Check out “Old Fashioned Christmas” for all 11″ My Meadow Dumpling dolls…

There’s a new auction listed on Ebay for the sweetest Christmas set EVER! I think it all has to do with the model… My sweet Bailey! I think this might be my favorite for her so far… If you could see her in person as I do, you’d think she was a real little girl… just smiling back at you!

We had a lot of fun doing her photo shoot last night and more today using a Christmas background… she was smiling up a storm…so was I!

After I’m done showing you her newest pictures, you can check out her auction on Ebay, by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Then come back tomorrow for a couple of questions answered… what kind of clips do I use for my dolls hair bows? How to make a simple miniature doll purse…

There’s a background scene for the American Girl dolls called Cozy Christmas and a few years ago I bought one. I don’t use it for very many dolls as it seems SO busy, but last night when Bailey and I were doing our photo shoot, I got it out and by using just a portion of it, most of the busyness was cut out and it turned out to be a nice background.

I found some gold shimmery fabric in my “thigh highs, tights, socks and undies” stash and they turned out really cute too…

Okay, you are free to check out the auction now! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Check out “Old Fashioned Christmas” for all 11″ My Meadow Dumpling dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Just a perfect outfit in every way, Jeanne! That backdrop is wonderful!! Really sets off Bailey in her new dress. It’s probably a good thing I don’t have one of these dolls (yet?!) because someone would be sneaking out here at night to bid on this outfit, if I did!!

    I have meant to tell you in the past, I love how you put a close-up of the fabric as the “frame” for your auctions!! It gives people a chance to get a really good look at the details in the print, and of course sets off the outfit beautifully!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I think it’s pretty perfect too…and I don’t always say that! Bailey is such a cutie and she poses in such fun ways!
      Oh….come on…what’s ONE MORE DOLL?
      I’m glad you like the tile (as I call it) around the listings… I think of it as kind of the framing of the whole set! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I can’t get over how very cute, sweet, perfect, joyful, just every positive adjective in the book that little Bailey looks in your pictures, Jeanne! I think I owuld buy Bailey too, if I could! That outfit is perfect with the new gold tights, plus everything else you have added to the dress!

    The background is perfect, and I can’t get over th cute little toys around her! Who needs sugar when you can have Bailey in her new Christmas dress?

    By the way, I am here, after mistankenly unsubscribing, but did not get your blog the way I usually do. I am getting the teensy little writing that I need to make bigger. Hope I can get it better soon!

    1. Awww….thanks so much Linda!
      It means so much that you think that way… I know you don’t collect this size but just the fact that you took time to tell me means a lot!
      I almost sold that backdrop last year…now I’m glad I didn’t.
      I don’t know what happened, but I never got a notice that you had unsubscribed…
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I’m so happy you found some gold for the thigh highs. I was hoping you would as it sets off the dress so nicely. The cozy Christmas background is perfect. And of course Miss Bailey is number one at the fashion show. Such a cutie. 🙂
    Been on a shoe/wig buying frenzy here. With Monique closing, it is going to be very difficult to find shoes and wigs anymore for our dollies. I wanted to make sure that I had enough variety so no one would be shoeless or without a wig. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      This “gold” fabric was a leotard like top for a lady… in a very thin gold shimmery fabric. It makes WONDERFUL tights… and thigh highs.
      I have to confess to looking at a few wigs myself… gotta keep our girls well styled if we can.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Just too cute. Bailey has an infectious smile and obviously loves posing for the camera. The gold thigh highs are just what was needed to finish this set off perfectly. The material looks like the gold cardigan sweater I have.
    That background worked out perfectly with the little toys sitting around.
    I see some little dolly has already pushed the bid button, so Bailey won’t be enjoying her dress for very long.

