Some Saturday Sweethearts…

There is an auction ending this evening! The one where Nora got to wear the dress for 3 months! It’s time for her to give it up… You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE!

We had to glue that end piece onto my sewing table and it was supposed to set for 24 hours. A picture of a piece of wood with clamps and brackets didn’t seem exciting enough for a Saturday post, so I spent some time sewing and now have something pretty to share. The dress isn’t hemmed and finished yet, but it’s a good start!

My first sweetheart is Holly…she’s a 10″ Boneka Monday’s Child doll and is looking pretty cute in her new face colors. I think she has become very beautiful since I touched her up a few days ago and she’ll definitely get some modeling time more often now…

(Remember here is a “before” her faceup picture…)

I French braided her tiny mohair wig into braids and think she might needs some ribbons…see what you think…

She is just adorable to me now… I can’t believe a little color change, some new eyebrows and a little less shine makes her like a brand new doll on my shelf…

My second little sweetheart is Noel…she is a Tuesday’s Child Boneka doll and is 1/2″ shorter than Holly.

The dress fits her perfectly too. I haven’t decided if I’m going to make it a little shorter for Holly but longer on Noel or even make a pair of pantalettes to wear underneath…stay tuned!! :o)

I tied a scrap of the fabric in her hair…just for fun…

My third sweetheart sent me a large box in the mail. My hubby saw the size of it and asked, in a kidding kind of voice…”Did you buy a new doll?”

“No, I didn’t and I didn’t order anything else either…”

I could hardly wait to get it open. There were 3 boxes beautifully wrapped inside the big box.

Look what I was sent…a very pretty tea pot, some Queen Catherine tea, a tea ball infuser, and the prettiest tea cup and saucer… I couldn’t believe it…

My third sweetheart was our very own Dorothy of PA and the World!! She sent it wishing me a Happy Anniversary on 6 years of blogging!

Thank you, dear Dorothy… that was so kind and unexpected!! I’m all set for tea time!!

So there you have it…3 Sweethearts for Saturday!!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “Some Saturday Sweethearts…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Both Holly and Noel look darling in that dress. I like the bow in Noel’s hair, too, as well as the braids in Holly’s. One of the dealers has some new Bonekas coming in, and I am SO tempted!! Stay tuned!

    What a lovely surprise from Dorothy in PA and the World! She is so thoughtful! (While the glue–or stain–is drying, you could take a tea break!!)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I saw on Facebook where some new Boneka dolls were getting ready to be shipped. I’d take another one if I could… they really are sweet.

      I love my new teapot too!! No time for tea today but soon…
      Thank you Charlotte
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I know…I’ve been looking at the new Bonekas, too. Do I really need another?! Well, I don’t have a Monday’s child yet…

  2. What a cheerful pick-me-up Saturday post, Jeanne! We certainly needed that, and your two dollies look just adorable! Love, love, love Holly’s braids, she looks just like a real little girl, and Noel also looks just darling in the same dress! I think little bloomers would be just the thing for completing the outfit! Yes, two ribbons too, for the braids, along with the fabric tie would be options for the buyer. And I must add, that I am loving that background you are using!

    Could you or anyone else tell me the difference between Boneka and Little Darling dolls? I love them both, but don’t see what the difference is. They both have hefty price tags, I’ll tell you that!!

    Oh goodness, Dorothy, you are so generous and how lovely of you to send Jeanne such a wonderful gift of tea! I will say you are an excellent gift wrapper too! Such lovely colors and ribbon bows!

    1. You’ll probably get a bunch of answers to this, but here’s mine. The Boneka dolls are 10.5″ and the LDs are 13″. They are both Dianna Effner sculpts. I have a Boneka Charlotte, a Tuesday’s child, and two LDs one by Geri Uribe and the other by Magalie Dawson. I have another on the way sometime this year from Magalie. I also have three Heartstring Dolls that are 8″. The sculpt for them was done by Dianna for Jo’s Doll Shoppe. Jo, sadly, no longer sells them and has not found a buyer for her business as yet. The price on the sweet Heartstrings was pretty good. That is why I started out with them, but now that they are not being sold any longer, at the moment, I’ve seen them on e-bay for more than twice the cost of an LD, if you can even find one. I have three of them. I would have bought more if I ever realized Jo would stop selling them. I love the Effner sculpts.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, thanks for your kind words about the gift wrapping. I cannot credit for that. The wonderful proprietor of Rosemary House wrapped and shipped the gift.

    3. Hi Linda,
      I’m glad I brought a smile to your face today… i just love my 2 girls together now… they are inseparable…

      I found a great blog post from someone on the Boneka dolls…maybe I’ll use it in an upcoming post. I see Barbara answered you…

      I was totally surprised by Dorothy’s gift…she was very generous. Wasn’t she?
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I love your refreshing of Holly’s face! She definitely looks much better now.. and those french braids are perfect to show off her beautiful Effner sculpt!
    ( I have a Tuesday’s Child repainted by Helen Skinner) and she has red braids.. I’ve never changed her wig! I think she’s going to be a regular model in your studio:) can’t wait to see how you complete this ensemble.

