild. I see you already have bids on it.
    I made a cute little sewing case on Monday. It only took about an hour or so. It actually takes very little fabric but holds quite a lot in a very small space. I might make another today and some other things for the market next month.
    I have someone here now to fix the leak so no water for a while.

    1. Hi Anne,
      I think you’re right about it being cold just about everywhere…I think I might have to make some dolly winter coats!!! :o)
      I was just looking at some tutorials on making doll shoes from leather…they really intrigue me…
      Yes, I do have bids…and my phone just “cha-chinged” again with another bid!!! Oh boy!!

      Well, sewing doesn’t require water, so I suggest you sew!!! :o)

      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. I finally got my water back on from fixing my leak. I can’t tell you how many times I went to wash my hands while fixing lunch. Actually they couldn’t fix it today because our one hardware store was not open and the other one was sold out of most of what we needed because everyone was springing leaks since things are not weather proof around here, so my son just capped it off. It’s the hot water line into my washing machine which I rarely use so I can live with it. I would love to see a picture of the sewing case you made.

  9. Hi Jeanne,
    Your new RRFF is adorable, I love her coloring. Congratulations on getting her outfit done so quickly. I think the dress color is perfect for Rozen. The entire ensemble is lovely.
    It looks like everyone is getting a taste of winter wonderland, some more than others. We had about 10 inches in the driveway this am. It’s been snowing nonstop for 24 hours but it’s coming down lightly, it’s 19 degrees out with a real feel of 7. I hope you all are staying safe and warm indoors.

    1. Thank you for your kind compliments on Rozen’s new dress set…it’s always fun when you get a new doll…but then you only want to sew….FOR HER!!!
      I staying safe and inside…cooking and sewing and painting… :o)
      Bessings, Jeanne

  10. Wow, I had to do a double take this morning! I could not believe you actually made another new outfit , and for your new doll, Rozen! Why, last I saw you just took her out of the box!

    What a darling outfit, jacket shoes and all! Just the perfect set for a beautiful doll! The accent on the waistline is perfect!

    It looks like a lot of us are having trouble with the weather! Our streets are not cleared off yet, and if they are, I cannot see the pavement. So many people are having trouble getting up the street, since it is a slight hill, and it was really icy. We got about 8 niches of snow, but southern Mo. and Ill. got more. My granddaughter at SEMO has yet to have a class since last
    Friday. Really cold and snowy there.

    Lots of deer tracks in the snow here, and of course squirrels and birds are around looking for food. Does George have some sort of heater in the German Owls house?

    1. Thank you, Linda,
      Yes, a new doll makes me get things in gear pretty quickly. I’m glad you like Rozen’s new dress set. I love her in this aqua color…
      Yes, my hubby has some heaters in his buildings, but unfortunately one of his female birds froze…don’t know why… we have the dad and the young bird inside our house along with another pair that has a baby that barely had any feathers… lots of squeaking from that baby… I’ll take a few pics…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I’m late today. Congratulations on getting the dress sewn so quickly and beautifully. The little shoes are amazing. What kind of glue do you use on the soles? I need to glue the sole with the blades on a pair of skates that weren’t made to actually be scrunched onto a doll’s foot. Paisley is my favorite print and the colors are perfect for Rosen.

    No snow here and 71 degrees but colder in the mountains for sure. Family in the Houston Area have no water but electricity is on. Don’t know if it’s just their house or the area. My son did drain the sprinkler system. My daughter-in-law is on 24 hour call due to the emergency, possibly anticipating accidents. The weather here is just boring.

    1. Thank you Susette,
      I was busy but it paid off… one dress, one day, one bid, no wait… 4 bidders! Hurray!
      I use some glue called Crafters PIck… from Hobby Lobby… It works very well for me on most things I’ve tried…
      I love paisley prints too… and this one was especially cute I thought.. I think it came from an estate sale or from Cindy…
      71 degrees is hardly boring, Susette… I bet 30 million plus people would trade you for theirs…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Rozen’s new dress is adorable. I love the colors.

    It seems to be cold and snowy almost everywhere. Well, Phil did warn us with that shadow thing. We take Phil very seriously here in PA (laugh).

    I wonder who will get the next pretty dress (smile).

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Shame on Phil for being so mean and giving us all this cold weather… it’s 2 here with a wind chill of -8… but the weatherman said we MIGHT be up in the 50’s next week… oh what a glorious day that will be!
      I haven’t looked to see who is next.. Guess I better get on it…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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