    1. HI Laura,
      I think you’re right… Bailey does seem to like being in front of the camera! I’m glad you like the gold thigh highs.. .they sewed up beautifully…
      TWO little dollies have apparently pushed the bid button… maybe some more will too! :o)
      Bailey is still sitting in her chair… I guess I’ll leave her there a bit longer before telling her to get undressed!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Hi Jeanne,
    Oh my word, it’s ADORABLE! I just had to pop on and leave a quick note. I’m babysitting Dominic and he gets into all sorts of mischief when I’m not giving him 100% attention.
    Joy and I are on the same wave length these days. I just put in a Monique order 2 days ago. I ordered mostly wigs, there is still a nice assortment left but I’d order soon before what you want is gone.

    1. Thanks Ingrid,
      I have her still sitting in that chair and just love looking over at her and seeing her smiling! She really is a darling little girl… and to think I painted her and brought her to life myself… sometimes I can hardly believe it!
      I have a list of a few wigs I’m considering… I might need to hurry, huh?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. To go back to your answer on my reply yesterday Jeanne, I don’t really do more than anyone else, you just notice it because you are moving into winter. Our problem in this part of the world is that we add Christmas to our summer jobs. Then, when you are all rushing around taking care of your gardens and enjoying the sunshine and holidays and going to school breakups etc. I can usually be found sitting near the heater with my feet up and probably knitting!!
    Bailey looks lovely on e bay and I see you have two bids so she will be without her dress for Christmas. I bet she will be sad about that. Love the backdrop. Sam has bought a couple of tiny Christmas trees for the girls’ rooms so she has already decided they will be perfect for the dolls next year! Question though, do we display them in traditional Christmas settings or local? Decisions, decisions! lol.
    I checked out the Connie Lowe dolls, not really my cup of tea. That is fortunate as I don’t have that kind of money to buy one! I must say, I love the Meadow Dumplings though, especially Bailey with her poseable limbs and she obviously loves being the model. Such a sweet face.

    1. HI Anne,
      Well, it sure seems to ME that you do way more than the average person…
      Bailey will probably be sad about losing her dress, but she’ll get another one… if I can talk her into getting undressed “for the next one!” :o)
      Are there any dolly shops near you or do you have to order everything you buy? Just wondering…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Now I am happier than ever that I ordered a Meadow doll. I hope the one I’m getting will be as posable as Bailey. My hubby keeps asking what I want for Christmas and I’ve told him ordered a doll. He doesn’t say anything…. so not not sure what he is thinking.😜
    Everything about the doll, the dress, the layers slip, the tights, and ESPECIALLY the background is so wonderful! Best of luck for lots of bidders
    Oh, BTW I love the mask I got from you.. it fits so well and my glasses don’t fog up with that little piece that goes over the nose. So much better!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I think you ordered Giggi? If so, she’ll be poseable just like Bailey… I love the posing dolls…you can make them almost look real!
      Hmmm… do you think he’s ordered you ANOTHER doll that maybe you were hinting about?
      I’m glad you like your mask… it looks like we’ll be wearing them for a while longer, doesn’t it?
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I’m not always a fan of gold tights, but they are just right with this outfit and Bailey is perfect in her new outfit. Bailey won’t have it for long — the first bid is already there.
    I think this outfits will make your list of Jeanne’s greatest hits and the list of this year’s favorites.
    Moving right along, who’s next?

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’d call the color of these gold tights… “Barely There!” It’s just a hint of gold but thin and not overpowering! I like them!
      Now there are 2 bids… I haven’t told Bailey yet… she’s just smiling on her chair without a care in the world..
      I haven’t decided yet, but I sort of have someone in mind… gotta see…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Your thigh highs are always such a nice addition to the ensembles. I really love the metallics you use. Adds such a festive touch, no matter the season. Something I want to try sometime. The preruffled tulle really changed the petticoat appearance. The extra smaller ruffles are what made me think you had tried a new style.

    1. Thank you Julia,
      I’m glad you like her thigh highs… this was a wonderful find at the thrift store.. .it’s a shimmery top that I have been cutting up… and it’s thin but not snaggy like some fabrics can be.
      That was the very last piece of my ruffled tulle…and I’m so sad… I have it in other colors but not in the cream and my white is all gone too…
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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