    Dorothy.., what a doll YOU are to gift our Jeanne with such a lovely tea set! It’s so heartwarming to share like this… I love doll people… they are so kind and thoughtful 🌹

    1. Hi Shara
      I’m loving Holly’s new faceup too. She is just so sweet looking to me…and the perfect little girl!!
      I couldn’t agree more with you about doll people! They always have the kindest hearts!! I was truly blessed by Dorothy’s generosity!!.
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. How wonderful of Dorothy to send such a special gift. Presents are wonderful.
    I like both girls in the pink outfit. Great color. If I were making the dress, it would be a modern length with matching panties so the girls might use the dress for play as well as attending a virtual birthday party. I wonder how Holly would look in Noel’s wig? Might be fun. 🙂
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I like both girls in the dress too…
      I had to braid Holly’s wig a few times to get it right. So I didn’t want to take it off to try on the blonde wig on Noel…bug I will…
      I am going to make the dress shorter but will probably do pantalettes… I’m not so much into the baby doll look.
      A birthday party would be a fun story line…but only one girl could be seen in the dress at a time..hmmm…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Boneka Charlotte says she thinks Holly’s dress is lovely and that pantalettes would definitely add to it. I’m sure she’s thinking that the dress would be more perfect for her if it were shorter. She can’t wait to see the finished product. She just got some new clothes from “Let’s Play Dolls”, including a roller skating outfit, so I told her she has enough clothes for awhile. She’s not giving up.

    What a truly special gift you received from Dorothy in PA and the World. She is so thoughtful. I remember when I was a child and staying for a couple weeks in the summer with my grandmother, we would stop everything in the middle of the afternoon and have tea. I’ve always loved tea, but seem to have gotten away from taking the time for afternoon tea even though I usually have the time. I think the next time the grandkids are here I’ll introduce them to “tea time”. See if they take to it as my sister and I did.

    I like Joy’s idea for the dress and matching panties in case you don’t want to go with pantalettes. The braids are adorable, and, of course, ribbons. I love ribbons. The new face-up is perfect.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Well Charlotte and Holly must be thinking alike because pantalettes won out.. :o)
      Sounds like Charlotte is becoming a little fashionista!!

      I hope the tea party with the grandkids works out… have some cookies or scones to eat with the tea and you’re sure to have a hit on your hands…
      Thank you Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Your 2 small dolls must be sisters.💖I agree that your re-paint is a wonderful improvement.

    I continue to look at Scruffies. Not only is Maggie unavailable but all the current ones are a bigger size. The hunt goes on.😉

    1. hi Julia,
      I’m sorry I caused a longing for a Scruffies Maggie without any out there for you to find…maybe one will turn up…I’ll keep my eyes peeled too.
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Holly is absolutely precious now and I LOVE< french braids. She is indeed a little sweetheart now. Noel looks so cute in the dress as well. I'm voting for pantalettes. I love eyelet edged pantalettes peeking out under dresses, oh, and pinafores. Holly definitely needs ribbons.
    Those Boneka dolls are really darling. I'd never heard of them or LD's until your blog, Jeanne, and the doll boards. Wish I had, just as I wish I'd known and been collecting when Life of faith went out of business and the clothing was so cheap. I thought the original prices were outrageous when I used to get the catalogs. Alas, so many dolls and not enough money.
    How very, very sweet of Dorothy in PA and the World to send you such a lovely gift. What a beautiful teacup and Harney Tea is the best! I first tasted it when we were in Williamsburg at Christiana Campell's. Now you can enjoy a cup of tea while you sew. Nothing is better than tea, hot or iced.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’ll try to make the dress as adorable as I can…

      I think we ALL wish we had starting collecting dolls we loved sooner…and then of course…we all need our personal money tree!! :o)

      Maybe I’ll have a cup tomorrow afternoon… when I can sit and just enjoy it…sounds wonderful…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dear Jeanne,
    Just remembered that you were going to give the measurements for Nora’s bonnet to me.
    I assume you probably have them so you can replicate it again, but I realize it’s ending tonight. Would you have a spare moment to email them to me?
    Thanks so much,

  9. Both dolls are lovely. You do such a good job. What a lovely gift from Dorothy. My sewing machine is broken and had to go to sewing machine hospital. I do have two others but this one has the quilting foot and I had almost finished a baby quilt for the craft sale this afternoon. I have two matching, one pink and one blue so decided to put the blue one in anyway and if anyone wants to buy it they can have it when it is finished. My girls look lovely all lined up in their outfits but I forgot to photograph them. I really must try to remember tomorrow.

    1. hi Anne
      It’s awful when your sewing machine is on the blink isn’t it?? I hope you get it back soon.
      We’ll be waiting for pictures of your girls when you get to them….
      Thanks Anne
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so glad you like the gift. I sent it but I would like to think that it came in spirit from all of the folks sitting on the sofa. We love your blog and we especially appreciate that you are continuing to post during these challenging times. Your blog gives us a sense of normalcy when many things seem out of our control.

    Holly and Noel are both adorable. Hmmm, you may have to make sister dresses (smile).

    1. Thank you SO much Dorothy,
      It was such a fun gift to open… and I enjoyed setting it up and showing everyone how really pretty it is!! You were way too kind and I am very thankful to have a wonderful friend in my little group.
      We might need to get a bigger sofa…I just received 3 new subscribers today!!! :o)

      They would look cute in sister dresses…i might have to check my scraps and see if I have enough…
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings. Jeanne

  11. What a nice gift for your blogging anniversary! That was so thoughtful, and now I can picture you fixing yourself a nice cup of tea in that lovely cup. Yes, Holly is certainly adorable and has the kind of skin tone that will look good in so many colors. She was a good choice. Now you have me wanting another Boneka doll!

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      I’m going to sneak in a cup of tea tomorrow…
      Too many dolls to pick from, aren’t there?
      Did you see the new Boneka dolls coming soon?
      I picked out 3 I loved!!!
      Thanks Carolyn
      Blessings, Jeanne

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